Weeks Beginning
Monday 15th and Monday 22nd May 2006
Friday night; into June
already and a beautiful summer evening in Edinburgh, outside my office
window! However, I shouldn’t be complaining – I’ve had a lovely day
and evening, and I’m working tonight so that I can go to Perth to SNP
National Council tomorrow and then stay over in Wigtown with friends
on Sunday night and not worry too much about driving up-the-road
early. That’s why I thought I would combine the last two weeks.
I’ve just got back from
the annual celebration of Italian National Day – great food and wine
of course, but smashing to meet up with old friends from within the
Central Scotland constituency and beyond; also good to catch up with
our Consul, Andrea Macchioni – a lovely young man from Rome, who’s
done a tremendous job in drawing Scotland’s Italian community
together, and representing his country. He’s been here a while now
though, so it’s likely we’ll lose him soon as I’m sure he’s got a big
future ahead of him in diplomatic circles; he wasn’t even 30 years old
when he came here as Consul General!

Just before that I was
at a lecture given by Jon Snow, journalist and reporter currently with
Channel 4. I’d heard Jon speak before and enjoyed it so much that I
wanted to hear him again. It was well worth it to hear him talk from
his long experience about the ‘Axis of Evil’ and the UK’s Role in a
Challenging World. His knowledge of Iraq and Iran, their respective
histories, and indeed differences is immense – I wish I could have
taped it. I understand he’s got a book about the subject coming out
soon, so must look out for that. I understand too that he’s recently
been filming in Iran for a forthcoming documentary series.
So, a busy evening, but
then it was a busy day too in Kilmarnock constituency. Visiting some
individual constituents with issues to be addressed and calling in at
Nether Robertland Primary School in Stewarton to hear Primary 6/7
views on lack of sports and leisure facilities/vandalism and
littering/air rifles and BB guns. The local community policeman was
there as well and it was good to see the rapport he obviously had with
the children. We were discussing afterwards how children in that age
group generally have great respect for each other, their communities
and what is perceived as ‘authority’, but that in some this seems to
break down in adolescence; many reasons I suppose ranging from
hormones to peer pressure. The constable was quite clear that he
wanted to build strong relationships with the pupils from the three
primary schools which feed into Stewarton Academy as he felt that
would pay dividends later – good on him for putting in so much effort.
Another interesting aspect of that school is that all their food is
cooked on the premises and is all organic! A pilot project being run
by East Ayrshire Council and seems to be going down a treat with the
young consumers, although the head teacher did say that there was
initial reluctance to trying new tastes and things with ‘fancy names’.
Today as over the
previous two working weeks, most of the constituency queries and cases
have been about the Health Service, a lot of it stemming from recent
Scottish Government announcements that waiting time targets are being
met. This was the message from Government following the recent court
ruling that a patient waiting too long can go to another European
Union member state for medical treatment and charge the cost to their
own country. Well, a deluge of letters from people waiting months for
particular treatments, treatments going wrong, waiting for hours in
A&E Departments and then being told “you shouldn’t be here – we don’t
do that test here!”. One particular letter made me laugh –
the constituent had written to his GP, copy to me, saying that as he
had been waiting xx amount of months for a particular treatment, he
had identified a clinic at xxxxx in Italy which seemingly was renowned
for treatment of this type; would the GP kindly then arrange his
flights (he believes May and June are rather nice there at this time
of year), and invoice the Health Minister!
Yes, though it may be funny though there is a serious issue here about
rhetoric not matching reality. So we’re looking into this further.
Another medical issue which has come up and I’m determined to get to
the bottom of is the use of mixed-sex wards in a local hospital. I
could hardly believe it when I was told by some constituents because
the Government stated some time ago that this was to stop. So I
checked back parliamentary answers etc. and yes, it seemingly stopped
a year ago! Well, not in my patch it hasn’t! Absolutely ridiculous
practice – I know I wouldn’t want to be in a hospital ward with men
(nothing against you chaps, but that’s the way it is). I think it
would be distressing too for young women and particularly so for
ladies of generations beyond my own. Not so good for gentlemen either
I would think.
I’ve not been terribly
involved with ‘Chamber’ business over the last couple of weeks as
generally things discussed have been outwith my own portfolio – Police
& Public Order Bill, Bankruptcy and Diligence Bill, Animal Welfare
Bill, but a lot of it has been interesting. One of my moans now –
please don’t be offended. I care about animals, and I think society
should have rules that don’t allow cruelty to any living creature, and
I generally support the Animal Welfare legislation. However, the
amount of lobbying that comes in on behalf of animals (particularly
‘pet’ animals) – from individuals and from organisations – whenever an
issue to do with animals is being discussed, actually gets me down a
bit! If I got anywhere near as much correspondence/emails when we’re
dealing with child welfare, or indeed people in general, then perhaps
it wouldn’t annoy me quite as much. Okay, perhaps it’s me that’s got
the problem, but actually, I care about humans more than animals.
Mind you, if the
Scottish Animal Party read the above, then I’m in big trouble. Never
heard of them? Well, they’re a new political party, formed just in
time, by Primary 7 pupils, for my visit to St. Patrick’s Primary
School in Strathaven last Monday. They even had a Manifesto, and you
know, I can’t disagree with it:
“Animals do have feelings! Obviously they need a home, food and water
but they also need attention from their owners. They should be played
with, walked or groomed every day (depending on which animal you
have). We need a hug at times – so do animals!”
I asked “what if you’ve got a pet snake or a parrot?”, “what if you’re
a farmer and you’ve got loads of sheep and cows?”. Well, the
disdainful looks that drew! “Obviously” said one young lady, “this is
the main clause, and the sub-clauses will come later with much more
detail”. Well, that’s me told! She sounded just like some politicians
I know.
I also care about
Scotland of course, and whilst promoting the independence cause
whenever and wherever I can, I love to learn more about our history. I
did that the other night when I attended a fascinating recital the
other night; the launch of ‘Blowing Nordland’s Trumpet!’, hosted by
the Consul General of Norway. I find it hard to describe the
technicalities of this, but basically it’s a concern piece of
photography and song which can be accessed on the net – the launch
actually had the singer though and showed the images on the screen. If
you want a look you can log on to
It was enjoyable, but what really fascinated me was its concept which
was celebrating the life and work of one Peter Dass, described as the
father of vernacular poetry in Norway, and it turns out that this
Peter Dass was the son of a Dundee merchant (Dundas) who was one of
some 200 Scots to settle and register as burgesses in Bergen between
1600 and 1675. Again, so fascinating to learn about Scotland’s
internationalism prior to the temporary closure of our parliament in
1707. Why was I not taught some of this stuff at school? I learned
about the Romans, the Egyptians, wattle-and-daub houses, the Norman
Conquest, the Empire, and of course the odd wee couthy story about
Robert the Bruce and the spider. It is a wee bit better now, but we
don’t learn nearly enough about our history and culture as we should.
Well, before I sign off
for the week, I want to thank everyone who has emailed me about the
current fighting in East Timor, and indeed Jim who emailed from USA to
ask “if I was okay because I seemed a bit withdrawn compared to
usual”. And then there’s Jim (it’s been a week for Jims!) in Canada
who regularly emails but sent me a really funny world cup joke, which
I would not dare reproduce here (for avoidance of doubt I’m supporting
Ecuador because that’s the team I picked out in SNP Inverclyde’s
fundraising world cup draw).
Well you’re right both
Jims – I have been a bit off-colour and in need of cheering up. I am
worried sick about East Timor generally and those there that I love in
particular. The situation is horrendous, people hurting and killing
each other, terrified families fleeing to internal camps and into the
mountains. I won’t go into why and wherefore here, but it has been
building up for a few months now and reached breaking point at the end
of April. I never mentioned it here before as I just kept hoping
beyond hope that it would all come right. It didn’t though -
peacekeeper troops have been invited in (from Australia, New Zealand,
Portugal and Malaysia) and things seem to be calming down, although
the rebuilding of systems and indeed trust will take a long time. I'm
spending lots of time on the web, checking out all the latest news,
and of course I get a lot of media calls for updates too. I am getting
emails from some of the Westerners I know there who seem to be in the
quieter areas relating to their respective Embassies, so are well
protected. Not so secure for the locals though and it’s almost
impossible to get through on the telephone. The odd text does manage
through – our Amorin and his family are okay, and I was so relieved to
get that text message this morning. I just wish I could hear their
Until next week.
Linda Fabiani
Email Linda at