Electric Scotland Note: The
purpose of this publication on Electric Scotland is to provide a history
of the Southern States at a time when many Scots were emigrating there so
that you can get a taste of what it was like when these Scots arrived. It
was only our intention to offer the first 3 volumes and thus below you
will see we have published those onto the site. Over the years since
we did this we have been asked if we could also provide the other 9
volumes but as this wasn't core to our site we felt it was too much work
to do so. That said, we are now able to offer you the complete 12
volume set
plus the index in pdf format...
Volume 1 |
Volume 2 |
Volume 3
| Volume 4 |
Volume 5 |
Volume 6 |
Volume 7
Volume 8 |
Volume 9 |
Volume 10
| Volume 11 |
Volume 12 |
Volume 13
Editors Preface
THE widespread interest in
Southern history and the demand for a comprehensive and authoritative
work' on the subject account for the appearance of this series. It has
been planned with the double purpose of presenting in brief compass the
separate histories of the Southern States and of treating, in a
satisfactory way, the wider relations-interstate, intersectional and
federal-as well as the economic and social conditions of the South, which
have never received full treatment at the hands of historians.
The multiplication of
detached works on state history and the publication, by local and state
organizations, of valuable archives and monographs have made the
historical literature of the separate states too extensive for the use of
the general reader, and have at the same time emphasized the need of
combining in one series the results of recent investigations in the
various fields considered. Since it was not intended that the volumes
devoted to state history, any more than the others, should be a mere
compilation from histories already published, this part of the work alto
has been done by scholars whose independent researches give ample
assurance of the originality and authenticity of their contributions.
The editors believe that,
in attempting the more difficult and important task of providing for a
general history of the South, they may, without presumption, lay claim to
a larger aim than is represented by former works in this field. Until the
present time, the meagreness and inaccessibility of the necessary sources
have, in great measure, restricted the efforts of Southern historians to
their respective states. Since this method of work minimizes and often
ignores entirely those developments which are not confined by state limits
and which are consequently far-reaching in their effects, it has produced
an unfortunate result from the standpoint of the general historian. It is
believed, too, that recent historical activity respecting the South has
now provided facilities which render possible the investigation of topics
relating to the entire section without relying wholly upon secondary
authorities, which have been prepared principally from a local point of
It was evident to the
editors that the proper execution of their task, within a brief time,
would require a judicious division of labor, and they began their work in
the confident belief that its importance would enlist the active
cooperation of scholars in every part of the South. Each member of the
editorial staff prepared a detailed outline of the subjects to be treated
in his department, being careful to avoid trespassing upon the work of
other departments and at the same time so to coordinate the subject matter
as to provide in the series for an adequate treatment of every important
phase of Southern history. Assignments were then made with the greatest
care, contributors being chosen who were in a position to write
authoritatively upon their respective subjects.
The pages of this series
have not been burdened with footnotes, this omission being supplied by the
insertion of a working bibliography at the end of each chapter. No effort
has been made, however, to reproduce elaborate lists of obsolete works
which, although familiar to the contributors, would be inaccessible to the
general reader.
indicates the general point of view from which the work has been planned
and executed. Owing to peculiar conditions the South was, and to some
extent still is, a sort of political and economic unit-a definite
section-with an interrelated and separate history, special problems and
distinct life. It has been attempted, without disparagement to other
sections, to provide for a judicious and unimpassioned account of the
important and honorable part the South has contributed to the history and
wealth of the Nation.
Since it is the function of
the historian not only to narrate facts but to interpret them, the writers
have been selected from scholars who, because of their thorough
familiarity with the historic traditions, sentiments and facts of the
South, are best qualified to write its history. Through their intimate
knowledge of and contact with the South, it is believed that the
contributors of these volumes have had a special preparation for the work
which they have undertaken.
In conclusion, the editors
acknowledge with pleasure their indebtedness to the many writers, too
numerous to mention separately in this connection, whose hearty
cooperation and scholarly work have assured the success of the enterprise.
THREE volumes in this
series have been devoted to the history of the states told separately. The
writing of the history of each state has been assigned to several writers,
men who are recognized in their respective states as authorities on
periods which they treat. The desire has been to have a somewhat
encyclopaedic account but not a dry chronological statement of facts. The
result, therefore, is that the essays in these three volumes show much
individuality and represent many view-points.
In these volumes will be
found a treatment of fifteen states, the eleven states which organized the
"Confederate States of America," the three border states of Maryland,
Kentucky and Missouri and the state of West Virginia which was carved out
of Virginia during the War of Secession.
The order of arrangement of
the histories of the states in these volumes is as follows:
I. Virginia and the states
formed from her original territory : Maryland, Kentucky, West Virginia,
North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
II. Georgia and the states
formed from its original territory: Alabama and Mississippi.
III. Florida, which, though
it contains the oldest town in the United States, is not treated in its
historical order since it did not become a part of the United States till
1819, but is placed after the Georgia group on account of its proximity.
IV. The states west of the
Mississippi River in the order of their admission to the Union.
A list of the governors of
the states and other matter will be found at the end of Volume III.
J. A. C. C.
Volume 1
Introductory Outline to the History of the States
The History of Virginia -
Chapter I
The Beginnings of Virginia, 1584 - 1624
The History of Virginia -
Chapter II
Virginia as a Royal Province
The History of Virginia -
Chapter III
The Economic and Social Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century
The History of Virginia -
Chapter IV
From Colony to Commonwealth, 1763-1776
The History of Virginia -
Chapter V
The Commonwealth of Virginia, 1776-1861.
The History of Virginia -
Chapter VI
Virginia in the Confederacy, 1861-1865
The History of Virginia -
Chapter VII
Virginia in the new Nation, 1865-1909.
The History of Maryland -
Chapter I
The Province of Maryland, 1608-1776.
The History of Maryland -
Chapter II
Maryland from 1776 to 1868.
The History of Maryland -
Chapter III
History of Maryland from 1865 to 1909.
The History of Kentucky -
Chapter I
Kentucky A Part of Virginia, 1606 to 1792
The History of Kentucky -
Chapter II
Kentucky from 1792 to 1865
The History of Kentucky -
Chapter III
Kentucky in the New Nation, 1865-1909
The History of West
Virginia - Chapter I
While the two Virginias were one, 1750 - 1861
The History of West
Virginia - Chapter II
West Virginia - Steps to Statehood, 1861 - 1863
The History of West
Virginia - Chapter III
West Virginia 1863-1909
The History of North
Carolina - Chapter I
North Carolina as a Propritary
The History of North
Carolina - Chapter II
North Carolina a Royal Province, 1729 - 1776
The History of North
Carolina - Chapter III
North Carolina 1775 - 1861
The History of North
Carolina - Chapter IV
North Carolina in the Confederacy, 1861 - 1865
The History of North
Carolina - Chapter V
North Carolina from 1865 to the Present Time
Volume 2

The History of South
Carolina - Chapter I
South Carolina, 1562 - 1789
The History of South
Carolina - Chapter II
South Carolina, A State in the Federal
Union, 1789 - 1860
The History of South
Carolina - Chapter III
South Carolina in the Confederacy, 1860 - 1865
The History of South
Carolina - Chapter IV
South Carolina, 1865 - 1909
The History of Georgia -
Chapter I
The Colony of Georgia, 1732 - 1776
The History of Georgia -
Chapter II
Georgia in the Federal Union, 1776 - 1861
The History of Georgia -
Chapter III
Georgia in the Confederacy, 1865 - 1865
The History of Georgia -
Chapter IV
Georgia in the New Nation, 1865 - 1909
The History of Alabama -
Chapter I
Colonial and Territorial, Alabama, 1540 - 1819
The History of Alabama -
Chapter II
Alabama from 1819 to 1865
The History of Alabama -
Chapter III
Reconstruction in Alabama
The History of Alabama -
Chapter IV
The New Alabama, 1880 - 1909
The History of
Mississippi - Chapter I
Colonial and Territorial Times
The History of
Mississippi - Chapter II
Mississippi A State in the Union, 1817 - 1861
The History of
Mississippi - Chapter III
Mississippi in the Confederacy, 1861 - 1865
History of Mississippi - Chapter IV
Mississippi a Part
of the Nation, 1865 - 1909
The History of Tennessee
- Chapter I
Colonial and Territorial Tennessee
The History of Tennessee
- Chapter II
Tennessee as a State, 1796 - 1861
The History of Tennessee
- Chapter III
Tennessee as a part of the Confederacy, 1861 - 1865
The History of Tennessee
- Chapter IV
Tennessee since the War, 1865 - 1909
Volume 3

The History of Florida - Chapter I
Florida, 1512 - 1819
The History of Florida -
Chapter II
Florida, 1819 - 1861
The History of Florida -
Chapter III
Florida, 1861 - 1909
The History of Louisiana -
Chapter I
Louisiana under French and Spanish Control
The History of Louisiana -
Chapter II
The Territory of Orleans, 1803 - 1812
The History of Louisiana -
Chapter III
Louisiana in the Federal Government, 1812 - 1861
The History of Louisiana -
Chapter IV
Louisiana during the War between the States
and the Reconstruction, 1861 - 1877
The History of Louisiana -
Chapter V
Modern Louisiana, 1876 - 1909
The History of Missouri -
Chapter I
The Provincial Period, 1682 - 1804
The History of Missouri -
Chapter II
The Territorial Period, 1804 - 1820
The History of Missouri -
Chapter III
Missouri, 1820 - 1865
The History of Missouri -
Chapter IV
Missouri since the war of Secession, 1865 - 1909
The History of Arkansas -
Chapter I
Arkansas from 1539 - 1836
The History of Arkansas -
Chapter II
Arkansas from 1836 - 1861
The History of Arkansas -
Chapter III
Arkansas from 1861 - 1909
The History of Texas -
Chapter I
Texas as a part of Mexico
The History of Texas -
Chapter II
Texas as a Republic
The History of Texas -
Chapter III
Texas in the Federal Union, 1845
- 1861
The History of Texas -
Chapter IV
Texas in the Confederacy, 1861 - 1865
The History of Texas -
Chapter V
Texas in the New Nation, 1865 - 1909
Amendments to the United
States Constitution
Constitution of the
Confederate States of America
Proclamation of Emancipation
Declaration of Independence
Knights of the White Camelia
Ku Klux Klan
Union League of America
Governors of the Southern
While this publication
covers 12 volumes it was decided to only deal with the first 3 volumes
which gave a general historical account. In the final two volumes we get
many small biographies and while there are many Scottish names in this
list I have decided to simply take a small number of them to illustrate a
little of the Scots and Scots-Irish contributions.