Well – I’m back! And
delighted to be here again. Thank you to all of those who sent
me good luck wishes both before and after the event. A good
election for the Scottish National Party with our winning 47
seats – a margin of one seat over the Labour Party, so looking
forward to Alex Salmond being sworn in as First Minister and new
politics for Scotland. The Lib-Dems have refused to go into
coalition with us, so we’ll be running a minority Government –
“interesting times” to use the current cliché.
I was disappointed not to
win first-past-the-post in East Kilbride, but did manage to
slash the Labour majority from over 5.5 thousand to less than 2
thousand, so not bad for the Labour fortress that is Lanarkshire.
I’m back on the Central Scotland Regional List again, along with
four other colleagues – and we won the seats in Falkirk West and
Kilmarnock. We also elected 8 SNP councillors in East Kilbride!
As I said, a good day. I thoroughly enjoyed the month of April,
electioneering in East Kilbride constituency. It was great to be
out-and-about meeting people in the streets and at their doors.
Many highlights – Alex Salmond visiting us (taking the
opportunity to have a haircut, and a scale-and-polish at the
local dentist), European journalists shadowing our campaign,
family and friends turning up to help out – temporary beds all
over the house (amazing how many folk can sleep in an average
house if you use a bit of imagination), really positive vibes
from the electorate.

Pictures from the 2007 Election
First Group Meeting on
Saturday and back to work as normal on Monday – well, hardly
normal I guess. Temporary offices, all our stuff still in
packing cases whilst we wait to see where we’ll be located once
Alex has sorted out his Cabinet and Ministerial posts. The
office is tidier than ever before! I’m dreading opening these
packing cases, and starting the post-election clear up in the
house. The Kirking of the Parliament at St. Giles on Tuesday
night, and taking the oath/affirming in the Chamber on Wednesday
morning. Then it became more like normal – two great
constituency events Wednesday and Friday evenings. Chairing the
AGM for my old friends at Theatre Nemo on Friday evening – this
Group (dealing with mental health issues by use of the Arts)
just goes from strength to strength, their worth being noted by
the Health Service and the Prison Service, funding secured, and
awards forthcoming. Wednesday’s event was a Schools’ Competition
run by the East Kilbride Rotary Club. The teams had to do a
PowerPoint presentation showcasing East Kilbride. Great stuff
and I was delighted to present the trophy to Hunter High.

Hunter High Winners
The first week is over and
next week we elect a Presiding Officer, and I hope, our First
Minister and then the Government. My weekly diaries should be
interesting from now on.
Email back to normal:
Linda Fabiani