commencing Monday 17th January 2005
Well, so
much for New Year resolutions – I was so determined as I said last week
that I would do my diary column every single day, but here I am Monday
24th January looking back over the last week. The minute I’m
finished this column though, I’m going to do Monday 24th’s!
Meanwhile though, my email address if anyone wants to get in touch:
Monday 17th
was a Kilmarnock day. Started off at the Living Tradition office to
discuss the Burns Monument and other related traditional arts issues
with Pete Heywood. The problem with the Burns Monument, situated in Kay
Park, is it was burnt down at the end of last year. Vandalism was
blamed, but there is a local view that the monument was the victim of
municipal vandalism by neglect by East Ayrshire Council over the years.
See the photos below for ‘before and after the fire’.

Very sad
that such a memorial to Burns, built by public subscription, should be
destroyed. I told Peter that my colleague Adam Ingram had secured a
member’s debate on Burns Heritage, scheduled for Thursday evening, and
that I would try to make the case for the monument if I got called to
I really
enjoyed that meeting in the Living Tradition office – it’s always a
pleasure to speak with people who are committed to their craft, and have
shown that commitment over so many years. I was referred to two
interesting websites – worth a look.
www.commongroundscotland.com and
afternoon brought a further meeting with a constituent who has been
trying to battle against bureaucracy with one of the Executive agencies.
I’ve been dealing with this case for over a year now – obviously I can’t
go into detail here. There does seem to be a common theme though when
coming up against government offices, agencies and statutory
authorities, and I have had it said often to me by folk who feel they’re
getting a rough deal: the culture seems to be that if there is enough
prevarication and procrastination then the complainant will get so
bogged down and beaten down that they will give up and go away. All
power to those who don’t give up, difficult though it is.
I started
Tuesday morning with texting my friend and colleague Roseanna
Cunninghame – I sent her off to Mozambique at the weekend to take part
in a Westminster Foundation for Democracy study trip along with a
representative from Plaid Cymru – to see if she’d arrived safely. It was
a heck of a journey – Mozambique via Glasgow/London/Madrid/Jo’burg.
Well, she texted back pretty quickly to say that, yes she’d arrived but
her luggage hadn’t, and she was running round the airport buying
‘essentials’! It reminded me of the time I landed in Barcelona to speak
at a conference, and my luggage stayed in Amsterdam. Problem was, all my
conference papers, including my speech, were in the case, and I had no
clue where I was supposed to go, or who my contacts were. Panic –
thankfully Calum back in Edinburgh was able to help out, but, boy oh boy
did that teach me a lesson about keeping essentials with me at all
times! Thankfully, Rosie’s luggage was found and all was well.
I had a
long chat Tuesday morning with a constituent in Lanarkshire and yet
again here was someone who felt that they’d been banging their head off
a brick wall for the last four years – the NHS this time. Unprompted,
this lady stated exactly the same as the chap in Kilmarnock the day
before – ‘they’re hoping that if they bombard me with bureaucracy long
enough then I’ll just go away’. After all this time she was now back
dealing with the same department she’d started off with! We’ll try and
help cut through some of the nonsense.
A great
treat at lunchtime with a couple of constituents from Stenhousemuir who
wanted to tour the parliament – thoroughly enjoyed the craic and the
lunch. So thank you to Ernie and Betty for brightening up my day, and I
must point out quite clearly that the fact that Ernie and I are cousins
of some sort through my mother’s side has absolutely nothing to do with
it! You can see from the photo though just what a lovely couple they

Emails and
reading all afternoon and then an interesting reception with the
Commission on Boundary Difference/Voting Systems: The Arbuthnott
Commission has been set up to look at how people feel about the
different electoral boundaries for Westminster/Holyrood and the
different voting systems for Westminster/Holyrood/Local Government. For
the forthcoming Westminster elections the number of MPs has been cut, so
the constituencies from which they will be elected are different from
those current at Holyrood. There is also the fact that at the next
Scottish Local Government elections, councillors will be elected by the
Single Transferable Vote system rather than ‘first past the post’. The
current Holyrood electoral system is of course by ‘first past the post’
and ‘additional member places’. Confused? Me too. My hope is that the
Commission will come up with a way of rationalising all of this as far
as possible and as soon as possible.
Committee on Wednesday morning and still taking evidence on the proposed
reform of Charity Law – I felt really awful on Wednesday morning, so I’m
afraid I left the rest of Committee to get on with it and stayed in my
bed! Managed in for the afternoon though for the debate on ‘Closing the
Opportunity Gap’. We used to talk about some people being rich whilst
others were poor – now it’s the ‘Opportunity Gap’.
As I said in the debate, we have had this subject for
Chamber discussion three times before, so I had hoped for some big
announcement. Instead though, we have had the goalposts changed yet
again, and I am not convinced that the measurement of progress is
accountable when the benchmarks which measure it are so regularly
changed. Too much obfuscation going on. Five years ago we talked about
‘relative poverty’ then it became ‘absolute poverty’ which was the
baseline; we used to have 29 milestones with subsets of targets that
were measured each year and published in the social justice annual
report. Now, we have six objectives and 10 targets, and no annual
It is absolutely essential that opposition parties in any
parliament hold Government to account, but in terms of social justice
this is becoming more and more difficult – many members other than me
raised this issue as there is real frustration that the poverty issue is
being clouded by changing methodology and jargon. My view is that in our
current parliament this has become a necessary tactic for the ruling
parties. They have now realised that without some redistribution of
wealth and without parliamentary powers over macroeconomic, tax and
benefit matters, although we might take baby steps towards helping some
people in some pockets of our society, we will not achieve the ultimate
aim of eradicating poverty.
evening and another tour of the parliament complex, this time with
Raquel from the British Council in Madrid and Bridget from the British
Embassy in Spain. The UK Government and the Spanish Government have had
a UK-Espana dialogue going for the last couple of years and I have
attended both events which were held in Catalonia. This year they want
to hold the conference in Edinburgh, so looking to pick my brain about
venues and potential participants – I hope I was helpful. It’s good that
we’ll have around 100 conference participants from Spain, Wales and the
North of Ireland here in June.
night, sitting in my living room, watching Newsnight, and deep
embarrassment: There I was, in the Chamber with a colleague, on national
television, discussing how lovely my new boots are! Very obviously!
Awful. You know, you get so used to the cameras being there that you
actually forget they are there, until an experience like this pulls you
up sharpish. Immediately phoned to apologise to poor Stewart Maxwell who
had been gamely doing his bit in the debate with us in camera shot
wittering on. Lots of comments in Parliament the next day – some in
jest, some not, so big lesson learned, yet again. (They really are nice
boots though!).
Round to
Thursday again with First Ministers Questions at 12 noon after Stage 1
of the Further and Higher Education Bill. Nipped out for half an hour to
see Greenfaulds High School from Cumbernauld in the Education Centre.
Main questions, interestingly, were about the issues that the Arbuthnott
Commission are considering – boundary changes and voting systems. The
pupils must be learning about this in their Modern Studies Class.
constituent visit at lunchtime – I certainly seem to be popular this
week! It was really interesting though because this chap is an expert on
Energy and the Environment and he really taught me a lot and explained
some of the issues which we too often talk about without really
understanding. Made the afternoon’s debate on Climate Change more
interesting for me.
business that evening was the aforementioned debate about Burns’
heritage and I did manage to bring up the importance of maintaining the
Monument in Kay Park, Kilmarnock.
My view is that the Monument should be rehabilitated, but
not just as an empty building - I do not believe that Robert Burns would
have wanted sterile monuments to be created in his honour. I think that
the man would truly have appreciated a focal point and a centre for the
living, breathing and wonderful culture of our country, to which he
contributed in his time. That can be done and there are many people and
local groups have the knowledge, the capability and the experience to
realise such an ambition. I mentioned Living Tradition in Kilmarnock
earlier and they have contacts all over the country and all over the
world who have worked to best preserve and promote traditional and
indigenous arts. We should be listening to those people, rather than
always seeking top-down solutions.
It was a good debate and I do believe there is a genuine
will across the board to promote the legacy of Robert Burns. We also
heard that Historic Scotland has been asked to consider the Monument, so
I’m looking forward to hearing the plans – I just hope that they do
involve more than the usual suspects in coming up with a viable and
vibrant solution.
Sadness on
Friday morning at the funeral of a friend’s mum. So hard when your
parents die. I still occasionally have the momentary urge to phone my
mum or discuss something with my dad, sharply followed by the
realisation that I can’t. The old cliché, ‘time heals’, is one that I’ve
considered now and again – I’m not sure that ‘heal’ is the right word,
for me it’s more about time allowing you to cope with the loss.
meeting with Sandra White in the afternoon at her office in Glasgow
(Sandra and I are both deputies to Christine Grahame who holds the
Social Justice Portfolio in our Group), and then a bout of nostalgia on
Friday night.
I started my
career in housing in 1982, and in 1985 I took a job with Clydebank
Housing Association – the Association had just registered, the Steering
Committee had become the Management Committee, and we owned around 60
houses if my memory serves me correctly. Friday night was the
celebration of 20 years of providing houses in Clydebank, and I was
amazed to learn that the Association now owned 1200 houses. I had a
ball! It was like stepping back in time for me and great to see some of
the original committee members, two of them – Betty Mackie, and John
Hearns, currently vice chair still voluntarily working 20 years on. What
community spirit! The job of being a Management Committee member of a
Housing Association is no easy task – it involves a huge level of
responsibility and commitment. Good on them all. Below are some of the
original management committee members who had the vision to promote the
association in Clydebank, including Malky McSporran, the first

on Saturday afternoon at one of the local churches for a silent auction
in aid of the Tsunami victims. I’m not naming the church because all the
churches in Strathaven had contributed. I don’t know yet how much was
raised, but there was loads of stuff for sale. I’m looking forward to
hosting the successful bidder for my donation of a tour of the
parliament and lunch for two.
Cunninghame phoned me late afternoon to say that she was home safe and
exhausted, but had a really interesting trip – heavy going few days as
these study tours always are. Looking forward to hearing all about her
Crashed out
to sleep early on Saturday night – whatever wee bug was moving round my
system on Wednesday was still there and making himself known. Likewise
on Sunday, although I did make it along to Theatre Nemo’s open day in
the afternoon. This is a group, started in East Kilbride, which I
support as much as possible.
Theatre Nemo
is a campaigning theatre company whose aims are to raise awareness of
social and mental health issues and give a voice to those who have been
touched by mental ill health. The belief is that stimulation and
activity mixed with fun works wonders for mental wellbeing. It was
started by Isabel McCue after her son John took his own life. Isabel
felt that John’s talent and creativity had been ignored, with medication
being all that he was offered at the time. The group have gone from
strength to strength and I am convinced by speaking to many of the
participants over the last couple of years that real benefits are felt
by those who participate. There were some new faces there on Sunday and
I joined in learning how to juggle – I was rubbish and decided against
learning how to ride a unicycle!
If anyone is
interested in finding out more about Theatre Nemo, their website address
www.theatrenemo.org. Meanwhile, the players!