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John Ramsay of Kildalton


*Bascom, R.C., editor, The Fort Edward Book, Fort Edward, New York, W.F. Bascom, 1903.

*Campbell, John Francis, editor, Popular Tales of the West Highlands, 4 vols., Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1860-62.

Craig, Gerald M., editor, Early Travellers in the Canadas, 1791-186 7, Toronto, The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited, 1955.

----- Upper Canada: The Formative Years, 1784-1841, Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1963.

*Craik, Henry, A Century of Scottish History, Edinburgh, William Blackwood & Sons, Ltd., 1901.

Donaldson, G., The Scots Overseas, London, Robert Hale Ltd., 1966.

Dunham, Aileen, Political Unrest in Upper Canada, 1815-1836, Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1963.

Graham, H. Gray, Social Life in Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, New York, Barnes & Noble Inc.,

Graham, Ian C., Colonists from Scotland: Emigration to North America, 1707-1783, Athaca, Cornell University Press, 1956.

*Gregory, Donald, History of the West Highlands and Isles of Scotland, from 1493 to 1625; with an introductory sketch from A.D. 80 to 1493, second edition, Glasgow, Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1881.

Lamont, W.D., The Ancient and Mediaeval Sculptured Stones of Islay, Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, Ltd., 1968.

Lockhart, Robert Bruce, Scotch. The Whisky of Scotland in Fact and Story, London, Putnam & Co. Ltd., 1951.

*Mathieson, William Law, Church and Reform in Scotland, Glasgow, J. Maclehose & Sons, 1916.

Miller, Audry Saunders, Editor, The Journals of Mary O'Brien, Toronto, The Macmillan Company of Canada, 1968.

*Mitchell, Arthur, The Past in the Present: What is Civilization? Edinburgh, D. Douglas, 1880.

*Morewood, Samuel, A History of the Inventions and Customs of Ancient and Modern Nations in the Manufacture and Use of Inebriating Liquors, Dublin, 1838.

*Nettleton, Joseph Alfred, The Manufacture of Whisky and Plain Spirits, Aberdeen, G. Cornwall and Sons, 1913.

*Patten, Jennie M., and Graham, Andrew, History of the Somonauk United Presbyterian Church near Sandwich, de Kalb County, Illinois; with Ancestral lines of the early members, privately printed, Sandwich, 1928.

*Ramsay, Lucy, editor, The Stent Book and Acts of the Balliary of Islay, 1718-1843, privately printed, Edinburgh, 1890.

Skelton, O.D., Life and Times of Sir Alexander Tilloch Gait, Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1966.

*Smith, G.G., The Book of Islay, privately printed, Edinburgh, 1895.

Thompson, Samuel, Reminiscences of a Canadian Pioneer, Toronto, McClelland and Stewart Limited,

*Walker, Archibald Stodart, editor, The Letters of John Stuart Blackie to His Wife, Edinburgh, William Blackwood & Sons, Ltd., 1909.

Woodham Smith, Cecil, The Great Hunger; Ireland 1845-1849, New York, Harper and Row, 1962.

*Topographical and Historical Atlas of the County of Wellington, Toronto, Walker and Miles, 1877.

*Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Peel, Toronto, Walker and Miles, 1877.

*Illustrated Atlas of the Dominion of Canada: with a Historical Sketch of the County of Bruce, Toronto, H. Belden & Co., 1880.

*Illustrated Atlas of the Dominion of Canada: with a Historical Sketch of the County of Simcoe, Toronto, H. Beldon & Co., 1881.


Islay Estate Papers; in the possession of Lord Margadale of Islay.

Kildalton Papers; in the possession of the author.

Kildalton Game Book; MS. in the possession of the author.

Letter to the Tenandry of Islay, October 26, 1845, from J.F.W. Johnston; in the possession of the author.

Minutes of the Synod of Argyll, 1762-63; published by the Scottish Historical Society, Edinburgh.

The Scottish Census Returns, 1750-1861; Register House, Edinburgh.

Shawfield Factory Papers; The Mitchell Library, Glasgow.

History of the Campbells of Shawfield and Islay by John Francis Campbell; MS. in the possession of Lord Margadale of Islay.

Report of the Central Board of Management for the Relief of the Destitution of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Edinburgh section. Report 3, Appendix 1; Report 9, Appendix 1; Report 10, Appendices 2 and 4: Edinburgh, 1848, 1849, 1850.

The Letters & Papers of Cadwallader Colden, published by the New York Historical Society, Publication Fund Series, Vol. 50 to 56, 67 and 68, New York, 1918-1937.

Islay Combination Parochial Board Statement, May 1859; in the possession of the author.

The Kildalton Case, 1858-59; transcript in the possession of the author.

The Islay Tiends, 1863; in the possession of the author. Journal of Agriculture. Edinburgh, January, 1868. The Glasgow News, August 4, 1876, letters to the Editor.

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