beginning Monday 30th May
Well, here I am sitting on Saturday night looking over the week past.
Holiday on Monday and took myself off with a couple of friends to the
garden centres down the Clyde Valley, finishing up in New Lanark. I
often go to New Lanark, it’s been fantastic to see how it’s built up
over the years and now of course is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Ended up with an impromptu surgery in the cafeteria when some Blantyre
ladies recognised me and came to lobby about the crematorium site
along the road from them. This was a big stooshie a couple of years
ago, and eventually local protest prevailed and the original site of
Greenhall Park was changed. Now, I’m told that the developer has
pulled out and no-one knows what’s happening, so that’s something to
look into when I get back to my desk.
the Save Greenhall Park Campaign was active in Blantyre some years ago
now, Alex was one of the leading activists and I maintained contact
with him over many issues facing Blantyre – his town which he loved
dearly and worked to protect and improve. Sadly, I received a phone
call from a fellow Blantyre chap on Tuesday morning to tell me that
Alex had died unexpectedly over the weekend. Blantyre will miss him.
night and the annual dinner of the Strathaven Fair Trade Group, and
very good it was too, in one of Strathaven’s fine restaurants. It was
a night of reminiscing of how years ago we began to talk about the
possibility of Strathaven being Scotland’s first Fair Trade Town –
well, we’ve achieved that as well as having the UK’s first Fair Trade
Primary School at Sandford. Onwards and upwards! I have heard rumours
that the First Minister has an intention of making Scotland a Fair
Trade Nation – that would of course be wonderful and I would be really
interested to hear how he intends to proceed. I hope I can be
to Edinburgh on Tuesday morning for the Standards Committee – of
course, this is a committee I can’t tell you about here because it is
this committee that investigates complaints about fellow MSPs who have
been reported to the Standards Commissioner, so all confidential until
conclusions have been reached, and reports given for the public
A day
of desk-work until a meeting with the Scottish Council of Voluntary
Organisations early evening. They came to talk about the debate two
weeks ago on the Strategic Funding Review for the Voluntary Sector. As
I said in my diary then, I was annoyed when the Minister announced in
his summing up of the debate that SCVO had assured him that core
funding for voluntary organisations would be a ‘backward step’ –
completely contrary to any evidence I have ever heard from those
working in the field. SCVO came along to tell me that this wasn’t
actually the case – well, tell the Minister, not me! I stand
absolutely with the premise that unless organisations which are
carrying out the work of Government are given adequate core-funding
for their day-to-day operations, then they are getting a raw deal and
being badly used.
Group Meeting on Tuesday evening and then dinner with a few MSP
colleagues and Alyn Smith MEP to bring each other up-to-date with
what’s happening in Holyrood and Europe. Alyn was elected to the
European Parliament back in June 2004, so that’s him almost completed
his first year. Seems like no time at all.
A rare
treat on Wednesday morning – no Communities Committee! As usual
though, all the plans of getting through mountains of work in this
rare mid-week space didn’t materialise – this job is so reactive, and
any planned spare time just gets swallowed up with telephone calls,
emergency emails and media/press queries. Managed to squeeze in a
meeting with SPICE – the Parliament’s Information Service. SPICE are
surveying members to ask how the service is received and whether there
could be any improvements made. Of course, the minute you’re asked
something direct the mind goes blank! I’m afraid I wasn’t much help to
them at all, but I am pretty satisfied with the work they do for me
when asked. All their briefing notes are available on the Scottish
Parliament website for anyone to access if interested in a specific
subject that the Parliament has covered.
sadness today – it’s been a rotten week for this. I got an email to
tell me that my pal David died yesterday morning. Completely
unexpected and we don’t yet know why. Just a young man. Although David
was a long-standing SNP member and activist I didn’t really get to
know him until 1999 when I got back from East Timor. He called me then
and we met up to talk about ET – he had a long standing interest in
the country. We became good pals and when Amorin came to stay with our
family, David was really kind to him too. He was a good person, lovely
in so many ways. It’s really awful.
Wednesday afternoon the First Minister gave his statement about his
plans for Malawi, and we were able to question him for around 20
minutes afterwards. It’s good that the Scottish Parliament is taking
an interest in International Development, and I am pleased that the
effort is to be focused. We have to be realistic about the budget
agreed - £3m – and recognise that it should be used in small local
community projects with a view to attracting further funding from
elsewhere, leading towards self-sufficiency. I am a great believer in
small community health and education projects – train the women within
communities, because women with children will stay there and pass on
the benefits to all.
Following the Malawi Statement I dashed off to chair a Workshop Debate
at a meeting of the United Nations Association. Meetings are being
held by the United Nations Associations in the UK, jointly with the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to ensure public input into the
development of the Government’s priorities for the UN Millennium
Summit in September when key decisions will be taken on the future of
the United Nations. The meeting I chaired centred upon development,
and examined the recommendations made in the UN Secretary-General’s
report "In Larger Freedom". It was an excellent session with some
really valuable input from a variety of attendees. If you are
interested in reading more about the Report, log onto

Brainstorming in
Committee Room 2
My life
is a constant rush – dashed from there round to the BBC to do the
Politics Tonight programme on Malawi and the G8. Got back to the
office around 8.15 pm, fully intending to clear the email box, but
when Calum suggested food, well, I didn’t take much persuading! Tapas
– one of my favourite ways of eating – lots of great tasting ‘bits’.
week passes to quickly – Thursday morning and Question Time again.
Then in the afternoon the Stage 3 Debate on the Protection of Children
and Prevention of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Bill. This is the
legislation which includes making internet grooming of youngsters a
criminal offence. During a Stage 3 Debate, which is the final hurdle
before a Bill is passed and goes for Royal Assent to become law, you
have to be in the Chamber the whole time because there are amendment
votes all the way through. It’s quite comical to see those who have
gone out for a quick coffee, or whatever, rushing back in at breakneck
speed to press the voting button when a vote is called – me amongst
them of course. This piece of legislation was of course passed
to Glasgow in the evening for the Consul General of Italy’s Reception
to celebrate Italian National Day. It is held in Edinburgh one year,
and Glasgow the next. This year it was in the Trades Hall of Glasgow
in Glassford Street – a beautiful hall. A thoroughly enjoyable
evening, meeting up with lots of old pals. Delighted to chat with
Gianni Benedetti again – Nicola’s dad (this is how he introduces
himself these days – he’s so proud of her!). She really was a star at
the Parliament Official Opening last year, the sheer magic of her
violin, and her composure for one so young. Mr. Benedetti was telling
me that Nicola would have been at the reception, but she was in New
York playing for Nelson Mandela and Bill Clinton – wow! And she’s
still only 17, a UN Cultural Ambassador, an album at no. 2 in the
Classical Chart. What a girl – the whole of Scotland should be proud
of her!
morning in East Kilbride – a couple of constituent meetings and then
to the official opening of East Kilbride’s new Bus Station – it
doesn’t seem that long ago that I was at a meeting to discuss the
plans. Looking good.
One of
my favourite pastimes in the afternoon – Gilmourton School to talk
with the primary 5/6 and 7 classes. Gilmourton is a small rural
school. Great youngsters with a real interest in the Parliament
because of their Citizenship lessons. They’ve got a School Council and
an Eco Group, and have been doing up the school garden – hard work,
but I could see from the ‘before’ pictures and the transformation
before my eyes that they’re really getting stuck in. I cover a really
diverse area – over the last couple of weeks I’ve been at schools with
hundreds of pupils – Kirktonholme School in East Kilbride has three
Primary 7 classes alone – and here, Gilmourton School has a roll of
around 35.
One of
the issues that the children raised was the lack of a gym hall. The
school classes are held in portacabin type accommodation, and they are
neither big nor high enough for proper gym equipment or for running
and jumping etc. So, unless the weather is good and sports can be held
outside, the pupils really are restricted. There is no available
village hall either, and even to ‘bus’ the children elsewhere takes a
lot of money out of the school budget. I will write to the Council on
their behalf, but I am sure that if South Lanarkshire Council did have
sufficient funds they would already have made them available. We spend
a lot of time at Holyrood talking about encouragement of sport and
trying to ensure that school children have so many hours physical
activity every week, but here is an example where the spirit is indeed
willing but the practicalities deny.
And so
to this morning, Saturday, and a morning of paperwork – Davie sent
through the constituency case audit for May yesterday, and as is
generally the way, new cases cover hospital Waiting Lists, Pensions
and Tax Credit, Housing and Homelessness. In addition though local
issues flagged up this month cover siting of telephone masts, toxic
emissions and of course the ongoing saga of the schools programme in
East Kilbride district. Lots of annoyed parents in Avendale because
the Council’s plan for Strathaven Academy redevelopment involves all
the pupils being bussed into East Kilbride for two years! Surely
there’s a better way; no wonder parents and pupils are up in arms.
the afternoon in Grangemouth with the Forth Valley Community
Development Action Group. It was a training day for volunteers – the
session I was involved in was ‘Magic Meetings – how to have good
Management Committee Meetings’. It really took me back to when I was
working to voluntary Management Committees in my job. The trainers
were great, and I picked up some useful tips. Also, as always at these
events, met some really interesting folk. One chap I was chatting with
over coffee was an absolute expert on Scottish history – I was
fascinated by his knowledge of the life of William Wallace, and could
have spent ages longer, just learning from him.
Monday morning now, and I finished the week hosting a Sunday night
Dinner in the Parliament restaurant for the UK Espana conference
taking place in Edinburgh over Monday and Tuesday. Morag and Calum and
pals chipped in to help with the tour before and after dinner – 90
delegates is a lot to deal with! The Catalans present were obviously
delighted at seeing their compatriot’s work – Enric Miralles was a
proud Catalan and the Barcelona inspiration is evident.
Morag and
Delegates admiring the combination of Catalan style and Scots
Engineering in the Chamber roof.
conference is the fourth in a series run by the British Council to
foster links between the UK and Spain, and promote dialogue amongst
legislatures national and devolved. I’ve managed to attend two of the
sessions so far over the last four years, and hope to get along to as
many of the sessions as possible in this one. I’ve really enjoyed
learning about the experiences in the Catalan and Basque Parliaments
in particular, as well as exploring the cultural differences apparent.
The last conference I attended was on the theme of Identity and it was
fascinating to compare the experiences, views and feelings of Catalans
and Scots, Welsh and Basques. Looking forward to the opening session
today, so bye!
Fabiani: 6.6.05