THE next event in order is
one that will be long remembered. It was the visit incognito of Her Most
Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, and the late lamented Prince Consort, on
the 20th of September, 1861. Accompanied by the late Princess Alice and her
affianced husband, the Prince Louis of Hesse, the Lady Churchill, General
Gray, and others of the suite, they set out on the morning of that day from
Balmoral, crossed the shoulder and "ladder" of Mount Kean to Invermark Lodge
to pay a visit to the late Fox Maule (Lord Dalhousie). In the afternoon they
drove down Glenesk to Fettercairn. The rest of the journey, which in Her
Majesty's Journal is termed "The Second Great Expedition," may beet be
described in her own words, as follows :
"A little further on, again
(at the foot of Glenesk), we came to a wood, where we got out and walked
along The Bum, Major M'Inroy's. The path winds along through the wood, just
above this most curious narrow gorge, which is unlike any of the other lynns;
the rocks are very peculiar, and the burn very narrow, with deep pools
completely overhung by wood. The woods and grounds might be in Walen or even
in Haivthornclen. We walked through the wood and a little way along the road
till the carriages overtook us. We had three miles further, to drive to
Fettercairn, in all 40 miles from Balmoral. We came upon a flat country,
evidently much cultivated, but it was too dark to see anything. At a
quarter-past seven o'clock we reached the small, quiet town, or rather
village of Fettercairn, for it was very small, not a creature stirring, and
we got out at the quiet little inn, 'Ramsay Arms,' quite unobserved,
and went at once upstairs. There was a very nice drawing-room, and next to
it a dining-room, both very clean and tidy—then to the left, our bedroom,
which was-excessively small, but also very clean and neat, and much better
furnished than at Gran town. Alice had a nice room, the same size as ours;
then came a mere morsel of one (with a "press bed") in which Albert dressed;
and then came Lady Churchill's bedroom just beyond. Louis and General Gray
had rooms in an hotel called the ' Temperance Hotel,' opposite. We dined at
eight, a very nice, clean, good dinner. Grant and Brown waited. They were
rather nervous, but General Gray and Lady Churchill carved,. and they had
only to change the plates, which Brown soon got into the way of doing. A
little girl of the house came in to help, but Grant turned her round to
prevent her looking at us. The landlord and landlady knew who we were, but
no one else except the coachman, and they kept the secret admirably. The
evening being bright moonlight, and very still, we all went out, and walked
through the village, where was a sort of pillar or town cross on-steps, and
Louis read, by the light of the moon, a proclamation for collections of
charities which was stuck up on it. We walked on along a lane, a short way,
hearing nothing whatever, not a leaf moving, but the distant barking of a
dog ! Suddenly, we heard a drum and fifes ! We were greatly alarmed, fearing
we had been recognised; but Louis and General Gray who went back, saw
nothing whatever. Still, as we walked slowly back, we heard the noise from
time to time; and, when we reached the inn door, we stopped, and saw six men
march up with fifes and a drum (not a creature taking any notice of them) go
down the street and back again. Grant and Brown were out, but had no idea
what it could be. Albert asked the little maid, and the answer was,
'It's just a band,' and that it walked about in this way twice a week. How
odd ! It went on playing some time after we got home. We sat till half-past
ten working and Albert reading, and then retired to-rest. Saturday,
September 21st. Got to sleep after two or three o'clock. The morning was
dull and close and misty, with a little rain; hardly any one stirring, but a
few people at their work. A traveller had arrived at night, and wanted to
come up into the dining-room, which is the * commercial travellers' room';
and they had difficulty in telling him he could not stop there. He joined
Grant and Brown at their tea; and on his asking, 'What's the-matter here?'
Grant answered, 'It's a wedding party from Aberdeen.' At 'the Temperance
Hotel' they were very anxious to know whom they had got. All, except
(General Gray, breakfasted a little before nine. Brown acted as my servant,
brushing my skirt and boots, and taking any message; and Grant as Albert's
valet. At a quarter to ten we started the same way as before, except that we
were in the carriage which Lady Churchill and the General had yesterday. It
was, unfortunately, misty, and we could see no distance. The people had just
discovered who we were, and a few cheered us as we went along. We passed
close to Fettercairn, Sir J. Forbes's house; then, farther on to the left,
Fasque, belonging to Sir T. Gladstone, who has evidently done a great deal
for the country, having built many good cottages. We then came to a very
long hill, at least four miles in length, called the Cairniemonth, [The
accompanying illustration shows on the left the road branching off to the
Cairn o' Mount, and that on the right to the Glen o' Drum-tochty; while in
the foreground are seen the Clatterin' Brig and "Marity-may" well, the
resort of pic-nic parties and happy youngsters, who on many a summer day
"ran about the brae," or "paidlet i' the burn frae morning sun till dine."]
whence there is a fine view; but which was entirely obscured by a heavy
driving mist. We walked up part of it, and then for a little while Alice and
I sat alone in the carriage."
In the same natural and
interesting manner the remainder of the journey, by way of Glendye, Finzean,
Glentanner, and round by Glenmuick to Balmoral—in all eighty-two miles for
the two days—is minutely and faithfully described; but the same in detail
need not here be quoted. It may be proper, however, to narrate one or two
little incidents of the Royal visit not hitherto recorded.

Brown and Grant, Her
Majesty's faithful servants, were sent three months beforehand to arrange
with Mr Durward of the "Ramsay Arms." From his being an old acquaintance,
they had little hesitation in confiding the plans of the proposed visit. Her
Majesty states in her narrative that none but the landlord, landlady, and
the coachman knew who they were; but one of the maidservants, a Deeside
girl, also knew. She had a peep at the party on arrival, and hurrying to her
mistress, she blurted out "That's the Queen, I've seen her many a time." In
the interests of the house, she promised secrecy, and kept it. Referring to
another statement: "At the 'Temperance Hotel' they were very anxious to know
whom they had got." Mr M'Donald, the landlord, remarked, the same evening,
to Mr Durward, that his visitors must be of the royal family, from the coats
of arms on their belongings. In admiration of Her Majesty's queenly
condescension, the villagers relate that on coming down stairs for their
evening walk, the Queen and Lady Churchill noticed a pile of oaten "
bannocks " as part of the harvesters' supper laid out upon a table off the
kitchen, that they asked and took with them a piece of the same to taste and
test its quality.
And to show that Her Majesty
knew all about the place, it is said that when listening to the flute band
she jocularly suggested they should be asked to play the "Bob o' Fettercairn."
The Prince Consort and General Gray had a morning walk, and spent some time
looking at the headstones in the churchyard. A few minutes before starting,
the royal tourists wished the people to know who they were; and it may be
left to the readers of this account to fancy how some thought they were
hoaxed, and others more credulous hurried in their excitement to catch a
passing glance of their gracious Queen. To commemorate this event, more
auspicious to Fettercairn than any former one, a handsome triumphal arch was
erected by subscription. It will be described in another chapter.
On the 10th of March, 1863,
the rejoicings to celebrate the Prince of Wales' marriage took the form of a
school children's procession and treat, and for adults an evening
In 1871, telegraphic
communication was extended to Fettercairn and Edzell. At midnight, on 23rd
October, 1872, the villagers were aroused by the church bell, the occasion
being a lire at Fasque House, which, by prompt action, was happily kept from
extending to the main building. A few months thereafter, in 1873, a grand
entertainment was given at Fasque by Sir Thomas and Lady Gladstone to the
people of the parish and district. Their tenantry of Strachan were also
invited. The occasion was the celebration of the coming of age of Captain
John Robert, now Sir John R. Gladstone, Bart.
In January, 1884, rejoicings
on an extensive scale took place for the Hon. Charles Forbes Trefusis having
attained his majority. The village was illuminated by rows of Chinese lamps,
and an elevated jet of electric light. A huge bonfire blazed on the "Cross-shouther."
A dinner was given in the Ramsay Arms, and was followed by a brilliant
assembly in the Public School, which was nicely decorated for the occasion.
To celebrate the Jubilee of
Her Majesty the Queen the people of Fettercairn, not unmindful of a former
favour, acted their part with true loyalty.
On the 28th and 29th of
August, 1888, a grand Bazaar was held in the Public School, to raise funds
for the erecting of a Public Hall, which, along with other public buildings,
will be hereafter described.
In October, 1889, the
distillery at Nethermill was burnt down. This disaster caused the removal
from the village of a good many workmen and their families, and eventually
of the late Mr Durie, distiller, and his family.
Not to be behind other
places, a Golf Club, with the Rev. Mr Belcher as captain, and Mr Robert
Murray as secretary, was inaugurated in 1892, after the laying out of an
excellent nine-hole course on the hillside of Balnakettle, and kindly
granted free of charge by the tenant, Mr William Middleton.
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee
in 1897 was appropriately celebrated. Sir John R Gladstone, as Chairman of
the School Board, treated very liberally the children of the parish; and the
people, with one mind, joined heartily in celebrating this joyful event.