Week beginning 18th September 2006
Monday morning and delighted to receive an email
from John C in South Africa – I’ve been worried about you John, and
so pleased that you are well. One of the joys of writing on Electric
Scotland is the amount of pen-pals (cyber-pals? There must surely by
now be a term for email buddies) from all over the world.
First meeting of the day up in Glasgow with the
Integration through Enterprise group based at Glasgow College of
Commerce and funded by Scottish Enterprise and Napier University in
Edinburgh. It’s a project to assist refugees (asylums seekers who
have been granted ‘leave to remain’ in the UK) who wish to start
their own businesses. In their situation there are barriers to be
overcome; writing a business plan for example – it’s hard enough to
do in your own language, let alone in a second or third. Also there
are issues about raising finance from lending institutions – no
credit history, tenancy history etc. There have been successes, but
it’s not easy – even harder now that funding is not at all secure
due to the Scottish Enterprise overspend recently (that’s the nice
way of putting it!). More to be probed and looked into, as this
programme seems to me to be eminently sensible and should be
Computer work in the afternoon and then a meeting
in the evening with some East Kilbride folks who are concerned about
the environment and worried that proper checks and balances are not
being carried out by South Lanarkshire Council and the Scottish
Government when it comes to the headlong race for development of
East Kilbride’s green spaces. This Group is extremely knowledgeable
and it makes my job much easier to be given information instead of
having to rout about for it. So, more parliamentary questions to be
asked. You know, someone said to me recently that all I seemed to do
was attend meetings – aye, and every meeting spawns more and more
paperwork! Still, that’s my job, and I do enjoy meeting people and
learning all the time.
Rainy Tuesday in Edinburgh when the Peace Walk
arrives at the Parliament – 90-odd miles of walking for many of
them, and then some of them wanted to walk even more and tour the
building. All I would have wanted was a glass of red wine and bed! I
must admit that I did do that on Tuesday evening – on behalf of all
the peace marchers you understand.
Talking of cyber-pals, delighted at last to meet
Teresa Fritchie on Tuesday afternoon. Teresa was over in Scotland
from the US to promote her company – Thistle and Broom – which
showcases quality Scottish produce, whilst ensuring that her
suppliers, expert craftsmen and women are not having their talent
ripped off. Fascinating discussion with Teresa and thoroughly
enjoyed her company and enthusiasm for Scotland. I must find out
what we do at Government level in Scotland to promote our arts,
crafts and many talents. Fair Trade at home is as important as Fair
Trade overseas after all.

You decide which one's Thistle and which one's Broom!
Well, for every thoroughly enjoyable meeting
there’s a counter-balance. Mine was Wednesday morning and being the
SNP Group’s representative on the parliamentary focus group (first
time I’ve been a member of a ‘Focus Group’) to discuss Standards in
Public Life. The Westminster Committee on Standards in Public Life
is carrying out a huge consultation to assess what standards of
behaviour and accountability people expect from public servants in
all walks of life. Actually, it was quite interesting, and really
difficult to find forms of words that encapsulate expectations and
can be expressed easily. I find it sad that these days society seems
to start from the premise that those in public life will not be
decent and honest – I truly believe that the vast majority of people
are, no matter what job they’re doing; that’s certainly always been
my experience.
Chamber in the afternoon – I worked through it
and listened on the monitor; it was the Health Committee’s report on
Free Personal Care for the Elderly. It did strike me as I listened
though that it’s ages since I took part in a debate; I’ve just been
squirreling away in my office at every opportunity. Thing is,
because we’re in the last year of this parliament there’s a lot of
‘tidying up’ and ‘catch-up’ being done in the Chamber – no huge new
issues. I remember a colleague in the 1999-2003 Session being dubbed
as ‘useless and lazy’ in a tabloid newspaper because over a period
of a month or so she hadn’t spoken in Chamber, or asked any written
Parliament Questions – actually, she was extremely hard-working and
conscientious in all aspects of representing constituents; she just
hadn’t been involved in these particular debates, and was
researching issues before asking further questions. It was so unfair
and I remember thinking that such a snapshot could be used to have a
go at any of us at any time, and it worried me for a while. Then I
decided to worry no more! You can only be true to yourself after
A day of ‘standards’ right enough and a meeting
of the Standards Committee in the evening to discuss potential
sanctions for the breach of confidentiality which had been reported
to us the previous week by the Standards Commissioner. It’s all
public knowledge now – a member had passed a confidential committee
report to the press, and has now been barred from the Parliament for
a week. This is not the first time such breaches of confidentiality
have occurred, but the first time the MSP has been identified (I
should say in this case by his own admission). I don’t enjoy having
to take part in such committee discussions, but it is necessary –
has to be done and during my time on this Committee I have found all
members, across the parties, extremely fair with no partisanship
going on.
Had to cancel my planned hoolie in the evening at
the launch event of the Italian Celebration Season, but never mind,
thoroughly enjoyed my late night meal with Rob Gibson and Maureen
Watt instead. Lots of gossip – absolutely none of which will be
reproduced here!
Very much a European day on Thursday, starting
off with meeting the European Commissioner who deals with Structural
Funds – Ms Danuta Hubner from Poland. She was in Scotland to meet
with the First Minister about Scotland’s allocation (the allocation
is actually given to the nation state – UK – which then decides how
much to give the Regions of which Scotland, sadly, is one). The
meeting ran on later than it should have which made me late for
First Minister’s Questions (big trouble from Mr. Whip), still I was
in time to some of Nicola’s pasting of the Mr. McConnell for
refusing to come off the fence on the nuclear power and waste issue.
Ms. Hubner arriving on a Thursday morning though did allow me to
miss the Conservative Party’s debate on a Greener, Fairer Scotland,
so for that I am grateful. The Tories never cease to amaze me with
their chameleon tendencies – all of a sudden they’re the caring,
sharing party, lovers of the environment and all things to all men
(and even women these days!); I don’t know how to write the
air-expelling sound I just made to express my opinion of this
Damascene conversion – sounds a bit like a horse snorting I think,
so use your imagination.
Another European meeting in the evening – another
acronym, EMILE, which stands for something to do with elected
members in liaison (MPs, Councillors, MSPs, MEPs, European Social
Committee Members) and is chaired by the Scottish Government. It’s
held quarterly generally, but this was only my second attendance. We
spent most of the time discussing how the group could be more
effective – Mr. McCabe went away promising to take suggestions on
board so I hope the next meeting will in fact be more effective!
A treat afterwards though, meeting up with my pal
Steven who’s home for a break from East Timor. Steven has worked in
East Timor since the 1999 ballot and I rely on him so much for news
‘straight from the horse’s mouth’ rather than relying on internet
bulletins etc. Things are not so good there just now and I’m still
worried sick about our Amorin and the family – we do manage to speak
to him regularly though. I just wish I could get out there and see
them, but it’s still ‘travel not recommended’ to the country, and
even once there almost impossible to travel out from the city.
Steven’s looking good though and heading back probably next month.
Another European acronym meeting on Friday
morning – SERN! This one I do remember – Scottish European Resources
Network – and extremely useful. As such meetings should be, they’re
held when necessary to impart information, it’s short, properly
timed, with a firm agenda, which means that everyone leaves feeling
that it’s time worthwhile spent and having learned something. So
Rush, rush, rush on Friday afternoon, evening and
all through Saturday, Sunday and Monday 25th. You see,
Pete Wishart and I are off to Malawi again – in fact I write this on
Tuesday morning, around an hour before I leave for the airport, and
I still haven’t packed. Not much personal stuff to take – it’s only
for a few days, but loads and loads of paperwork to humph. We’re
going to hold a seminar in Blantyre, Malawi, for delegates of the
two small political parties with which we’re linking through the
Westminster Foundation for Democracy. The seminar themes are policy
development and encouraging women to move from community activism to
politics; it happens in every society – look at grass-roots activism
in communities and you’ll find mainly women, start becoming
successful and forming committees etc. and you’ll find that the
office bearers and high heid-yins are mainly men! Sorry to
generalise to such a degree chaps, but you try and prove me wrong.
I may as well finish by talking about two men
who’ve annoyed me this weekend, the first of whom I’m extremely
fond, and the second of whom leaves me entirely cold. First up Mike
Russell – come on down – I know you’re a thinker, but if the press
reports on your latest book are to be believed then you’ve been
thinking yourself in knots! Are you really saying that we can have
an independent Scotland but maintain the Union for matters of
Foreign Policy and Defence? For me it’s fundamental – Scotland needs
independence for many, many reasons, but the right to refuse to go
to war, and the right to refuse nuclear weapons are basic and
non-negotiable. How could we have that right in a partial-Union when
we’re 10% of the population? I look forward to reading the book when
listened to his Labour Party Conference speech yesterday, and felt
that it was just a rerun of last year. What age do you have to be to
stop talking about your mum and dad? We’ve all heard about your
great Presbyterian upbringing Gordon, values and all the rest of it
– whoop-di-do, lucky you – when do you intend telling us what you’re
actually going to do if elected? Values and vision are good, but you
need a path to get there, steps along the way. Sounds to me like
yesterday’s man following the yellow brick road.
Linda Fabiani