Week beginning
30th October 2006
First of all thank you to
everyone who emailed whilst I was off sick, and apologies to anyone
that didn’t receive a response: I really was finding it difficult to
keep up with what was happening every day whilst I was off, and
emailing and writing really was a strain! Well, that all sounds very
pathetic, but being off work stunned me – first time in years, other
than the odd day here or there. I’m back at work now though and I
won’t bother you with details of my absence – suffice to say that
I’m fine now, and trying hard to follow advice to take it easy
physically for a wee while (never been a problem for me! Even better
when it’s validated by a doctor!). Poor Duncan’s glad I’m back at
work though as I spent most of my time sitting in the house and
phoning tradesmen to come and do all the jobs which have been
mounting up over the years –
plumbers/electricians/decorators/builders – I’ve had a great time,
but Duncan came home every night wondering what had changed that
day. He reckons if I’m ever sick again it would be cheaper to send
me and a pal to Dubai for a month’s holiday!
The last diary
I wrote was just before I headed off to Malawi again with Pete
Wishart MP. A good and productive 4-day visit during which we
consolidated the SNP’s relationship with the PPP (People’s
Progressive Movement) and PETRA (People’s Transformation Party),
both community-grounded political parties which need some assistance
in developing their Party structures so that they can truly
challenge the status quo and promote real democracy in their
country. Once the final report has been properly agreed I’ll append
a copy. Meanwhile a couple of photographs.

The working part of the trip (still fun though!)
Unlike the
last time we visited Malawi, because of flight connections Pete and
I were able to take a day out and visit a national park – it was
fabulous. The potential for tourism in Malawi is immense – a safe
environment, friendly folk and wonderful scenery which reminds so
much of Scotland; hills and water.
Pete Wishart’s
my hero! Not only did he drive me expertly along some of the worst
roads I’ve ever travelled upon and then protect me from the
crocodiles surrounding our boat (though I’m not sure that his advice
- “sit in front of me, they always strike from behind” - was true),
but arranged for me to be carted off to the clinic in Jo’Burg
Airport and then looked after me splendidly all the way home.

Action Men in Boat (Pete was willing to fight them off with his
bare hands!)
So, back at
work full time on Monday 30th October, and what a week it
was – hectic. Didn’t even manage to get through the pile up of mail
on the Monday, and emails
not started until Tuesday, and then in-between-times there was radio
work and meetings with the Committee Clerks to bring me up-to-date
as I’d missed two meetings of the Europe and External Relations
Committee. There was the added fact that I was leading the
Parliamentary Debate on Wednesday on the Committee’s Inquiry into
the operation of European Structural Funds, and I had missed some of
the detail.
And, I had
been feeling so guilty about our Intern – Adriano from Brazil – as
he’d been left with no direction or feedback about the study he was
carrying out. I didn’t have to worry though; what a great piece of
work he produced about International Development Co-operation
amongst countries in what we term the ‘developing’ and ‘poorer’
parts of the world. So often people believe that all development
funding is given by the richer countries of the northern hemisphere
to the poorer countries of the southern, but actually there is a lot
of south/south co-operation, and Adriano has researched this well.
He is such a pleasant young man – Morag and I will miss him when he
goes (I’m sure Calum will too, but I don’t think that Latin American
good manners and good looks have quite the same effect on your
average Scotsman as they have had on practically every female on the
SNP floor and beyond in the Parliament!
Tuesday night
I was through in Glasgow to speak at the Surjit Singh Chhokar
Memorial Ceremony, and unveiling of a sculpted bust of Surjit which
will be displayed in the Art Gallery with explanation of the effect
that the experiences of the Chhokar family had on judiciary practice
in Scotland. You may remember that Surjit was murdered some eight
years ago in Lanarkshire, despite evidence no-one was convicted and
the family were treated extremely badly within our justice system.
This resulted in two official enquiries which although did not
assist the Chhokar family were instrumental in changes as to how
families of victims are treated and indeed how crimes with a racial
abuse element are pursued. I was honoured to have been asked to the
ceremony by Mr. Chhokar and his representatives. In all the time I
have now known the family, I have been humbled by their quiet
dignity in the face of a legal system which intimidated, alienated
and disadvantaged. They will never get their son back, but his
memory has been honoured. Having a memorial will not give answers,
but if it provokes questions then it is worthwhile – well done to
Glasgow Museums for agreeing to house Alexander Stoddart’s sculpture
of Surjit in such a high profile environment.
Back to
Edinburgh to do the Politics Tonight show on BBC Radio Scotland; in
plenty of time I thought, but no, the train stopped outside Waverley
station and it was a mad dash to the studio. Ran through the door
just as the presenter was about to announce that I hadn’t turned up!
Main topic was Iraq – the SNP and Plaid Cymru had called in the
Commons for an inquiry into the Iraq war and of course this was
beaten down by the Government party; reduced majority though,
reflecting the discontent amongst their ranks at the illegality and
current quagmire within Iraq. Of course, a government apologist was
on to defend the position, although it wasn’t Eric Joyce this time,
it was George Foulkes from the Lords. Usual stonewalling, trying to
suggest that because I was opposed to the war then I supported
Sadaam and didn’t care about the Kurds. What nonsense they are
willing to talk when there is no real justification for their
stances – defence of the indefensible.
Meeting of the
Parliament’s Art Group on Wednesday morning to have a look at the
type of acquisitions the Curator thinks we should make. Good to have
some experts on board in the Group, as so often artistic concepts
require to be explained to amateurs (or maybe just to be?). Anyway,
sometimes it all seems to be so obvious once explained, but then
again, sometimes it seems even more obscure. The suggestions were
good though and up for further discussion at the Parliament’s
Corporate Body.
afternoon and I managed the Structural Fund Debate fine – amazing
how quickly it all comes back when it has to. It’s quite strange
having to run a Committee debate as Convener because it’s a very
different stance than leading the debate for the opposition. A good
Convener should be impartial and reflect the agreed views of the
Committee, and certainly in this case the Committee was
constructively critical. It’s up to the opposition spokespeople to
make party political contribution and as ever, John Swinney led this
admirably. It was certainly John’s week for talking in the Chamber
with him leading the debate on the Executive’s budget (and their
determination to hide the findings of a report), and then
participating in the debate calling for more powers for the
Parliament – both on Thursday morning.
Back to
Wednesday evening though and I was hosting, in the Parliament, a
presentation by the Scottish Council for Single Homeless on their
home smart
Campaign and its aim of ensuring that
school leavers understand the issues surrounding homelessness and
how to avoid it. Really important and I’m going to try to secure a
member’s debate on the motion of support that I’ve laid. It’s
crucial for young people, both from privileged and difficult
backgrounds, to know the score when it comes to leaving home and
setting up on one’s own. I left home at 16 years old, and I think
it’s even harder now than it was then. For anyone who wants to know
more, the Scottish Council for Single Homeless Youth pages can be
found at
Stage 3 debate on Thursday
afternoon on the Scottish Human Rights Commission which meant that I
didn’t get away until 6.30 pm (15 minutes after I was supposed to
sit down to dinner with the Lanarkshire Pharmaceutical Society, and
guests from the British Medical Association, at the Hilton in
Bellshill!). Luckily Calum managed to get a hold of the organiser to
let her know that I would get there to give my speech until around 8
pm. Of course, I got lost because there was a diversion on the road
and didn’t get there until 8.30 pm – not only harassed and
bedraggled, but starving! I’d had lunch just after midday because I
had a Malawi meeting to attend over lunchtime. Anyway, as always the
Pharmaceutical Society delegates were gracious, understanding and
welcoming, and fed me after my talk! I enjoy the company of
delegates from this Society any time that we get together, and
individual members have been so helpful anytime that I have needed
information on constituency matters.
So tempting just to drive home
to Strathaven from Bellshill on Thursday night, but needed to be in
the Parliament at 8 am on Friday morning to greet my guest for the
Business in Parliament Conference – David Carrick, Chief Exec of
Memex Technology in East Kilbride – I had visited David’s company
some months ago and was fascinated that a firm based in EK was
selling their intelligence software systems all over the world: USA,
Eastern Europe, Caribbean. A real success story of a company which
is going from strength to strength. Thoroughly enjoyed the
conference itself and David’s input.

No matter what their age or position,
they always want to sit in the Think Pod!
What a week – hardly any time
to catch up on what I’d missed, and to follow up on the local
constituency visits and events I’d managed to attend when I was off.
So, sad git that I am, there I was still in the office at 11 o’clock
on a Friday night, preparing for the Scottish Association of
Language Teachers conference in Stirling the following morning (only
teachers could arrange for a conference to start bang-on 9 o’clock
on a Saturday morning!). I had been asked to officially open the
event and I was pleased to do so because I feel we have allowed both
the importance of foreign language learning and its teachers to
become devalued – if we really want to compete in a globalised world
we have to recognise that young people from non-English speaking
nations are adept at learning other languages (it is not unusual for
Polish school leavers to have a working knowledge of 5 languages),
and also recognise that with the rise in Spanish and Chinese
language on the internet, English will not necessarily remain the
language of business. There is too much complacency on this subject
– we really have to buck up!
So back to Strathaven on
Saturday afternoon and an immediate snooze on the couch! Still I see
from what I’ve written above that I’m in danger of coming across as
a poor wee overworked soul – reality is that I love every minute of
Back to weekly until
Linda Fabiani: