Well, week beginning
Monday 29th November already and only four weeks until
Christmas. But, before I write anything else I have to backtrack to
Wednesday 24th when I visited the Access Group in Motherwell,
because I promised I'd put a photograph of them on here and it hadn't
arrived in time for that week's column - so narrative last week,
wonderful photograph this week - and presenting .....MOTHERWELL ACCESS

And a grand-looking bunch they are too.
So, back up-to-date and
Monday was one of these days that just works out perfectly, despite all
the worries that I hadn't arranged things well enough. Sophie at the
Peru Support Group in London got in touch a few weeks ago to ask if she
could visit me at the Parliament along with Wilber Rozas, a Municipal
Mayor from the Cusco Region of Peru. Wilber, funded by Oxfam, was on a
fact-finding mission to the UK and mainland Europe to research
decentralisation and civic society involvement in Government. I was so
looking forward to meeting Wilber to hear how things are in that
beautiful country which has been through so much upheaval in their
recent history. I was conscious though that this day was not to be about
my learning but about Wilber's, so I'd arranged a session at the
Scottish Civic Forum as well as at the Parliament.
Wilber was a smashing
visitor to have - so enthusiastic about having the chance to see how
things worked in other countries, in another continent and under a very
different culture. Although not many MSPs are generally around on a
Monday I was delighted that John Swinney was around (he, as Convener of
the European Committee was attending the RegLeg Conference that I told
you about last week) for a chat with Wilber about how the Parliament
worked and his own role as a Committee Convener. We followed that with a
whistle-stop tour of the new complex, talking (Sophie translating) all
the time about how the Scottish Parliament operated. It's interesting
what people pick up on, and apart from the general view from Wilber that
we had a very informal way of working in our Parliament what really
fascinated him was how accessible to the public it is, both in terms of
physical access to the Parliamentary complex and potential public
participation. Also, he was amazed at the relationship amongst MSPs, the
public and the Security Staff, the general friendliness involved and the
non-threatening demeanour of the men and women who look after us all so
well. To take it a step further, he nearly flipped when one of the
Parliament's policemen stopped to pass the time of day and have a joke!
We take this stuff so much for granted and it's only when you're forced
to look at it with fresh eyes that you realise how precious it is and
how much we must cherish and preserve it.
I can understand Wilber's
feelings of surprise. This is not the place to go into all the political
detail and history of Peru - suffice it to say meanwhile that
politically and socially Peruvians suffered for decades, especially the
indigenous population in Wilber's part of the country. The first time I
was in Lima was towards the end of the presidency of Mr. Fujimori who
ran the country with a rod of iron, personified in Mr. Montesinos who
controlled the government agencies of fear and control. Even within the
short time I was there I was able to 'feel' an atmosphere of oppression
and indeed fear. How it must have been to have lived with that for so
many years I cannot begin to imagine. What I can imagine even less is
having the strength of character and commitment to fight against such a
system when you see your compatriots killed, tortured and jailed for
daring to do the same. So, even though there is now a regime in Peru
where people are not being killed for expressing opinions contrary to
Government, there is still obviously a culture of caution and distrust,
and anyone in uniform is looked at with suspicion.
Even on the walk up the
High Street to the Scottish Civic Forum, Wilber expressed astonishment
that I was willing to and allowed to walk out of the building and up the
street without security accompaniment. If I thought that Wilber was
impressed by the Parliament, then he was completely blown away by the
Civic Forum. The Forum was of course set up at the same time as the
Scottish Parliament to inform one of the founding principles -
power-sharing. Debbie Wilkie, the Director, was marvellous in explaining
to Wilber the philosophy of civic society engagement and how the Forum
goes about its business with various groups across the country - worth a
look yourself on
Wilber professed to finding it all a bit much to take in because it gave
him so much to think about, so thanks to Debbie and her staff for
offering to follow up any of his queries later and trying to help as
much as possible. When I had Diana Miloslavich Tupac from Flora Tristan
Women's Activist Group in Lima over in Scotland a couple of years ago,
she too visited the Civic Forum and had the same reaction as Wilber - a
wish that her own country could some day aspire to this.
A smashing lunch for us
all in the George Hotel in Edinburgh, courtesy of a dear friend who
represents the Scottish branch of Committee for Italians Abroad - when
he'd heard why Wilber was in town he invited us to lunch along with the
Italian Minister, Snr. La Loggia who was attending the RegLeg
Conference, so we had Scotland, Italy and Peru all talking about
But, Monday night was a
real treat for Wilber - courtesy of the Glasgow Burns Club who had asked
me to speak at their St. Andrew's night. When I told them I had a
Peruvian visitor they very kindly invited Wilber and Sophie along, and
what a night we had. The language barrier proved no barrier at all to
Glasgow's welcome to Wilber and a great time was had. Wilber joined in
all the songs and hilarity - the spectacle of a Peruvian visiting
Scotland for the first time and singing along to "I'm a cat, I'm a cat,
I'm a Glasgow cat and my name is Sam the Skull" was a spectacle worth
seeing. The night was perfect and culminated in Wilber, absolutely
legitimately, winning first prize in the raffle! Thank you so much
Glasgow Burns Club - Scotland at its best.

Tuesday morning, and
suffering the effects of the night before - fun effects only you
understand, I was driving! Straight into snail-mail and emails and Morag
relaying all the telephone messages from the day before when I was
enjoying myself with Wilber and Sophie. The morning also brought,
however, a visit to the Education Centre from St. Patrick's Primary
School in Kilsyth, primary 5 I think they were. I went along to part of
their mock debate in the Centre and then put myself up for 'Questions to
your MSP'. As I'm sure I've said before in this diary you often get the
same questions time and time again, but just every so often one of the
youngsters throws you. How about this for a good question - "how many
ideas have you had since you got elected?" Well, how do you answer that!
I had to be honest - "don't know how many exactly, but some were good,
some not so good, some new, some were the same as other people's - let
me know if you get any really good ones yourself!".
There was a secondary
school visit in the afternoon - Hamilton College - and, I was fairly put
through the mill with these teenagers. When primary school pupils visit
the parliament I get a real buzz about how they're so young yet becoming
aware of their parliament and representatives, and when senior pupils
visit I am really taken with their depth of insight into the issues of
the day. I say it over and over I know, but I have real hope for the
future when I see how many young people come through our parliament
every day and learn how they can exert influence.
In between the school
visits today I had a meeting with Shelter about the Communities
Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday morning. The Communities
Minister announced a couple of weeks ago that finally Bed and Breakfast
accommodation for families was to be stopped apart from 14 days in an
emergency and where a family requested it. There is an issue for
Councils, some more than others, about lack of resources, however, and
indeed how this affects those on mainstream waiting lists. Shelter's
view is that most Councils are now able to meet this target so it should
go ahead. This is also my view, with the caveat that where a Council,
and there are four who profess real problems, can prove that with the
best will in the world this is impossible, then they should be assisted
by the Executive. So, we'll see what evidence tomorrow morning brings.
And so to Wednesday
morning and the meeting of the Communities Committee. We did listen
carefully to the evidence from COSLA which asked that the Executive
postpone implementation of its B&B regulation for 3 months to allow all
Councils to be able to comply. Well, my view, and the view of most of
the Committee, was that this initiative has been well flagged up over
the last 18 months, and that if there are real problems here for some
councils then 3 months delay will not fix it. I actually felt that the
main issue here was more about COSLA and the Scottish Executive having
had a bit of a fall-out, and homeless families should not be asked to
bear the brunt of that. There are issues about lack of resources to
allow Councils to meet the terms of all the Homelessness legislation
which has been introduced but it doesn't all focus upon B&B only. The
Committee voted for the Executive, so from 6th December 2004
homeless families and pregnant women should spend no longer than 14 days
in bed-and-breakfast accommodation. A parting thought - we were told
during evidence taking that there was a family in East Lothian who had
been in bed-and-breakfast accommodation for 15 months.
Wednesday afternoon
brought the much publicised debate on In Care Abuse Survivors, and the
First Minister gave a statement first in which he apologised on behalf
of the State. This was much welcomed by all. The Minister, Peter
Peacock, outlined the Executive’s forward plan, which includes
appointing a Reporter to look into historic files and offering support.
Again, all welcome, but my own view as expressed in the debate is that a
Public Inquiry should be held, and I am still none the wiser why the
Executive are so set against this, or indeed why they won’t share their
findings on the Irish Public Inquiry. The First Minister said in the
Sunday Mail that he was ordering an investigation into the Irish model,
so either he didn’t, or he is unwilling to share the information. The
abuse survivors want a Public Inquiry and I feel that we collectively
owe this to them – as the Minister said, “there was a collective failure
of society to deal with the problem”. Therefore, to me it is society’s
collective responsibility to acknowledge what happened, recognise our
responsibility and try to make reparation wherever possible. Ireland,
Canada and Australia had Public Inquires, why can’t we?.
Worked really late
Wednesday night – I’m working on a policy paper and a related article on
an aspect of Citizenship which needed submitted by the end of the week –
so up against a deadline.
Arrived in early on
Thursday because Carers Scotland were putting on an exhibition in the
Parliament which I wanted to see. Carers Rights Day is Friday 3rd
December and I had laid a Motion of support:
S2M-2077 Linda Fabiani
(Central Scotland) (SNP) : Carers' Rights Day—
That the Parliament praises the valuable and vital role played by the
666,000 carers in Scotland; notes that the fourth annual Carers’ Rights
Day is being held on 3 December 2004 and that Carers Scotland will be
visiting the Parliament on 2 December; recognises that millions of
pounds worth of carers' benefits go unclaimed each year, and considers
that the Scottish Executive should step up its activities to encourage
better take-up of the allowances rightly due to carers in Scotland.
Well supported across the
parties and I hope the Executive will step up efforts to make sure
carers take-up their due allowances.
Thursday morning in the
Chamber was a debate on Aquaculture. I wasn't taking part so I was able
to nip out and do a quick talk at a training course run by a pal who
asked me to give a quick presentation on 'a typical week for an MSP' - a
bit like doing this column verbally. The course participants were
generally from voluntary sector backgrounds and were learning how to
interact with the Parliament, and the best ways of influencing policy.
I did think during it
that this was the kind of think that Wilber Rozas would love to see
taking place in his own community. I was fascinated to hear from Wilber
about some of the initiatives he and some fellow Mayors in the Andean
region of Peru had undertaken - apart from the political initiatives to
influence Government, there were the community initiatives to raise
folks' confidence and invoke a community spirit which had largely been
lost through terrorism and fear. For example, he told me that his wife
was the captain of the ladies' football team, but due to modesty they
play in their normal everyday clothes. When you consider that everyday
clothes for an Andean woman involve these big striped skirts with
copious lace underskirts and a tall black hat which ties under the chin,
then it must look very, very strange! Wilber tells me they're pretty
tough though and that the men won't play against them because they're so
After First Minister's
Questions at noon, Robin Harper, Green MSP and I took ourselves off to
the BBC in Glasgow to record a programme for them - not allowed to say
any more about this! Enjoyed it though. Rushed back in time for Decision
Time at 5 pm.
Thursday night and all
day Friday was a case of locking myself away again and trying
desperately to get my article finished – success, first draft submitted.
The weekend was very much
a Party weekend - National Council on Saturday in Perth – policy papers
up for discussion with the members. Also picked up on some issues that
some members in my area want raised. Sunday brought canvassing for the
Inchyra Council By-election in Grangemouth – again doing the
door-to-door visits, noted concerns of residents. Central Scotland
covers ten constituencies, from Grangemouth and Falkirk, through North
Lanarkshire, part of South Lanarkshire and Kilmarnock. I have to admit
though that the longest conversation I had with someone at their house
was about the result of the ‘X-Factor’ the night before. It’s one of
these programmes that I mean not to watch and end up hooked on! Final
next Saturday.
As a parting word this
week, I’m very flattered to discover that my political opponents are
keeping up-to-date with my diary here on Flag in the Wind. I got a
letter from a Minister during the week, telling me off for saying to
readers that the Executive had ditched some of their targets. This was
accompanied by some paperwork which did in fact show that the Executive
had ditched some of their targets – very strange!
Cheers until next week …