Week beginning
Monday 18th April
Well, here I sit,
Sunday night looking back over the week. A week of visiting voluntary
groups, lots of constituency cases to catch up on and new issues
arriving on my desk and on David’s. Monday daytime passed really
quickly with constituency cases: NHS, housing, some extremely
sensitive issues relating to criminal justice.
It’s no wonder that NHS
waiting times continue to be a controversial issue. In the last week I
have had two cases that highlight the weaknesses within the NHS and
the serious shortage of staff that leads to patients being left to
suffer in pain. Two folk, in the same week and within days of each
other, had falls - in one case a badly broken arm, and the other a
broken leg. Both attended the Accident and Emergency Department at the
local hospital.
The first of the two
was admitted to the hospital and subsequently waited 3 days before
undergoing surgery and the second was actually sent home twice from
A+E before having surgery two days later. These were not minor breaks,
but serious enough to warrant surgery. Both patients were told they
had to wait because more urgent cases came in and had to go before
them. That I do not doubt, because if there’s shortages then something
has to give, but THREE DAYS! This highlights the shocking state of
some NHS departments - if I’m receiving two cases within days of each
other, then there must be plenty more. Of course the Scottish
Government keep saying that the average waiting time for various
treatments has reduced, whilst for other treatments it will start to
come down. But, you know for every average there is a corresponding
high point and a corresponding low point, and if you’re the person at
the high point, then life is pretty rough whilst you’re waiting for
treatment. Every statistic that is bandied about is a person and we
should never forget that.
Waiting lists do not
however only exist in the NHS. I’ve often written about housing
waiting lists for public sector flats and houses – Davie was
approached this week by someone who has been waiting for a house for
13 years! Again we hear fine words – still waiting to hear fine words
about abolishing the right-to-buy however – but as I’ve said before,
fine words and worthy initiatives don’t give someone the keys to a
front door and a roof over their head. I’m waiting for a parliamentary
answer about how many of the much trumpeted 21,500 affordable houses
over the next three years have actually been approved and scheduled to
start on site. Unless a new era of housing policy that protects some
publicly rented homes is ushered in quickly, then MSPs will continue
to have calls from people who are in desperate situations because of
the blind adherence to policies that leave people waiting for ever and
a day just to have a place they can call home.
On Monday night, at
Hairmyres Hospital in East Kilbride, I attended the South Lanarkshire
Group of the National Osteoporosis Society, and what a lot I learned.
I had vaguely thought of osteoporosis as something that elderly women
got – brittle bones etc., but I had no idea at all of the incidence of
the condition, of the wide age range it can affect, the knock-on
effects, and the measures which can be taken to ameliorate or indeed
prevent. It was only when I read the literature forwarded to me prior
to the meeting that I learned for example, that bone thinning is
inevitable after our strong point in our mid-thirties and that for one
in two women and one in five men over the age of 50 this progressive
weakening leads to osteoporosis where the bones become so fragile that
they can break following the simplest knock or fall. I was disturbed
at some of the discussion at the meeting about lack of provision for
sufferers in Lanarkshire and will look further into this. Meanwhile,
the National Osteoporosis Society has a website at
Tuesday morning and a
fascinating presentation in one of the Parliament’s meeting rooms from
’Revolutionary – a Young Enterprise Company’. A brilliant bunch of
senior pupils from Graeme High School in Falkirk who for their school
‘enterprise’ project decided to “work towards promoting the strong
social conscience of today’s youth in a direct way: tackling the issue
of racism”. They did this by producing a rubber wristband (all the
fashion these days!) brandishing the slogan “racismban’d”
to highlight the fact that they don’t want racism in their society.
All the proceeds from sales go to ‘show Racism the Red Card’ which
works to promote anti-racism, principally in football. The company
started with a loan from the school of £2,500, they ordered 27,000
bands from a Fair Trade company in Taiwan and then had their launch at
Hampden Park. They’re garnering lots of support and are now trying to
spread the message to other schools. Click on their website to see
which football clubs are actively supporting and to find out what else
they’re up to:
Communities Committee
in the afternoon – Housing Bill, but only after hosting a visit from
some ‘Ladies who Lunch’ from Sandford, Glassford, Hamilton and
Edinburgh – great fun, and I hope they come again. I felt really
relaxed heading into that Communities meeting! Decided to lock myself
in the office after Committee finished at 5.30 pm and to set to
ploughing through the paperwork. I had to get back to Strathaven
Tuesday night and had arranged to pick someone up at 9.45 pm to give
them a lift through from Edinburgh – would you believe, fire alarm
went off and then because the problem was perceived to be in the
underground car park, I couldn’t get my car out to get away! Grumpy’s
not the word for how I was, marching up and down outside the building,
railing against the world. It was a false alarm, thankfully, but not
home until after midnight.
start on Wednesday. It meant I was in the office for before 8.00 am,
but if I had left starting out any later then I would have been late
for my 9 o’clock committee meeting. Charities Bill – proper start to
Stage 2 – page by page scrutiny of the Bill and submission of
amendments. I find Stage 2’s quite tiring – I think we all do. Stage 3
Debate on the Further and Higher Education Bill in the Chamber in the
afternoon. Stage 3 is the final stage for legislation, last amendments
are voted on, the Bill passed and sent for Royal Assent (why, oh why
is this necessary?). This piece of legislation merges the Further and
Higher Education Funding Councils.
Attended a presentation
at lunchtime by HomeStart – an organisation which gives support to
families with young children. Volunteers, who are usually parents
themselves, are recruited and trained. They visit families at home and
offer informal, friendly and confidential support. We heard directly
from some mothers who had used HomeStart and the general feeling
seemed to be that this organisation works because there is no stigma
attached in saying that it is difficult to cope and volunteers are not
seen as ‘officialdom’, There are very successful local groups in some
parts of Scotland, but not in Lanarkshire – must look into this
because I am sure it would be a welcome service.
Interesting, informal
meeting in the evening with an overseas student who wants to take part
in the Scottish Government’s much announced and applauded ‘Fresh
Talent Initiative’. Highly intelligent lad who would be a huge asset
to us, but you know trying to find out on his behalf how to go about
applying to be ‘Fresh Talent’ proved really difficult – passed from
website pillar to website post – Scottish Executive/Foreign Office
etc. etc. etc. Eventually I discovered that the “… Fresh Talent
Initiative will be launched in Scotland in Summer 2005”. Excuse me,
but how long has the First Minister been trumpeting this initiative,
and it’s not even launched yet! Sometimes I despair, I really do; not
on my own behalf but on behalf of those whose hopes get raised by all
the spinning that goes on from Government. So, this lad – turns out he
lives in Lothians so Kenny MacAskill will take on his case. I hope we
can help.
Chamber all day again
on Thursday with Question Time, First Minister’s Questions (more
waiting list statistics!), and Stage 3 of the Gaelic Bill in the
afternoon. I’m still chuckling though every time I think of our
lunchtime visitors – the Swiss Club of Edinburgh. What an enjoyable
bunch of folk. They were so interested in the Parliament and ran poor
Calum ragged with their very detailed questions about the
architecture, the contract procurement, building methods – it was like
the Fraser Inquiry all over again. I was really interested to learn
about how the Swiss run their local and national government, with
citizen participation at all levels it seems. Also they appear to have
a rotating presidency, with different parties taking turns at being
‘heid bummer’. I must find out more about this. As always the
‘think-pod’ in the window in my office was the main attraction.

The Swiss Invasion!
Talking of office
visitors – Morag and I received a lovely letter from the Strathaven
Fair Trade Group following their visit with the poster competition
winners from all the Avondale primary schools. They enclosed the
Minutes of their last meeting, with the immortal lines, and I quote …”Visit
to Parliament was a huge success, with highlight of the day being
Linda’s electronic stapler and her think-pod”.
Now if Enric Miralles had realised that was all that was necessary, we
could have saved a lot of money!
Busy constituency day
on Friday. Off to Kilmarnock first thing to do a couple of house
visits and to call in on Stresswatch Scotland. I am a Patron of
Stresswatch Scotland, a small organisation, founded in 1971, which
gives advice and information for people with anxiety, panic, phobias
and obsessive compulsive disorder. It’s the only such organisation in
Scotland, with phone lines manned, and self-help groups run by
volunteers. We only have one part-time member of staff who does a
great job in co-ordinating the service, publishing booklets and
organising training events. The funding is minimal and we rely on
memberships (just £5 per year), donations and sales of books, tapes
etc. Like so many voluntary organisations, Stresswatch Scotland
provides a vital service for users, takes off some of the strain from
mainstream service providers, yet has a hand-to-mouth existence
because of the lack of core funding. So much more could be done –
expansion of service, taking more referrals, encouraging more
volunteers if only we had the resources. We don’t need a lot, just the
confidence that core funding would allow us to move forward. Funding
by the Scottish Government has recently been cut because a particular
element of the service is not available – it would be if we had the
resources to promote it! Chicken and egg situation.
Stresswatch sends out
quarterly newsletters to members, packed full of information – the
current one has articles about Panic Disorder, Sleep Problems and
Social Phobia for example. This is the type of organisation to which
many people turn who feel that they can no longer be helped by general
medical services, or who in fact find it difficult to admit they have
a problem at all and so won’t speak to doctors or social workers. So
often, those who suffer from a mental disorder feel stigmatised. At
Stresswatch many of the counsellors have direct experience themselves
and can understand – sometimes all someone needs is a bit of
Afternoon in East
Kilbride, first of all being interviewed by a local journalism student
– great career in front of him has Gordon, considering the hard
questions he asked and him only in his first year at Bell College!
Another voluntary
organisation later in the afternoon and early evening. East Kilbride
Befrienders asked me to come in for a chat because, again, there is a
core funding (lack of) issue. I’m not going to say much about this at
the moment because discussions are ongoing, but what I will say is
that over the years this organisation has helped many, many young
people in East Kilbride and the loss of such a service would be a
severe blow to the current client group. I would have thought that at
a time when it is recognised that social workers are in short supply,
then voluntary organisations which help to fill the gaps would be
welcomed by the authorities.
Saturday morning and
off to attend the AGM of a very annoyed voluntary organisation! It’s
Lanarkshire Couple Counselling Service (used to be Marriage Guidance
Council), and they’ve been serving Lanarkshire for 40 years now!
Entirely voluntary, no paid staff at all and this year have carried
out 656 appointments – some going. These volunteers are dedicated, and
again, although we refer to folk as volunteers, in fields such as this
there is highly intensive Diploma level training before being allowed
to practice.
Lanarkshire Couple
Counselling Service is funded by clients’ donations, other donations
and by the respective Lanarkshire Councils, the work being split 50/50
between their areas – in the last financial year North Lanarkshire
Council granted £2000 and South Lanarkshire Council £450. Not a lot
considering the amount of referrals they get from Council services. In
fact it now looks like this year’s Council funding will be cut,
apparently because careful management means that the organisation has
some money in the bank (not a lot), so no prizes for prudence! And, no
opportunity to use wise financial management to allow for further
diploma courses for volunteers, or to consider employing a
co-ordinator. Catch 22! A constant frustration of mine is that the so
called voluntary sector is chock-full of volunteers working in a
professional manner with no recognition at all. This service is truly
vital to the well-being of families in Lanarkshire - 187 children were
involved in client families during the last year of operation – and we
keep being told about the importance of the family unit to society.
On a lighter note, it
did make me laugh when the Treasurer managed to resign after 13 years
of service to the organisation. This is the same lady who when I
attended the AGM some five years ago, agreed to carry on for “just one
more year – absolutely”. Well done Cathie, and such a familiar story
in voluntary groups.
Saturday afternoon and
last work gig of the week – didn’t seem like work though, as I always
enjoy this event. The local Territorial Army in East Kilbride’s annual
open day – the Royal Corps of Signals, 52 Lowland Signals Squadron. A
great bunch of men and women (10-12% women) committed to what they do.
It’s fascinating to have explained how the communications network
operates out in the field; so often when we think of the Military, we
think of front line infantry and tanks and forget about all the
logistics required by specialist military personnel. My very first
full-time job was with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
(REME) so I should know better! I was really struck this year in
talking to the soldiers by how much they loved their Regiment and had
absolute loyalty to their comrades. I guess I noticed this more
because of the crazy UK Government decision to disband some of
Scotland’s historic regiments – a decision which logic I will never
understand. But then this Government does a lot of things that many of
us find it hard to understand; I wonder if they understand themselves?
Linda Fabiani