beginning Monday 5th September 2005
back to reality – committees and chamber started again this week. Here
I am late Thursday evening looking back over the week. A short week
though as I’m off to England’s Peak District for the weekend tomorrow
to celebrate a friend’s 50th Birthday – shop till we drop
is the intention.
week started well on Monday morning with a small Shadow Cabinet
reshuffle which has meant that I am no longer Housing spokesperson
(Housing has been made a Shadow Cabinet position, and Trish Marwick
will do a grand job) but will be nominated by the Group to the
position of Convener of the Europe and External Affairs Committee of
the Parliament. I am absolutely delighted, and all going well should
be in post by the end of this month; John Swinney’s a hard act to
follow though as I know he’s gained much respect across the board for
his stewardship of the Committee.
morning continued in good vein: The RIBA (Royal Institute of British
Architects) awards the prestigious Stirling Prize every year for
architecture, and the Parliament has been shortlisted along with the
BMW Building in Leipzig, the Jubilee Library in Brighton, a Technology
Centre in Surrey, a Children’s Centre in London and a Gallery in Cork.
The winner will be announced in October during a Channel 4 television
programme. The judges and the TV cameras were in this morning, and I
was interviewed for the programme – it took around 2 hours for what
will probably be a 10 second slot. Extremely interesting though. I was
delighted to meet one of the judges in particular – Joan Bakewell. My
father adored Joan Bakewell (as I know did many gentlemen of his
generation). My dad died not long before I was elected in 1999, but I
know that my meeting Ms Bakewell would have impressed him more than
anything else I have done since then!

The Scottish parliament, Edinburgh
Architects: Enric Miralles and RMJM
Odds: 5-1
"A remarkable
architectural statement which has an enormous impact not only on the
visitors to the building but also on the users who repeatedly move
through a series of extraordinary spaces and their changing effects.
The proof the extraordinary architectural ambition and vision is to be
seen in every aspect and detail of the finished building."
Photograph: Keith Hunter
We also learned on
Monday evening that the Cathcart by-election, forced by Mike Watson
MSP’s resignation following his guilty plea to fire-raising, will be
held on 29th September, same day as the Westminster
by-election in Livingston, so lots of door-knocking over the next few
The Chamber sat all day
on Tuesday to debate the First Minister’s Programme for Government,
except the First Minister didn’t debate – he just read a statement,
answered a few questions and scuttled off leaving his minions to
justify the lack of ambition that the Executive has for Scotland. Nice
work if you can get it! It was announced with great fanfare, however,
that Scotland’s business rate poundage is to be reduced to bring it
into line with that in England. Good news, but the SNP and the
business community have been pushing for that economic initiative for
the last 6 years in Holyrood, and prior, and suffered the derision of
the Executive – better late than never I suppose. It’s not enough to
turn Scotland’s economy around though, not nearly enough.
I wasn’t taking part in
Tuesday’s debate, so I managed to read through some of the
constituency issues that had arisen – Kilmarnock residents were busy
writing this week! From dermatological services at the local hospital
to the growing problem of mini-motorbikes being used both on roads and
pavements. There seems to be confusion about the regulation of such
vehicles/toys (whatever you want to call them) even though they’re
capable of being driven at 30 mph in some cases. So, checking up on
this to be done. I also got a smashing email from a young vet from
Kilmarnock who has gone off to Venezuela to do voluntary work for a
charity which neuters dogs and cats. There are so many people doing so
much good all over the world – sometimes we forget this and become
cynical, caught up in the day-to-day bad news stories.
Dinner on Tuesday night
with the British Medical Association, and very good it was too.
Actually, the conversation with my dining neighbours was extremely
informative and interesting. As I’ve said before, it’s those who work
at the front line of care who are most worth listening to. That seems
to be what Professor David Kerr has done in his Inquiry into the
health service – practitioners seem to be impressed at the widespread
consultation and inclusive approach adopted. We’re still waiting for
the Executive to agree to debate the findings though – we pushed for
that before summer recess at the end of June, and here we are in
September and no further on.
Last year, I had the
honour of attending the unveiling of the Scottish Police Memorial,
sited at Tulliallan Police Training College in Kincardine, and on
Wednesday I travelled again to the first of what will be an annual
service of remembrance for the families and friends of police officers
who have died in the line of duty. The Memorial carries the engraved
names of police officers who have died in the line of duty since 1770
up to as recently as 2004. The earliest known is Constable John Buchan
of the Aberdeen City Watch who was stabbed by a thief he was trying to
arrest. When I wrote here about last year’s service I talked about Jim
McNulty, retired policeman, who was instrumental in gaining such
recognition for his colleagues, and sadly reported a few weeks later
that Jim had died. This year we viewed a memorial tree that has been
planted in his honour near the monument – it was an honour to have
known him.

Well, when I began
this week’s diary I said it was a short week, and it was, but I’ll
tell you, the rushing around I’ve done today, Thursday, certainly
makes up for that! Three committees this morning – Communities
Committee (my last attendance at this one – Trisha taking my place),
Standards Committee to discuss the Standards Commissioner’s findings
after investigating two complaints against fellow MSPs (confidential
at the moment, report will be made public next week) and then the
Public Petitions Committee to speak on behalf of a Public Petition
submitted by constituents in North Lanarkshire.
This petition calls for
the Parliament to urge the Executive to amend the Fatal Accidents and
sudden Deaths Inquiry (Scotland) Act 1976 to make provision for a
mandatory inquiry in the case of a road death caused by careless
drivers. This happens already in England and Wales. The petition was
sadly prompted by a couple whose daughter was killed when another
driver crashed into her whilst she was stationery in a queue of
traffic. Mr. & Mrs. Curran are not looking for revenge or reparation
in their case, but for facts to be revealed and recognition of the
worth of loved ones who are killed in such circumstances. I was
unaware, for example, that when a case of dangerous or careless
driving comes to court, if someone died this is not allowed to be
mentioned. It’s like the victim didn’t exist. The Executive seem to be
against such a move, although I did not find the arguments of the
Justice Minister or the Lord Advocate to be convincing. Neither did
the members of the Public Petitions Committee who have asked for more
details and further explanation of the Executive’s reluctance. I am
always struck by the bravery of those who have suffered terrible loss,
but move to ensure that others in the future are in some measure
better treated.
East Kilbride matters
in the afternoon – schools, hospital, carers’ rights, disability
issues and then off to East Kilbride Village Theatre this evening for
the annual fund-raising concert for McMillan Cancer Care. Absolutely
brilliant as ever – songs from the shows. I love all that singalong
stuff – childhood memories of watching Gene Kelly singing in the rain,
Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra in High Society, the Busby Berkeley
spectaculars. “’fings ain’t wot they used to be” right enough! I’ll be
singing all the way down to Matlock tomorrow.
Linda Fabiani: 5.9.05
Email Linda at