Biggar and the House of Fleming
An Account of the Biggar District, Archaeological, Historical and
Biographical by William Hunter (1862)
Biggar Is Better
‘London, says the Clydesdale
peasant, is a big town, but there is one in Scotland that is Biggar. This is
all, however, that can be said in aggrandisement of Biggar! Such is the
statement of Mr Robert Chambers, a very high1 authority at the present day
in all matters relating to Scottish history and antiquities. In
topographical works, Biggar is either ignored altogether, or, if alluded to,
is discussed within the compass of a few lines. It may, therefore, appear
presumptuous to write and publish a volume of considerable size in
illustration of a locality, evidently regarded by the literary world as
altogether uninteresting and obscure. In justification of the step that has
been taken, it may be stated, that an idea was entertained by several
persons, and among others, by the author of this work, that a few
particulars regarding Biggar and Biggar men could be collected, which,
although of no moment and consideration in the eyes of men of learning and
research, might yet possess some degree of interest to the inhabitants of
the district. It has accordingly been, for their instruction and
gratification that the volume has been drawn up. If it fails to satisfy
them, or to draw forth the history of Biggar from the obscurity in which it
is involved, the fault must lie with the author, and not in the want of
materials for the purpose. These in the end became so abundant, that it was
found necessary to abridge some portions of them, and to leave others out
altogether, in order that the work might be kept within a moderate space.
The attempt of the author to avoid one evil, has caused him to fall into
another, as he now finds that the rigorous curtailment, to which he has
subjected the contents of the volume, has given serious offence to some
parties, because information has been excluded which, in their opinion, was
of great importance, and which they are confident would have enhanced the
value of the book, and the fame of Biggar.
The book, such as it is, owes
its origin to a Lecture, which the author was invited to deliver before the
Athenaeum of Biggar in June 1859. He chose for the subject of discussion on
that occasion, Historical Incidents connected with Biggar and its
neighbourhood. Some time afterwards a suggestion was made to the author by
Mr William Ovens, merchant, Biggar,—a leading member of the learned
Institution referred to, and a most able and intelligent correspondent,—that
the information contained in the Lecture might be extended and published,
either in a separate form, or in the columns of a periodical. After much
hesitation and delay, arising from the want of time and facilities for
executing such a work, it was at length resolved to collect such additional
particulars regarding Biggar as could be readily got, and to publish the
whole in a small volume.
In drawing up the work, the
author has not thought it necessary to quote his authorities, when the
information was to be found in the shelves of every public library; but in
cases where the facts were not so readily accessible, he has very frequently
given not merely the name of the author, but also his very words. He is well
aware, from the predilections now prevalent, that these will be repulsive to
some readers, and he anticipates that a considerable amount of censure will
be bestowed upon him for their use. He can only say, that it would have been
very easy to set them forth in a modem dress, and that his sole reason for
retaining them in their original state is a very decided, though it may be
an undue partiality, in favour of the peculiar orthography, the quaint
expressions, and sage remarks of our old Scottish writers. The charm of
these quotations would, at least to him, be lost, were they altered in the
least degree from the way in which they were originally written.
The author has made a free
use of various articles regarding Biggar, which at different periods he has
written, and given forth in periodicals, etc. In a work drawn up principally
from notes taken at various times, and from many different sources, and for
the most part without any view to publication, it is far from unlikely,
notwithstanding a careful revision, that some errors may have escaped
notice. Since the work went through the press, the attention of the author
has been directed to an Itinerary compiled by the Rev. Charles Henry
Hartshorne, M.A., and published a few months ago in the First Part of the i
Collectanea Archaeologica9 of the British Archaeological Association. This
Itinerary clears up a point which the author, from want of proper
information, has incorrectly stated at page 253, viz., the length of time
that Edward H. remained at Biggar. According to this Itinerary, the King
marched by Werk, Roxburgh, St Boswells, Selkirk, and Traquair to Biggar, at
which town he arrived on the 29th of September, where he remained till the
3d of October, and then went back to Roxburgh. He returned to Biggar on the
5th, and remained there till the 10th, when he went to Lanark, Linlithgow,
and Renfrew, and came back to Biggar on the 18th. He finally left it on the
21st, and proceeded to i Caremor’ and Linlithgow, having been at Biggar
altogether ten or eleven days.
The author would embrace this
opportunity to tender his most grateful acknowledgments to those gentlemen
who have given him assistance, either in supplying him with information or
enabling him to obtain access to depositories of books and manuscripts not
readily accessible to the general public. He would specially refer to Adam
Sim, Esq. of Coulter. This gentleman not only allowed him ready access to
his valuable library, but supplied him with important facts, pointed out
sources of information, and afforded him the benefit of his extensive
knowledge and critical acumen as the work went through the press. Above all,
he handsomely offered, so soon as the work was projected, to furnish at his
own expense the engravings by which it was to be embellished and
illustrated. He has more than redeemed his original promise. A greater
number of engravings has been given, and a higher style of art adopted, than
was at first proposed. The consequence of this is, that the book is not only
rendered much more attractive, but it is offered to subscribers at about
one-half of its actual cost.
The author would merely
mention the names of several other gentlemen, who have more or less lent a
helping hand to the production of the book: viz., James W. Baillie, Esq.,
W.S., yr. of Coulterallers; the late Captain John Dickson, yr. of Hartree;
David Laing, Esq.; James Drummond, Esq., U.S.A.; George Wilson, Esq. (of
Messrs G. and G. Dunlop’s, Edinburgh); Rev. John Christison, A.M., Biggar;
Rev. Dr David Smith, Biggar; Rev. James Dunlop, A.M., Biggar; Rev. Henry
Scott Riddell, Teviothead; Rev. Dr John B. Johnston,
Glasgow; Rev. David Crawford,
Edinburgh; Dr Robert Pairman, Biggar; Mr Allan Whitfield, Biggar; Mr William
Ovens, Biggar; Rev. William Whitfield, Biggar; Mr David Lockhart, Biggar; Mr
James Watt, Biggar; Mr John Archibald, Biggar; Mr George Wilson, Edinburgh,
etc., etc.
In conclusion, the author
offers the volume as a small tribute of respect to his native district, and
as an humble contribution to a work long projected and much desired—a
complete History of the Upper Ward of Clydesdale.
Portobello, 12th May 1862.
Biggar in photos--old and new
Chapter I
Prehistoric Remains nr the Biggar District Chapter II
Invasion of the Upper Ward of Clydesdale by the Romans and supposed traces
of the Invaders at Biggar Chapter III
The Town of Biggar Chapter IV
Biggar Burn Chapter V.
Sunnyside and Candy Chapter VI
The Castle of Boghall Chapter VII
Biggar Churchyard Chapter VIII
Biggar Kirk Chapter IX.
Biggar Kirk—Continued Chapter X.
The Presbytery of Biggar Chapter XI
The Covenanters of the Biggar District Chapter XII
The North and Sooth United Presbyterian Churches Chapter XIII
Biggar Schools and Libraries Chapter XIV.
Physicians connected with Biggar Chapter XV.
Biggar a Burgh of Barony Chapter XVI
The Commerce and Trade of Biggar Chapter XVII
The Benefit Societies of Biggar Chapter XVIII
The Witches of the Biggar District Chapter XIX
The Vagrants of the Biggar District Chapter XX
Crime in the Biggar District Chapter XXI.
The Battle of Biggar Chapter XXII
Military Movements and Royal Progresses at Biggar Chapter XXIII
Historical Sketches of the Fleming Family Chapter XXIV
Historical Sketches of the Fleming Family—Continued Chapter XXV
Historical Sketches of the Fleming Family—Continued Chapter XXVI
Historical Sketches of the Fleming Family—Continued Chapter XXVII
Historical Sketches of the Fleming Family—Continued Chapter XXVIII
Early Conterminous Proprietors
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