beginning Monday 20th February 2006
back, after a grand break away with my pal for a few days – at one
point I wakened Sheila up after an afternoon nap; she rubbed her eyes
and muttered “is it time to eat again?”. That just about sums up our
activities over that few days – eating, sleeping and of course talk,
talk, talking.
I had a
laugh reading Morag’s piece covering last week – poor old Calum,
always getting a hammering (and it wasn’t even his coffee cup! Should
I admit it or not?).
I had
promised Calum this time when I went away that I wouldn’t take the
accursed Blackberry with me and email him all the time. I stuck to my
commitment and left it at home – the result of that though is that I
came back to hundreds of emails which took almost the whole of Monday
just to sift through and sort. I have this system of email folders so
that my ‘inbox’ can keep clear – DO and HOLDING are the main ones, but
I’m afraid DO often becomes ‘should have done by now – help!’, and
HOLDING has become ‘must look at these when I get the time’. I
remember all the talk a few years ago about the potential for
electronic mail to cut down workloads and allow us to manage better –
chance would be a fine thing; but then some of us will also remember
the talk some decades ago about the imminent computer age which would
result in paperless offices and give us all more leisure time!
was an interesting week, a mixture of domestic and international.
Tuesday had both of these elements, starting in the morning with a
visit to the Edinburgh Solicitors’ Property Agency, courtesy of an
East Kilbride resident who has worked there for many years.
Interesting to learn about the variances of the Edinburgh property
market over the last few years, and of course the main concern I was
left with was about how difficult it is for first-time buyers to take
that first step onto the property ladder. This is not just in
Edinburgh of course but in may parts of our country, both urban and
rural. House prices, and the lack of good, secure rented accommodation
makes it a nightmare in some places for young single people, couples
and families to find a flat or house which is in the right location,
close to their family and friends’ support networks, and commutable
from work. The theories from the Executive for addressing this problem
are rather good, but we are yet to see whether this works out in
practice – further concern now that we have learned that Scottish
Water seems unable to meet the targets for site infrastructure for the
building of new properties.
lunch on Tuesday with some Kosovan Civil Servants. This was as part
of a DfID funded study visit to Westminster and Holyrood to observe
how the Civil Service operates, and relationships with elected
representatives and Government. I was asked to talk about the role of
committees. Kosovo is currently
UN-administered as a province within the Union of Serbia and
Montenegro. Kosovo’s population of approximately 1.8 million comprises
85% Albanian origin residents, 7% Serbs who remain following the NATO
invasion and post war exodus in 1999, and the rest are Bosnians,
Turks, Ashkali and others. The UN Security Council recently launched
international discussions on Kosovo’s future, and are meanwhile trying
to build up a stable Civil Service in the absence of stable government
(currently a tenuous coalition).
The Secretary General
of Amnesty International was guest speaker at an Edinburgh University
Lecture on Tuesday evening, so a couple of us from the office went
along to hear Irene Khan give her views on whether the ‘War on Terror’
was actually a ‘War on Liberty’. It was billed as a ‘stimulating
evening’ and it certainly was. Ms. Khan’s lecture was knowledgeable
and enlightening, and her ease in answering the many questions posed
by audience members showed her commitment and long involvement with
issues of human rights. We are very good in the ‘West’ at
hypothesising about human rights, democracy etc., but like so many
people, I have big concerns at some of the measures that Governments
propose to counter what they term the ‘war on terror’, and indeed some
of the practices they currently carry out themselves! On the domestic
front I never cease to be amazed at the acceptance by Labour members,
and indeed by the defences they put forward without a blush, of
Westminster imposed policies. Amongst other issues, if the Tories had
tried to get away with some of the current immigration and asylum
practices, the cutting of local government officers’ pensions and
taking part in an illegal war, then these same Labour representatives
would be marching in the streets, shouting from the rooftops and
metaphorically lying in front of tanks. How times change! Then again,
these are the same folk who for years denied information about
Scotland’s potential with oil revenues to Scotland’s people, and who
constantly tell us that we are too stupid, too poor, too feart, to
take responsibility for ourselves, so I guess I shouldn’t be so
A general
‘head-down-and-get-on-with-it’ day on Wednesday, with a welcome break
with a visit from some EK constituency members who came for the tour
and a thoroughly enjoyable lunch. Visitors from EK Constituency in the
evening too – a very sociable day all round! Prior to the social visit
though a really interesting event – the Children’s Panel of Scotland
Chairmen’s Group with Chairs from all over Scotland. I was delighted
to meet up again with Barbara Paterson, the East Kilbride Chair, and
to have a chat with George Anderson and Irene Allison, Falkirk and
North Lanarkshire Chairs respectively. There is an ongoing review of
the future structure of children’s Panels and the chairs are putting
forward the views of the 2700 Penal members. I was interested to hear
that amongst the 32 Panel Chairs in the country they have acquired 428
years service. Barbara indeed has been involved for 28 years – now
that’s real commitment! I’ve arranged with Barbara to go along to a
Panel Session at some point – that will be useful for a deeper
understanding of the work that’s done and the challenges faced.

Barbara and Irene along with
Elaine Smith MSP and me
Another busy day on
Thursday, although not in the Chamber as there were no debates with
which I was involved. I got some help though in my clearing out and
tidying up. Young Jamie Lemetti was doing some work experience in my
colleague Michael Matheson’s office and made the mistake of calling in
to see us – you don’t do that unless you’re willing to work! Jamie’s a
smashing lad who was telling me all about his forthcoming trip to
Tanzania with the Scouts (while extorting money from me for the ‘Brick
for Africa’ campaign – quite right Jamie, a great initiative). We had
lunch together too, which ended up with our, much to the amusement of
the others at the table, behaving like stereotypical Scots Italians
and arguing as to whether the Fabiani’s or the Lemetti’s made the best
fish and chips! And then there’s the ice-cream … … …
Jamie was telling us he
wants to be an actor some day – so, take note of this face now, it
will be famous one day:

Is this a dagger that I see
before me? No, it’s a letter-opener silly!
More international
business on Thursday night – a meeting with representatives of the
Kurdish population in Turkey. As Turkey has commenced negotiations
with the European Union, Kurds are understandably anxious that their
cause is discussed, their repression recognised and their rights
established prior to Turkey’s entry to the EU. I was particularly
anxious to hear the Turkish Kurds’ point of view because at the end of
March I am chairing a meeting at Glasgow’s Citizens’ Theatre about
Turkey and the European Union. I was grateful to all the
representatives for sharing their thoughts and aspirations.
Unusually, Friday in
Edinburgh, and honoured to be hosting an event in the Parliament for
the Scottish Adult Learning Partnership – 100 Young Adult Learners’
Voices. The Scottish Adult Learning Partnership is a voluntary
organisation established to support and encourage people who do not
traditionally participate within the education system. Following the
Awards Ceremony in Hamilton which I had attended, we thought it would
be a good idea for the Young Persons’ conference to be held in their
own Parliament. In the event, there were around 80 young people, from
all over the country, aged from 16 to 25 taking part in workshops, and
question-time panels. A couple of representatives from the Scottish
Youth Parliament were also taking part. It all went surprisingly
smoothly! Learning can be fun, and I hope all the participants found
it so. We never stop learning, do we?
Linda Fabiani
Email Linda at