My LORD, I deem it my duty to
communicate to your Lordship, as chairman of the Royal Commission, some
authentic information in respect to my Estates of Tyree and the Ross of
Mull, which have been lately visited by your Lordship and your colleagues.
From documents connected with the
management of the estate, we have a tolerably complete account of the
population, value, and condition of Tyree, from about the middle of the last
century to the present date. It may be of interest to the Commission to know
the leading facts.
Leases of all the principal farms on
the Island for the usual term of nineteen years, or occasionally of
twenty-two years, were granted at various dates between 1753 and 1762. These
Leases of course expired at various corresponding dates between 1772 and
1784. It is towards the end of these Leases, and not at the commencement of
them, that we first have really detailed information. They were granted by
Archibald, third Duke of Argyll, who succeeded in 1743, but whose busy
political life probably prevented him from paying close attention to
agricultural affairs. But towards the close of these Leases the Argyll
estates were in the hands of my grandfather, Field-Marshal John, fifth Duke
of Argyll, who succeeded in 1770, was the first President of the Highland
and Agricultural Society, and who spent the latter part of his life almost
entirely in agricultural pursuits, and especially in the improvement of the
breeds of cattle, which had always been, and still are, one of the principal
articles of Highland produce. So early, however, as the years 1767-68-69, in
three separate papers, we have very full information, evidently collected
with great care, on the statistics of the Island. The total population was
then only 1676, of whom only 69 were employed in handicrafts other than
agricultural. It is remarkable that there is only one column for "tenants
and hinds," showing that many families were on the dividing-line between
regular agricultural tenants and labourers, or cottars with small plots of
land. The total number of both classes is only 236, and a separate class of
cottagers is numbered at only 104 on the whole island. The agricultural
tenants properly so called seem to have been 170. It is still more worthy of
remark that in this return, although there is a careful estimate of all
kinds of agricultural produce, there is no mention of the potato;—cattle,
sheep, and horses,—rye, barley, and oats are the only products noted.
The Leases to which I have referred
as granted between 1753 and 1762, the rental of 1767, and the reports of
1768-69, make two facts quite certain. The first is that many of the farms,
which at a later period became most lamentably subdivided into very small
crofts, were then let to single tenants, several of whom were Highland
gentlemen non-resident on the Island. The second fact proved by these
documents is that even the farms which were then let to "sundry tenants"
were so let to a comparatively small number, who had of course
proportionately larger shares, and these shares, if reckoned at the present
value, would represent small farms quite above the definition of crofts, as
that definition has been adopted by the Commission. That is to say, these
farms, or shares in one farm, would now represent a rent above the £30 line.
Thus, for example, the two farms of Gott and Hianish, now representing a
rental of £163, are specially mentioned in the report of 1769 as having only
four persons in possession. These two farms, if now similarly divided, would
therefore represent a much more substantial class of farms than the crofts
now existing, although these have been much raised and improved within the
last thirty years, by the operations which I shall subsequently explain to
the Commission. The same observation applies to almost all the farms which
were then let under lease, or from year to year, to small tenants.
This shows the delusion which is
commonly entertained, that the system of very small crofts is an old one.
The truth is that in Tyree at least, and in many other places, it is not
nearly one century old. The same conclusion is even more apparent when we
see in this rental of 1767 that almost all the farms which at a long
subsequent date became overrun and cut up into miserably small possessions,
were then not occupied by small tenants at all, but by individual lessees,
or "tacks-men," as they were called in the Highlands. Among the farms then
held in this way I may specify Ballephuil, Balemartine, and Barrapol—all of
them farms which, thirty years ago, had become excessively over peopled and
subdivided, and which, even to this day contain some of the smallest crofts
upon the island.
The opinion of the reporters of 1769
on the minimum size of farm which it would be wise to assign to one tenant
or family is farther indicated by the recommendations they make that certain
farms should be more properly divided. Thus they recommend that the three
farms of Kenovar, Barrapol, and Ballemenoch, which had then seventeen
tenants, should not in future be held by more than ten. It is curious that
these farms are now again held by the same number of crofters which held
them in 1769. But this condition of things is the result of the gradual
process of re-consolidation which has been pursued during the last thirty
years, the same farms having become at one time so subdivided that there
were no less than twenty-nine tenants, instead of only ten as recommended by
the reporters of 1769.
The report of 1769 is farther
interesting as containing conclusive evidence on the waste and misuse of the
land which the small tenants were then making. Much of the soil of Tyree is
almost pure shell sand, which yields a rich and beautiful pasture, full of
clovers of several species; but it is unfit for cropping, and when broken up
is very apt to become blowing sand—not only sterile in itself, but liable to
overrun and render barren large areas of the surrounding land. By this
process two considerable farms have actually been destroyed and lost—the
whole area being now as sterile as a snow-drift. The report of 1769 shows
that the very poor and very ignorant tenants and subtenants who were then in
possession were cropping this light sandy land to an injurious and dangerous
degree, and recommended the erection of strong dividing dykes, with
conditions prohibiting the practice.
Another signal example of the
contrast between crofts or small farms as recommended by the skilled and
intelligent reporters of 1769 and the miserable; possessions which
subsequently arose from the improvident habits of subdivision, is furnished
by the example of the two farms of Balephuil and Balemartine. These two
farms are mentioned as having been "formerly" held by one tenant, who was at
that time the factor or chamberlain: and the reporters recommend that if
they are to be divided the total number of divisions should not exceed ten.
Yet on these two farms the reckless process of subdivision went on
subsequently to such an extent that there were no less than sixty-nine
crofters—all of the poorest class. At this moment there are still thirty,
which is exactly three times, the number which the reporters of 1760 could
recommend as enough to live comfortably and profitably on the land.
The next document of importance is
dated seven years later—in 1776; and it is very instructive. It is a draft
of "Articles, Conditions, and Regulations to be observed by the Tacksrnen
who have obtained leases of Farms on the Island of Tyree." It appears from
this paper that in Tyree, as elsewhere in the Highlands, the small tenants
were still holding and cultivating in what was called "runrig," and is still
called in Ireland "rundale," that is to say, under a system of management
which is absolutely incompatible with the very first germs of agricultural
improvement. The possession of each tenant was divided into innumerable
separate little plots of land—none of which remained in his possession for
more than a year or a couple of years, the various plots and patches being
re-divided each year by lot. It was of course the interest and duty of
proprietors to put an end to this system, and by no other agency than
proprietary power and right could it have been abolished. Like all ancient
and barbarous customs it was clung to most tenaciously, although after a
little experience of separate possessions the tenants generally soon
acknowledged the superiority of the new system. Accordingly, it was laid
down as the first and foremost of the new conditions that "runrig"
possession of "corn farms" (arable land) were to be entirely abolished, and
every tenant was to occupy (by himself or servants, without subletting) a
distinct separate possession, more or less extensive, according to his
ability, not below the extent of a four mail land.
This last condition is especially
interesting, as showing again, in a definite form, the opinion then
entertained by the proprietor and his advisers as to the minimum size of
farm which would constitute a comfortable living for a tenant. A "mail land"
was a division which included four of the smaller divisions called a "soum,"
and each "soum" represented the grass of one cow, or of two two-year-old
cattle, or of five sheep, so that each tenant was to have at least a farm
capable of holding 16 cows, or 32 young cattle, or 80 sheep. This is,
indeed, a very comfortable little farm, and would generally be rented now at
more than £30. In other words, they would not be crofts at all, but would
belong to the class of small farms.
Another important fact we learn from
this paper is that the selection of persons to fill the new farms or crofts
was not made arbitrarily by any favouritism, but was settled by public roup.
No right of possession either by custom or otherwise was claimed or thought
of by any tenant or sub-tenant on the island. They had generally held by
Lease for definite periods, or as sub-tenants at will under the individual
Tacksman. The new arrangement was made when the Leases came to an end, and
when the proprietor by virtue of the expiry of these Leases came again into
full possession of the land. The small tenants were taken bound to build the
houses and the march fences between each other at their own expense; and as
community of possession could not be abolished upon the common pasture land,
as it was now abolished on the arable land, the tenants were taken bound to
submit to and observe any regulations laid down by the factor for the "souming,"
or amount of stock to which each tenant should be limited. The prohibition
of ploughing up the sandy land, or links, completed the principal
regulations which were laid down, and which sufficiently indicate both the
wretched husbandry of the preceding times, and the real source from which
all improvement came in the times which were to follow.
Two years later, in 1778, a farther
report, going in detail into each farm, emphasises the same principles of
improvement,—remarks on the poor and scanty kinds of grain which were raised
in the Island, points out that the ignorance of the people was due
principally to their total isolation and want of communication with the
mainland, and recommends the establishment of regular sailing packet-boats.
Notes upon this report, in the Duke's handwriting, make it evident that he
had gone minutely into it; and that, from this date to the end of the
century, that is, during the following two-and-twenty years, a great deal
had been done in dividing several farms into good-sized separate
possessions, and in clearing them of a scattered surplus population, which
was transplanted where their labour would be available for agriculture and
for fishing. The Duke had then also tried to encourage the fisheries, by
keeping men in his own employment; but this was a failure, as the men, being
independent of success, were idle and drunken. The reporter, wishing to go
out in a boat to try the fishing, had found the Duke's fishermen so drunk
that they could not take him. I mention this circumstance, which occurred
now more than a century ago, because it enables me to record the fact of a
signal change for the better in the habits of the people. The fishermen of
Tyree are now as sober as they are industrious. Indeed, I question whether
there is any part of the Highlands where drunkenness is less common—a result
to which I hope and believe that I have contributed something in never
having granted a site for any public-house to be established on the Island.
In the Leases given by the Duke, from
1776 onwards, I find that the erection of houses, and of march fences in the
form of dikes, was made, an obligation on the tenants themselves, and that
this kind of improvement was therefore done under specific agreement that it
was to be held as done for valuable consideration received in the Lease, and
in the moderate rent offered and accepted. These Leases are farther
remarkable for the proof they afford, if, indeed, any proof were needed,
that it was solely by the influence and authority of the proprietor that
various old barbarous habits of cultivation, or rather of waste, were
abolished and abandoned, such as burning of the surface, and others, the
very names of which are now obsolete and forgotten.
This appears to be the proper place
to notice the rise of the trade in kelp, manufactured by the burning of
drift and cut seaweed—a product which began to be valuable about the middle
of the last century. It is not, however, till we come to the report of 1778
that any specific mention is made of the kelp trade. But in that report the
quantity of kelp which could be produced on the shores of several farms, on
an average, is mentioned in the report on these farms. The amount, however,
mentioned is very inconsiderable, and it is evident that the returns from
kelp had not at that time become any large part of the value of the Island.
But towards the close of the century, and on to 1810-12, the produce of the
Island in kelp very often exceeded the whole agricultural rental; and the
system which seems to have been adopted as regards the price paid to the
tenants of the farms on the shores of which the kelp was produced, is
perhaps the most important fact which helps to explain the subsequent
economic condition of the people. So large a share in the price of the kelp
seems to have been allowed to the tenants, and to have been accepted from
them to account of their rents, that very often they had no rent at all to
pay for their purely agricultural possessions. In the years from 1800 to
1808, for example, the island seems to have produced somewhere from 200 to
300 tons of kelp, which in the later part of this period became worth from
£10 to £12 per ton. After deducting all expenses, this quantity yielded a
sum nearly equal, or sometimes exceeding, the whole agricultural rental; and
in the estate accounts the factor is found discharging himself of that
rental altogether by setting off against it the return of kelp. I have
letters and papers written by my grandfather, in which he points out that
under these conditions the tenants had their land practically rent free, and
concludes from this circumstance, and from his knowledge of the stock and
crop raised in the Island, that the rental must have been, even then, far
below the real value of the land. The indisputable facts upon which he
founded this conclusion were mainly these—that whereas the whole rental of
the Island was then about £1000, there were not less than 13,000 acres of
fertile land out of which that rental could be met, without taking into
account at all the very large sum made by the tenants out of their share of
the kelp. The Island was even then known to produce 1000 boils of barley.
This, together with the kelp, would produce far more than the whole rent. "I
allow," said the Duke, in explaining his calculation, "all the oats, all the
potatoes, all the lint, all the sheep, all the milk, butter, cheese,
poultry, eggs, fish, &c., which in other countries are sold to contribute
rent—I allow all these to go for the support of the tenants, because I wish
them to live plentifully and happily."
It is quite needless to point out the
natural and inevitable consequence of such a condition of things. If it were
possible by the artificial cheapening of commodities to establish among any
people a higher standard of living than that to which they were accustomed,
this benevolence might have been successful. But it is not possible. The
establishment of higher standards of living must come by exertion, and by
thrift,—not by gratuitous benefits which dispense with both. Accordingly
this unnatural lowering of rent, by allowing a wholly extraneous produce to
stand in lieu of it,—and all this consequent temporary abundance had the
reverse effect. It did not produce wealth or comfort, but, on the contrary,
only poverty and indigence. It removed every check upon the law under which
population tends to press upon the limits of subsistence. It supplied an
insuperable temptation and encouragement to an improvident multiplication of
the people, to wasteful habits, and to a systematic breach of the conditions
against the reckless subdivision of farms or crofts. When it is remembered
further that the period I have now reviewed was contemporary with the
introduction and spread of the potato, and of inoculation, which put an end
to the old ravages of smallpox, we can readily understand the results which
Accordingly, we find that the
population of the Island, which so late as 1769 had only amounted to 1676
persons, had in 1802 multiplied to a total of 2776. And the same rate of
multiplication was then going on, and was even rising. The parish registers
have been lost up to 1784. But from that year (inclusive) to the end of the
century, we have a list of the yearly births and of the yearly marriages.
The births in the year 1800 were 116, and the marriages were 41. The last is
a far higher rate of marriages to population than now prevails in the most
thriving cities of the country.
It is in a paper of a little later
date—1802—that we have by far the most able and detailed account of the
agriculture of Tyree, and the most vivid picture of the condition to which
by over-population and subdivision the inhabitants were then reduced. This
Report was drawn up by Mr. Maxwell of Aros—a gentleman whose name was widely
known in the first quarter of the present century as my grandfather's
chamberlain on his estates in Mull and Morvern. It was in his house at Aros
that the many distinguished men in literature and in science who came to
visit Staffa and Iona were hospitably received, and were forwarded on the
journey by which alone at that time those Islands could be approached. His
name is linked with a distinguished man and a distinguished family of our
own time—for Mr. Maxwell became the grandfather of the late Dr. Norman
Macleod, through a daughter whose most beautiful and venerable old age of
nearly one hundred years came to its close but a very short time ago. Mr.
Maxwell's Report to my grandfather in 1802 is a model of what may be called
the scientific treatment of such a subject. He shows that there were then
319 tenants of crofts so small that even under better management they were
inadequate to support a family, whilst under the wretched husbandry which
actually prevailed, they were, of course, still more incapable of doing so.
Many of these crofts barely fed two cows, and an extravagant number of
horses reduced the grazing of these cows almost to the starvation point. One
consequence was that the cows did not produce a calf above once in two or
three years, so that they afforded little profit to the tenants "either in
the way of milk or rearing." But this was not all. Preying upon the tenants
of these small possessions there was besides a whole host of cottars who had
no land of their own, —but who, nevertheless, kept cattle and horses for the
collection and transport of sea-weed, and these cattle and horses being
wholly unrestrained by adequate fences, impoverished still more the common
pasture, and must have trespassed continually even on the crofts themselves.
Very naturally, Mr. Maxwell denounced this condition of things as a
"shameful abuse and oppression upon the tenants, hampered as they themselves
were for want of room." Everything else was of a piece. The barley raised
upon the Island is described as "of the meanest quality:" and it appears
from many passages of the correspondence of this time, that it had been
largely used for illicit distillation. From a careful calculation of the
maximum produce of the crofts, consisting of "one mail land," it is shown
that, allowing only about one-sixth part for rent, the remaining five-sixths
could not support the tenants "except in penury." Mr. Maxwell pointed out
the great difficulties in the way of remedying a state of things so
desperate,—difficulties increased tenfold by the mental condition of the
people. "It is proper," he says, "to remark to your Grace that the general
poverty of the tenants, in consequence of the Practice of breaking down
their possessions into inconsiderable shares—their stubborn attachment to
old customs— the idleness of their habits—and their total ignorance of any
better system of management, oppose very arduous obstacles to the
improvement of the Island." Not that Mr. Maxwell had any doubt of its great
natural fertility, for he suggests among other things that some regularly
bred and practical farmer should be introduced into the Island to show the
people that the soil on which they were only saved from starving by the
extraneous resources of the kelp trade was "capable of producing returns of
which they had no conception." He pointed out, however, that even this
measure would be necessarily slow in its operation, since "the general
poverty of their circumstances conspired with the general idleness of their
habits and the backwardness of their knowledge," to render hopeless the
possibility of such examples being followed. Mr. Maxwell had no doubt of the
necessity of at least one remedy. He declared his opinion that not less than
one thousand people should be assisted to emigrate to America or Canada. The
people themselves had come to wish it. My grandfather, though averse, had
also come to entertain the proposal. But just at that time one of these
panics had arisen about the evils of emigration and depopulation which seem
to he of periodical recurrence. A committee of the Highland and Agricultural
Society, of which my grandfather was president, had sat upon the subject.
They had treated emigration as a national calamity. They had recommended
every conceivable expedient—each one more absurd than another—for preventing
the people from seeking a land of greater abundance. They had advised the
making of roads by Government—the making of canals by Government—the
establishment of Government bounties upon fishing —bounties upon building
villages—bounties upon crofting - bounties upon building boats - bounties
upon anything and everything that could be thought of as bribes and baits to
induce the swarming multitudes not to swarm, and not to establish new hives.
Under the pressure of this panic, Parliament had been induced to interpose
obstacles on emigration by artificial regulations and restraints. My
grand-father also was under pressure from different directions. In order to
constitute proper crofts it was absolutely necessary to dispossess many
families who had squatted on minute subdivisions. He desired also to give
land to many fishermen. And last, perhaps not least, the military instincts
of the old Field-Marshal made him desirous of accommodating some discharged
soldiers of the "Fencible Regiments" which had been raised under him. For
all these three classes of men, therefore, he desired to constitute crofts
on the plan which he had long conternplated—crofts, if possible, of not less
than "four mail lands."
It seems to have been to meet this
condition of things that my grandfather John, the fifth Duke, agreed to
divide some farms, hitherto let to single tenants; and in 1803 Balemartine
was let to thirty-eight crofters, whilst no less than fifty-six applicants
are mentioned in one of his notes as anxious to be provided for out of other
farms in a similar manner. These crofts, however, seem to have been of a
tolerable size, from eight to ten acres.
It does not appear that my
grandfather had present to his mind the danger of the course he was
pursuing. He had indeed some misgivings. But nobody at that time could
foresee the scientific discoveries, and the changes in tariffs, &c., which
within a few years were to put an end to the large profits derived by the
tenantry, as well as by proprietors, from the manufacture of kelp; nor did
he, perhaps, sufficiently consider that even if that manufacture had
continued on the same scale, the increase of population, if not somehow
checked, would soon overtake its supplies: and that unless his successors
enforced strictly the prohibitions against subdivision, the inevitable
result would be a vast semi-pauper population.
These dates are, however, interesting and important, as
showing how unfounded are the impressions now common among the people as to
the antiquity of their occupation of the small crofts which many of them
still possess. In Tyree the great majority of these crofts were not more
than about forty years old when the crash of the potato famine came in 1846.
And so far from the possessions held by the tenants having long belonged to
themselves or their "ancestors," these possessions were either given to them
by the special favour of the proprietor at a very recent period, or were
still later acquired by irregular sub- divisions against the rules and
regulations of the estate.
All these causes of impoverishment were doubtless
aggravated by the death of my grandfather in 1806, and the succession of
George, the sixth Duke of Argyll, during whose life of thirty-three years
the restraining and regulating power of a landlord was comparatively in
abeyance. Nothing but this power, steadily exercised, could have checked the
ruinous tendency towards subdivision, or supplied the knowledge and the
foresight which are invariably wanting to a population living under such
The result was what might have been expected. Mr. Maxwell
of Ares lived to see that result in melancholy operation. Nineteen years
after his report to my grandfather, he was again called upon to report to
his successor on the condition of Tyree. In 1822 be was obliged to report
that, as a "natural consequence" of the system adopted, "the families have
now multiplied to such an unmanageable degree that the whole produce of the
Island is hardly sufficient for their maintenance, and the crowded
population on its surface exhibit in many instances cases of individual
wretchedness and misery that perhaps are not to be found in any part of
Scotland." The farms which had long been possessed by small tenants were now
found to contain 2869 souls, whilst the five farms which had been broken up
into small lots now contained no less than 1080. The potato disease was as
yet unknown, but the ordinary vicissitudes of the seasons are always at hand
to punish glaring departures from sound economic laws. 1821 wits a year of
extraordinary drought, and on the light sandy soils of Tyree the crops were
almost a total failure. The cattle were almost starved, and were so lean as
to be unsaleable. Kelp was again the only resource. There was an
extraordinary supply of it in 1821. By this means and by wholesale
remissions of rent, the crisis was tided over; but no permanent remedy was
applied, and so matters went on again in the old rut. In the course of
forty-three years from my grandfather's subdivision of the farms,—with
little or no increase of agricultural production, and an immense deficit in
a manufacturing resource,—the population had nearly doubled, so that when
the crash of the potato failure came in 1846 it exceeded 5000 souls, whilst
the small crofts had been so much farther subdivided as to number 380, of
whom all but a mere fraction were below £10 rent, and the great majority
(218) were even below £5. Of these last, again, a very large number were as
low as 30s. and £3. There were, besides, a large population of cottars who
were without any land, employed, in so far as they worked at all, in fishing
and very casual labour.
When the potato famine came in 1846, the destitution of
the people was as severe as under such circumstances it could not fail to
be. Not only was there great distress, but there was danger of actual
starvation. My father, John, seventh Duke of Argyll, was then in possession
of the estate; but as he was in feeble health, I was obliged to take a
principal share in devising measures of relief, and as he died in the spring
of the following year, 1847, I consider myself practically responsible for
the management of the estate from the date of the potato failure in 1846. A
large sum was spent in providing meal for the people, and another large sum
in assisting as many as were willing to emigrate to Canada. I have not
beside me at this moment any note of the exact number who went to Canada,
but in the course of four years it exceeded a thousand souls. The whole of
this was a purely voluntary emigration, for a great portion of which I paid
the whole cost myself, whilst assisting in the expenses of the remainder. In
1851 the people were still eager to go, and I print in an Appendix to this
paper the remarkable petition which they sent to me and to the Government
seeking further aid towards emigration. I saw, however, that emigration was
not the only remedy which the condition of the Island required. Active steps
were taken to give employment to the people in draining, in the making of
roads, and in various other agricultural improvements. As the rents of the
crofters could not be generally collected, these outlays had to be provided
for out of other resources; in fact, I was myself compelled to borrow a
large sum; and it is needless to point out that this outlay could not have
been provided for at all had the Island belonged to a proprietor depending
wholly on its own rental, and still less had it been divided into smaller
Nor did this condition of affairs pass off immediately, or
even soon. During the four years from 1846 to 1850 the sum spent on
improvements in Tyree and the: Ross of Mull was £7,919, or, including
incidental expenses, upwards of £8,000, of which the greater part —about
£6,373—was in drainage alone. This was in addition to the sums spent in
emigration and in the distribution of meal, which could not be repaid either
in money or money's worth. In the report of Sir John M'Neill to the Board of
Supervision on the Condition of the Highlands and Islands in 1851, he
states, from documents then before him, that during the previous four years
there had been expended on wages and gratuities to the inhabitants a sum
exceeding the whole revenue derived from the property by £4,680, which
amount, as well as the cost of management, must have been derived from other
sources. This is quite true, and is, indeed, a good deal understated. During
those years no part of the income derivable from the Island was spent out of
it, and the outlays it needed constituted a heavy drain on other resources.
In the year 1851 the reduction of the population to 3706,
and the return of some favourable seasons, brought about the beginning of a
better condition of things. But my outlays on improvements, for the sake of
employing the people, and for the sake of increasing the produce of the
Island, continued to be heavy. In the seven years from the famine to 1851
these outlays exceeded £10,160, of which the greater part was in drainage.
I had by this time begun to find that the outlays on
emigration had produced one bad effect—namely this, that the people
conceived it to be a boon not to themselves, but only to the proprietor, and
were disposed to rely upon him entirely in regard to it. I therefore ceased
altogether to offer it to them, leaving it entirely to their own suggestion,
although I was always willing to help when occasion required. Sir John
M'NeilI, in his Report of 1851, mentions that in that year there were 900
persons then anxious to go to join their friends in Canada, from whom good
accounts had been received. This number would very nearly have reduced the
population to the figure at which it stands at present, that figure being,
according to the census of 1881, 2700. It may be roughly assumed, therefore,
that the 900 persons who were anxious to go in 1851 represent those who have
actually gone from one time to another during the last thirty years.
I may now at once explain to the Commission the principle
on which I determined to proceed in the improvement of the Island from the
moment when the first extreme pressure of the years of actual destitution
had passed away. I was satisfied that the population was excessive, arising
from the causes to which I have referred, and from the ruinous habits of
subdivision which had been inseparable from the improvidence which is at
once the cause and consequence of increasing poverty and of a low standard
of living. Sir John M'Neill points out that the whole rental of the Island,
if divided among its population even at the reduced figure at which it stood
in 1851, would not have afforded crofts of a higher value than which is
much too small for the subsistence of a family.
But although I was convinced of the necessity of a further
reduction in the numbers of the people, and especially of a consolidation of
the crofts so that they should be of a comfortable size, I had an
insuperable objection to taking any sudden step in that direction such as
might be harsh towards the people. I thought it my duty to remember that the
improvidence of their fathers had been at least seconded, or left unchecked,
by any active measures, or by the enforcement of any rules by my own
predecessors who had been in possession of the estate. I regarded myself,
therefore, as representing those who had some share in the responsibility,
although that responsibility was one of omission and not of commission.
On the other hand, it seemed to me that if, for the
future, rules against subdivision were steadily enforced, and if every
opportunity were as steadily taken to make good use of the vacancies in
crofts which might arise by death, by migration, and by emigration, some
progress would be made by a slow but sure process towards a better condition
of things.
Accordingly, I determined not only to avoid anything like
what has been called a "clearance," but, as a rule, not even to allow any
individual evictions or dispossession of the existing crofters, except for
the one cause of insolvency or non-payment of rent. During the thirty years
which have elapsed between 1853 and 1883, there has been only one solitary
case of the eviction of a crofter by Warrant of the Sheriff, in the whole
Island of Tyree ; and this was an eviction made, not in the interest of the
Proprietor, but in the interest of the neighbouring tenants. [Certain
statements to the contrary on subject recently made in the press are as
false as those made in the same quarter in respect to the occupation of
Widows. it is possible, however, that these statements may be due to the
ignorance which confounds between forcible evictions and the ordinary
"Summonses of Removal," which are issued as a matter of course on all
changes of tenancy.]
Further, I determined that in all cases when a croft
became vacant by any of the causes just mentioned, it should, if possible,
not be reoccupied by itself, even when a higher rent could be got by doing
so, but should be added to some adjacent croft, if any one of the neighbours
was capable of managing arid stocking the consolidated possessions.
On the other hand, I never contemplated, and could never
have approved of cutting up and dividing among crofters the few farms on the
island which in 1846 were still held by individual tenants, and all of which
had been so held for a long period of time. Most of them had never been
possessed by the class of crofters. None of the crofters had capital or
knowledge fitting them at that time for the profitable occupation of farms
of even a moderate size. The farms held by single tenants were the only
farms which afforded any immediate prospect of a great increase of
production—they were good customers for the cattle of the crofters—and they
were the only field upon which the benefits of good farming could be held up
to the example and imitation of the poorer people. Tyree is almost singular
among the Hebrides in this—that there are no waste lands, properly so
called, upon it. There are no moors—no mosses to be reclaimed. The old
mosses have been long exhausted and cut away to the very bones of rock and
I wish the Commission, therefore, distinctly to
understand, that with one single exception which I shall refer to presently,
what may be called the large farms in Tyree have not been gained at the
expense of the crofters. On the contrary, in Tyree the process so much
complained of elsewhere has been reversed. The crofters now possess farms
which up to a late date were held by single "Tacksmen;" whilst in one case
only have individual tenants, now occupying the larger farms, replaced the
regular crofting population as it stood in 1846. A few families who belonged
to what may be called the class of squatters, and who had settled upon one
or two of these farms, occupying upon part of them very small bits of land,
were among the number of those who emigrated, or were subsequently moved.
But with the one exception above-mentioned, the only other example of any
considerable removal of crofters is a case in which both the cause and the
consequences were entirely different. It arose from insolvency and
non-payment of rent. And in this case the farm was not let to a new tenant,
but was divided between four of the existing crofting tenants, in respect to
whom there was good hope that with larger and more comfortable possessions
they would be able to prosper. This hope has not been disappointed. The farm
I refer to is the farm of Maunal—formerly subdivided into twenty-three
crofts, or rather fragments of crofts, rented at from to 30s. each. This
farm is now held by three tenants who have risen from among the rest, of
whom two pay rents which place them above the crofting line (£30), whilst
the other (a widow) has a croft not much below it (£24, 14s. 6d.).
The one exceptional case of a farm now held by a single
tenant which in 1847 was held by crofters, is no less remarkable as an
illustration of the varieties of circumstance which must determine such
results. It is the farm of Hillipol, which had come to be subdivided into
twenty crofts so small that one quarter of the whole number were under £2
value, six others were under value, and none exceeded £5 value. In 1847,
however, three of them had become vacant and were in my own hands. This was
one of the farms on which I determined to expend a large sum in drainage. It
was good strong land, but in miserable condition from wet and from the most
wretched cultivation. During four years nearly £1000 had been spent in
draining and fencing. The tenants had been generally in arrear even at the
old rents, and none of them could pay the interest on the outlay, which the
land under better management could more than well afford. They naturally
fell further into arrear, and were obviously incapable of managing and
stocking the farm in its improved condition. The result was unavoidable that
during the years of emigration and of insolvency affecting this very poor
class of crofts, the tenants of Hillipol were amongst the number of those
who disappeared. In 1853 the greater part of the farm was in my own hands.
It has since been let as one farm, and it is a signal evidence of the
immense increase of production which arises on land well managed, and held
by men having sufficient capital, that the rental of this farm has risen
from £62 in 1847 to £376 in 1883,—this increase, however, having arisen not
without large and renewed outlay on draining and fencing.
The case of Mannal is, I think, a typical case of the
process to which we can alone look for the improvement and successful
establishment of a class of small farmers. Those who eked out a living
between bad farming and bad fishing,—and occasional labour not much higher
in quality than the farming or the fishing,—will generally thrive best by
pursuing one or other of these occupations by itself, whilst those who are
devoted to agriculture can only thrive upon possessions of a certain minimum
size. In Tyree generally this result could only be attained upon the
principles before explained by a very slow and gradual process. But by that
process steadily pursued it has been attained at least to a very
considerable extent; and I shall now give to the Commission the figures
which indicate that result.
In 1846 there were no less than 218 crofts, or bits of
crofts, below £5 value. In 1880-81 there were only 34 left of this very poor
class. Between £5 and £10 value there were in the same year 102, whereas
there are now only 68. On the other hand, the next class, between £10 and
£20 value, has been increased and recruited from 38 to 72, whilst the still
more comfortable class, between £20 and £50, has been raised in number from
5 to 26, and of these no inconsiderable proportion has been lifted
altogether above the crofter limit of 30, and the tenants are now ranked
among the farmers.
Although I am aware that the special subject of the
Commission over which your Lordship presides is the crofter class, it is
impossible to consider fully the position occupied by that class (below £30)
in any particular locality such as Tyree without taking into account the
number of small farms above that line which have been created out of the
consolidation of crofts, and are now held by precisely the same class of
men, but who have risen by the opportunities which I have thus afforded to
them. In connection with this most important part of the objects at which I
have aimed I may mention a particular case. A good many years ago advantage
was taken of various vacancies to constitute one little farm above the
crofting line on the old single farm of Cornaigbeg. In order to complete
this possession, and to square off its little fields, it became desirable to
get rid of one small croft which stood in the way. It was held by a widow. I
desired my factor to offer to her another croft which was vacant, which was
quite as good, and was not a hundred yards off. But he had to report to me
that nothing could induce the worthy old woman to move, and asked whether I
wished him to apply for a summons of removal. I replied that I was most
unwilling to take any forcible steps in the matter; but I enclosed a
personal letter to the widow explaining the reasons which made me wish that
she should exchange crofts, and assuring her that I did not wish her to be
in any way injured by the change. This letter was at once successful, and
the widow removed to the croft offered her in exchange. A very few years
later a much larger farm than that from which she moved became vacant, and
it was advertised to be let. When the offers came in, I was much surprised
to find that my old friend the widow, who had been so reluctant to move from
a small croft, was much the most eligible offerer for the vacant farm, and
she is now, I hope, comfortably installed in a possession which is not only
far above the crofting line, but is relatively even a large farm. I do not
know any circumstance which has ever arisen in my management of Tyree which
gave me more pleasure. Last year I called upon her in her new home, in which
I hope she may be as successful as I wish her to be.
Another case I may mention is one which has occurred on
the farm of Hianish. This farm, when I succeeded to the estate, was
subdivided into sixteen very poor crofts, most of them below £3 rent, and
only one as high as £6. But this last was held by a crofter, Niel M'Kinnon,
who had given an admirable education to a fine family of sons, most of whom
had entered the commercial marine, and one of whom became highly
distinguished as captain of one of the fastest "Clipper" ships trading to
China. The father died leaving a widow who was justly proud of her sons, and
the late Duchess and I were almost as proud of her satisfaction in them. In
the course of years she lost them all but I have had the great pleasure of
enlarging her croft steadily as vacancies occurred around her, and of
associating with her in the possession her daughter and her son-in-law, who
were alone left to carry on the succession of a most meritorious family. I
am happy to say that my old friend Widow M'Kinnon is still alive, and in
possession of a little farm of £50 rental, where I often visit her, and
where I trust she and her descendants may continue to be found for many and
many a long day.
Another excellent example is the case of the farm of
Scarnish. In 1847 it had come to be subdivided between fifteen tenants—most
of them with possessions of the very smallest class—ranging from 20s. to £3
rent. But one of the tenants afforded a nucleus for consolidation, as he
already possessed four of the subdivisions, and paid £6, 16s. of rent. But
even this small advantage, with a corresponding share of intelligence and of
industry, gave to this crofter a start, of which he has known how to take
advantage, whilst it has been a pleasure and a satisfaction to me to reward
his exertions. As others fell back in the race, he has pressed forward. It
has been a regular case—not of the substitution of a stranger but of the
promotion of a native. It has been an illustration of the "survival of the
fittest." I have lately had the satisfaction of seeing this fine old man -
Allan Macfadyen - hale and vigorous at the age of eighty-six, the tenant of
the largest part of the whole farm, and sharing it with one other only of
the original crofters, who has risen like himself out of that class, and now
holds a little farm above the £30 line.
There are several other farms on the Island which belong
to the same class, ranging above £50 and below £200 a year, and these are
all occupied by natives of the Island, who once had much less comfortable
possessions. With regard to the old farms of still larger size, which had
long been held by individual tenants of the "Tacksmen" class, and had never
been subdivided, none of the crofters have had capital enough to start them,
or knowledge to manage them to the best advantage. Nor has this been
otherwise than a great benefit. The jealousy of: "strangers" coming into
such farms is perhaps the: most ignorant, if it be the most natural, of all
the Protean forms which the desire of "Protection to Native Industry"
assumes. Nothing tends more directly to the stagnation of agriculture in
such a distant Island as Tyree than that its people should never see the
example and results of a higher agriculture than that which has been
represented by their own old habits and traditions. The introduction of new
blood is the greatest of all stimulants in such districts, and without it
there would be no advance.
I can specify one signal illustration. The pasturage of
Tyree is particularly rich in clovers, and in grasses of the most nutritious
kind. Consequently it is admirably and almost specially adapted to
dairy-farming. But dairy-farming was wholly unknown in the Island until I
took pains to introduce it. The breeding of Highland cattle and of sheep,
together with the growth of potatoes, barley, and oats, constituted the
whole agriculture of the Island. But when the large farm of Bahephetrish
became vacant some twenty-two years ago, I instructed my factor to look out
for a tenant from the low country who should be a dairy-farmer. The
disadvantages of residence in a remote Island, the character of which was
little known in the low country, made this a matter of some difficulty, and
involved a very considerable outlay in buildings adapted for the purpose.
But a tenant was found. The experiment has answered perfectly. The pasturage
of Tyree has proved itself to be admirably and specially adapted to the
production of cheese of a high quality, and to the healthy condition of a
fine herd of first-class Ayrshire cows. I have had the pleasure lately of
renewing the Lease to the son of the tenant who began the enterprise, Mr.
Barr of Balephetrish, and who, I have every reason to believe, found it
profitable. But this kind of farming, for which the rich and abundant
pastures of Tyree are more suited than for any other, is one which cannot be
adopted by very small crofters. I am not without hopes that it may be
prosecuted, by crofters of the more substantial class, at some future day,
when the great care and great cleanliness which are necessary for the
production of really good cheese and butter have been established.
established among the people.
I am happy to say that I have seen great progress among
the crofters during the thirty years and upwards which have elapsed since
actual distress ceased. For a good many years, it required stringent rules
and regulations to establish anything like a regular rotation of cropping.
Nor is this to be wondered at, considering the very short time which had
elapsed since their fathers knew nothing better than the old barbarous "runrig"
system. The cultivation of the crofts still leaves much to be desired. The
little corn-fields are often yellow with weeds. But some turnips are now
cultivated, and there are crofts in which a marked improvement has been made
on the old traditionary system. I have been lately offering some prizes for
the best cultivated crofts, and the judges have informed me that the number
of tenants who have done well in this matter has made selection difficult.
These are only special cases, which illustrate the system
I have pursued, and the nature of a process which has produced a marked and
steady improvement in the condition of the smaller tenants. In direct
proportion as the most capable among them have been selected for the
enlargement of their possessions, and as progress has been made towards the
establishment of a variety of large crofts and of small farms, the general
level of the whole population has been distinctly raised. Some special
circumstances affecting Tyree make it more favourable than other, districts
in the Highlands for small farmers. In the first place, although it is much
exposed to gales of wind, and there is comparatively little shelter, yet the
climate in other respects is far better than that of the mainland. There is
much less rain, the rainfall scarcely exceeding the average of from 35 to 40
inches. [I fully expect that "far on in summers which I shall not see" the
Island of Tyree will be a great resort for health. Its strong yet soft
sea-air—its comparative dryness—its fragrant turf, full of wild thyme and
white clover—its miles of pure white sandy bays, equally pleasant for
riding, driving, or walking, or for sea bathing— and last, not least, its
unrivalled expanses for the game of golf—all combine to render it most
attractive and wholesome in the summer months. My own tastes would lead me
to add as a special recommendation its wealth of sky ringing with the song
of skylarks, which are extraordinarily abundant] There is also a great deal
more sunshine than on the mainland. Snow hardly ever lies. The pastures are
naturally very rich. Moreover, the island is admirably suited to poultry,
and there is annually a very large export of eggs, amounting, I have reason
to believe, to not less than 50,000 dozen. This export represents a revenue
to the small tenants from this source alone of at least £1,500. The lighter
soils produce good barley and excellent oats—crops which are early ripe—and
if the sowing were a little earlier than the traditions of the people have
made it, the harvests, I believe, would more often avoid the severe gales
which not infrequently do considerable damage. Then, potatoes have often
escaped the disease in Tyree during seasons when it was destructive on the
mainland, and a few years ago high prices were obtained by the tenants for
the seed potatoes which they raised. Lastly, the quality of the cattle,
which is one of the staple products of the island, partakes of the superior
quality of the pasture on which they feed, and I have endeavoured, by
arrangements for the occasional purchase of good bulls, to prevent the
decline in that quality, which is very apt to arise among crofters who have
not capital to buy in good new stock with sufficient frequency.
From all these causes combined, I rejoice to say, that
during the last thirty years I have had every reason to be satisfied with
the small tenants of Tyree. Until quite lately there has been very little
arrear, and they have met their engagements honestly. They have been a
quiet, sober, industrious, and generally a contented people. I have been
accustomed to regard them with some pride and satisfaction, as decidedly
superior to others of the same class in most other portions of the West
Highlands. During the last two seasons there have been some disastrous
gales, an unusually heavy rainfall, and some renewal of the potato disease.
But the general prosperity of the tenants has been apparent in everything,
and in nothing more apparent than in the comfort of their houses, which are
peculiar, and indeed unique in warmth and in solidity among the cottages of
the West Highlands. It will be observed that all the articles which Tyree
produces, and on which the small tenants depend, are articles in which there
has been no depression of prices, but on the contrary a great increase.
Wheat is not grown on the island, and wool is an article upon which the
crofting tenants do not largely depend in Tyree. Barley, oats, and potatoes
have maintained fair average prices for many years, and there has been an
immense increase in the price of the class of cattle on which the crofters
principally depend. At no time has the price been so high as during the last
few seasons. Tyree, therefore, cannot he said to have been exposed to any
one of the causes which have produced agricultural depression in other parts
of the kingdom. The only special cause injuriously affecting the crofters
has been the occurrence of one or two wet seasons, and the occurrence also
of some great gales of exceptional violence before the harvest had been
This general conclusion as to the exemption of Tyree from
the causes which have elsewhere produced agricultural depression, is a
conclusion established by the most conclusive of all proofs, and that is the
steady rise in the letting value of laud. And this rise has been tested by
the simplest and fairest of all tests—which is the price voluntarily and
eagerly offered for the hire of land by farmers of the capitalist class
bidding for the larger farms which have been open to competition. It is to
be remembered that as regards this class of tenant, the doctrine lately laid
down by Sir James Caird is absolutely and literally true, that the rent of
land is not determined by landlords but by tenants. As regards the small
crofters, this doctrine is modified to some extent by the local attachment
of a population, which may sometimes be induced to bid above value by the
desire or determination to remain where they are even at a sacrifice. But
there is no such element in the value set upon land by the capitalist class
of tenants, whose action is entirely determined by an intelligent
calculation of outlays and returns.
Taking this test, and applying it to seven of the larger
farms in Tyree, I find that on these farms the rental of 1847 has been
increased by about 220 per cent. The figures are—rental of 1847, £700.
Rental of 1883-84, £2260. I need not point out to your Lordship (although it
does seem necessary to point out to many other people) what this more than
tripling—in some cases the quintupling—of rental means. It means an enormous
increase of production. As rent is seldom more than one-third, and is
oftener not more than one-fifth of the total produce, the above figures mean
that the seven farms in question now turn out at least £6780 worth of human
food, instead of food to the value of only £2100.
This great rise of rent is not to be considered as an
example of any ordinary increase in the value of agricultural land. I have
elsewhere said that the first application of sheep to the mountains of the
Highlands was like the recovery of an immense area of country from the sea.
It is as stupid to object to it as it would be stupid to object to the
drainage of the "Bedford Level." The increase of value which has arisen on
some farms in Tyree, consequent on my change of management, is an increase
of a similar kind. It did not indeed arise as elsewhere on mountain land,
but on land arable and naturally fertile. But it did arise out of a series
of operations which have been equivalent to absolute reclamation from utter
waste. It is an increase of value measured not only by the height of a new
knowledge, but by the depths of a former ignorance. And this is the great
lesson to be learned from corresponding increments of value which have
arisen all over the Highlands. The squalid wretchedness of the older modes
of living and of husbandry, from the want of capital, and of knowledge, and
of industry, is the great fact to which it testifies. Such "leaps and
bounds" in productive value are not possible in any country where the
culture of each generation keeps abreast of time general line of progress in
its own day. They are only possible where there have been utter stagnation
and positive as well as relative decline. And this was the actual condition
of the Highlands during the times I have traced, from the rate of increase
in population, coupled with no increase at all in knowledge, or in capital,
or in industry. Hence, when all these conditions began to be reversed, a
contrast arose with the former wretchedness which seems incredible. So it
has been with the productive power of land in Tyree, where— but only
where—the farms could be rendered accessible to modern methods. This is the
explanation of the increase of rent upon such farms.
It is quite exceptional. It is more like the increase of
value which arises on the discovery of a new country. It may almost be said
to represent the first advent of civilization in the settlement of a new
land. The truth is that under the former system it can hardly be said that
the land was cultivated at all. It was simply wasted. The new value is a
value both discovered and created. It has arisen from the finding out of
adaptabilities unknown before, and from management which has turned these
adaptabilities to good account. By that management I have been enabled to
realise the prophecy made by Mr. Maxwell of Aros eighty years ago, that the
Island of Tyree was capable of producing returns of which the people then
"had no conception." The realisation of this estimate has been the combined
result of several causes—some of which may be specified:—first, there has
been very large outlay by the proprietor in draining, fencing, and building;
secondly, there has been the introduction of a new class of tenant bringing
into the Island a new industry, that of dairy farming; thirdly, there has
been the increased facilities of steam communication with the Island—almost
comparable with the approach of a new line of railway on the mainland;
fourthly, there has been the great rise in the value of sheep and cattle,
and the newly-discovered adaptation of the Island to the production of
superior stock and of early lambs; and last, not least, there has been the
substitution of men who prosecute farming as a business for men who simply
looked upon a farm as a dignified means of living without the necessity of
much. skill or the exercise of much activity. Perhaps there has seldom been
a case in which we have a more signal illustration of the fundamental value
of that old doctrine of the law of Scotland which makes the "Delectus
Person"— the choice of persons, or the right of choice in the selection of
tenants—the most essential of the duties and of the rights of ownership.
Without this right, and that intelligent exercise of it which is guided by
the most natural and legitimate motives, I am satisfied that there would
have been no increase in the agricultural produce of Tyree comparable to
that which has actually arisen, and the Island would have remained in a
comparatively stagnant, if even it had not fallen into a declining state.
I have brought these facts and considerations under the
notice of the Commission because they afford one very good criterion of the
justice of any complaints made by the smaller tenants as to the rents they
pay. I know of no class of men who deal in the hire or purchase of any
article, who would not eagerly testify to any Royal Commission that they
would like to get that article cheaper. In respect to no article would such
evidence be more eager than in respect to the price of cattle in which these
small tenants deal, not as purchasers, but as sellers. The larger farmers,
who deal in fat stock, have every cause to feel the stress of the very high
prices which they are now compelled to pay to the producers of lean stock.
They say that these prices leave them no margin for profit on feeding. The
small tenants, however, would hardly admit such an argument as calling for
any abatement of the price which the markets afford to them. Yet their own
complaints are not more reasonable. Their possessions are really worth
double or treble of what they were worth thirty-five years ago. Many of the
causes which have led to the rise in the value of land which has been so
signally proved in the case of the large farms, have been even more
applicable to them. In particular, the great rise in the value of cattle,
and very often of potatoes, they have had the full advantage of. The
increased facilities afforded by steam communication have been of equal or
even greater value to them in proportion as they have told on the prices of
pigs, eggs, poultry, and fish. The breeding and sale of horses have also
been a great source of profit—very little considered in the rent. Yet it
will be found on comparing the present rental of farms which are still
divided into small crofts, with the rental of the same farms as it stood
thirty years ago, that the rise of rental has been comparatively small—in
some cases quite trifling, and has borne no proportion whatever to the rise
in the real letting value of the land as tested by the rent readily obtained
for larger farms in the open market,—that is to say, when estimated
according to the capabilities of the soil by men with adequate capital who
know how to turn these capabilities to full account. The truth is that, if
we go back to a still earlier date, such as the years at the beginning of
the present century, there has been on some of the farms divided into crofts
not an increase but a positive decrease of rent. This has no doubt arisen
from the fact that at that time there was some mingling of kelp-rental with
agricultural rental, and that when the kelp failed there was some
readjustment of rents which were not purely agricultural. The only
considerable rise in crofter-rental since 1847 has been on the larger
consolidated crofts, and on the small farms erected out of them. It is
needless to say that consolidated crofts are always worth a great deal more
than the mere sum of their rents when separate. They can be more
economically worked, and there is a much larger proportionate surplus over
the cost of working. This alone accounts for all the rise of rent which has
accrued on the more comfortable possessions, whilst on many of the smaller
crofts the increase of rent has been almost nominal as compared with the
real increase of value.
Another test of rental may be taken from the careful
survey and valuation made in 1771, at which time the Island was calculated
to hold 2488 "soums" of cattle. This represents the same number of cows, and
double the number of young cattle. Now, as the average rental of a good
Highland cow with its "followers" upon such pastures is at present about £3,
it follows that the stock fed by the Island of Tyree, without allowing
anything for the improved pastures gained by drainage, and the improved
facilities of management gained by fences, would represent a rental of £7464
—which is a great deal more than the whole rental of the Island as it stands
at the present moment. Moreover, it is to be observed that this calculation
excludes all the other produce of the Island—the sheep, horses, and pigs,
the barley, oats, potatoes, and eggs, which it produces in abundance.
Farther still, it is to be noted that Ayrshire cows have been largely
substituted for Highland cattle, and that one Ayrshire cow is worth about
double the rental which is taken above as that for a Highland cow. I have
reason to believe that there are in the Island not less than 247 Ayrshire
cows, 2155 Highland cattle, 6500 sheep, 651 pigs, and 588 horses. It is
curious that this amount of stock, calculated at rates somewhat below the
market value, and allowing nothing at all for either horses or pigs,
represents a rental almost exactly the same as the rental calculated on the
old " Souming," namely, about £7400.
Perhaps I cannot use a better illustration of the scale of
rents in Tyree, than by taking an individual case. It happens to be one of
those many widows of whom the agitators have asserted that they are as a
rule evicted on my estate. The figures have been supplied to me, not from my
own agents, but from a less suspected source. It is the case of a croft
rented at a little more than £24. It is now reported to me as holding 7 milk
cows, 2 heifers, 8 "stirks," and 40 sheep. This amount of stock at the usual
rates would represent a rental of about £31; and would unquestionably fetch
that rent, and more, if let at the market value.
Taking all these data together, it seems quite clear that
the crofters' lands in Tyree are held generally at rents far below the full
value, and such as readily to account for the comparatively comfortable and
thriving aspect of the Island and of the people, as contrasted with most
other parts of the Highlands which are occupied by a similar class.
Passing now from the crofting and farming population, I
wish to bring to the notice of the Commission that in Tyree there is a very
large population of mere cottars, some of whom live by fishing, others by
labour obtained in the Island, and others again by going to service for some
part of the year to the low country. This population may be said, in the
language of geology, to be the detritus of the old subdivided crofters and
subtenants. I believe there are no less than about 300 families who live on
the Island without paying any rent either to the proprietor or to the
tenants. Some of them are brave, hardy, and successful fishermen, who in
some seasons earn a very fair living, and furnish a very considerable export
of salt fish. The annual average export of salt fish does not tall short, I
believe, of 100 tons—a quantity which, however considerable (representing
not less than £2000), might be and I hope will be, much increased. Among the
natives of the Hebrides who were helped to come up to see the late Fishery
Exhibition in London, there were no finer-looking men than some fishermen
from Tyree, and I felt no small pride and pleasure in their appearance when
they called upon me in London. The harvests of the sea are more precarious
than the harvests of the land. But the season of 1882 was one of the best on
record; and the price of good salted lung rose to the high figure of £30 per
ton. The fishermen of Tyree labour under a great disadvantage in the want of
any really safe and commodious harbour. The only natural harbour is not only
a tidal one, but the entrance is very narrow. On the west side of the
Island, which is nearest some of the best fishing-banks, there is nothing in
the nature of a harbour except some rocky bays, the entrance to which
involves considerable risk in dark and stormy weather. Yet for many years
fishermen from the East of Scotland have come regularly to Tyree, and have
carried off valuable cargoes of the finest salt ling. A good many years ago
I bought and fitted out one of the large powerful boats which are used by
these East Country fishermen, and some good work was done in her by the
natives of Tyree to whom she was lent. Of late, too, I have again offered to
two of my tenants who are enterprising fishermen a loan to enable them to
provide a new boat of the same class; and I hope this may soon be effected.
I regret to add that the advice of the most eminent engineers does not
encourage me to believe that on the open and stormy shores of Tyree exposed
everywhere to a tremendous surf—it would be possible to construct any really
safe harbour at any moderate, or indeed almost at any cost.
I have said that the cottar population of Tyree is the
detritus of the old subdivided crofting population but I ought to have added
that it is also in great measure the remains of the old kelp-burning or
kelp- gathering population, which had once been so lucratively employed. And
in connection with this subject, I have to relate to the Commission some
circumstances which exhibit in a very striking light the fact— too often
forgotten—that the wages of the labouring classes generally depend on
influences to which they themselves contribute nothing. There are, perhaps,
no sources of income so entirely due to the general progress of society, or
very often to the brains and inventiveness of other men, as the
opportunities of labour. The circumstances to which I refer are these. The
kelp trade had entirely ceased long before the potato failure of 1846. A few
tons were occasionally bought at a trifling price by some manufacturer in
Glasgow, but as any important resource to the population in the earning of
wages it had entirely failed. It was under these circumstances that,
twenty-one years ago, a copy of the "Pharmaceutical Journal of London" came
under my notice, which contained an interesting paper on the products of
seaweed. In this paper it was shown, as it seemed to me to demonstration,
that there were very valuable elements in seaweed, which were entirely
dissipated and lost by the old native mode of manufacturing kelp. That mode
was the burning of the seaweed in open kilns along the sea-shores; and the
author of the paper showed that this burning was most wasteful, and that, in
particular, almost all the iodine—at that time a most valuable product-was
evaporated in the fire. I was so interested in this paper, both in a
scientific and in a practical point of view, that I put myself in
communication with the author, Mr. C. C. Stanford. I laid before him all the
doubts which occurred to me whether the result of experiments on a small
scale in the laboratory would be borne out when like chemical operations
were required on a large scale, and in respect to so bulky a material as raw
seaweed. On his replying to the effect that he was satisfied of the
soundness of his calculations, I informed him that I could give him an ample
field to work on, the shores of an Island which had once supplied annually
from 200 to 300 tons of the old kelp;- that if his calculations were even an
approach to the actual results, the profits would be large to him, and would
afford once again an important industry to the people. He answered that he
was unable to supply the considerable amount of capital which would be
requisite, and on this ground alone declined my proposal. A few days later,
however, he informed me that he had reconsidered the matter, and thought he
could get together a small company which should undertake the experiment.
This was the origin of the Seaweed Company, which has since for twenty years
effected an important revival of the trade in seaweed and its products.
Continued changes in the market price of some of these products, arising out
of new mineral sources of supply, have since greatly deranged the original
calculations of Mr. Stanford. The rent he originally agreed to pay has never
been fully realised, and has now been reduced to an inconsiderable sum. But
his processes have not ceased to furnish employment to a large number of
persons, including women and children, who could not otherwise have had any
employment at all. I have been informed that in the season 1880–1881 the
people of Tyree made no less than 376 tons of kelp, and gathered no less
than 417 tons of "dry tangle," which, at the lowest calculation, must have
dispensed among the poorest classes not less than between £2000 and £3000.
Whatever may have been the amount of wages expended by this Company among
the working classes in Tyree,—and that amount must in the aggregate have
been very large during the last twenty years,—the whole of it has been
brought to them from causes to which they contributed nothing. It has been
due, in the first place, to Mr. Stanford's scientific knowledge and skill.
It has been due, in the second place, to the proprietor's notice and
appreciation of the prospects which Mr. Stanford's experiments afforded; and
it has been due in the third place to the proprietary right under which
alone Mr. Stanford could obtain, for his capital and for his riskful
enterprise, the requisite security of a Lease. I am glad to be informed by
Mr. Stanford that though the value of iodine and of potash has been so
greatly reduced as now to afford little profit, there is a prospect that
chemical science may discover some products entirely new which may become
I regret to observe that some of the people employed
complain of the Company resorting to the Truck system, and paying wages in
kind. I disapprove much of that system, but I know the extreme difficulty of
abolishing it, especially in remote districts, where there are no local
banks, and where very often it is for the convenience of both parties that
money's worth should pass as money. I am informed, moreover, that the
payments to the people are often made long in advance of the delivery of the
produce, and partakes largely of the nature of a payment to credit. In this
case there not only is no competition, but there can be none with the
Company, because there are no other traders in kelp, and no other chemists
who devote themselves to the methods of treatment devised by Mr. Stanford.
But it would be much better that the nominal rate of wages should be reduced
and regularly paid in money.
Before leaving the subject of the cottar or labouring
population of Tyree, I must point out to the Commission that in one
important matter the Island is specially unfitted for the comfortable
maintenance of any excess over the number which can be regularly and
profitably employed. I refer to the total exhaustion of the old peat mosses
which once existed on the Island, and which all over the Highlands generally
afford abundant fuel. This resource is wholly wanting in Tyree. There are no
peat, and the want of fuel compels all the people to buy coal, or to resort
to such expedients as the burning of the stalks of weeds, and even to the
destruction of manure by the burning of dried cow-dung. In some respects
this is perhaps hardly to be regretted. The time spent in the Highlands in
cutting, drying, stacking, and finally carrying peats, is so great, and the
uncertainty of the produce arising from wet seasons is also so great, that
peats are often in reality the dearest of all possible fuels, except to
people whose time cannot be more profitably employed; and it may therefore
be ultimately all that the people should feel the true cost of living on
Island, as compared with the resources which it affords in the employment of
Having now explained the general principles on which I
have proceeded in the management of Tyree, I may farther inform the
Commission that I have acted on precisely the same principles in respect to
that part of Mull, including Iona, on which my property had any crofter
tenants. I may add, however, that as regards the Ross of Mull especially,
the change for the better has been even more marked than in Tyree. But this
difference is due to the fact that in the Ross of Mull I started from a
still worse condition. The soil and the climate are both inferior to those
of Tyree. They are much less adapted to small crofts. Consequently the
pauperising results of subdivision were far more conspicuous. In 1846 and
the few following years, the aspect of the population, and of the numerous
wretched hovels erected by squatting cottars along the roadsides, was most
painful. It resembled nothing so much as the descriptions given of the
poorest parts of the Wrest of Ireland. The condition of most of the crofters
was almost indigent. No less than 102 of them had subdivisions rented below
£5, and of these a very large number were under £3 and £2. By the same
steady system of consolidation in favour of the most industrious crofters as
that followed in Tyree, all this has been completely changed. There are
still many crofts which I should like to see consolidated and enlarged. But
I have been most unwilling to hasten the process by dispossessing any
crofter who could pay his way at all. Progress has consequently been slow.
There are, however, now only twenty crofts under £5 value, whilst there are
nineteen between £5 and £10. Between £10 and £20 there are twenty-seven
crofts, whilst the number of crofts and small farms of the more comfortable
class between £20 and £50 has been raised from three to eight. Sums even
much larger than those spent on Tyree were spent by me for many years in
agricultural improvements on the Ross of Mull, all of which afforded
employment to the people—to such of them at least as were disposed to work.
The combined effect of all these operations has been a great and visible
improvement in the whole aspect of the people as well as of the country.
There is no better test than the test of pauperism, or the relation of the
poor's rate to the wealth of the community on which it is assessed. poor's
rate, which at one time was the heaviest in the Highlands—about 7s. in the
pound— has been reduced to proportions less oppressive to the industry of
the ratepayers. It is now only 2s. Well drained fields, substantially
enclosed by some of the finest "Galloway dikes" in Scotland, have replaced
spongy mosses and neglected pastures. Wire-fencing on an extensive scale has
been erected, and substantial steadings have been built; so that I question
whether in any part of the Highlands agricultural improvement has made more
rapid progress.
To sum up this part of the subject, I may here inform the
Commission that my expenditure on improvements, during the period under
review, upon the two estates of Tyree and Mull, including Iona, has been no
less than £53,610.
And here I may again point out to the Commission that the
increased rental which has been obtained on my estate in Mull during the
last thirty-five years has been obtained in the same way, and has been due
to the same causes as those which I have indicated in the case of Tyree. As
regards all the larger farms, the rents have been determined by the market
value offered by tenants who made their own estimate of value, and have had
sufficient knowledge and capital to work it out. As regards the crofter
class, competition alone has not generally determined rent, but it has been
determined by a sort of tariff founded on the value of cattle, and applied
to the stock of each croft. Whenever there has been any change of rent, my
instructions were to take the stock as rendered by the tenants themselves,
to apply to that stock the current rates, and then to deduct at least 10 per
cent. from the rent which would be applicable to the larger farms. As the
price of store or lean cattle has been steadily rising for many years, and
has never been higher than of late, I have every reason to know that the
tariff rates applied to that stock are moderate. For example, the rate
charged for each milk cow (with "followers" or calves) has been £3 for each
two-year-old beast £1. 10s., and for each "stirk," or one-year-old beast,
10s. For these same classes of cattle, the prices realised by the tenants
last year have varied from £10 to £14 for the higher class, from £8 to £13
for the second, and from £3, 10s. to £7 10s. for the third.
it is not very easy to compare with perfect fairness the
rise of rent upon crofts and the rise of rent upon farms. If a farm held
thirty-five years ago by one tenant, and now also held by one tenant, has
realised a large increase of rent, we know that this increase is due wholly
to better management. But in the case of a farm divided into crofts, a
similar rise in rent would not necessarily mean the same thing. If it were
coincident with a large reduction in the number of families living on the
land, and a consequent consolidation of the holdings, the rise in rent may
be largely due to this circumstance alone. The same amount of produce, or a
comparatively small increase of it, will afford a larger surplus over the
labour spent upon it, and over the subsistence of the cultivators. A rent
which would be excessive on a farm with a dozen families living upon it may
be far below the value when these families have been reduced to three or
four—even if there were little or no improvement in the management. But the
consolidation of miserable holdings always does coincide with some degree of
better management, and with some increased production. By itself, therefore,
the consolidation of such crofts is an element in value which is not
represented at all in the case of farms which have always been held by
single tenants. Consequently, when we compare the rise of rent during any
given period upon the two classes of farms, we should allow for this
difference. A given rise of rent without consolidation is equal to a great
deal more than the same rise where consolidation is included. The tenant of
the single farm pays his increase, whatever it may be, upon the same
article. But the tenant of consolidated crofts pays his increase upon a very
different, and a much better, article. And yet, in spite of this great
difference, it is very remarkable that the class of tenants who, during the
last thirty-five years, have got a better article, pay generally a smaller
rate of' increase than the class of tenants who have got the same article.
In other words, the rate of increase in rent upon consolidated crofts during
the last thirty-five years has been less— in many cases immensely less—than
the rate of increase in rent upon the larger farms. There could not be a
better example of this than a comparison between the increase of rent which
has arisen upon the Island of Iona and upon a single farm opposite to it
upon the shores of the Ross of Mull. There has been considerable
consolidation upon Iona, and the tenants on it have had, besides, all the
advantages which thirty-five years have brought in the higher prices of
produce and in the readier access to markets. Yet the increase of rent on
Iona during more than a whole generation has been only 48 per cent., whereas
on the single farm of Fidden, on the Ross of Mull, which may be said to be
adjacent, the increase of rent has been no less than 158 per cent. Allowing
for some special and accidental circumstances in this case, the general
result is unquestionably true, that even with the inherent advantages of
consolidation, added to all other causes of increased value which affect
equally both classes of possession, the rise on the crofter rental has been
generally very far below the rise on the rental of the more substantial
farms. There has been great outlay of late in Iona upon fencing, which is
the most important of all improvements on land chiefly pastoral. The value
of land in Iona has been lately tested in the most satisfactory of all
methods—that of the market. A small farm rented at £72 was given up by the
tenant, and was open to any other tenant choosing to offer for it. No
difficulty was found in re-letting the farm at the same rent to one of the
smaller crofters, who is now in possession of it—one of those cases of
promotion which always give me the greatest satisfaction.
I now come to the grievances which have been complained of
before the Commission in Tyree. And if I approach this part of the subject
with some pain, that pain is much lessened by the strong internal evidence
by which I recognise the exotic character of those complaints. For the most
part they do not belong to the circumstances of Tyree at all, and are the
mere echo of complaints which have been stereotyped elsewhere. One curious
illustration of this struck me at once. In Ireland there has been no more
fertile source of quarrelling and discontent than what is there called the
right of "Turbary." Nowhere in the Highlands, so far as I know, has the
privilege of cutting peats been similarly disputed. But the anonymous
"factors", who have suggested complaints for the crofters, seem to have
included this in their list. In no other way can I account for the fact that
one of the crofters of Balemartine, in Tyree, complained before the
Commission that he had been prevented from cutting peats. Now it so happens,
as I have already explained, that there are no peats in Tyree—the mosses
have long been exhausted, and if there is any soil of a peaty nature, it has
long been reclaimed, and must now belong to the arable or to the meadow
land. If the crofter who made this complaint really meant that he should be
allowed to cut up for burning any of the turf on arable, or on meadow, or on
pasture land,—whether on his own or on his neighbours' crofts, —he must be
unreasonable indeed. The true explanation I take to be that this poor man
had learnt his lesson imperfectly, and in repeating what he had heard or
read of the right sort of thing to say, he had stumbled on this most
inappropriate "grievance."
The complaint, however, may have had another origin, and
if it had, we have an excellent illustration of the desire to revert to old
habits, however barbarous, which inspires many of these complaints. Some
thirty years ago it used to be the custom of the people of Tyree to spend
many weeks of the year in cutting, stacking, and drying peats in the Ross of
Mull—these peats being then boated across to Tyree at another season. This
custom has been abandoned for many years, and for many reasons. In the first
place, it involved an enormous expenditure of time and labour. In the second
place, it damaged greatly the common pasture of the crofters, who then, as
now, occupied the farm on the Ross of Mull on which the mosses lay. In the
third place, there was great danger, and not seldom a serious loss of life,
in taking boats heavily laden with peats across twenty miles of an open and
stormy sea. For all these reasons, and for others, this wasteful habit has
been long abandoned by general consent, whilst the improved agriculture and
industry of the people have led them to understand that coal is really
cheaper. Yet I think it very probable that the delegate who made the
complaint had it in his head to revert to this old ruinous and abandoned
mode of procuring fuel. In this, as in all other matters, the instinct and
desire is to go back from every step of advance in civilisation and economy
which has been taken for the last fifty years.
But another case is even more remarkable. The delegate who
appeared on behalf of three farms, or townships, called respectively Caolis,
Salum, and Ruaig, is reported to have dwelt on the still more stereotyped
grievance of "eviction"—of crofters sacrificed to "large sheep-farmers,"
and, of course, also, of excessive rents. Now, it so happens that these
three farms are at this moment as exclusively and wholly occupied by
crofters as they have ever been—that not one single acre has ever been taken
from them to aggrandise any large farm—that not one single eviction unless
for insolvency has ever taken place upon them, and that upon the most
assured data of valuation their rents are very far below the rate at which
other parts of the Island, not superior in quality, have been let, and have
been eagerly taken.
This case of a regular formula of grievances "got up"
outside the Island, and put into the hands and mouths of a simple-minded
people, is really so curious that I must lay it, in some detail, before the
The three farms of Caolis, Salum, and Ruaig occupy the
whole north and north-eastern end of the Island of Tyree. They are entirely
surrounded by the sea on three sides, and along their landward boundaries
they touch two other farms—Kirkapol and Vaull, which are wholly occupied by
crofters like themselves. Ruaig was one of the farms which, having a shore
much exposed to southerly and south-easterly gales, furnished in former days
a very large supply of the finest drift or deep-sea seaweed, which made the
best kelp. As this kelp was largely credited to the tenants who collected
and burnt it, the rent was increased so as to include some portion of the
value, and the rental of the farm in 1808 was as high as £320. But this
rental had long been reduced to less than one-half, and in 1847 it stood at
£150. Up to the end of the last century it was not held by crofters at all,
but by a single tenant of the "tacksman" class. It has some excellent strong
land, a still larger portion of light sandy soil, some very fine meadow
pasture, a good deal of natural shelter among rocky knolls, and a very
favourable exposure. In 1808 it had been divided between 16 tenants. In 1847
there were still 15, and at present the number of tenants is reduced to 12.
This reduction has been effected upon the plan already detailed —by taking
advantage of vacancies as they arose, and consolidating the possessions. One
of these crofts is close upon the border-line of £30, and the others range
from £8 to £19. I should have selected them as representing a very
comfortable class of the Tyree crofters. I was among them last year. I saw
some crofts cultivated with neatness and cleanliness decidedly above the
average, and not one word of complaint of any kind was addressed to me. If
these crofters now complain that their crofts are too small, they have only
to select from among themselves those who should make way for the remaining
number, and I shall be most happy to consolidate farther the possessions,
which I admit are still smaller than I should like them to be. But if they
desire to annex any of the crofts belonging to their neighbours on the two
adjacent farms of Kirkapoll, and Vaull, I must consult the wishes of those
who are to be dispossessed.
The same observations apply to the smaller farm of Salum.
The number of crofters has been reduced by the same process from six to
four, and of the four who now occupy the farm, one has a croft worth £24
rent, another has a croft worth £19, a third has one of £15, whilst only one
has a croft of the £8 class. The third farm, that of Caolis, had twelve
crofters in 1847, and has still as many as ten. But of these divisions, one
is a little farm of £46 rent, and another is a croft just at the upper limit
of the class, namely £30 the other eight vary from £16 to £9. Caolis is in
many respects one of the best farms in Tyree. In the report of 1778 I find
it described as "a very fine farm already enclosed; the arable of the best
quality, and the grass fine pasturing."
The general result as regards these three farms is this:
In 1847 the aggregate rental of them all was £356, whilst at the present
moment the same rental is £415, showing an increase in thirty-five years of
only 17 per cent., whilst similar lands let to larger tenants have advanced,
as I have shown, during the same period, by about 220 per cent. The lowness
of the rent may be estimated in another way. I find from the detailed report
and survey of the farms in 1777, that these three farms have no less than
764 arable acres, besides 256 acres of meadow, whilst the "souming" of
cattle amounts to no less than 804. It is obvious that after making every
allowance for some land of a light and sandy character, this great extent of
arable acreage and of meadow pasture—upwards of 1000 acres—capable of
sustaining so large an amount of stock, must be very moderately rented at
£415. This rental is beyond doubt very much below the rental which these
lands would realise if they were let in farms—still small —but of a more
substantial size; and it exhibits in a strong light the truth and justice of
the complaint made against my factors that they had "used every means to
exact more rent from them."
Another indication of the exotic and stereotyped sources
of this complaint from the three farms I speak of is to be noted in the
phrases used about the larger farms. The half of the island was under "sheep
tacks," &c., &c., &c. Now it so happens that the only large farm within
several miles of these crofters is not a sheep farm at all, but the farm on
which I have taken so much pains, and laid out so much money, to constitute
a first class dairy farm. I refer to the farm of Balephetrish. But "sheep
farms" are the current bugbear of the agitating agents, and the poor tenants
have simply repeated the stock phrases without the smallest reference to the
local facts. These phrases are all the more absurd in the present case,
since I have good reason to believe that the very men who use them are
themselves sheep-farmers on no inconsiderable scale that is to say, they
profit largely by subletting their land to the larger farmers for the
"wintering" of sheep, a source of profit out of which alone they can meet a
good percentage of their whole rent. I am informed that they are able to
demand, and do actually receive, for the grazing of a few months in winter,
a rent per head of sheep quite as high as that which the proprietor would
receive for the whole year. [It is indeed a curious illustration of the
utter ignorance which inspires the present outcry against sheep-farming,
that, as one of the ramifications of this branch of rural economy, it is now
a most important aid to the arable farming of the low country. I was very
much surprised to find, quite lately, from one of my own tenants in an
arable farm, that he was able to get as much as 9s. per head for the
"wintering" of sheep on his fields. This is between two and three times the
rent which the proprietor of mountain grazings can get for the same sheep
during the whole year.] It is obvious, therefore, that the talk about sheep
farms as a grievance is talk quite irrelevant to the circumstances of Tyree.
There is indeed one large farm on the Island, the famous "Reef of Tyree,"
which is chiefly--though by no means exclusively—pastured by sheep. It is a
great plain containing about 1000 acres, which has been once covered by the
sea, and is still very slightly raised above its level. It is absolutely
unfit for tillage, being almost pure sand. Nature fits it for the pasture of
sheep and cattle, and for nothing else. It is true, also, that on almost all
the rich pastures of Tyree held by the larger farmers, sheep are more or
less extensively pastured,—just as they are pastured on arable farms in the
Lowlands, and in England,—and are fed and bred for the production of early
lambs. But cattle, rather than sheep, are the main produce of the Island;
and as there are no mountains, and only three low elevations on the Island
worthy of even the name of hills, it is obvious that there is no room for
the class of sheep farm to which this phraseology is usually understood as
applying. But if the crofters of these three farms refer to the thriving
dairy farm of Balephetrish, which is the only large farm within many miles
of them, I can only say that they refer to a farm which has never at any
time been in the hands of the crofter class, and which they have no more
claim to possess than to possess any farm in Lanarkshire or the Lothians.
I lay, however, very little blame to the tenants into
whose mouths these irrelevant complaints have been put. When men of that
class are exposed to hearing and reading every day one continually repeated
and reiterated set of stories, and when belief in these stories is instilled
into them by an active propaganda, it is very difficult for them to resist
the influence. The result reminds me of what are called in mesmerism "the
Phenomena of Suggestion." This result I have myself seen. By very simple
means the mind can be thrown into such a state of passive credulity that it
will receive and accept everything and anything that it is told, provided
only that the tale is repeated with sufficient frequency and with sufficient
emphasis. The very senses, though apparently awake, are made to minister to
the delusion, and the unfortunate "subject" speaks and acts in a world
absolutely different from that by which he is actually surrounded. I have
seen a man so influenced, in a room in Princes Street, Edinburgh, made to
believe that he was at market, and that a piano in the room was a horse for
sale. Possibly something of this nature may account for the dream of the
tenants on the three farms in the north end of Tyree, that they are
suffering from "evictions," when not one has ever taken place; that their
pasture has been taken from them, when not a single acre has ever been
subtracted from the possessions; that they are surrounded by "sheep runs,"
when they are really surrounded by crofters like themselves; and that the
very existence on the Island of a successful dairy farm is the cause of all
evil and of all poverty in the Island. I have already indicated my opinion
on the complaint against "strangers" being allowed to hold any land. But the
absurdity of this complaint, in the present instance, may be estimated by
the fact that out of some 220 tenants on the Island there are only two who
are Lowlanders. All the other tenants, including those who hold the larger
farms, are, without exception, Highlanders speaking Gaelic, whilst the vast
majority of possessions, including all the enlarged or consolidated crofts,
are held, moreover, not only by Highlanders, but by natives of the Island.
I observe that certain of the crofters complained of some
paper or document which they allege they were required to sign by a former
factor some thirty years ago. Of this document I know as little as the
witnesses themselves. I can hardly say more, because not one of the
witnesses could say that he had read it, or knew accurately its contents.
But the vague assertions of its nature made by these witnesses are evidently
erroneous, because they convey the impression that the tenants were to
engage to obey the factor in anything he might desire. This is absurd and
impossible. But I think it is quite possible that this trumped-up story is
simply an imperfect and exaggerated recollection of an engagement in respect
to cropping, and other conditions of agricultural management, which at one
time was most properly imposed upon the tenants, and was in the highest
degree needed by their condition and habits. In all modern leases there are
certain stipulations binding the tenant to observe the rules of "good
husbandry," and very often these rules are specified with great minuteness.
Their one and only object is to prevent waste and the deterioration of the
soil. At a time when small tenants were only just rising out of the wretched
"run-rig" system, and when the very elements of good husbandry in the
rotation of crops were unknown to them, it was an absolute necessity that
the tenants should be bound to cultivate according to the rules laid down
for them by those who managed the estate. Neither thirty years ago, nor at
the present moment, can some rules in regard to cropping be dispensed
with,—especially in Tyree, where, in addition to all the usual evils of bad
management, there is the special and additional danger arising from
"sand-blowing." I have very little doubt that the paper referred to by the
crofters and of which they have given so apocryphal an account, was a paper
of conditions relative to this subject—if, indeed, it ever existed at all.
I am almost ashamed to notice one of the complaints
brought before the Commission in Tyree, it is so unreasonable; but I do
notice it chiefly on account of a remark which it elicited from one of your
Lordship's colleagues. I refer to the complaint of a crofter that the
Seaweed Company used his croft for the purpose of drying seaweed upon it.
The slightest cross-examination on the subject of this complaint would have
elicited facts proving its absurdity. But instead of any such
cross-examination, one of the Royal Commissioners, Professor Mackinnon, is
reported to have put the following question to the manager of the Seaweed
Company :"That is to say, the Duke takes two rents for the same piece of
land—one from you and one from the crofters?" This implied censure, put in
the form of a question, is an excellent example of the sort of claptrap that
is now prevalent on all questions connected with the management of land.
Upon no other subject—in respect to no other kind of business —would any ear
be open to such departures from reason and from common sense. If it were
possible for an owner of land to devise a dozen different uses for any part
of it, he could only be serving better the public interest in so doing. He
could only be meeting the wants of a larger portion of the whole community.
Yet Professor Mackinnon seems to think that it must necessarily be an unjust
or an injurious thing for a proprietor of land to let it for two or three
separate uses to two or three separate persons, each of them paying
separately for the particular use which is of value to him. A moment's
consideration, or the most elementary knowledge, would have enabled him to
recognise the fact that this is a transaction of the commonest kind and of
the most perfect equity. It is as just, for example, as that a Professor
should charge two separate fees for two separate courses of instruction. If
Professor Mackinnon were to give two distinct courses of lectures, one on
the Celtic language, and another on the Sanscrit language, and if he were to
charge, as he would have the best right to do, two separate fees for these,
then two separate rents would be raised from the one piece of brain
belonging the Professor Mackinnon. In like manner, it is very common, and
quite as just, that proprietors get one rent for the minerals underneath the
surface of a piece of land, and another rent for that surface itself. Nor is
this all: it is quite common also that the surface, should be let for two or
more distinct purposes, each kind of use bearing its own value. Tenants also
very often get two or more sub-rents for the same piece of land. It may
bring one rent for hay at one season of the year, and another rent for the
"wintering of sheep" at another season of the year; and so on through
innumerable varieties of circumstances of which Professor Mackinnon seems to
be almost as ignorant as I am of Celtic etymology. But in reality, the
particular case of "double rent" which troubled the Professor in Tyree is no
case at all. The Seaweed Company does not itself dry the seaweed. It
contracts with the poorer crofters and cottars of the Island, according to
ancient usage, for collection and drying of the seaweed, and those who take
the contract spread out the seaweed, not on the arable land or enclosed
fields of the crofters, but on the extensive "links" of common pasture which
girdle the shore almost all round the Island. With this usage, which is as
old as the trade in kelp—about 150 years—individual crofters who may not
happen to have any interest in kelp have no more right to interfere, than
with any other condition of custom,-- or of use and wont,—under which they
have always held their lands. No separate rent is paid to me in respect of
this usage; and besides, it is well known that the spreading of seaware upon
pasture, instead of being any injury, is of decided manurial value. Instead
of being patted on the back, and encouraged by erroneous comments, the
witnesses who made this complaint, ought to have been cross examined upon
it, and when the truth was ascertained it would have been apparent that they
deserved rebuke for their selfishness and injustice. For it is quite obvious
that if they could prevent this temporary use of the sandy links of Tyree,
the real injury would fall mainly upon their poorest neighbours - upon the
cottars and upon the smallest crofters of the Island, who are generally the
contractors for the collection, drying, and burning of the weed. The Seaweed
Company is bound by its lease to compensate for any agricultural damage it
may occasion, and i the tenants neither get nor ask for any compensation it
is for the very good reason that they could not prove any damage at all. But
if this complaint were listened to, very great damage indeed would arise to
the most needy of their neighbours. A better example could hardly be given
of the manufacture of grievances, and of the use to which the manufacture is
I am very sorry that, before passing from the sittings of
the Royal Commission on my estate, I should find myself under the necessity
of referring to a matter which, though primarily affecting individuals only,
is nevertheless a matter of real public interest. I deem it to be my duty to
complain of certain questions which were addressed to my chamberlain, Mr.
Wyllie, by one of your Lordship's colleagues, Mr. Fraser Mackintosh. "Is it,
or is it not, the chief duty of a chamberlain to raise rents!" is one of
those questions, as given in the reports. The intelligence of this question
is on a level with its courtesy. Factors are very often the suggesters and
almost always the surveyors of agricultural improvements. In this respect I
know of no one class, equally limited in number, which has contributed so
largely to the wealth of the community. But except in this way, the rise in
value of all the larger farms on my property—as elsewhere in Scotland
generally—has been due to causes as independent of factors as it could have
been independent of Doctors or of Attorneys. Even as regards the crofts,
their rents have been determined on a tariff whose ultimate base is the
price of cattle and of other produce, as well as the offers of the people
themselves for vacant possessions. There is no temper of mind so illiberal
as that which dictates such sneers against a whole profession. Mr. Fraser
Mackintosh's insinuation against Mr. Wyllie is as unfounded as it was
offensive. I can say with absolute truth that in his advice to me, as well
in the matter of the valuation of land as in all others respecting the
management of my estate, I have always found that spirit of justice and
moderation which are so conspicuously absent in the treatment he himself
But Mr. Wyllie was not the only object of invidious
insinuation. For I have further to observe that this same member of the
Royal Commission, not content with making unjust accusations against a
gentleman who is alive, thought proper to suggest accusations still more
gross against another gentleman who cannot now answer for himself. In
questioning another witness,—a crofter who could not possibly know anything
of the matter,—Mr. Fraser Mackintosh made suggestions in respect to my late
factor, Mr. Campbell of Ardfinaig, which admit of no other interpretation
than this—that he may have produced to me false vouchers for an expenditure
on improvements which was never really laid out. [The question I refer to is
thus reported: "May not this large sum of money that has been mentioned have
gone out of the Dukes pocket, and yet never been expended on the estate. Is
it quite possible that documents, stamped papers, things of that sort, may
have been presented to the Duke, showing that the money had been all spent
on the property?"] I will not stop to refute such an accusation by
explaining my own habits of business, or my own personal inspection during
many years of the improvements. which were made. I understand that the
Commission landed from a steamer at the village of Bunessan, and re-embarked
without having time to see anything whatever of the estate. And, indeed,
even if the present condition of the country. had been examined no judgment
could have been arrived at on a subject of improvements without a
recollection of its previous condition thirty-five years ago, and a
comparison between the two. It is impossible, therefore, that any member of
the Commission could be possessed of any of the data on which alone an
expression of incredulity could be justified as to the facts of my outlay,
stated by Sir John M'Neill in his Report of 1851, or as to the integrity of
the gentleman under whom that outlay, and still greater subsequent outlays,
were expended. I need not farther indicate what every just mind must think
and feel of the moral character attaching to such insinuations—when it is
not even pretended that they are based on a particle of evidence. It is true
that there is no law of libel open to the dead,—nor even, I am afraid, to
their kindred who are alive. Possibly also the position of a Royal
Commissioner might be privileged. But, if so, the privilege carries an
obligation which is all the more binding. I wonder whether it ever occurred
to Mr. Fraser Mackintosh to ask himself whether Mr. Campbell has no
relatives who may be wounded, but who may have no redress. Mr. Fraser
Mackintosh seemed eager to take under his protection the widows on estate
whom it had been falsely reported that I have been in the habit of
dispossessing. Did it ever occur to him to ask whether Mr. Campbell had left
a widow, to whom his imputations of fraud against her husband would have
been a bitter trial? Such a widow there was,--one of the best women I have
ever known,—a woman of the highest Christian character—under whose roof I
have spent many happy hours when examining improvements on the estate, and
through whom the late Duchess was long accustomed to dispense her charities
for the poor of the Ross—feeling and knowing that they would be distributed
with sympathy and with personal knowledge. Within the last few weeks I have
heard her name—and her husband's name too—mentioned with grateful
remembrance among the really poor on the Ross of Mull. She is now dead but
she died only a few short months ago; and much as I felt the death of a
friend so closely associated with former days, I am now thankful that she
was removed in time to escape the great pain which would undoubtedly have
been inflicted upon her by the shameful insinuations against her husband
which were conveyed in the words of Mr. Fraser Mackintosh. I hope no one
will think that I look upon your Lordship as needing any words of mine to
impress upon you the true character of such questions as that to which I
have referred, and as others to which you have, only too often, been
compelled to listen. The dignified courtesy with which your Lordship has
treated all who came before you makes any such interpretation impossible.
But reckless charges-and sometimes the dissemination of disproved
accusations against both the dead and the living—have been so much a regular
part of the recent agitation, that I hold it a public duty to animadvert
upon any conspicuous exhibition of the same tendency. [An excellent pamphlet
lately published by Mr. Sellar refuting certain calumnies against his father
in respect to the Sutherland IL removals exposes, as they deserve to be
exposed, the authors of some recent books which have revived against the
dead accusations refuted at the time before a judge and jury.] In the case
of the questions to which I have referred, even your Lordship's great
patience was broken down; and I rejoiced to observe the severe censure which
was implied in your interruption of your colleague, and in your public
announcement to him that you "cannot allow questions of that character."
Looking hack at the principle on which I have conducted
the management of my estates in the Islands during the last thirty-five
years, I am satisfied of its soundness. I am glad to see that one of the
witnesses, himself a crofter, testified to the greater comfort of those who
hold consolidated possessions. I am not less glad to see that another
witness testified to the favourable accounts received of those who have
emigrated to Canada. It is something in this inquiry to have even the most
palpable truths admitted and not denied. Changes which benefit both those
who go and those who remain cannot be changes for the worse. But there is
something more to be said than this. It is literally true that if there is
now any comfort or substance among the crofters of Tyree it is entirely due
to the system I have pursued. If, on the other hand, there is any poverty
remaining among them, it is due to the restraints upon the execution of that
system which sentiment and feeling have imposed upon me. I have avoided to
the utmost all gratuitous evictions, or even removals, and yet there is
hardly a single crofter in Tyree who has not had the size of his possession
doubled or trebled during the last thirty-five years. Every one of them has
profited more or less largely by the departure of his neighbours, and
generally by the system against which a few of them have now been incited to
grumble or object. hardly a single croft remains of what may be called the
old pauperising class, although many are still much smaller than I should
wish them to be. A new proprietor, as all observation proves, [On no part of
the subject has greater nonsense been written and spoken than on the
connection of the old law of entail with what is called the "Crofter
question." The law of entail may be, and was, open to many objections. But
it was eminently favourable to crofters. It is almost invariably on the
estates of the old families that the crofters have been retained. It is
almost as universally from the estates of new purchasers that they have
disappeared. This fact could not be better illustrated than by comparing the
lands in Mull and Morvern which were sold by the Argyll family at the
beginning of the present century with the lands which still belong to me.]
would have applied the principle of. consolidation much more rapidly, and
would per- haps have attained even greater results, as regards increase of
produce, in a much shorter period of time. But I have been content to allow
natural causes to operate, and to let time and experience prove, the
unavoidable conditions of insolvency which attach to the improvident
subdivisions of laud. Setting aside the case of allotments for men living
mainly on the wages of labour or on handicrafts—which belong. to a wholly
different category—I am opposed to the system of very small crofts, as I am
equally opposed to the system of farms enormously large. My aim has been to
consolidate the small crofts gradually, as the vacancies by death and
insolvency arose, not into farms of great size, but into farms of a variety
of sizes. And the general result of my operations is at least as near an
approximation towards this end as has been compatible with my desire to
avoid harsh or hasty proceedings of any kind.
The proper size of farms is essentially a local question,
depending very much on the conditions of physical geography. A very large
part of the High- lands consists of high mountains, many of them having no
arable land at all even upon their flanks. The only agricultural value of
these is as grazings for sheep. The capital required for adequately stocking
them is always comparatively large. Flocks of two and three thousand sheep
represent large sums of money. This capital is entirely beyond the reach of
men who have never held anything but crofts or small farms. I. have no
belief in the success of the cooperative management of such grazings. Common
grazings are the subject of perpetual quarrelling, even when tried oil the
small scale common to old townships in the Highlands ; and even when peace
is kept and quarrelling avoided, it is done only by the sacrifice of that
spirit of individuality in enterprise and improvement which is the life and
soul of all industrial pursuits. The quality of the stock on such joint
possessions is generally and notoriously inferior. The higher mountains,
therefore, of the Highlands must always continue to be held in comparatively
large farms. But there is another large area of the Highlands which consists
of hills of smaller elevation, with a mixture of slopes and hollows of
arable land, and sometimes with very considerable stretches of level ground
between them, which has been reclaimed or is reclaimable. This is the area
most favourable for small farms, and the great bulk of the whole area of the
county of Argyll is actually so held. On my own estates even the great
mountain pastures are all held in farms, the value of which is small
compared with the really large farms of the Lowlands of Scotland. In
illustration of this fact let me direct the attention of the Commission to
the farming divisions upon my own estate in the Island of Mull. That estate
includes Bell one of the higher mountains of Scotland, and which, with all
its spurs and outliers, is pure grazing land, with no more than mere
fragments of arable soil at a few points around its base. Yet this great
extent of mountain grazing is held in divisions, the very largest of which
would represent a comparatively small farm in the Lothians and ill many
other parts of the Low Country. There is one farm of £700; another of £600;
a third of £394; a fourth of £219; a fifth of £115. Passbig to the Ross of
Mull, which belongs to the less mountainous and more varied area of the
Highlands, the farming divisions exhibit a still more remarkable example of
a great variety in the size of possessions. The maximum rent of any one is
only £500. Between that rent and £300 there are three farms. Between £300
and £100 there are no less than eight farms, of which one-half are less than
£200. Between the line of £100 and the crofting line of £30 there are seven
farms; whilst as regards the crofting class itself, I have already shown
that its status and condition has been immensely raised and improved. In
1847 the estate was crowded with possessions below the £5 line, on which it
was impossible to maintain a family in comfort, even if the land had been
rent free. The crofts have now been all doubled, and many have been trebled
and quadrupled in size, some of diem having been thus lifted altogether out
of the crofting class into the class of small farms. As regards the cottars,
I see that some of the crofters complained to the Commission that the
cottars had cottages upon their land. But this has always been so, and the
continuance of the fact has arisen from the extreme reluctance I have always
had to evict even cottars if they could possibly maintain themselves by
labour. When, however, it was asserted by some witnesses that poverty has
increased, I observe with some surprise that not a single question was put
to the witnesses for the purpose of bringing this assertion to some definite
test. One well-known test is to be found in the poor's rate; and when I
mention that in the parish which contains the Ross of Mull this rate has
fallen from seven shillings, which was the rate at one time to two shillings
in the pound, which is the rate now, I have said enough to show how
unfounded is the statement as to increasing poverty.
I rejoice to be able to add that although I object
stronglv to the exclusion of "strangers" from the possession of farms,
especially when they bring new knowledge and new skill into remote and
backward districts, yet, as a matter of fact, all my farms in Mull and Iona,
with only two exceptions, are held by Highlanders.
Before concluding this paper I think it not unimportant to
point out a fact which has struck me much in reading the old documents to
which I have referred, and that fact is this,—that every single step towards
improvement which has been taken during the last 130 years, has been taken
by the proprietor and not by the people. And not only so, but every one of
these steps, without exception, has been taken against the prevailing
opinions and feelings of the people at the time. "All in this farm very poor
and against any change"—such is the description repeated over and over again
in a detailed report on each farm sent to my grandfather in 1803, when he
was contemplating those changes which were then absolutely necessary. Great
poverty and great ignorance are always "against any change." They are
invariably associated with a languor of mind which is incompatible with the
possibility of improvement. The very desire of better things is absent—and
even if the desire existed the means would still be wanting. Under such
conditions every reform must begin outside the people and absolutely
requires to be pressed upon them. I am not speaking merely of the outlays of
money which come from capital. I am speaking of those exercises of authority
which come from ownership and cannot be enforced without the possession of
the rights of property. rube abolition of the run-rig system was always most
unpopular in the Highlands. In Tyree, as elsewhere, it was abolished, and
could only be abolished by the authority of ownership. Every subsequent
measure of improvement—the regular division of individual possessions,—the
fencing of them,—the selection of the best candidates for the holding of
them, —the building of a better class of houses,—the introduction of ploughs
in substitution for the old barbarous "crooked spade,"—the introduction of
carts,—of grain of a better kind,—of superior stock,—of dairy farming; in
short, every item of progress in agriculture has been the work, and often
the-arduous and expensive work, of the proprietor. Moreover, even all these
would have been useless without the arrest laid upon subdivision, and the
steady progress made towards the establishment by consolidation of more
adequate and comfortable possessions. If a higher standard of comfort has
now been attained, and if a higher standard of intelligence has followed it,
this happy result has been due entirely to the causes I have indicated. The
tendency to subdivide is now, indeed, checked amongst the larger crofters,
but it has not been eradicated in the class which still represents, in a
mitigated degree, the former condition of things. It is curious under what
shifts and disguises—sometimes under what accidents of mere laziness—the old
tendency is liable to reappear. Some cow is said to wait a byre. The byre is
built, and in a short time the cow is expelled, and a new family is
installed instead. I need not point out that nowhere in the Low Country, or
indeed in any civilised part of Europe, would this process of squatting and
subdivision be allowed by the proprietors of land. It is not easy to see why
estates in the Highlands of Scotland should be subject to a practice so
ruinous to agriculture and so inevitably productive of a pauper population.
I have yet to mention one other portion of my estates in
the Islands which has been visited by the Commission, I mean a property
which belongs to me in the Island of Lismore. I am all the more glad to do
so as it affords me an opportunity of pointing to a Practical illustration
of the views which I entertain as to the varieties of local circumstance
which ought to determine the size of possessions. I have no hesitation in
saying that my property in Lismore is one of the few cases I know in which
consolidation has been carried much too far. But I am not responsible. I
purchased the property only a few years ago, and found almost the whole of
it under lease to one sheep-farmer, whose ordinary residence and whose
largest farms are in the Low Country. Lismore is essentially an island
adapted to small farms of mixed arable and pasture. Being wholly composed of
limestone, its grazing is magnificent, and there are sheets and patches of
arable land interspersed among the hills and rocks, consisting of a soil so
rich that Dr. Voelker, the eminent chemist of the Royal Agricultural Society
of England, reports to me that it resembles nothing so much as some of time
finest soils of the American continent. I can only say that if I live to see
the expiry of the present Lease under which the greater part of that
property is held, it is my hope and intention to break up the large single
sheep-farm, and to divide it into smaller but still comfortable possessions.
I believe it to be admirably adapted for dairy-farming, and for the growth
of the finest oats and turnips. It has abundant shelter although it has
little or no wood. This arises from the steep faces and sudden knolls into
which the limestone strata have been thrown, amidst the intricacies of which
cattle and sheep can always find spots sheltered from all winds. The island
is close to a growing market in the town and port of Oban; and from the
splendid panorama of sea and mountains by which it is surrounded, as well as
the excellent trout-fishing which it affords, I am not without hope that in
summer and autumn, at least, it may have some market from health-seekers
within its own attractive shores. In vision at least, if not in fact, I
already see it both better peopled and better cultivated. Economic causes of
the same kind will operate in the same direction in some other parts of the
Highlands where the difficulty of letting to advantage the very large class
of sheep farms is already telling in favour of smaller possessions.
I am,
Your Lordship's obedient Servant,
INVERARAY, Oct. 1, 1883.
PETITION from Poor Persons in Tyree for Aid to Emigrate.
The Petition of the undersigned Cottars and small Crofters
on the Island of Tyree,
Humbly sheweth,
That since the making of kelp ceased, and particularly
since the failure of the potato crop, the inhabitants of this island have
been in a state of great destitution; and, were it not for the benevolence
of the proprietor, and the aid afforded by the relief board, they would
inevitably have starved. That hitherto they have been employed by the
proprietor at drainage and other works, during the winter and spring months,
before the land was cropped, and during the summer they were supported by
the funds of the relief board. That this latter resource being now at an
end, your petitioners' prospects, on looking forward to the ensuing summer,
are in the extreme dismal, and the more so, as the only prospect of ultimate
relief to which they so fondly cling is denied them—that of emigration—
which your petitioners neglected to take advantage of while in their power,
probably supposing that the relief funds were to last, or that the potato
would be restored. That, to add to their further grievance, your petitioners
are led to understand that those adverse to emigration from the West
Highlands are using every possible means to prevent it, and that statements
are made publicly that the poor can be supported by employing them in the
improvement of waste land. Those who advocate such are certainly actuated by
other motives save that of philanthropy, and display the grossest ignorance
as to the resources of the country, particularly as regards this isolated
island, where there is no fuel, and not an inch of waste land which the
inhabitants could not drain and trench in a few months. That your
Petitioners would now most early request, that if possessed of the bowels of
compassion, such as were your forefathers, or value the lives of your
countrymen, you will not credit the statement of those inimical to our best
interest, but examine individually into our circumstances, and the condition
of the island, when they have no doubt you will have sufficient proof
afforded of the fallacy of such statements, and the injury and cruelty done
us by such misrepresentations, which may perhaps be the means of the Duke's
withholding his bounty, and depriving us of the power of participating in
the enjoyments and comforts, they are from day to day informed, their
friends in Canada enjoy to such an extent.
May it therefore please your honour to take the miserable
condition of your petitioners into consideration, and use your influence
with Her Majesty's Government, or His Grace the Duke of Argyll, to provide
for them the means of emigrating; and your petitioners shall ever pray.
