Week beginning
Monday 11th April
Another busy week as
always. Sometimes I feel that I’ll never be on top of the work
required. But, I guess every job is like that. Hightailed it through
to Edinburgh first thing Monday morning to speak at the launch of
"What's going on?", A study into destitution and poverty faced by
asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland. The research was carried out
on behalf of The Edinburgh-based Refugee Survival Trust, and funded by
Oxfam through its UK Poverty Programme. The Trust works through
partner organisations to administer grants to people seeking asylum
who have been left without support. Even though I do have some
knowledge of the situation facing asylum seekers and refugees I was
shocked at the rawness of some of the statistics. For example, the
research showed that administrative and procedural delays are the
cause of destitution amongst more than half of those who apply to
Refugee Survival Trust, and within that category 95% of errors or
delays were attributable to Government departments!
Rafiq – a young man
from Iraq: “…a clerical mistake – this is the way they explained it …
that’s why they’re reinstating my support…possibly a mistake happens
once, why twice?”
There was one statistic
which made me feel deeply ashamed - 75% of the 1,000 grant
applications made during the study period were specifically for food
and basic necessities. In our country people having to beg for food.
Nura – a mother with
a young daughter: “At the moment I am running here and there … the
Church Minister was able to give me some money to buy food. The
Refugee Council said able to support me for 2 weeks but then after
that nothing. I don’t know how I’ll manage”.
The report also
included recommendations to the UK Government and the Home Office
Immigration and Nationality Directorate, and I sincerely hope that
notice will be taken. Most of these recommendations are no more than
common sense, basic decency and necessary to meet the humanitarian
objectives that all privileged nations espouse when it suits. We could
start with the right to work, the right to be treated with respect,
the right not to have to live in destitution.
Ivan – a 40-year old
man, with a wife and baby: “The best thing would have been if they
allowed people to work here. I’ve got my hands, my head. I’m willing
to help and contribute to this country. But instead I’m reduced to
this situation where I have no means of supporting myself and I have
to ask for support from someone else. I would be able to earn a living
for myself and my family if they allowed me to work.”
This in a country with
a declining population and a Scottish Government promoting a Fresh
Talent Initiative to encourage workers from overseas. Makes no sense
to me at all.
Back to the office –
emails, phone calls, letters meetings … … … A lot of the constituency
letters/emails at the moment are in relation to pensions, shortage of
dentists and of course the Health Service – the Health Service
correspondence is invariably about hospital treatment rather than GP
services. Also, with the forthcoming election, there are lots of
letters asking for individual MSP and Party opinions about all sorts
of things, from International Development issues to bad-neighbour
Tuesday Communities
Committee Meeting – Tuesday instead of Wednesday this week because
we’ve got an extra Parliament session tomorrow morning. Still taking
evidence on the Housing Bill, this week from Local Authorities mainly.
Next week from the solicitors, lawyers, estate agents and surveyors.
Had a meeting later in the afternoon with the Royal Institute of
Chartered Surveyors – their main issue about the Bill is the proposed
Single Sellers Survey which means that the onus will be on the seller
to have the property surveyed and valued, with the eventual successful
purchaser refunding the cost to the seller. Understandable, this big
shift in the culture of buying and selling property is causing much
controversy amongst the professions which are directly involved. I am
pleased though with the pragmatism being shown by the chartered
surveyors’ membership body.
Some good news today –
text from Tricia Marwick to tell me that she’s now a granny! A
beautiful wee grandson. That’s two grannies in the SNP Group now,
Tricia and Sandra. We’re all getting on a bit right enough! Never
having had children hasn’t bothered me much over the years, but I’ll
tell you, I’d love to be a granny! I was offered the opportunity last
summer to retire to East Timor, so maybe someday I’ll do that and be
an honorary granny in the village of Peirara. What bothered me when
the offer was made last year though was that there seemed to be a
presumption that my retirement was imminent! I must have been looking
pretty rough that day.

A busy Chamber day on
Wednesday but interspersed with pleasure. A visit at lunchtime from
one of my old neighbours in Rothesay. Marion moved south to live with
her family ten years ago and this is the first I’ve seen her since. I
had a great time reminiscing with her and some other Brandanes (a
Brandane is someone born on the Isle of Bute) over lunch. I often look
back with longing at my old job in Bute – I was development manager
for the local housing association and covered Bute, Cumbrae and
Argyll. There was nothing better than driving off the wee ferry at
Colintraive, stopping at Inverary for breakfast before heading to
Campbeltown or Lochgilphead. Of course I only remember the sunny days,
not the times when the sea was so rough the ferries couldn’t get me
home, or having to cancel meetings because I couldn’t get off the
island. Still, it’s healthy to just remember the good times.
The Chamber business on
Wednesday was “Scotland’s Needs and Aspirations” in the morning and
“Women Offenders” in the afternoon. I took part in the afternoon
debate and referred back years ago when prior to our parliament being
re-established the Scottish Office carried out a review of Women
Offenders and concluded that “The number of women prisoners who
actually pose a grave danger to the general public can probably be
counted on the fingers of one hand." In its conclusions, it noted that
less than 1% of female convictions are for violent offences and that
women’s offending frequently relates to drug abuse and is often rooted
in poverty. The Justice Minister, seven years on is saying the same
things. I am not denying that at times there are women who require
custodial sentences – shoplifting as a business for example, but all
the evidence suggests that too often women who are perceived as
offenders are in fact victims and it is the case that women get jailed
for crimes such as non-payment of TV Licences, non-payment of fines
etc. This has a huge social cost because, after all, more women
offenders than male offenders have dependent children living with them
and studies have shown that such women are likely to be lone parents.
When you consider that
the recent report by HM prisons inspectorate of Cornton Vale Women’s
Prison shows that 80 per cent of prisoners have a history of mental
illness and 90 per cent have addiction problems we have to recognise
that some other way of dealing with the issue is necessary. It’s a big
job. Obviously support for some offending women and their families is
required – for those leaving prison, and for those who potentially
would end up there. Whatever we have been doing is not working, so we
really must start to take an innovative approach, using the voluntary
sector where appropriate and being proactive as far as possible rather
than reactive all the time. I am glad to say that there was consensus
across the political parties in the Chamber.
The International
Development Group held a really interesting meeting on Wednesday night
where we were addressed by the Hon. Nuwe Amanya-Mushega, Secretary
General of the East African Community, which is the regional
intergovernmental organisation of the Republics of Kenya, Uganda and
Tanzania, established 1999. I am always stunned by the sheer size of
the African Continent – these three countries cover an area of
1.8million square kilometres. Mr. Amanya-Mushega spoke of the common
history, language, culture and infrastructure of the region, and as
always at these events I learned so much – our International
Development Group is probably the best-attended cross-party group in
the Parliament, not just by those who work here but by members of the
public - a mark of how Scots have a real international interest.
Two debates on Thursday
morning – Council Tax and the Nuclear Industry, and following question
time, the afternoon debate on Skills. During Question Time I was able
to ask the Minister about progress in the case of survivors of
institutional child abuse. Many promises were made in December during
a debate on the subject and I am not convinced that these have all
been actioned as promised. Checking up required before I rant on more
about it though!
Dashed from the Chamber
to meet up with the East Kilbride Seniors – around 22 visitors if I
remember correctly, and what a grilling they put me through;
thoroughly enjoyable though. The talk mainly centred on the Parliament
complex and my involvement in the process – I think the majority of
folk were pleasantly surprised at both the complex itself and its
accessibility. I always enjoy showing visitors round, but it always
takes longer than you imagine it will, so as usual I was dashing off
at the end to get back to Chamber leaving Morag, again as usual, to
get everyone organised.

Thursday evening and a
presentation and meeting with the Association of Scottish Community
Councils. It was really good to hear the perspective of those souls
who labour away on Community Councils, in an entirely voluntary
capacity, and we never actually appreciate their commitment as we
should. The presentation was much appreciated, and I would like to see
Community Councils having more say in how their communities operate.
Their role has been consultative, but I would like to see them being
enabled to be service providers on a local scale – they are after all
closer to local people than any other tier of Government.
11.30 pm Thursday and
round to the BBC to do a slot on Radio 5 Live – about the General
Election I was told, so spent some time mugging up on manifestos and
the like, only to go on air and hear that we were there to talk about
the relationship between politics and comedy! Didn’t feel particularly
humorous at that time of night let me tell you.
On Friday I was
delighted to host my own professional institute in a visit to the
Parliament – the Chartered Institute of Housing. The Institute
generally arranges a members’ visit once a year to Parliament, but
this was the first organised visit to our new home. I am always
nervous when my fellow members visit – always more difficult to make
presentations to ‘your own’. Maybe it’s because they know so much
about your past! Anyway, it was all fine and dandy.
Friday night was also
fine and dandy – a fundraiser on behalf of the Children’s Hospice
Association organised by the Women’s Rural Institutes of Chapelton,
Gilmourton, Glassford and Sandford. The event was really well attended
and we listened with pleasure to the Convenanter’s Concert Band,
watched in awe as the young dancers from the Laing School of Irish
Dancing kept in perfect formation, and laughed along with the comic
turn ‘Kenny and Jim’. Well done to all with around £1400 raised. One
comment which made me laugh was when one of the performers said that
he had asked a local farmer what the initials ‘WRI’ actually stood for
and was told “wimmin rarely in”.
On the campaign trail
on Saturday of course, but in between times attended a fascinating
exhibition at Avendale Old Parish Church – some history and some
contemporary information. Fascinating old photographs of Strathaven
and Drumclog, tales of the Covenanters, wartime memories, and of
course the marvellous current work of members – links with Ethiopia,
Fair Trade, visiting and supporting asylum seekers at Dungavel, youth
group, and of course as always at Kirk events smashing home-baking.
Saturday night and
another community concert – the Greenhills Ceilidh Players in East
Kilbride this time. This bunch of folk are great – all ages put on a
show every year at this time and also a pantomime at Christmas. The
mark of their popularity is that each of these shows runs for three
nights to packed houses! This time it was ‘Sounds of the Sixties’ and
I thoroughly enjoyed singing along – I knew all the songs, but one
thing I didn’t know was that Elvis Presley is alive and well and
living in Greenhills! There he was on the stage belting out ‘In the
Ghetto’ and ‘Wooden Heart’. I was a huge Elvis fan and in fact was
saving up to go to Las Vegas to see a show when he died so suddenly.
So, Greenhills’ answer to the King really took me back to my absolute
devastation at the time (I had to have two days off work!).
Talking about old
memories, Saturday night brought one from even further back. My first
childhood memories are from when I was in hospital in Glasgow as a
toddler in the late 1950s – tuberculosis. I was in Yorkhill (I think)
and then Drumchapel hospital to convalesce, for around seven months
altogether. Must have been awful for my parents. Well, on Saturday
night at the show, an East Kilbride lady, retired nurse, brought me
two photographs of when I was in hospital and she nursed me! I was
stunned to see them, and not only that she brought a photograph of
another toddler, Brian, who was in at the same time as me, and would
you believe it, Brian and I are pals today, so I will be able to pass
on the photo. What a dedicated nurse that lady must have been, to have
remembered the names of the children she nursed; and what a small
country our Scotland is.
And so to Sunday – must
admit to not doing a lot – Sunday’s not really a day for outside
campaigning. Enjoyed Sunday evening though – attended the premiere of
the Avendale Yoof Group movie, only the second film premiere to which
I’ve ever had the honour of being invited; the tale of Inspector
Collinder and the Missing Body. The film was so well made, by the Yoof
Group themselves, and everyone there enjoyed watching it as much as
the cast obviously enjoyed making it. A grand way to round off the
week, and made up for my having missed Doctor Who the night before.
So, thank you to all.
Linda Fabiani