history of the estate of Pitfodels is also a history of the Roman
Catholic family of Menzies, once so important in local annals, but now
utterly extinct. They held the property for about four hundred years;
and its history before their advent is brief, and comparatively
unimportant. It was their connection with it that will make it
remembered long after the account of its other proprietors shall be
lands were at first divided into three parts— Easter, Wester, and Middle
Pitfodels, and it was not till the sixteenth century that they all
became joined under one proprietorship.
in the fourteenth century, the property, like many other estates, was in
the hands of a cadet of the powerful family of Moray,—frequently
Murray—who had attained prominence under David I. At that date the lands
of Pitfodels embraced the whole of Banchory-Devenick north of the Dee,
and east of the Den of Cults. The family of Murray lost their hold of
the property in 1389, when Alexander of Murray, then designed as “ Lord
of Culbyne,” granted a deed of wadset in favour of his kinsman, “William
Rede,” of the lands of “Wester Badfothellis” with the fishings, for £56
13s. 4d. sterling. In the following year sasine was granted in favour of
Reid who thus became the owner of Wester Pitfodels.
next step in the history of the property brings the Menzies into the
field. The family—a branch of a stock located in Athol—had long been
well known in Aberdeen. In 1424 David Menzies, a burgess—as has already
been noticed—was one of the hostages to England for the payment of
.£40,000, on the release of James I. Their importance evidently had
grown to the extent of their acquiring land, and in 1430 a city burgess,
Gilbert Menzies, a Christian name that remained in the family for
centuries, appears on the scene. A precept was then granted to infeft
him in the lands of “ Wester Badfothel ” and half of “Middle Badfothel.”
He was a younger son of Sir Robert Menzies of Weems, and he employed his
patrimony chiefly in securing mortgages over estates in the counties of
Aberdeen and Kincardine. He was the first of his family to win the blue
ribbonship of the city, the rank of provost, but he was not the last.
For over two hundred years—1426-1634—the family held that honour— with
“great applause,” quoth Parson Gordon—no less than twenty-eight separate
times. In 1436 Gilbert was elected to represent the burgh in Parliament
at Edinburgh, scots being allowed him for expenses. He was married to
Marjory Liddell, probably a member of another well known Aberdeen family
of the period. The date of his death is a puzzling point, for though a
monument to the memory of him and his wife, which was erected in St.
Nicholas Churchyard, Aberdeen—it disappeared in the middle of last
century—is known to have borne the date 1439, yet his name is to be met
with after that time. It is believed that the date should have been
1459, as he was undoubtedly alive during that year. A pair of stone
effigies, now lying on the window sill of the West Church, Aberdeen,
represent the couple. When the church became ruinous in 1730, the
effigies were removed for safety to the churchyard of Maryculter, where
they lay till quite recently. It was he who, in 1448, having previously
secured infeftment, granted a premonition to Andrew Reid for the
redemption of the lands of “ Wester Badfothellis,” which had been
mortgaged by Alexander of Murray to Reid’s grandfather, William, for one
hundred merks. Two years later Menzies was granted a charter by Stephen
of Balrony, of a Templar land in the barony of “Badfothal,” paying
therefor four shillings yearly to the brethren of the house of St. John
of Jerusalem at Torphichen. The knights of this Order had a foundation
near where Arnlee now stands, and till within the last sixty years a
croft which stood there went by the name of The Temple.*
Order of the Knights of St. John superseded that of the Knights Templars,
and inherited the greater part of the extensive property of that rival
Order. They had their Scotch headquarters at Torphichen, now a small
village in Linlithgow-shire, but then a place of great importance. Keith
says that Sir James Sandilands, the last preceptor, at the Reformation
resigned all the lands of the Order in Scotland into Queen Mary’s hands,
and she feued them out again to Sir James for 10,000 crowns, and the
yearly annuity of 500 merks. She also erected all the lands into a
temporal lordship, in favour of him and his heirs, by a charter under
the great seal, dated 24th January, 1563.
1457 Andrew Reid, before mentioned, granted a precept to infeft Andrew
Menzies in the half of “ Middle Badfothalis,” given in exchange for the
lands of “Wester Badfothalis.” Thirteen years later, James III.
confirmed to Alexander Menzies the lands of Middleton of Pitfodels,
together with the lands of Potartown and Orchardfelde.
1488 Alexander Reid, who was then the owner of the greater portion of
Pitfodels, got confirmation from James III,
of a charter granted by him in favour of Mariot Cullane, his wife, in
liferent, of the lands of “Wester Pitfodellis.” James IV. confirmed to
Reid and his second wife, Margaret Crawford, the lands of Eastertown and
Westertown of Pitfodels, with the fishings in the water of Dee. Reid,
who was provost of Aberdeen for the years 1492-3 was held in such high
estimation by the Town Council and citizens generally, that in 1504 his
portrait was ordered to be executed and hung in the session-house of
Aberdeen. It remained there till 28th June, 1640, when a very curious
incident occurred. “The session wnderstanding
Thereafter, Sir James disponed all the Temple lands lying in the shires
of Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Stirling, Kincardine, and Aberdeen, in favour
of James Tennent of Lynhouse, and Robert Williamson, writer in
Edinburgh, for 10,000 merks, reserving to himself out of the disposition
the lands of Torphichen, Liston, Dennie, Thankerton, Balintrodoch, and
Maryculter, as also his right to the Churches of Torphichen, Temple,
Inchmachan, Maryculter, Aboyne, Tulloch, and Kilbartha, with the teinds
belonging to them.
some capitanes and gentillmen of the regiment of sojours lying in this
town, had tein some offence at the portrat as smelling somequhat of
poprie, and standing aboue the session hous door, ffor removeing of the
quhilk offence, ordaines the said portrat to be tein down and not to be
sett wp again.”*

Arms of Provost Reid of
died on 27th May, 1506, and was succeeded by his wife and only daughter,
Marion, the latter of whom he had made his heiress. Three of his
descendants held in turn the pastorate of Banchory-Ternan after the
Reformation. With that foresight characteristic of the Roman Catholic,
the widow set aside part of her income to the service of the Church, and
for the safety of her husband’s soul and that of her own after death,
granting, in 1508, “to the Curate and Chaplains of Aberdeen, an annuity
of £1
for celebrating an obit, annually, on their anniversaries at the altar
of Saint Christopher, on the first Sunday immediately subsequent to the
first day of the month of March, with the
and the Dirige
on the Saturday preceding; a solemn mass on Sunday, and a commemoration
for thirty days by the Curate and Chaplains at the weekly masses. The
procurator for the time was required on the said Saturday to send
through the town a crier with a hand-bell, to invite all and sundry to
prayers for the souls of the above named persons; to place a table on
the grave stone, which was to be covered with a black cloth, and
furnished with wax lights; and the sacristan of the Church was ordered
thrice to toll the bells at this part of the service, and thrice while a
mass de requiem
was chanted. The Curate and Chaplains were likewise required to chant
and celebrate another solemn mass with other thirty days’ commemorative
masses, after the death of the granter, at the altar near which she
should happen to be interred.”1
Alexander Menzies died without issue, and his brother, David, was served
heir to him in 1506, while his widow, Elizabeth Leslie, had her terce
adjudged to her out of the same lands. David was twice married, first to
Margaret Fotheringham, daughter of Thomas Fotheringham of Powrie, by
whom he had a son, Gilbert; and secondly to Katherine Wricht, who
survived him.
Gilbert was served heir to his father on 3rd October, 1508, his
stepmother being found entitled to a terce of the lands. He was known by
the sobriquet of
Banison Gib, and was married to Marjorie
Chalmers, daughter of the laird of Murtle, by whom he had several
children. Besides being proprietor of Findon, he in July, 1535, acquired
from the Knights Templars of Maryculter the lands now known as Blairs.
He was provost of Aberdeen for twenty-four years between 1505 and 1536;
and was the first to break through the municipal statute that the chief
magistrate should be elected for one year only. In 1508 he contributed
three barrels of salmon towards the “theiking and decoring” of the kirk
of Aberdeen. Ten years later he was appointed to go to the King and
Council, and raise Law-burrows against the Lord Forbes, on account of
the great oppression and cruel spoil done to the burgh in its fishing
and freedom lands. No public service, however, could have been more
congenial to his taste than that deputed to him in 1525 by the king,
when as sheriffs he and Sir John Rutherford—who was a great favourite at
court2—were ordered to search for
those who owned the heresies of Luther, or used his books; and that the
Act of Parliament thereanent should be published, whereof an extract was
sent to all “ foundin holding these heresies, or reading these books.”
Provost Gilbert and Baillie
Collison were chosen commissioners to represent the burgh in the first
parliament of James V., in 1524. They were allowed 6s. 8d. per day for
expenses, and “were furnished with eight horsemen to attend in their
train, that they might appear at court with a splendour becoming the
representatives of the opulent city of Aberdeen.”* Menzies lived in a
house in the city known as Pitfoddels’ Lodgings, which occupied the site
now taken up by the Union Bank at the top of Marischal Street, and was
the scene of more than one eventful incident in the city’s history. The
first of these was the murder, on 7th January, 1527, of Alexander Seton
laird of Meldrum, by the master of Forbes, who, eleven years later, was
executed for attempting to shoot the King with a culverin, as he passed
through Aberdeen to hold a justice ayre. Two years later the house was
laid in ruins by an accidental fire, when a large new building of stone,
with turrets, was erected on the same site. This house was probably the
first stone building in Aberdeen. An edifice of such a character was
then considered a mark of the greatest opulence, and it is recorded that
in 1545, one of the inhabitants defying Menzies said “ he did not care
for all the power of the provost or his stane house.” In 1530 Menzies,
along with four of his sons, and certain of the citizens of Aberdeen,
was charged before the High Court of Justice with killing a servant of
Alexander Forbes, heir-apparent of Brux; but was, with the others,
acquitted through its having been satisfactorily proven that the
Forbeses were the aggressors.
Up to
this time Pitfodels had been divided between the Reids and the Menzies,
the former possessing Eastertown and Westertown, while the latter were
the proprietors of Middle Pitfodels. It was not until the families
became united by marriage that the two portions were joined. This
happened on 12th January, 1520-1, when Thomas, the eldest son of Provost
Gilbert, married Marion, the only daughter of the deceased Alexander
Reid of Eastertown and Westertown. Thus the whole of Pitfodels passed
into the Menzies family, and gave them their designation for the next
three centuries. Like his father, Thomas took a leading part in the
local, and to some extent in the general history of the period. In 1525
he was elected provost of Aberdeen, holding office for forty years,
which is the longest period of one provostship on record. His
popularity, and that of his family, was such that Parson Gordon
afterwards wrote: “ ther [are] not a few of the best of the citizens
quho are joynt with that familie by consanguinity and affinitie, and
esteemed it ane honor to be so. Nay, and in the yeer 1545, George
Gordon, Erie of Huntlie, the most powerfull of any in the north of
Scotland, sought to be provost, and wes chosen, not without
protestatione against his electione by many, as ane incroachment upon
ther liberties; which moved him presentlie to resigne it againe, in
favor of Thomas Menzies of Pitfoddells.” He was also Marischal Depute of
Scotland in 1538, and for several years after 1543 he was Comptroller of
the Royal Household. His father,
Banison Gib,
died on 27th September, 1543, when Thomas succeeded to the
proprietorship of the whole of Pitfodels, by virtue of his marriage
already explained. In the following November* he obtained confirmation
of a former grant, erecting these lands into a free barony, with the
Castlehill of Middleton of Pitfodels as principal messuage. His wife
died 20th September, 1551, and she was buried in Collison’s Aisle,
Aberdeen, where a well-preserved tombstone still keeps on record their
wedded life of nine-and-twenty years.

Arms of Thomas Menzies
and Marion Reid,
on tombstone in
Collison’s Aisle, Aberdeen.
the following year he entered into a formal contract with Lord Forbes
and John Leslie of Balquhane for the amicable settlement of all their
feuds and differences, but its terms were not long in being disregarded.
In 1557 he signed the treaty of marriage between Queen Mary and the
Dauphin of France.3 He himself
married for his second wife Elizabeth Forbes, “ Lady Towe,” and in June,
1571, he granted, in life-rent, to Violet Forbes (natural and lawful
daughter of Alexander Forbes of Pitsligo, future wife of George Menzies,
his grandson, son of Gilbert, his elder son and heir), the lands of
Easter Pitfodels, together with the office of bailliary of the same. The
charter was confirmed by James VI., under the great seal, 1576.
idea of the lawless and disturbed state of the country at this time, and
the duties of a sheriff of the period, may be gathered from the
following incident, in which the heir of Pitfodels figures as a “sheriff
of Inverness.” “In 1573 Alexander, Earl of Sutherland, complained to
King James VI. that, although he was desirous to serve the king’s briefs
of inquest of the lands in the sheriffdoms of Innerness and Aberdeen, in
which his father, Earl John, died vest and seised, he was unable to
serve the brief of inquest of the lands in Innerness in the Tolbooth of
the burgh, because he could find no inquest of barons and hereditary
proprietors within the sheriffdom for that purpose, by reason that many
barons and gentlemen of the sheriffdom—such as : Colin Makkanze of
Kintaill ; Hugh, Lord Fraser of Lovet ; Lauchlin Makintosche of
Dunnauchtane, Robert Munro of Fowlis, with many other families and men
of the country—were at deadly feud among themselves. The king, therefore
(30th May), with the consent of George, Earl of Huntly, Sheriff
Principal of Innerness and Aberdeen, appointed John Leslie of Buchquham
; Gilbert Menzies, apparent of Pitfodellis ; Patrick Menzies, burgess of
Aberdeen ; Master Robert Lummisdane of Clova; and Master Patrick
Rutherfurde, burgess of Aberdeen, sheriffs of Innerness in that part, to
serve the said briefs in the Tolbooth of the Burgh of Aberdeen.”

Seal of Provost Thomas
(Pitfodels Charter, 1573.)
Provost Thomas Menzies died about December, 1576, and was survived by
his wife, whose death is recorded under date 22nd January, 1584-5:
“Elizabetht Forbes, Lade Towe, and spowse to Thomas Menzis of
Petfodellis and provvest, departtit.” He had at least two sons—Gilbert,
who succeeded him, and James, who qualified for the ministry and was, by
James V., presented to the rectory of Dunnet. One daughter, Marjory,
married James Gordon of Haddo and Methlick. Another, Katherine, married
George Johnston, dean of guild of Aberdeen, who was, in October, 1577,
by David Cunningham, first protestant bishop of Aberdeen, inaugurated as
one of the elders chosen by the kirk and congregation of the burgh. In
December, 1578, their son, Patrick Johnston, died at Aberdeen from the
effects of a gun-shot wound recklessly inflicted by Keith, the young
laird of Ludquharne, in Buchan. George Johnston himself died in April,
1579, and his widow in May, 1599. Before passing from the history of
Provost Thomas Menzies, it is specially interesting to note that, at an
early period, he embraced the tenets of the reformed faith. He is named
as one of the six deputies appointed by the General Assembly of the Kirk
of Scotland, on 28th May, 1561, to meet the Lords of the Secret Council,
and to present to them the supplication and articles “ tuitching the
suppression of idolatrie”. His immediate successors and relatives
continued, for the most part, staunch Roman Catholics, and, as will be
seen by a perusal of the following pages, suffered much persecution for
their adherence to that religion.
was succeeded by his eldest son, Gilbert. Born ioth June, 1522, he
followed the traditions of his house occupying several positions of
importance in the country. In 1576 he was created provost of Aberdeen,
continuing in office till Michaelmas, 1588. He married Margaret Keith,
daughter of the laird of Troup, by whom he had several children. As
already noticed a son, Alexander, was murdered in 1580, by William
Forbes of Portlethen and Monymusk, at the Loch of Loirston—the Forbes-Menzies
feud of the beginning of the century breaking out afresh. In 1588
Menzies and his brother, Thomas Menzies of Durn, became bound, in
“manrent and seruice,” to George, Earl of Huntly, in consideration of
which that nobleman granted, in favour of the Menzies’, a “band of
protectioune” to “mantein, supplie, and defend them” during all the days
of his life. The provost, however, did not long require this protection,
for he died within five months of the date of the obligation.
was succeeded by his son George, before mentioned; who in turn was
succeeded by his son Gilbert, commonly called
William of the Cup.
This laird bought the lands of Gilcomston, in 1597, from Sir John Gordon
for 7000 merks Scots. He married Margaret Irvine, daughter of the laird
of Drum, by whom he had issue. The deadly feud of the Menzies with the
Forbeses of Monymusk was renewed in this laird’s lifetime, necessitating
the interposition of the powers of the law.
26 November, 1613, William Forbes, Elder of Monymusk ; Robert, Johnne,
and Mr. James Forbes, his thre sones ; Johnne Forbes, callit of
Burnegranes ; James Geillis and Johnne Farquhar, domestik seruitouris to
Monymusk; and George Raitt, in Coiff, Dilaitit for vsurpation of his
Maiesties authoritie, in takin of Williams Duguid, seruitour to George
Gairdin ; committit the 24 of July last, and for contravening the Actis
of Parliament, in cutting of certane grene growand coirnes, pertening to
Gilbert Menzies of Pitfoddellis, grow and vpone his lands. The Justice,
wth advyse of my lord Aduocat, continewis this dyet to the thrid day of
the Air (of Aberdeen), or sooner, vpone XV. dayis warning ... At same
diet Margaret Irwing, Lady Pitfoddellis ; Gilbert Menzies of
Pitfoddellis, hir spous, for his entries ; Dauid Knowis, his domestik
servand ; Johnne Ramsay his greif, Johnne Philp, Williame Daveny,
Williame Dougatt, and Johnne Ramsay, dilaitit of airt and pairt of the
contravening of our souerane lordis Actes of Parliament in cutting and
distroying of coirnes; committit in the moneth of July lastlypast. This
case also continued to the same Air.” Pitcairn, from whose
Criminal Trials
the extracts of these two cases are taken, says it is obvious that they
arose out of the deadly feud which then raged between the families of
Monymusk and Pitfodels. No information is afforded as to how the cases
ended ; but, as they were withdrawn to “the Air,”—the old Scotch law
term for justiciary court—it is probable they were compromised through
the intervention of mutual friends. Menzies died about 30th November,
1622, being “bureit in the auld Kirk of Aberdeen.”
next laird of Pitfodels, Gilbert, son of
William of the Cup,
is the most distinguished member of the family. With him the prestige of
the family came to an end, and the faith which distinguished the family
for two centuries found its greatest martyr. Succeeding his father in
1622, he in the following year married Lady Anne Gordon, daughter of the
twelfth Earl of Sutherland. “A woman of excellent beautie”—according to
Gordon the enthusiastic historian of her house—she was destined to
undergo many afflictions. It would require a second Spalding to recount
the “ trubles ” of the family ; for Menzies’ royalty spelt ruin.
“trubles” may be set down as first occurring in January of the momentous
year 1639, when he took the Marquis of Huntly into his house. The
Marquis, “thinking and taking Merschall still to be on the Kinges syde,
as he wes nocht,” had applied to his brother nobleman for lodging, and
had been refused. Menzies “kyndlie lent him his hous,”—Pitfodels’
lodgings—and the Marquis “ flitit out of Old Abirdein his haill famelie
and goodis and thair took wp houss ”. Spalding details, with Pepys-like
minuteness, how twenty-four gentlemen were told
to wait on the Marquis, and how “ thair wes aucht gentilmen appointit to
watche his lodging on the night, thair tyme about, and fyre and candill
still burning ilk night within the houss.” Pitfodels followed the
fortunes of his noble guest with enthusiasm during the next month, and
in March they resolved to go to England with sixty other fugitives who
were determined not to “ subscrive ” the Covenant. “Vpone the 28th of
Marche,” says Spalding in a quainter vein than usual, they “ hoysis wp
saill, and to the King go thay, bot,” as he adds, “this flicht did litle
good.” None of the fugitives suffered more than Menzies, he having laid
himself open to greater suspicion by harbouring Huntly. That nobleman
was now in the safe keeping of his young brother Marquis, Montrose, and
Menzies had not been absent from the city a single day ere the Earl of
Kinghorn, who, to Spalding’s disgust, had the boldness to call himself
governor of Aberdeen, got the keys of Pitfodels’ house from Lady Menzies,
who had been left behind. A curious incident occurred at this stage, for
the lady was delivering up the keys “thair wes ane suddant fray,” writes
Spalding, “throw occasioun of ane schot rakleslie lettin go in the same
houss, quhair the governour and the ladie, with vtheris, war togidder.
None knew quhairfra nor how this schot cam, for all the tryell culd be
maid. Aluaies, the ladie, in the tumvlt and preass, loist her pvrss,
weill plenishit with gold and ryngis, and culcl not get the same agane.”
A few days afterwards an inventory was taken of the “ goodis and geir”
in the house, “ alsweill pertening to the laird himself, as that whiche
the Marquess left behind him at his removing thairfra; ” after which the
keys were restored to the lady.
only did the town house of Menzies suffer, but his lands of Pitfodels
were also burdened. A few days after these events 500 of Argyle’s men
were quartered on the lairds of Drum and Pitfodels, where they “ leivit
lustellie vpone the goodis, nolt, scheip, cornes, and victuall, to the
gryte hurt and wrack of the countrie people for thair maisteris causs,
being grite ante-covenanteris.” These troops—continues Spalding—“ wantit
not aboundance of beif, mvttoun, and vther good fair, for littill pay,”
in these snug quarters. It was in this year, according to Gordon’s
Scots Affairs,
that Menzies received the honour of knighthood from the sovereign he
served so loyally. But this was all that Charles could do for him.
Troubles rained thick upon his faithful subject, who was now nothing
short of being a fugitive in his own country. In July, 1640, Marischal
actually collected the rents on the Pitfodels estate, and in October
following, Menzies, who had returned to Aberdeen, fled with his family
to England, to come back again in December forced to sign the Covenant—“
more foolis nor thay went out, but succour or relief of the King.” In
fact for some time they were “soundlie wardit and keipit long in waird
in Edinburgh and tolbuith thairof.” Menzies got into a further peck of
troubles in reviving the old family feud with the Forbeses. In October,
1642, he shot John Forbes of Lesly at the memorable Crabstone. “ Thair
wes, vpone both sydis, schot about ellevin pistollis, and none gat
skaith bot Lesly. Thair wes sum old roust betuixt thame; for Leslyis
father killit Petfoddellis good-schiris brother vnworthellie.”* The
wounded gentleman “lay wnder cure quhill Januar, 1643, and then began to
walk vpone ane staf feblie, and not soundlie heallit.” The most
remarkable bearing of this episode is the fact recorded by Spalding,
that it “ brocht in the beiring and weiring of gvnis, quhilk bred mekill
sorrow and mischeif in this land.” In December following he fled to
France, “feiring the trubles to cum,” accompanied by Madame de Gordon,
one of the heroines of Father Blakhal’s tedious panegyric of his
services to “Three Noble Ladyes
the penalties of loyalty told on others than on the knight himself. His
wife and a son were drowned in 1648, while on one of their many voyages
of flight to France. Two years later another heavy blow fell on the
unfortunate laird, when his eldest son, Gilbert, was killed while acting
as standard-bearer in Montrose’s army. At the battle of Invercharron, in
Ross-shire, 27th April,
the standard bore the picture of the headless corpse of Charles, with
the motto—“Judge and revenge my cause It is a matter of history how
Montrose’s army was put to rout by Colonel Strachan. When all appeared
to be lost, Menzies was urged by Montrose and others to save himself by
flight, but he refused, and met his untimely fate on the field. The old
ballad laments the gallant youth in well-known lines :—
“Gilbert Menzies of high degree,
By the whom the king’s banner was borne;
For a brave cavalier was he,
But now to glory he is gone.”
now almost heart-broken laird was again attacked by the church within a
few months after this crushing blow. The supercilious kirk-session sent
two parsons to confer with the wayward truant. He replied that he “haid
nothing to doe with them, and that [he had] given them thair anser long
agoe ”. The session waxed indignant, and, “all in ane woice,” they
declared him “contumacious for failing to answer their charges of his
“apostacie and defectioun from the trew protestant religioun.” He was
set down as a perfect pariah in the district, and it was a mark of
suspicion for a man even to visit his house, far less to associate with
him. His very servants were the subject of inquisition ; but they seemed
to ignore the session and their powers. One case is still preserved. “On
14 November, 1653, Alexander Gordoun, servant to Petfoddellis, being
sumondit tuys abefoir to compeir befoir the sessioun of Abirdein, to
give ane accompt of his professioun, and, being demandit whairfoir he
did not compeir sooner, he anserit if it haid not bein to hold in the
offiris paines, he had not compeirit now, nor at all ; and being
demandit if he wes of our professioun, he anserit he cam not to give ane
acquittance, and all the wholl tyme he carried himselffvncivillie and
wpbraidinglie, thanking God that the tymes wer not as formerlie.” On
20th March, thereafter, he was “excommunicat, with the greater sentance
for his poperie and apostasie from the true Protestant religioune.”
would take too long to detail all the troubles of this catholic laird.
In 1668 matters had reached such a climax, that he dispatched a detailed
narrative of the sufferings he had experienced to Sir Alexander Fraser
of Durris, who was private physician to Charles II., and a favourite
with that monarch. Fraser had promised to lay the document before the
King in the expectation that some sort of recompense might be made. The
document, still preserved,t is an excellent summary of his trials.
informe his Sacred Majestieof the great losses and sufferings the said
Sir Gilbert and his familie have sustained wpon the accompt of his
constant adhering to the deceased King’s Majestie, of ever blessed
memorie, and his present Majesties interests and service, from the
beginning of the trubles, by quarterings extraordinarie leavies of horse
and foot sequestrationes, plunderings, pey-ment of fynes, and other
extraordinarie occasiones; bot most of all by the losse of his lady and
children, besyd the hazard of his oune persone severall tymes, both by
sea and land.
“First the said Sir Gilbert did engage himself in his Majesties service
at the Brigge of Die, in the year 1639, wnder Sir Williame Gunne,
generall of his Majesties forces at the tym, having his eldest sone in
company with him. And the enemy having prevailed that tym, himselff and
his sone wer forced to reteir to the Highlands, wher they lived for a
considerable tym in exile, till they wer forced to goe over seas for
ther securitie, and shunning the present imminent danger at that tym.
Therefter, having stayed abroad for a long tym, the enemy having entered
in possessione of his fortune, being advertised here-offby his freinds,
forced to returne home for preventing of his totall ruine, and to
submitt himselff to the enemies mercie, who did fyne him in fyve
hundredth pundis sterling, whilk he reallie peyed ; and having stayed
some-whyle in the countrey, the troubles encreasing and being pressed to
subscryve the Covenant, he wes againe neces-sitat, and his sone, to goe
over seas, wher, having stayed about eightein moneths, he sent for his
lady and children, who, going to France, wer totallie robbed and all
taken from them, by the Parliament ships and carried to Ostend, so that
the said Sir Gilbert was forced to goe in persone, and his eldest sone,
thither for their releiff, to his great charges and expenses, and caried
them to France, wher, having stayed for a long tym and not having
wherupon to maintaine themselfs, he wes constrained to send his lady
home for endeavoring to get some supplie furth of his oune fortune for
their aliment at home and abroad. Bot his lady finding the wholl
countrey in a combustionc, and her husband’s wholl fortune exhausted by
quarterings, leavies, mantenance, loan moneys, and other publict
burdings above exprest, shee having acquaint him therewith, he and his
sone wer againe forced, efter four yeirs absence in France (not being
supplied in the least by their oune fortune), to returne home. At which
tym finding by just accompt that not only the four yeares rent, during
the tyme of his absence, wes exhausted, bot that the tennentis were
super expended; in the fyrst he wes forced to discharge the same to
them, otherwayes to turne the wholl land useless and unprofitable. Efter
his returne, having stayed some sex moneths the troubles encreasing
daylie more and more, he wes forced, with his lady, and his eldest sone
and ane younger, to returne to France. And he and his eldest sone being
embarked in one veshel, and his lady and the younger in another, tho’ he
and the elder by God’s providence were preserved, his lady and the
younger perished by storme and tempest. And thereafter he and his elder
sone, having stayed some six moneths in France, reteired to Holland,
wher his present Majestie being for the tym, and having given his com
mission to the Marquis of Montrose for Scotland, the said
Marquis, at his aryvall there, did confer that honor upon the said Sir
Gilbert, his eldest sone, as to carie his Majesties standard, who wes
killed under the samen in the yeir 1649. During all which tym the said
Sir Gilbert remained abroad in exile, and till the year 1652, that the
Usurper did make himself master of most pairt of the kingdome, and
having stayed some two or thrie yeares at home, wes again necessitat
with his familie to abandon his countrey, being hardlie pressed to
subscryve the Tender disclaiming the King’s laufull authority, and to
returne againe to France, efter they had been taken prisoners at Ostend
for the space of sex moneths (as is notourlie known to his present
Majestie), wes necessitat before his releasment to pay for his ransome
and releiff the soum of three thousand gilders, so that by his losses at
sea, his imprisonment at Ostend, and his ransome for his releiff, he was
prejudged in above ane thousand pounds sterling before the
sequestratione of his fortune during the space of two yeires in the
Vsurpers tym.
all which occasiones above mentioned, the said Sir Gilbert hath been
prejudged in the soum of tuelff thousand pounds sterling and upwards,
besyd the great losse of his lady and sones, and hath been forced to
dispone and sell a considerable part of his fortune, so that the
remainder is now brocht verie low and lyk to ruine, wnlesse his Sacred
Majestie of his royall bountie provyd some speidie remeid therfor.”
Menzies had a large family. Besides those already mentioned, a son,
Paul, joined the Russian army, in which he died a lieutenant-general in
1694; while a daughter, Elizabeth, married Francis Gordon, who succeeded
to the estate of Craig on the death of his father about 1650.
During the eighteenth century the estate passed through several members
of the Menzies family. In 1680 the proprietor sold the lands of
Gilcomston to the town of Aberdeen for 26,000 merks scots. In 1696 the
valuation of the whole of Banchory-Devenick on the north side of the Dee
was given up at £951, of which £500 was applicable to this estate. The
tenants were George Milne and Alexander Milne in Eastertown, Alexander
Troup, David Philp, Alexander Philp, and Agnes Davidson in Westertown ;
John Lighton and William Troup in Middleton, and Andrew Davidson in
Brae. In the memorable ’45 Gilbert Menzies, who was then in possession,
raised a detachment of twenty-five men to aid the cause of the
Pretender. In 1747 the proprietor was William Menzies. He married Mary
Urquhart, daughter of John Urquhart of Meldrum. In 1755 John Menzies
married Marion, daughter of William Maxwell of Kirk-connell—one of the
oldest families in Galloway.
1805 John Menzies, his son, then proprietor, exposed the lands of
Pitfodels to sale. No purchaser appearing he subsequently feued off
several portions, and the balance was ultimately acquired by a
joint-stock company, which feued and sold out the whole in lots. This
John, who died in Edinburgh, a widower, in 1843, aged 87 year was the
last of his race. Jervise says: “he was a member of the Abbotsford Club,
and at his expense the volume entitled
Extracta Variis e
Cronicis Scocie was printed for the members.
He was one of the most accomplished gentlemen of his time, and his purse
was open to the poor of all denominations. He died, as was to be
expected, a true believer in the religion of his forefathers, of his
attachment to which he gave proof by making over by deed, dated in 1827,
the mansion-house and lands of Blairs for the establishment of a college
for young men designed for the Roman Catholic priesthood.” The bulk of
his fortune was also bequeathed for schemes connected with the Catholic
Church. His lands of Charlestown in the south side of the parish, which
now yield an annual revenue of upwards of ^125, went to the Ursuline
Convent of St. Margaret’s, Edinburgh.

Arms of John Menzies.
It is
sad to contemplate that of this once famous family not one single
representative now remains. Their castle, which so long stood like a
gray-haired warder overlooking a wide stretch of country from its ground
of vantage, is now completely demolished. Indeed, its site can scarcely
be pointed out, although it is known to have been at a spot formerly
called Castleheugh, and close to the east side of Norwood Hall.
formerly there were crofts and farms, magnificent mansion houses and
villas have been erected, each having tastefully laid-out grounds
adjoining. The principal are Garthdee, the residence of Mr. Alexander
Edmond, advocate, Aberdeen; Norwood Hall, the residence of Mr. James
Ogston; Drumgarth, belonging to Mrs. George Jamieson ; Inchgarth, the
residence of Captain George Skene Taylor, R.N.; Southfield, the
residence of Mr. T. A. W. A. Youngson; Morkeu, the residence of Mr.
Alexander Forbes; Craigton, the residence of Mr. William Knox;
Woodlands, the residence of Mr. Robert Collie; Woodbank, the residence
of Mr. Alexander Davidson, shipowner, Aberdeen ; Balnagarth, the
residence of Mr. George Collie, advocate, Aberdeen; and Viewbank, the
residence of Mr. James Collie, advocate, Aberdeen. |