Week beginning
Monday 25th April
Well, before I start in
on week beginning 25th April, I must refer back to my
Saturday afternoon with the local Territorial Army in East Kilbride –
the Royal Corps of Signals, 52 Lowland Signals Squadron. The Squad has
very kindly sent me some photographs of the day and also their email
contact for any potential recruits. My excuse is that I’m far too old
and one afternoon’s training alone would finish me off!
Mainly house visits to
constituents on Monday – Davie and I sharing the load. I met one
particular person whose experience I must take on board and check out
just how our public services are meeting the requirements of dealing
with people with disabilities fairly and equitably. This case centres
round the local Job Centre and the attitude of staff in dealing with
someone with a disability – a highly qualified and experienced person
who has just come back home after working abroad and who feels that
their potential for employment is being undervalued purely because of
their disability.
Can I say to readers at
this point that I realise that on reading the above it looks a bit
vague, but when I write something in my diary which relates to a
particular person I have to be very careful to guard their privacy and
write nothing which could identify them to a reader. Unless of course
permission is asked for and granted.
Monday night and an
annual event which I look forward to every year – the North
Lanarkshire Schools Bands Concert in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.
My young pal Megan and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and marvelled at
the quality of the performance of school children from all over North
Lanarkshire – the Junior and Senior Chorus, the Wind Band and Wind
Ensemble, the Jazz Orchestra and the Rock Ensemble. This year for the
first time we heard the newly formed Pipe Band, and I was stunned to
learn that they’d only been practicing since October last year. In
fact they’d only received their instruments three weeks before and had
been practicing on chanters and tables (yes, tables!) until their
bagpipes and drums arrived! Well done to the members of the Shotts and
Dykehead Pipe Band for tutoring the pupils so well.
There was also a very
special performance at the concert this year: The Drake Music Project
Scotland creates opportunities for people with disabilities to make
music. All levels of ability are catered for and the project uses
specialised music technology including touch sensitive switches,
ultrasonic movement detectors and computer software for composing and
performing. Three of North Lanarkshire’s special needs schools are
involved – Clydeview, Glencryan and Bothwellpark, and they work
alongside pupils from three mainstream schools. The half-hour session
was wonderful and the enthusiasm and excitement of the participants
was a joy to watch. It’s a brilliant project and well done to all at
NLC for its promotion. Our own Evelyn Glennie is a Patron – log onto
to learn more.
Tuesday and a day of
meetings and deskwork at the office in Edinburgh, and preparation for
the Wednesday morning Communities Committee. I don’t know where the
day went, I can’t remember particularly what I achieved, but I do know
that when I left the office around 9 pm I was whacked! I often hear it
said from folk in all sorts of different jobs that meetings expand to
fill the available time and just create more work which requires more
meetings! Absolutely true I think. Anyway, realised early evening that
I had to go home to Strathaven, so 6.00 am start again on Wednesday
Busy Wednesday, as
always. Communities Committee first thing – still on Stage 2
Amendments for the Charities Bill. Two particularly contentious issues
upon which the Committee voted against the Executive’s position: One,
the question of payment to Charity Trustees – the Executive’s
proposals allow payments to Trustees, but the committee’s concern is
that whilst there may be times when this is appropriate, folk should
not be rewarded purely for BEING Trustees. I hope that the Executive
takes the Committee’s views on board. If the Minister doesn't and
tries to reintroduce this measure I suspect a lot of MSPs will agree
with the Committee’s position. The other issue was the question of
Trustees being guilty of ‘misconduct’. Committee’s concern is about
the perception of the term ‘misconduct’. Whilst in dictionary
definitions misconduct covers a broad range of minor to major
misdemeanours, popular use of the term ‘misconduct’ conjures up images
of ‘fingers in the till’ or deliberate bad actions. Surely, for
example, being a bit late in submitting annual accounts to the
regulatory body shouldn’t invite the same censure as, for example,
deliberate fraud? The Committee’s view is that potential Trustees
could well be discouraged.
Lunchtime visit from
the Stewarton Community Council – what a fun visit, and I really must
give special mention to Mary, an elderly lady with a great sense of
humour who took a real shine to Calum. It’s a while since I’ve seen
the laddie that embarrassed! Well done Mary.
The Fine Folk of Stewarton
I had to miss a bit of
Wednesday afternoon’s debate on Financial Services Strategy so that I,
and the other MSP members of the Parliament’s Art Group could meet the
new Art Curator. It was good to hear the Curator’s ideas about how we
should move forward with the Art Strategy for the Parliamentary
Complex and looking forward to receiving her draft document soon.
Final debate of the day
was the member’s debate on the ‘Make Poverty History’ campaign. Lots
of good contributions but I get so frustrated when I hear about how
the UK and Gordon Brown are ‘leading the way’. Aye right, very good,
but as I said in the debate it’s been 35 years since the United
Nations set the criterion for rich nations of giving 0.7% of their GDP
to international development. The UK never has, still doesn’t even
under the saintly Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, and are talking of
meeting this target by 2013! In fact in 35 years the UK has
short-changed the poorer nations by £76 billion. So, if the UK really
is going to lead the way at the G8 summit this year, then meet that
international obligation immediately – others have. So, off I went
home with a bee in my bonnet, as I usually do after such discussions.
Thursday –
computer-bound most of the morning except for First Minister’s
Questions, Chamber all afternoon. In between though a visit to the
Education Centre to meet Denny Primary School pupils for the ‘grill
your MSPs’ session. Good questions as always. The Chamber afternoon
began with Environment and Rural Development questions to Ministers
and then Health and Community Care questions. I was hopping mad! I had
question number 6 in the Health slot and wanted to find out from the
Health Minister if he would encourage Lanarkshire Health Board to make
provision in the area for the diagnosis, management and prevention of
osteoporosis – there is no provision. But he took so blooming long in
answering the first five questions, in my opinion some of the answers
being irrelevant, that we never got to number 6. This is unusual, in
fact during the slot before 9 questions were answered. I did have a
moan at the Presiding Officer – to no avail, but made me feel better!
The afternoon debate
was on the Criminal Justice Plan and Surrounding Issues – I took part
in this because I wanted to raise the issue of how poverty can lead to
crime. That’s not to excuse crime, but more to try and understand the
root causes of some of it and act to prevent. After all, a recent
study by Roger Houchin, the ex-Governor of Barlinnie Jail, revealed
that a quarter of all prisoners come from just 53 of Scotland's 1,200
council wards—the 53 most deprived wards. Half of those in jail come
from the poorest 13 per cent of council wards. One in nine men from
deprived areas will be in prison during their 23rd year.
There must be a correlation here and as a society we would do well to
address it.
I had the pleasure on
Thursday evening of chairing the International Development Group which
welcomed Mr. Encho Gospodinov, Head of the New York Delegation of the
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
A fascinating presentation from a man of much life and work
experience. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is
actually the world’s largest humanitarian network with 178 recognised
national Societies – one in almost every country in the world. the
Federation was founded in 1919 with five founding member Societies:
Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the USA. In Scotland, we have a Red
Cross network of 5,300 volunteers and 500 staff!
A Trustees Meeting at
Just World Partners and then home, to eat, snooze and watch telly, in
varying order.
Early into the office
on Friday morning, trying to clear up some stuff before heading off to
Motherwell. The Bentley Hotel in Motherwell on Friday afternoon was
the venue for a great occasion – the presentation lunch for the young
people in the North Lanarkshire Council’s Access Programme who had
completed their respective training programmes. I’ve spoken of this
Group before and I was so proud on Friday afternoon seeing them
collect their certificates – a job well done. All sorts of skills have
been acquired – cookery, fork-lift driving, music project … … the list
goes on. I was very honoured to be invited and be part of the
celebrations. All the staff involved should also be commended for
their obvious commitment and hard work. While I’m doling out
congratulations, North Lanarkshire Council is deserving of mention for
the innovative way they have dealt with the issue of homelessness and
lack of employment for young people in their area. Long may they
continue in this vein, and not be forced to rely on quick outcomes so
that appropriate boxes can be ticked and statistics compiled. So often
the real story is behind the headlines and surely for our youth who
require a ‘hand up’, the time involved should be tailored to the

The Outdoor Skills Squad, and Kirsty
and Sean
I have said before that
as an MSP you get asked to do some very peculiar things, and none more
peculiar than when I got home on Friday afternoon. There, behind the
door, was a written plea that I immediately call at a house nearby and
officiate at a Wedding Ceremony! Of course I am neither ordained nor
licensed, but when the call goes out, especially from youngsters, then
you daren't refuse. So, I was happy to oblige, paying due respect to
the solemnity of the occasion, and I hope that Jemima and Horace will
be very happy – or hippy perhaps – see photo to solve the mystery! The
cake was good.

Not sure if it was a marriage or
the first Civil Partnership in Scotland!
Well, back to the
reality of the weekend before the General Election, and leafleting and
canvassing. C’est la vie.
Linda Fabiani