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Scottish Emigration to Colonial America
By David Dobson

Our thanks to David for sending us this article which was first published in the Familia Ulster Genealogical Review in 2002.


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The list represents my output since 1983 to the present.

Many of the publications are pamphlets containing about 50 pages of data, many are out of print, though the main family history societies do carry stocks of them.  You should find them listed on the websites of the Tay Valley Family History Society and the Aberdeen and North East Scotland FHS in particular.  The source books published in USA are much bigger and contain from 100 to 300 pages.

Go to the website and on the home page there is a slot where you enter the author's name and a list of his or her publications appear - as you will see all of these have a synopsis.  The company's policy nowadays is to publish short runs and to re-issue as demand dictates.  'Scottish Emigration to Colonial America, 1607-1785' is published by the University of Georgia Press in Athens, Ga., while 'Scottish Trade with Colonial Charleston, 1683-1783' was published by Humming Earth and printed in Glasgow and in Kentucky, both of these you should find on the net.


Genealogical and Historical Source Books:

Local Themes

The Burgess Rolls of Fife, 1700-1800, part 1
The Burgess Rolls of Fife, 1700-1800, part 2
The Burgess Roll of St Andrews, 1700-1750
The Burgess Roll of St Andrews, 1751-1775
Burgesses of Perth, 1600-1699

Hearth Tax Records, 1691

Brechin and neighbouring parishes
Forfar and neighbouring parishes
Kirriemuir and neighbouring parishes
Monifieth to Arbroath
Montrose and neighbouring parishes
Sidlaw parishes

The People of Arbroath, 1600-1699
The People of Arbroath, 1700-1799
The People of Brechin, 1600-1699
The People of Brechin, 1700-1799
The People of Dundee, 1600-1699
The People of Dundee, 1700-1799
The People of Montrose, 1600-1699
The People of Montrose, 1700-1799
The People of Kirriemuir, 1600-1699
The People of Kirriemuir, 1700-1799
The People of Perth, 1700-1799
The People of Carnoustie, 1600-1799
The People of the Glens of Angus, 1600-1799
The People of Forfar, 1700-1799
The People of the Carse of Gowrie, 1600-1799

Scottish Highlanders on the Eve of the Great Migration, 1725-1775:
The People of Argyll [USA]
The People of the Northern Highlands [USA]
The People of Highland Perthshire [USA]
The People of Inverness-shire [USA]
The People of the Northern Isles [USA]
The People of the Grampian Highlands [USA]

Scotland during the Plantation of Ulster:
The People of Dumfries and Galloway, 1600-1699 [USA]
The People of Ayrshire, 1600-1699 [USA]
The People of Lanarkshire, 1600-1699 [USA]
The People of Renfrewshire, 1600-1699 [USA]

Maritime themes

Aberdeen Shipping, ships, shipmasters and voyages, 1742-1746
Aberdeen Shipping, ships, shipmasters and voyages, 1746-1748
Aberdeen Shipping, ships, shipmasters and voyages, 1748-1751
Aberdeen Shipping, ships, shipmasters and voyages, 1751-1753
Dundee Shipping, ships, shipmasters and voyages, 1760-1769
Dundee Shipping, ships, shipmasters and voyages, 1770-1784
The Mariners of Aberdeen and Northern Scotland, 1600-1700
The Mariners of Aberdeen and Northern Scotland, 1700-1800, pt.1
The Mariners of Aberdeen and Northern Scotland, 1700-1800, pt.2
The Mariners of Angus, 1600-1700
The Mariners of Angus, 1700-1800, part 1
The Mariners of Angus, 1700-1800, part 2
The Mariners of the Clyde and Western Scotland, 1600-1700
The Mariners of the Clyde and Western Scotland, 1700-1800, pt.1
The Mariners of the Clyde and Western Scotland, 1700-1800, pt.2
The Mariners of Fife, 1700-1800
The Mariners of Kirkcaldy and West Fife, 1600-1700
The Mariners of the Lothians, 1600-1700, part 1
The Mariners of the Lothians, 1600-1700, part 2
The Mariners of the Lothians, 1700-1800, part 1
The Mariners of St Andrews and the East Neuk of Fife, 1600-1700
Scottish Maritime Records, 1600-1850
Scottish Seafarers of the Seventeenth Century
Scottish Seafarers of the Eighteenth Century
Scottish Seafarers, 1800-1830
Scottish Whalers before 1800
The Shipmasters of Dundee, 1775-1825
The Shipping of Dundee and Montrose, ships, shipmasters, voyages, 1720-1750
The Shipping of Perth, 1717-1767
The Shipping of Anstruther, 1742-1771
Ships from Scotland to Australasia, 1820-1860 [Australian pubn.]
Ships from Ireland to Early America 1623-1850, vols. 1-2 [USA]
Ships from Scotland to America 1628-1828, vols, 1-3 [USA]
Ships from Scotland to North America, 1830-1860, vols 1-2 [USA]
Transatlantic Voyages, 1600-1699, 2 editions, [USA]
Tales of the Whalers
The Whalers of Dundee, 1750-1850
American Data from the Records of the High Court of the Admiralty of
Scotland, 1675-1800 [USA]
Seafarers of the East Neuk of Fife, 1580-1800

Military Themes

The Jacobites of Angus, 1689-1746
Jacobites of the ‘15
Scottish Soldiers, 1600-1800, part 1
Scottish Soldiers in Continental Europe
Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, parts 1-3
Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, parts 1-3 [USA]
The French and Indian War from Scottish Sources [USA]


Scottish Goldsmiths, 1600-1800
Scottish Schoolmasters of the Seventeenth Century
American Data from the ‘Aberdeen Journal, 1731-1783’ [USA]
American Vital Records from the Gentleman’s Magazine, 1731-1868[USA]
Dutch Colonists in the America, 1615-1815 [USA]
Huguenot and Scots Links, 1575-1775 [USA]
Scottish Surnames of Colonial America [USA]

Irish Themes

Irish Wills and Testaments in Great Britain, 1600-1700
Scots-Irish Links, 1575-1725, part 1
Scots-Irish Links, 1575-1725, part 2
Scots-Irish Links, 1575-1725, parts 1-7 [USA]
Later Scots-Irish Links, 1725-1825, parts 1-3 [USA]
Irish Emigrants in North America, parts 1-7
Irish Emigrants in North America, parts 1-6 [USA]
Searching for Scotch-Irish Roots in Scottish Records, 1600-1750 [USA]
The People of Ireland, 1600-1699, parts 1-2 [USA]

Scots Abroad

Scots in Africa
A Directory of Scots in Australasia, 1788-1900, pt.1
A Directory of Scots in Australasia, 1788-1900, pt.2
A Directory of Scots in Australasia, 1788-1900, pt.3
Scots in USA and Canada, 1825-1900
Scots in Asia, 1600-1900, pt.1
Scots in the West Indies
The Scots Abroad, 1650-1900 [SAFHS]

The Emigrants and Adventurers series –
Aberdeen and North East, parts 1-3
Angus and Perth, part 1
Argyll and Northern Highlands, parts 1-2
Glasgow and West, part 1-2
Lothians, part 1
Moray and Banff, part 1
Orkney and Shetland, part 1
Southern Scotland, part 1

Scottish German Links, 1550-1850 [USA]
Barbados and Scotland, Links 1627-1877 [USA]
Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775[USA]
Directory of Scots in the Carolinas, 1680-1830, parts 1-2 [USA]
Scottish Settlers in North America, 1625-1825, parts 1-7 [USA]
More Scottish Settlers, 1667-1827 [USA]
The Original Scots Colonists of Early America, 1612-1783 [USA]
The Original Scots Colonists of Early America, 1607-1707 [USA]
The Original Scots Colonists of Early America, 1611-1707
[Caribbean supplement] [USA]
Scots in Georgia and the Deep South, 1735-1845 [USA]
Scots in Latin America [USA]
Scots in New England, 1623-1873 [USA]
Scots in Poland, Russia and the Baltic States, 1550-1850, part 1 [USA]
Scots in Poland, Russia and the Baltic States, 1550-1850, part 2 [USA]
Scots in the American West, 1783-1883 [USA]
Scots in the Mid Atlantic Colonies, 1635-1783 [USA]
Scots in the Mid Atlantic States, 1783-1883 [USA]
Scots in the USA and Canada, 1825-1875, parts 1-5 [USA]
Scots in the West Indies, 1707-1857, parts 1-2 [USA]
Scots on the Chesapeake, 1607-1830 [USA]
Scots-Dutch Links in Europe and America, 1575-1825 [USA]
Scots Scandinavian Links in Europe and America, 1550-1850 [USA]
Scottish Quakers and Early America, 1650-1700 [USA]
Scottish Transatlantic Merchants, 1611-1785 [USA]
Scottish American Court Records, 1733-1783 [USA]
Scottish American Gravestones, 1700-1900 [USA]
Scottish American Heirs, 1683-1883 [USA]
Scottish American Wills, 1650-1900 [USA]

People of the Scottish Burghs

The People of Perth, 1600-1799 [USA]
The People of Dundee, 1600-1799 [USA]

History books -

Scottish Emigration to Colonial America, 1607-1785 [USA, 1994, 2004]
Scottish Trade with Colonial Charleston, 1683-1783 [Glasgow, 2009]

Contributed towards –

The Atlas of Scottish History, 1707 [Edinburgh, 1996]
Scotland and the Americas, 1650-1939 [Edinburgh, 2002]
Scottish Communities Abroad in the Early Modern Period [Leiden, 2005]


Scottish Immigrants to North America, 1600s-1800s [USA]
Scotch-Irish Settlers in America, 1500s-1800s [part] [USA]

Articles –

Published in genealogical and historical journals and magazines in the British Isles and America.

For American publications see

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