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Glengarry Highland Games, Maxville, Ontario

On 29th July I headed out with Alan MacKenzie to attend the Glengarry Highland Games in Maxville, Glengarry country in Eastern Ontario.  This is where the United Empire Loyalists headed when they headed out of the USA and also where many Scots emigrated to.

The games attracts the largest number of  pipe bands and pipers of any games in Canada and so if you are into the Pipes and Drums then this is a must visit event. In fact this event also hold a Guinness World Record for having the most dancers on stage at one time. I have a photo of this which you'll see later.

So it was onto the train from Chatham to Oakville where Alan would meet me and then a six hour car journey to Cornwall where we'd be staying the night.

On the way we stopped for a break at the "Big Apple"...

They has a wee farm which seemed popular with the kids and you can find also play minature gold. Their fame comes from their apple pies and it was truly excellent and certainly the best I've had so far in Canada :-)

You can see the big apple which is easy to spot on the 401

And here we arrive at the Ramada Inn in Cornwall

And there was a MacDonald getting married

We had to head out to this filling station to get our tickets for the Games

And then it was Saturday and we headed into the games early in the morning and were greeted by the first of the security team  :-)

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