This caricature of a respectable citizen was meant to
satirise his somewhat extravagant and fastidious taste in matters of
dress and fashion. According to Kay's notes, he "was among the first of
the bucks who appeared with shoestrings instead of buckles." In the
Print it will be observed that these appendages are prominently
displayed, especially on the "cloots" of one of the "fellow bucks," with
whom the artist has thought proper to confront him. The engraving
originally bore the inscription—"I say don't laugh, for we are
brothers." Although by no means a fop, in the common meaning of the
term, Mr. Braidwood was not insensible to the advantages he possessed in
a tall, athletic frame, and commanding appearance ; but, much as the
caricature was calculated to wound his feelings, he displayed his good
sense by taking no other notice of it than to join heartily in the laugh
which it produced.

The father of Mr. Braidwood (William) was a
candlemaker at the head of the West Bow ; and so strictly presbyterian
and religious, that he obtained the soubriquet of the Bowhead
Saint. In burlesque of his uncommon zeal, it is told that he once
caused a bird, with its cage, to be placed in the City Guard for
profaning the Sabbath by whistling "O'er the water to Charlie." The real
circumstances of the case were these. On one of his rounds to see that
the day of rest was properly respected—a self-imposed task, undertaken
by certain of the citizens —he happened to meet a person in livery
carrying a cage and bird. Conceiving this to be a violation of public
decorum, he remonstrated with the footman, who retaliated in such an
abusive manner as led to the forcible seizure of the feathered songster.
Mr. Braidwood was a man of great personal strength,
and well calculated to act as a conservator of order. On another
occasion, hearing a noise issuing from a tavern in the neighbourhood of
James's Court as he passed, he immediately entered and began to
expostulate with the landlord. The latter at once acknowledged the
impropriety of entertaining such brawlers on a Sabbath morning, but told
him iu a whisper that he was afraid to challenge his customers, one of
them being no less a personage than Captain Porteous of the City Guard.
This notorious individual—whose fate is well recorded in the Heart of
Mid-Lothian—was a man of loose habits, and so reckless and tyranical
that few were inclined to come into collision with him. Mr. Braidwood
felt no such dread. Armed with a small sword, which he usually carried,
he rushed into the apartment, denounced the conduct of Porteous to his
face, and seizing the cards with which the party were engaged, threw
them into the fire, while the Captain and his associates —astonished and
overawed—retreated with precipitation.
Mr. Francis Braidwood, the subject of our sketch, was
apprenticed in early life to a cabinet-maker. On the expiry of his
indenture he repaired to London, where he remained for a short time, in
order to acquire a more thorough knowledge of his profession. He then
returned to Edinburgh, set up business on his own account, and was for
some years eminently successful. He was elected Deacon of the Wrights in
1795, and Deacon Convener the year following. His workshop was at one
period in the Pleasance, near the head of Arthur Street, and his
furniture shop or warehouse on the South Bridge. Latterly he removed to
Adam Square, and occupied the premises situated immediately to the south
of the School of Arts.
Mr. Braidwood inherited a considerable portion of the
personal prowess of his father. In every way respectable as a citizen,
he was no bigot in religion, and participated joyously in the amusements
and recreations peculiar to the times. He was a member of the Edinburgh
Burgess Golfing Club, and was greatly celebrated as a golfer. He used to
say that "fatigue was merely ideal." A contemporary member of the
Society recollects having played at golf with him on one occasion from
six in the morning till four in the afternoon; and while our informant
admits being " quite knocked up," he states that Mr. Braidwood did not
seem in the least fatigued. (Mr. Braidwood was in the practice of taking
bets at golf, the stipulations of which were that he should have two
strokes at the ball with a common quart bottle, while his
opponent should have one in the usual way with his club. However
disadvantageous this might seem, he invariably came off the victor.) So
devotedly fond was he of this ancient game, that when no longer able by
reason of age to go round the Links, he came regularly every Saturday
and played at what are termed the short holes; and to the last he
continued to dine regularly with the Society at their weekly and
quarterly meetings.
Of Mr. Braidwood's good nature and social humour, the
following instance is told. At a convivial meeting of the Golfing
Society at Bumtsfield Links on one occasion, a Mr. Megget—one of the
members, and a good golfer—took offence at something Mr. Braidwood had
said. Being highly incensed, he desired the latter to follow him to the
Links, and he "would do for him." Without at all disturbing himself, Mr.
Braidwood pleasantly replied, "Mr. Megget, if you will be so good as go
to the Links, and wait till I come, I will be very much obliged
to you". This produced a general burst of laughter, in which his
antagonist could not refrain from joining; and it had the effect of
restoring him to good humour for the remainder of the evening.
Mr. Braidwood was a member of the Spendthrift
Club, so called in ridicule of the very moderate indulgence of its
members ; and he was one of the four B.'s—"Bryce, Bisset, Baxter,
and Braidwood"—who, after attending church during the forenoon service,
generally devoted the latter part of the day, if the weather was fine,
to a quiet stroll into the country. Several others joined the B.'s in
their "Sunday walks." (The brother elders of some of the B.'s were not a
little dissatisfied at being so frequently left to officiate singly at
the church-doors in the afternoon.) The present Mr. Smellie, and the
late Mr. Adam Pearson, Secretary of the Excise, were frequently of the
party. They usually met at the Royal Exchange, immediately on the
dismissal of the forenoon church; and, as suggested by Mr. Braidwood,
their plan was always to walk in the direction from whence the wind
blew, as by that means they avoided the smoke of the city both in going
and returning.
Mr. Braidwood was a captain of the Edinburgh
Volunteers, and entered with great spirit into the military proceedings
of the civic warriors. Not satisfied with the prosperity he had
experienced as a cabinetmaker, he latterly began to speculate in the
working of quarries ; and contracted for buildings not only in Scotland
but in England. In these, however, he fell so far short of the success
anticipated, as to occasion a considerable diminution of the wealth he
had previously acquired.
Mr. Braidwood married a Miss Mitchell, daughter of a
brewer in Leith. At his death, which occurred about ten years ago, he
left two sons and two daughters.