beginning Monday 28th November 2005
this is certainly going to be a short piece this week, due to my dear
pal Alyn Smith MEP. Alyn is always extremely generous and this time he
has gifted me his rotten cold – there I was, in his office in
Brussels, doling out sympathy to the Smith Team who were all snuffling
around and feeling sorry for themselves, and here I am, back in
Scotland, feeling even more sorry for myself than all of them put
together. Still, it didn’t hit hard until I left Brussels so, I had a
good time – a busy and good time I hasten to add.
start on Monday 28th – loads to do before I set off at noon
for Belgium, so up at 4.30 am and set off from Strathaven to Edinburgh
at 5.30 am! (no wonder I’m no’ weel!). The Security chaps nearly fell
through the floor when I walked into Parliament so early – with a
suitcase of course, so goodness knows what they were imagining.
And, so
to Brussels – just myself and the Chief Committee Clerk. I was being
‘familiarised’ as Convener of the Europe Committee, you see. What a
lot of people to meet – Scotland Europa, Parliament’s Europe Officer,
Executive’s Europe Officer, Commission Officers, UK Parliament’s
Officers, MEPs, House of Commons folk, House of Lords folk and various
other holders of strange acronyms which I’ve not yet managed to work
out! What a lot of things to learn about – EU Subsidiarity Early
Warning Mechanism, Reform of Cohesion Policy … … and so on and so
forth. Still, I must admit I did find it all useful and think I
understand the brief a bit better than I did when I was able to put
faces to names and talk through the issues. I also must admit that
slotted into the programme were some thoroughly enjoyable bits – Marta
from Scotland Europa (a lass from Strathaven – amazing who you meet
when you travel) was laughing when she read the three-day programme
over and found only one bit of light relief printed; “25 minutes
downtime” – including dinner with Ian Hudghton and pals when I
rebelled and snuck off. So, regards to all from Ian.
Team Smith
refused to be photographed on the grounds that they all had red noses
and puffy eyes - that never bothers some folk I know ...
Back to
Edinburgh late Wednesday night so I missed the launch of the
Independence Convention being held on St. Andrews Night – heard from
all that it was a smashing success, so let’s hope we move on from
here. Finland celebrates its 88th year of independence next
week – another small successful country. I hope we’ll be proclaiming
ours well before Finland reaches its centenary celebrations.
catching up with correspondence on Thursday and working on
constituency cases, as well as meeting with a representative from the
Western Isles Council to hear their views about the future dispersal
of Structural Funds from Europe. We’ve got the Minister coming to our
meeting on 20th December and I hope he’ll have some answers
– certainly the main topic of conversation in Brussels (except for
those representing the UK, one of whom actually said “The
UK Presidency as been a success, except of course for the small
outstanding matter of the budget”)
is Mr. Blair’s inability to reach agreement on the EU Budget during
the UK Presidency. So naturally there is concern in Scotland amongst
those who receive EU funding, both in terms of what comes from Europe
and how it will be administered by the UK Government and the Scottish
was a fun morning visiting Robert and Flora Anderson in their lovely
home in Carfin. Mr. & Mrs. Anderson had taken part in the Warm Homes
Initiative and had central heating and insulation installed earlier in
the year. What a difference it is making to them this winter having
their house so warm. They had agreed with Energy Action Scotland that
their house could be used for publicity so that other elderly people
will be encouraged to apply for the work to be done.

A great way to
spend a morning
and I were, as we always are when we meet folk with such experience,
fascinated by Robert’s stories of Motherwell in the past, how he and
Flora met at ‘the dancing’, and tales of how well their son and
grandchildren have done in life. You know, Davie and I could have
quite happily sat all day listening to Robert telling a tale and Flora
correcting him at every opportunity (“she’s
aye been the same”
says Robert), but set off back to the constituency office to try to
progress some of our ongoing constituency work and start the process
of trying to help out in new cases; Health Service again, I’m afraid,
for individual issues, but also the ongoing concern in East Kilbride
and Strathaven about the potential closure of the Accident & Emergency
Department in Hairmyres Hospital. The EK News has begun a campaign and
petition to save the Unit and of course we’re supporting this.
Ridiculous travelling time from East Kilbride to either Monklands or
Wishaw, if someone needs emergency treatment.
lunchtime and Mr. Smith’s wee bug hit me with great force, so out of
the game until Monday 5th December. One day, I’ll get him
back … … …
Linda Fabiani: 4.12.05
Email Linda at