Week beginning 21st February 2005
So this is how the week’s going to be!
Arrived back at Glasgow Airport at lunchtime, went to collect my car,
and there it was with a completely flat front tyre. So, three hours
later, much sterling lighter, I arrived back at Strathaven to check my
email – almost four hundred of them, and that despite Calum and Davie
clearing out the spam. So, I must admit I just looked at them, and
decided to leave it all ‘till the morning. Then I had a look at last
week’s diary piece by Davie and Calum – dedicated souls the both of
Tuesday morning and back to reality, through
in Edinburgh for the Standards Committee meeting. My colleague, Brian
Adam, has set a Convener’s record I think – eight minutes the meeting
lasted! I must add that this is highly unusual, but I’m glad I wasn’t
late or I would have missed it. It was just general housekeeping stuff
to set us up for the debate on Thursday about the proposed Members’
Interest Order Committee Bill. The Members’ Interest Order covers the
rules about declaration of interests, heritable interests, remuneration
from other sources, gifts etc. – remember all the recent fuss about the
First Minister’s holiday with Kirsty Wark? Anyway, the Committee has
been considering its content, making some changes with a view to
enshrining it in legislation. All the work on this was done before I was
a member of the Committee so I just joined in at the end of the
discussions which have been going on for a long long time
Just before I went off on recess I was told
that I had been allocated the Member’s Debate for Thursday 24th
Linda Fabiani:
Scottish Civic Forum—That
the Parliament notes the concerns raised about the financing of the
Scottish Civic Forum; further notes that the forum was set up to help
fulfil the founding principles of the Parliament and, in particular, the
engagement of Scotland’s people in the new democracy; considers that all
those who have an interest in the open democracy heralded in 1999 should
act to ensure a continued and healthy future for the forum, and believes
that the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body should investigate the
possibility of funding the forum directly.
So, must prepare. Since it began the Forum’s
main funding has been by the Scottish Executive. This is now being cut
in half and the Forum told that this year’s payment is the last one that
will be made. A lot of good work has been carried out by the Civic Forum
and the Parliament’s founding principle of power-sharing between itself
and the people must be protected. Impartiality and neutrality is
essential, so that’s why I believe that core funding should come from
the Parliament and not the Government of the day. You can see what type
of work the Civic Forum is involved in my logging on at:
Quarterly Trustees Meeting at Just World
Partners on Tuesday night. We are still having issues about European
Union funding mechanisms on some of our projects, and it seems that
other charities are having similar experiences. Alyn Smith MEP along
with some Green Party colleagues in the European Parliament are trying
to help out and organising meetings with the appropriate Commission
officials. MEPs of all political persuasions in Scotland seem keen to
learn of the issues and investigate, so once we have the urgent business
sorted out I hope we can influence and change for the better. Small
charities and non-governmental organisations all work ‘close to the
edge’ in terms of their funding, with no resources to fall back on when
there are blips and glitches in the systems. It’s extremely stressful
for staff trying to focus their work on helping those less fortunate but
end up dealing with needless bureaucracy and uncertainty about how to
fund the administration of the organisation itself.
Wednesday morning and private session of the
Communities Committee – no eight minute meeting this one! We were
finalising our report for the Stage 1 debate on the proposed Charities
legislation. Private session so I can’t say much more – sorry. The
debate is scheduled for March. Stage 1 debate is where the Executive
will present their proposals for agreement of the general principles.
After the debate, and assuming the general principles are agreed, then
we move to Stage 2 where members can propose amendments to the Bill.
Met up with a Strathaven chap at lunchtime –
he was through with friends to hear Time for Reflection which was being
given today by Irene Jovaras, Joint Co-ordinator
of the Focolare Movement in Scotland. I had never heard of this
movement, and my visitor explained it to me. ‘Focolare’ means hearth, or
fireplace, and this was the nickname given to a bunch of Italian ladies
who were active in helping their neighbours during the second-world war;
their work was based on their faith. The movement has since grown, is
ecumenical, and now operates in 182 countries. One of their tenets is
‘the Movement for Unity in Politics’ and the speaker urged us to put
aside Party differences and work together for the greater good. There
were some bemused faces on the benches, let me tell you!
Stage 3 Debate on the Fire Services
(Scotland) Bill in the afternoon – nothing particularly contentious.
Stage 3 is the final stage of the legislative process. Last amendments
are debated and voted upon, and then if the Bill is passed it goes for
Royal Assent and becomes law.
Wednesday evening and a really enjoyable
reception in the Parliament’s ‘Garden Lobby’: CSV, Community Service
Volunteers. CSV volunteers work full-time in various projects at home
and overseas, for a small fee and living allowance. It was a really
interesting evening and the variety of work carried out is truly
astonishing. Over the last 10 years there have been in the UK 11,427
volunteers, 319,525 weeks given volunteering with an average time
commitment of 28 weeks – loads more to know about this organisation, so
have a look at their website:
One of the things that particularly struck
me about their presentation was the emphasis on how much the volunteers
themselves felt that they gained from their experience – it works both
ways, for the volunteer and for the individual or organisation being
And so to Thursday, and boy was I ‘no weel’
– some lurgy that seems to be doing the rounds. I spent the day in my
‘think pod window seat’, trying to sleep, and Calum wheeled me out when
absolutely necessary.
The first ‘absolutely necessary’ was to meet
Angelica Agurbash, the Belarussian entry for the Eurovision Song
Contest! Varied job this – it’s a long story, but I had agreed to host
Angelica and her party in the Parliament. She was in the UK to record
her song at Abbey Road Studios and wanted to visit Scotland. Angelica
was absolutely stunning (she was Miss Russia 2002), and male heads were
turning all through our tour – the Security guards were fair taken with
her and she even managed a photograph with one of the polis’s helmet’s
on. Later that night when I was feeling a bit better my partner, Duncan,
and I attended a short concert by Angelica in the Roxy Arts Centre, and
yes she can sing as well – this girl’s got everything!
Scottish men are very honest – as evidence,
see extract of conversation with Duncan below:
L: Angelica’s gorgeous isn’t she?
D: Oh aye, really beautiful – she doesn’t
have to be able to sing.
L: I’m going to use one of the photos in my
web-diary – but I look like a wee Glesga bauchle next to her.
D: Aye, right enough, have you not got one
of her on her own?
Never mind – I’m not proud!

Thursday night was my Member’s Debate on the
Scottish Civic Forum – managed to get through it with the help of Kenny
MacAskill, and we achieved cross-party consensus on the fact that the
Forum should be funded by the parliament and not the Executive, so must
start trying to get that implemented.
Didn’t do a lot on Friday I must admit –
still a bit fragile, but managed to clear some emails and
correspondence. All fresh for by-electioneering in Falkirk on Saturday
morning – another Council by-election. Was all set to go to the Amnesty
Ceilidh in East Kilbride on Saturday night, but sadly it was cancelled
due to lack of ticket sales, the first time for many years. Perhaps
there’s been so much fundraising for the Tsunami appeal that all
attention is being focused on that meanwhile. Maybe the organisers will
try to arrange something later in the year – I hope so, because
previously they’ve been great nights.
Learned on Sunday that the BBC will be
showing ‘The Gathering Place’ early March. This is the fly-on-the-wall
documentary about the Holyrood project – I’m a bit nervous about its
showing because I know I’ll be in it somewhere over the last five years,
and goodness knows what I said! You really do very quickly forget that
the cameras are there when you’ve involved, and let’s face it, five
years of material can be edited in many different ways. Never mind, it’s
hardly life threatening, maybe just embarrassing!
LF: 28.2.05