BEGINNING MONDAYS 5th and 12th February 2007
Another two weeks quickly
past. I’m sorry that I’ve cut down to fortnightly lately, but
the time towards the election is just flying in, and I barely
seem to have time to turn around these days. That’s why I was
delighted to have an afternoon and evening free in Brussels,
choosing to fly out a day earlier than necessary. Any time I’ve
gone before all I’ve seen is the airport and various meeting
rooms, so I was determined to see the sights, eat some of the
famous moules frites and buy some chocolate. And I did all of
these things. Some very beautiful buildings in Brussels, but I
was surprised at how little the ‘Manikin Pis’ (the wee bare boy)
actually is – a toty wee thing, and you know they dress him up
in various outfits to commemorate specific occasions or to
honour visitors – very strange. I was going to show you the
photo of him naked as the day he was born (or sculpted), but
then I thought that if either my Granny or my Mum were still
here to judge, then 'big trouble' for being 'vulgar', so here
instead, a photograph of another strange Belgian custom -
dressing up wine bottles:

The reason I was in
Brussels was the feedback session following the successful event
we held in our Parliament to discuss the European Commission’s
maritime proposals. I had to present the report which we
compiled after listening to those who attended our event – I
think it went well and was really happy with the report. This
will probably now be sent direct to the Commission for
consideration in their own deliberations – it’s good to be in at
the beginning in the hope that policy can be influenced. If the
Parliament’s committee can do that I don’t see why the Scottish
Executive doesn’t do it more often.
Back late Tuesday night –
and I mean late, early hours of Wednesday morning actually; we
got stuck on the runway at Brussels Airport for around 3 hours
because of ice on the wings of the plane. As usual all I was
thinking about was my stomach and thank goodness we had time to
eat before boarding! Got to get your priorities right.
So, dragged myself into
the office Wednesday morning to face the rest of the week after
a double-espresso – an international day on Wednesday with a
meeting to discuss the ongoing situation in Tibet and then with
some Malawian MPs to look at how we deal here with the MSP Code
of Conduct, Registration of Interests etc. It did strike me
though that in a meeting with parliamentarians from a country
where the Anti-Corruption Tsar has just been arrested for
corruption and where patronage and favour is the political order
of the day, it is not entirely convincing to talk of registering
small gifts or declaring small contributions towards overseas
delegations etc. They probably just think we’re daft!
I’m not mocking the
intention of the Executive or the Parliament here, and I’m also
not saying that every parliamentarian in Malawi is corrupt –
they’re certainly not, but such an embedded system is hard to
overcome and it is only comparatively recently that a form of
political democracy has been established. I’m just not convinced
that the method of carrying out ‘political training’ here in
Edinburgh and the rest of the UK is particularly effective at
this point. Yes, the Executive can ‘tick the box’ and say it’s
been done: “six Malawian parliamentarians studied our systems”,
but how appropriate actually is that type of training? If
re-elected this is something I want to consider in more detail.
I have views which I could expound for hours on end, but enough
here already!
Scottish Grocers
Federation meeting in the evening and glad to meet
representatives from Botterills who service lots of the ‘Spar’
shops in Lanarkshire. Disturbed though to hear from them though
of that day’s incident at the Post Office in Calderwood, East
Kilbride where robbers had doused staff in petrol before
demanding cash – nightmare stuff.
Busy SNP day in the
Chamber on Thursday with the debate on Bridge tolls on the Forth
and Tay. We want them stopped, same as the Erskine Bridge, but
we were narrowly beaten, the Greens voting along with the
Executive. Never mind, we’ll fight another day. I also had a
Ministerial Question that day about Nuclear power stations – you
see, strange though it sounds it is the case that even in East
Kilbride constituency monitoring is still being carried out on
farmland because of contamination from Chernobyl, more than two
decades ago! Surely, that fact alone would make any government
think twice before committing to further nuclear power? The
Minister tried to say it was the standard of building that was
the problem at Chernobyl, but my recollection is that it was
human error, and no-one can legislate for that.
I have said before, but
will repeat that it is one of the lesser known jobs of an MSP to
run an office, act as employer etc., and this is what I spent
all of the Friday doing. You see, because there is an election
coming up and of course no guarantee of return, loads of stuff
has to be sorted out, including the potential redundancy of
staff and winding-up the office. My head was birling by the time
I got home on Friday night. It was birling again on Saturday
night, but that was entirely voluntary – a great time was had at
the Balerno Burns Supper where I was giving the reply to the
Toast to the Lasses. Great support from the girls – if ever a
man needed a good skelping and got it, it was Balerno’s own Jim
West – serves him right.
Local day on Monday 12th
February – house visits, phone calls and the launch of our ‘Let
Lanarkshire Flourish’ document; a good presentation by Jim
Mather MSP and Alex Neil MSP who had obviously put a lot of work
into laying out the case for Lanarkshire’s business future under
the SNP.
Europe Committee was the
main event on Tuesday with the Minister giving us evidence on
our study into how the UK and Scottish Ministers implement
European directives. It has become an interesting topic,
especially in the light of the leaked report from the
Executive’s top official in Europe – so much of what that Report
says is reflected in our own conclusions.
Wednesday and Thursday
sped by last week again – there’s so much business going through
Chamber because we are coming to the end of term – Local
Government Finance, Budget Bill, Adult Support and protection...
And then it was Friday
again! Modern Studies 5th and 6th year
pupils from Strathaven Academy on Friday morning; as always, a
pleasure. Here they are at Committee:

A delegation from the
General Teaching Council in the afternoon – the GTC were hosting
international educationalists and I met with them for an hour or
so: a misunderstanding was quickly cleared up thankfully – some
of the delegates were from Georgia, and I in my wisdom decided
that it was Georgia, Eastern Europe, so there I was, speaking
slowly and distinctly: it was only when one of them responded
that I realised it was Georgia, USA! That caused a laugh – thank
goodness someone responded and didn’t let me go on like that for
an hour!
So, another weekend of
preparing for elections – only 11 weeks to go.
Linda Fabiani