In a little Minute Book in
the custody of Samuel MacLeod, Uigg, in the handwriting of Malcolm
MacLeod, K.C., a native of Uigg, is the following brief authoritative
history of the founding of that district.
Uigg in Queens County,
Prince Edward Island, was settled in the year 1829 and 1831 by immigrants
from the Isle of Skye, Scotland. The immigrants of 1829 were chiefly from
Uig, in Skye, and in memory of the place of their birth, they called their
new home in the woods of Prince Edward Island, Uigg. The first map in this
book shows the original farms and the names of their first permanent
occupants. Beginning on the eastern side of the Murray Harbor Road (which
was made through this settlement in 1828) and on the south side of the
settlement, there are William MacPhee, Donald Kelly, James Campbell (who
had bought out one Allan McDonald, called Allan MhacHamish), Norman
MacLeod and Alexander Martin; who had entered into possession of their
farms in 1827, James Campbell, however, only going into actual possession
in 1829 as successor to Allan MhacHamish. Donald Ross and David Ross
(whose father lived on the road crossing from Orwell to the Murray Harbor
Road) had taken their farms but did not go into actual possession till a
few years after 1829, probably 1833 or 1834. Roderick McLeod and John
McLeod (with their father, Norman McLeod), Angus McDonald, James McLeod,
Murdoch McLeod, Malcolm McKinnon and James McDonald, went into possession
in 1829, the year in which they arrived from Skye. A few years afterwards
the Rev. Samuel McLeod bought and entered on the north half of James
McDonald's farm. Michael Chisholm, whose people were from Strathglass,
near Inverness, was several years later in coming. To the westward of the
Road were Donald Gordon, Donald McDonald and William McLeod (known as
Ulliam Sceighdear), who arrived from Skye in 1831. Donald Shaw was born in
Pinette on this Island, and he and John Matheson (from Skye also) went on
their farms about 1833. The farm marked Fletcher was originally occupied
and before 1829, by one Gay, from Lot 49, called by the Highland people "Gaieach
Cam," who built a saw mill. His son, John Gay, afterwards occupied the
farm and sold it to John Fletcher, who built a grist mill further up the
stream (where John F. McLeod's mills were) sometime about the year 1840 or
1845. The farm marked Archibald McDonald was taken by Archibald (son of
James) some ten (10) years after the original settlement. Of the farms to
the rear or eastward, the one marked Roderick McLeod was taken by him
about 7 or 10 years later than 1829. His brother, Ewen McLeod, went into
possession of his farm 2 or 3 years still later. Of the original occupants
above named there are only Roderick McLeod and his brother John and David
Ross, still living on the land of which they took the original possession.
James McDonald and his wife (a sister of Roderick, John and Samuel) are
still living, but removed from Uigg several years, and are now living with
their daughter at Green Marsh, on Murray Harbor Road. Of the original
settlers, Norman McLeod, James McLeod, and Murdoch McLeod, were an older
generation, and were brothers. John McLeod, Roderick McLeod and the Rev.
Samuel McLeod were also brothers, and sons of Norman, known as Tormoid 'ic
Neal 'ic Murchuidh, Gillie Brighe, 'ic Murchuidh. Angus, James and Donald
McDonald were also brothers.
In these days the whole
face of the country was covered with a dense forest, and the first
settlers, perfect strangers to the use of the axe on their arrival, had
little but their labour to depend on for making a living and rearing and
educating numerous families.
The first school house for
the settlement was built about 1840, to the northward of the stream of the
Orwell River, and to the west of the Murray Harbor Road, near the top of
the ascent from the brook, in a dense spruce bush, a portion of William
McLeod's woods. It was a long building, perhaps 20 x 15 or 18 feet, roofed
with boards and slabs, having the spaces between the round logs filled
with moss. The fireplace was open, having its sides or "jambs" of wood
like inverted sleigh runers. The first teacher was one Donald Kelly (a
relation of the Donald Kelly whose name appears on the map), who arrived
from Skye in 1839 or 1840. He and his wife and one or two children lived
in the school house for a year or two. Parents paid him one pound per
annum of the then currency ($3.24) per pupil, and gave him besides, for
his support, one bushel of wheat each family.
The Rev. Samuel McLeod was
a Baptist minister and up to the time of his death officiated
ministerially for the people with no stated stipend, with no pay whatever
for many years, and indeed never required or expected anything. Any small
help or offering made him was always reluctantly received. Of the families
of the settlement shown on the first map, only Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 21 and 22, were stated worshippers at his services. The
rest of his congregation were persons of his denomination from the
adjacent country. At first the Sunday and weekly meetings were held in the
dwelling houses of the farms above mentioned, and also in the McLeod's own
house; the meeting being held, in the houses on successive Sundays. In
summer they placed temporary seats on their barn floors as being more
roomy and cooler than their dwellings. The services were conducted in
Gaelic and for Psalmody they used the version of the Gaelic Psalms
authorized by the Church of Scotland. Mr. McLeod was a man of extensive
information, sincere piety, good abilities as a preacher, an original
thinker, and a man universally respected. All who knew him were his
friends. Gradually his services became partly Gaelic and partly English,
and for some years before his death, the services were conducted entirely
in English. This became necessary owing to the deaths of the older people
and the preference of the younger generation for English, and in some
cases their ignorance of Gaelic, and the addition to the church of persons
whose mother tongue was English. About the year 1852, the people built a
small wooden church on the ground used as a burial ground, and from that
time the services in dwellings ceased. For the first 15 or 20 years few
changes took place in the occupations of the farms, and although deaths
occurred occasionally, families, as a rule, kept together, and the
population of the settlement increased very fast. But after that time, the
young men first, later the young women, began to go abroad, and the older
generation yearly died more rapidly, so that at this date there is almost
an entire change in the occupants of the farms.
This map was copied by a
surveyor (a stranger) from a map a few years older than this writing, and
for correct use of it, it is necessary to state that the farms marked
Samuel McLeod 50ac. and Malcolm McLeod 50ac. now are owned by Malcolm
McLeod, son of Rev. Samuel McLeod,. Murdoch McLeod on that map is not the
original Murdoch McLeod, but a son of the old Norman McLeod. The farm
marked Donald Ross is occupied by Donald Martin, house-joiner. The farm
marked Malcolm McLeod (formerly Angus McDonald), though owned by Malcolm
McLeod (Barrister), is actually occupied by his father, Roderick McLeod,
already mentioned as one of the original settlers.
A piece of ground indicated
on the map, was from the first set aside for a burying ground. The first
person buried there was Norman McLeod, the old man already mentioned, who
died in the year 1837. No record of burial was kept. To supply that
omission, this book was prepared. There are yet living persons who
remember the first burial and can still identify every grave. From the
information of such persons and from the families and friends of the
deceased, the record of the earlier burials is made up. The dates in some
cases have been taken from existing tombstones, from friends and
relatives; in other cases, approximated ; and in some cases cannot be got.
The above sketch indicates
the changes in the last 52 years. Whoever lives and takes the trouble of
noting the changes in the next fifty years will have to narrate still
greater and more rapid changes, but he will not have to write about a more
honest, industrious, or worthier people, than the first inhabitants of
Malcolm McLeod (Barrister)
Saturday, 27th Jan., 1883.
84 Immigrants including
women and children from the Isle of Skye arrived here on Sunday. They left
their native place about 6 weeks ago in a ship for Cape Breton along with
a number of settlers for that Island. They seem all to be in high health
and judging from appearance in easy circumstances.
With prudent foresight
characteristic of their race they came provided with 12 months provisions
and an ample stock of warm clothing. They have all relatives already
settled in the Island chiefly about Belfast, and with the exception of one
family it is, we understand, their intention also to locate in that
thriving settlement.
Custom House, Entered June
1st, 1829.
"Mary Kennedy," Cape Breton, 84 passengers.
1. William McPhee |
Family left settlement: Mal.
Campbell, son of No. 3. |
2. Donald Kelly |
James Kelly (of part) his grandson. |
3. James Campbell |
John Campbell, his son. |
4. Norman McLeod |
John McLeod, his son. |
5. Alexander Martin |
Jas. McKenzie, his son-in-law. |
6. Donald Ross |
Family removed - Donald Martin. |
7. David Ross |
Same |
8. Roderick and John
McLeod |
John sold to Malcolm (Rodk's son)
Roderick still holds his. |
9. Angus McDonald |
Family left - Farm owned by Malcolm
McLeod, occupied by Roderick McLeod. |
10. James McLeod |
John McLeod, his son. |
11. Murdoch McLeod |
Family left-Norman Murdoch McLeod,
son of Norman. |
12. Malcolm McKinnon |
William McKinnon, his son. |
13. James McDonald
(Family gone) |
Malcolm McLeod, son of Rev. Samuel
McLeod. |
14. Samuel McLeod (Died) |
15. Donald Gordon |
Donald McQueen - no connexion. |
16. Donald McDonald
(Family left) |
Ferris and John McLeod - no
connexion. |
17. Donald Shaw |
Allan Shaw, his son. |
18. John Matheson
(Family left) |
Malcolm McKinnon - no connexion. |
19. William McLeod
(Family left) |
Alexander MacLeod.* |
* His widow, Elizabeth
Susan MacLeod, the well known writer and poetess, resides in
Charlottetown with her sons Victor and Stanhope. |
20. John Fletcher (Family left) |
William McPhail and J. F. McLeod. |
21. Roderick McLeod |
Murdoch E. and John S. McLeod, his
sons. |
22. Ewen McLeod |
Malcolm McLeod (son of Roderick). |
24. Michael Chisholm |
Mrs. Chisholm, his widow - Neil
McPherson. |
(a) Archibald McDonald |
Same |
(b) Roderick McLeod |
His Family |
(c) Norman McLeod |
Same |
(d) Ewen McLeod |
John Roderick McLeod |
John Roderick McLeod.
Uigg, P.E. Island
Saturday, 27th January, 1883.
1. Hugh Martin, son-in-law
of John Campbell.
2. Samuel Campbell, son of John.
3. Simon Donald Campbell, son of John.
4. Samuel Hume, son-in-law of Donald Campbell.
5. Adrian Reynolds, married, Euphemia Macpherson, Granddaughter
6. of Malcolm Campbell.
7. John A. MacLeod, son of John F. MacLeod, miller.
8. John J. MacLeod, brother of Rev. D. B. MacLeod.
9. John W. MacLeod, grandson of William Taylor MacLeod, Dundee.
10. John MacLeod, son of Murdoch.
12. William Mackinnon, son of Charles.
13. Samuel MacLeod, son of Malcolm.
15. John Daniel MacQueen, son of Donald
16. John Smith, Pownal.
17. Ernest Shaw, son of Allan.
18. Archibald Macpherson, son of John.
19. Donald Mor MacLeod, son of Malcolm.
20. Sir Andrew Macphail, son of William.
21. Murdoch E. MacLeod, son of Roderick.
24. Daniel, son of Neil Macpherson, and Joseph Chisholm, son of Anselm
C. Joseph McIsaac, cousin of Daniel Macpherson.
D. Wellington MacLeod, Orwell Cove.
Mrs. MacLean. |
Samuel Martin. |
John and Alexander Macdonald. |
William Gillis. |
Alex. Nicholson. |
John Beaton. |
John Martin. |
Donald MacIan Oig MacLeod. |
Murdoch Bruce. |
Malcolm Macpherson. |
Malcolm Lamont. |
John MacLeod. |
Donald Ban Oig MacLeod. |
Murdoch Beaton. |
Archibald, Angus, and |
John MacLeod. |
Donald MacLeod, |
Malcolm Bruce. |
(Kinross Corner). |
Archibald Matheson (miller) |
Hector Macdonald. |
Donald Ban Macpherson. |
Duncan Macdonald. |
Allan Macdonald |
Martin Martin. |
Roderick Morrison (first teacher in
Lyndale) |
Duncan Macdonald. |
John MacArthur. |
Donald Martin (Orwell Bridge) |
UIGG, named by the Skye
settlers of 1829 after Uig, in Skye. Donald Macdonald, a Skye
schoolmaster, who arrived in 1841, and taught in the grammar school, is
said to have varied the name to Uigg.
district was early swept by fire. After that it was called the Barrens.
Following the fire berries grew in abundance. Hence Edward Plaidwell, a
U.E. Loyalist, settler in the district, named it Alberry Plains.
DUNDEE, named by Mary
Kettle, wife of John Martin, after her birthplace in Scotland. She arrived
in 1842 and died in 1918, aged 94.
LYNDALE, named by Ewen
Lamont, a Skyeman, at a public meeting called for the purpose, about 1880.
VERNON, is called after
Admiral Sir Edward Vernon (1723-1794) uncle of Francis, Lord Orwell. The
Admiral used to dilute the sailors spirits with water in the interests of
temperance. He was known as "Old Grog" in allusion to his wearing a
grogram coat in foul weather. The watered rum became known as grog.
ORWELL, is named after Lord
In 1906 there was published
in the Charlottetown Guardian a list of former pupils of the famous Uigg
Grammar School, almost all of whom were born in this school district. To
this list have been added a few additional names.
Malcolm McLeod, K.C., Charlottetown.
Duncan C. McLeod (B.A. McGill), K.C., Charlottetown.
Neil McLeod (M.A. Acadia), County Court Judge, Summerside.
Daniel C. Ross (B.A. McGill, London, Edin.), K.C., Toronto.
Donald A. Mackinnon (LL.B. Dal.), K.C., Charlottetown.
Donald Mackinnon, K.C., Charlottetown.
Malcolm A. Macqueen (B.A. Queen's), Winnipeg.
Alexander R. McLeod (B.A., McGill, Oxon), Vancouver.
Hugh Martin (Glas. Univ., New Orleans), Fredericksburg, Va.
Angus McLeod (Harvard) Cambridge, Mass.
James McLeod (McGill), Charlottetown.
William McKinnon; Newfoundland.
Gamaliel Gillis (U. of Penn.), Montague Bridge.
Archibald McLeod (McGill), New Westminster.
William J. Macphail (Wash. D.C.), Orwell.
Sir Andrew Macphail (McGill), Montreal.
Donald McLeod (Trin.), Orwell.
Artemas J. MacKinnon (McGill), Lincoln, Neb.
Alexander Ross ( Trin. ) , Charlottetown.
Isabelle Macphail (Tufts), Orwell.
Charles H. Martin, Boulder Univ., Idaho.
John J. McPherson (Queen's), Castor, Alta.
Malcolm McKinnon, Heatherdale, P.E.I. William Judson, Alexandria.
Donald Gordon Macdonald (Acadia, B.Th. McMaster), Vancouver.
J. A. Macdonald, Colorado.
John A. Gordon (M.A., D.D. Acadia), Montreal.
John Gillis, Lyndale.
Alexander B. Nicholson (B.A. Queen's, Princ.), Prof., Kingston.
Donald M. Campbell (Pine Hill), Saskatoon.
Malcom C. Martin, Fresno, Cal.
Samuel A. Martin, Churchill, Man.
James Campbell Martin, Roseneath, P.E.I.
Father Kenneth C. McPherson (Laval), Uigg.
Father Plus McDonald (Laval), Glencoe, P.E.I.
Malcolm James McPherson (M.A. Dal. Pine Hill), Uigg.
James A. Crawford (B.A. Dal. Edin.), Cardigan.
Donald McLean, Charlottetown.
James D. McLeod (B.A. Acadia), Uigg.
Fletcher Jordan (B.A. Acadia), Murray Harbor.
Malcolm A. McLean (M.A. Acadia), D.D., Lynchburg, Va.
George B. MacLeod, Toronto.
D. J. MacLeod (M.A., LL.D.), Charlottetown.
(Col.) James Alexander Macphail (McGill), Kingston.
Wm. M. Macphail (McGill), Portland, Oregon.
John Goodwill Macphail (Queen's), Ottawa.
George R. McLeod (McGill), Montreal.
Ernest Jenkins (Queen's), Vancouver.
Aubrey Jenkins (Queen's), Portland, Oregon.
Albert Martin (Dal. Cornell), Montague Bridge.
Murdoch W. McLeod, Dundee (Mechanical).
Daniel W. Musick, Kinross (Mechanical).
Donald McDonald, Schuyler, Nebraska.
Walter D. Ross (Dal), Kinross.
Catherine McKinnon.
Christy McKinnon.
Margaret Macphail (Mrs. Albert Jenkins), Orwell.
Katherine Macphail (Mrs. Sam A. Martin), Heatherdale.
Janetta C. Macphail, St. John, N.B.
Bella McLeod (Mrs. Angus Gillis), Victoria Cross.
John Walter McLeod, Vancouver. Annie McLeod, Orwell.
Mary Jane McLeod (Mrs. Rev. D. B. McLeod).
Bella McDonald.
Katherine McLeod.
Christy McLeod (Mrs. Angus McLeod), Oakland, Cal.
Ada Musick (Mrs. J. A. Moore), Pownal.
William H. Musick, Lipton, Sask.
John Gillis, Head Montague.
John Gillis, Kinross.
John Sam-Martin, Uigg.
Catherine Martin (Mrs. Kenneth McLean), Alberry Plains.
Marjorie Martin (Mrs. Lauchlan McKay), Stanley Bridge.
Christy Campbell.
Alex. McKenzie, North River.
Effie McKenzie (Mrs. Capt. Neil Campbell).
Alexander A. Munro, New York.
James A. Campbell ( Dal. ), Heatherdale.
Mary Campbell (Mrs. Angus Alex. McLeod), Kinross.
John Ross, Hamilton, Ont.
Margaret Ross.
Annabella Ross.
Mary Ross.
Katherine Ross (Mrs. Daniel W. McLeod), Vernon Bridge.
Estelle Jenkins, Vancouver.
Janie Martin, Uigg.
Alexander Robert Macqueen, New Glasgow, N.S.
Peter Alex. Macqueen, Townsville, Australia.
Donald C. MacLeod, Murray Harbor Road.
Donald A. Shaw, Uigg.
Katherine Shaw (Mrs. Angus Martin) Glen Martin.
Donald J. Shaw, Uigg.
Peter Gordon, Uigg.
Alex. McLeod, Athabasca Landing.
Bella McLeod, Vancouver. John Martin.
Florence McPherson, Uigg.
Ann McLeod (Mrs. Alex. Martin, M.P.) Valleyfield.
Kate McLeod, Uigg.
Duncan Martin, Orwell Head.
Rhy P. McLeod, Uigg.
Katherine A. McLeod (Mrs. Hodgson).
Chester McPherson, Uigg.
Katie McLeod, Uigg.
Haddon Spurgeon McLeod (Guelph Agr. Coll.)
Mary McLeod (Mrs. Dr. McDonald), Calgary.
Mary McPherson, Uigg.
Murdoch G. McLeod, Omaha.
John McKinnon, Uigg.
Margaret McKinnon (Mrs. Geo. H. Brehaut), Little Sands.
Joseph McPherson, Uigg.
Michael McPherson, Uigg.
Roderick Martin, Valleyfield.
Sarah Mutlow, Vancouver.
Ella McLeod, Uigg.
Cyrus McKinnon, Uigg.
Alexander McLeod.
Donald McLeod.
Mrs. McRae, Rice Point.
John McLeod (Killed in action in Great War), Kinross.
Mary McLeod (Mrs. Wilfred Furness), Kinross.
Kathleen McLeod, Kinross.
Margaret McLeod, Uigg.
David Douglas Ross, Kinross.
Florence MacLeod, Uigg.
Margaret MacLean.
Malcolm MacLean, Heatherdale.
Norman Campbell, Uigg.
Norman Ross, Uigg.
Alistair MacLeod, Kinross.
Bruce Findlay, Vancouver.
James M. Campbell, Ceres, Cal.
John Nicholson, Ellis, Kansas.
Munro MacLeod, Charlottetown.
Through the courtesy of Mr. H. H. Shaw, Chief Superintendent of Education,
Charlottetown, the list of teachers who appear on the Government records
as having taught in Uigg Grammar School and Orwell School is herewith
reproduced. (Before 1849, Angus Martin, and Donald Kelly, taught in Uigg)
1849 Hugh Martin
1850 Hugh Martin
1851 Peter Ross
1852 Alex. McLean
1855 William Ross
John Brooks
1856 Donald McDonald
John Brooks
1857 Donald McDonald
John Currie
1858 Donald McDonald
John Currie
1859 Donald McDonald
John Currie
1860 Donald McDonald
John Currie
1861 Donald McDonald
Peter McQueen (61-2)
1862 William Macphail
Peter McQueen
1863 William Macphail
Peter McQueen
1864 - William Macphail
Martin H. Finlay
1865-66 William Macphail
A. R. McQueen
1867-68 Matt. Dickienson
A. R. McQueen
1869-70 Duncan McLeod
A. R. McQueen
1871-72 Peter Gunn
1873 D. C. Ross
Flora J. McLeod
1874 D. C. Ross
Finlay D. Martin
1875 Gamaliel Gillis
Miss A. McLeod
1877 D. J. McLeod
John Anderson
1878 Maggie Murchison
1879 John McKinnon
Maggie Murchison
1879 Maggie McPhail
Maggie Murchison
1880 John McKinnon
William McPhail
1880 Maggie McPhail
James H. Campbell
1881 John McKinnon
James H. Campbell
1881 Maggie McPhail
1882 D. A. McKinnon
Kathleen McLeod
1882 John McKinnon
1883 Katie Ross
Kathleen McLeod
1883 D. McLeod
1884 Katie Ross
1884 Don. McLeod
John McIsaac
1885 Marjory Martin
1885 Don. McLeod
Wellington McLaren
1886 Marjory Martin
1886 D. M. Campbell
Alethe Gunn
1887 Effie McKenzie
1887 D. M. Campbell
Alethe Gunn
1888 Lizzie McKinnon
1888 D. M. Campbell
Alethe Gunn
1889 Alex. Ross
1889 Lizzie McKinnon
1889 Alex. Ross
James McPhail
1890 Ada Musick
1890 Donald McDonald
Alex. B. McLean
1891 Ada Musick
1891 Duncan Martin
A. B. McDonald
1892 G. R. McLeod
Albert J. Fraser
1892 Belle MacLeod
1893 Geo. R. McLeod
Kenneth McPherson
1893 Christy McLeod
1894 Kenneth McPherson
Joseph S. O'Neill
1894 Christy McLeod
1895 Kenneth McPherson
Lizzie Irving
1895 Katie Ross
1896 M. J. McPherson
Ella McKenzie
1896 Belle McLeod

The following resident pupils of Uigg school
or descendants of resident pupils won the Rhodes Scholarship:
Alexander R. MacLeod (McGill), barrister, Vancouver.
Norman Robertson (U. of B.C.), professor, Vancouver. His mother, Floretta
McLeod, daughter of Norman "Captain" MacLeod, was born in Uigg school
district and attended Uigg school.
Louis Brehaut (Dal.) professor. His mother, Margaret Mackinnon, daughter
of William Mackinnon, was born in Uigg school district, and attended Uigg
school and later taught there.
The Centennial of the founding of Uigg was
celebrated on Saturday, August 17, 1929 on the Uigg school grounds.
Several hundred descendants of the early pioneers of the district were
present to honor the memory of their ancestors.
Rev. James Campbell Martin, a son of one of
the pioneers acted as chairman and gave an excellent and scholarly
address. He read a letter from Rev. Donald Gordon Macdonald of Vancouver
deploring his inability to be present and giving a vivid description of
the life of Uigg as he remembers it over eighty years ago. He referred
particularly to the powerful influence for good exercised by Rev. Samuel
MacLeod. The chief
speaker was Rev. Dr. J. A. Gordon, of Montreal, who, though eighty-five
years of age, spoke with the fervor of youth. Dr. Gordon's recital of his
boyhood days and his picture of the pioneer settlers was so unusually
graphic and interesting that a distinguished critic declared it the best
address of the kind he had ever heard.
Sir Andrew Macphail of Montreal, spoke briefly
in terms of deep appreciation of the nobility of character of the early
pioneers and urged the present generation to emulate them.
Rev. Dr. Malcolm A. MacLean of Lynchburg, Va.
; Rev. Henry Pierce of Orwell; John S. Martin and William MacLeod, Dundas,
all stressed the debt the present generation owes their forefathers.
On the following day the Baptist Church, Uigg,
was crowded to hear Dr. Gordon, who was assisted by Revs. J. C. Martin, H.
Pierce, M. A. MacLean and A. R. MacLeod. Solos were sung by Mrs. Seth
Henderson, Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. Vanidestine and Mrs. Geo. R. MacLeod. These
four ladies and the organist Mrs. Walter Scott, all belonged to the fourth
generation of their pioneer ancestors.
A few weeks before the incidents above
mentioned took place the writer visited Uig, Skye. He was then struck by
the great similarity in thought and habits of the two people. A century of
separation has not severed the spiritual bonds connecting them. The deeply
religious spirit that animated Skye when the Belfast pioneers saw its
shores fade away in the distance is the spirit of Skye today. Character
now as then is prized as in few other lands. It is only when one visits
that misty island that a true measure can be taken of the extraordinary
contribution Skye has made to Canada and other lands. Although so small in
area, for generations it poured out in a steady stream its sons and
daughters for the enrichment of those lands so fortunate as to receive
them as settlers. In their adopted homes Skye men and women have stamped
the imprint of integrity and fidelity upon the life of the community and
have earned for their birthplace fame, and for themselves an enviable
reputation for honesty and obedience to law that is the envy of other
communities less fortunately endowed.
Although Skye today is reduced to a population
barely half of what it was eighty years ago, the quality of those who
remain is as high as ever. Sunday is still a day of rest, the Bible is
still the oracle of God. The church services are solemn assemblies of the
whole people; the sermon, both Gaelic and English, an earnest and moving
message. The same insatiable desire for learning that characterized the
pioneers of P.E.I. can still be discerned in the place from which they
came among even the poorest of the peasants and the fishermen. Among the
gentry this is especially the case. Preeminent in pursuing the traditions
of the Misty Isle stands Allan R. Macdonald of Waternish. No man alive
today knows more of Skye men living and Skye men dead than this profound
student of Highland history and tradition. A living bond between the
Present and the Past he is appealed to by Skye men in every clime to
unravel the tangled family skeins and is never appealed to in vain. From
his unerring hand goes forth such a record of Highland honor and devotion
in the Past as ensures its emulation in the Present and its survival in
the Future.
Malcolm James MacLeod (Dal.
Princ.), Minister, Collegiate Reformed
Church of St. Nicholas, Fifth Ave., N.Y.
Hector MacLeod, banker, Hutchinson, Kansas.
David W. Mackenzie (Dal.), M.D., Royal Vict. Hosp., Montreal.
Ewen Mackenzie (Dal.), Barrister-at-law, Lethbridge.
Harry Mackenzie (Dal.), Barrister-at-law, Charlottetown.
Kenneth J. Martin (Dal.), Barrister-at-law, Charlottetown.
Donald C. Martin (Dal.), ex-M.P., Barrister-at-law, Charlottetown.
Daniel A. Macdonald, C.J., Court of King's Bench, Manitoba.
Angus A. McLean, Barrister-at-law, ex-MP., Charlottetown.
Hector C. Macdonald (McGill), ex-Atty. Gen. P.E.I., late County
Court Judge, Charlottetown.
Robert Anderson, ex-Mayor of Vancouver.
Angus MacSwain (McGill, Harv. Edin., and Lond.), M.D., Santa Clara, Cal.
James Nicholson, ex-M.P., Eldon.
John A. Nicholson (McGill), Registrar, McGill Univ., Montreal. Daniel
Macdonald, M.D., North Pinette.
John D. MacLean (McGill), M.D., ex-Premier of B.C., Victoria. Donald A.
Macdonald (Dal. and Yale) Minister, Point Prim. Archibald Murchison,
Minister, Point Prim.
John Murchison (Lane Theo. Sem.), Point Prim.
Dr. Beaton (Dartmouth), Flat River.
Dr. Riley (U. of Penn.), Flat River.
Daniel McDonald, M.D., New York City.
Whitfield Larrabie (Harvard), M.D., Eldon. Margaret Eliza Mackenzie (Dal.),
M.D., Pinette.
Florence McDonald (Trinity), M.D., Pinette.
Annie D. McRae (Trinity), M.D., Pinette.
Annie McRae, M.D., Los Angeles (Ponds, Belfast).
Roderick C. McRae (Dal.), C.E., Chicago.
Donald McRae, Belfast.
Annie Young, M.D., Pinette, Dean of Schools, Florida.
Kenneth Mackenzie, M.D., Belfast.
Mary Mackenzie (Dal.), Vancouver. William McLean, Banker, Portage,
Alexander McLean (Queens), Minister. Sarnia, Ont.
Angus McLean (U. of Penn.), M.D., Souris East, P.E.I.
J. B. Macdonald (Dal.), Minister, M.D., Pinette.
Charles MacLeod (Dal.), Minister, Eldon.
John McLeod (Dal.), Minister, Surrey.
Donald McLeod (Dal.). Minister, Surrey.
Angus A. Macleod, M.D., Oakland, California.
Donald Sinclair (Dal. Edin.), Minister, Eldon.
Fingal Smith, Cranbrook, B.C., Editor.
Angus A. McLeod, Point Prim., Artist, New York.
Stewart MacMillan, M.D. (Harvard), Belfast.
Ambrose Fraser, Librarian, Charlottetown.
Allan Fraser, Pinette, Minister, Cascumpec.
John MacDougall, M.D., Manitoba. John MacMillan, M.D., Boston.
Parmenas McLeod (U. of Tor.) Minister, Preeceville, Sask.
Thomas McLeod (B.Sc. McGill).
The first day of March, 1847, has ever been
memorable in the history of Belfast, for on that day took place the
famous, if unfortunate, Belfast riot.
The following extract from a letter recently
received from Mr. A. D. Fraser, librarian, Charlottetown, gives the
essential facts of this sad affair:
"I find by reference to the Journals of the
House of Assembly and the papers of that period, that the disturbance
occurred on Monday, the 1 st of March, 1847.
"At the General Election held in August, 1846,
Messrs. John McDougall and John Small were declared elected for the Third
District (Belfast) of Queen's, and they took their seats when the Assembly
met in January (26th), 1847, but a Petition was presented by Messrs. Douse
and McLean asking that the election of McDougall and Small be declared
void, as there had been intimidation and violence at the Poll. The
election was declared void, hence the special election of March 1st, 1847.
This election was brought to a sudden close by the Riot, but another
election was held on the 19th of March at which Douse (William) and Alex.
McLean were duly elected.
"The Irish were the supporters of McDougall
and Small, and the Scotch of Douse and McLean.
"You may be aware that the Poll was held a
little to the west of Belfast Church on the road leading to Pinette.
Malcolm McRae was waylaid and beaten with fatal results, quite near to
where the Orange Lodge was situated on the road to Pinette, just below the
Belfast Church. "The
Government reports on the matter are very vague. A short Report by the
High Sheriff, William Cundall; a Report by Daniel Hodgson, Coroner, and
Dr. W. H. Hobkirk, who was sent out to attend the injured. I have never
seen anything like an accurate list of the casualties.
"At the election of March 19th there were on
hand the 14th Company of Infantry under Captain Dwyer, a Company of Horse
under Captain B. Davies, and one hundred and twenty Special Constables.
"On that day William Douse left town at seven
a.m., addressed the electors, was elected, returned to town, took his seat
in the House and made a speech before five p.m. There was no opposition at
this latter election."
(Sgd.) A. D. Fraser,
Librarian. When the
Assembly met in Charlottetown on the 26th day of January, 1847, the
members took their seats in that imposing pile, the Colonial Building, at
that time not quite completed.
Alexander MacLean, one of the candidates, was
from Portage, Belfast. He was commonly known among his Highland neighbors
as "Gasda," meaning "goodfellow."
Political passions were greatly aroused. Rev.
John MacLennan, minister of the Belfast Presbyterian congregation, and the
priest of the adjoining Roman Catholic parish, after consulting together,
admonished their respective flocks to exercise forbearance and observe the
law. It was generally
understood that an outbreak of lawlessness might occur. The Scots allege
that many Irish who had gathered from distant parts of the province, came
armed with clubs. It is also alleged that they started intimidation and
coercion as soon as their opponents began to appear. Whatever the facts of
the case may be, a party of about twenty Irishmen meeting Malcolm McRae,
of Flat River, a native of Applecross, Ross-shire, Scotland, on the road
on his way to the Poll, fell upon him with shillelaghs and fractured his
skull. He died soon after, in his forty-fourth year. The indignation of
the Scottish relatives and neighbors of McRae was extreme. Their Highland
passion could not be controlled. They determined at once to avenge this
wanton and lawless attack. Couriers on horseback were sent along the road
to warn the settlers. "Young" John MacLennan spent the forenoon feverishly
preparing sticks with which to arm the Scots. By noon about two hundred
had assembled and were armed. A scarf was tied across the shoulder of each
to distinguish friend from foe. Thus prepared they lined up near the
polling booth. Opposite stood about three hundred similarly armed Irish.
Forward both lines swept as if on parade. The clash of stick on stick
resounded above the shouts of the warriors. After the melee was over, the
Scots remained masters of the field. Many on both sides had received
wounds from which they never recovered. The Scots aver that over a dozen
Irish were killed on the field, or died shortly after from the effects of
wounds. Both sides concealed their losses but it is positively known many
on each side were so badly injured that they never fully recovered.
Amongst them was William McLeod, of Lyndale, who received head wounds from
which he always suffered. Malcolm Campbell, of Uigg, also bore traces of
his part in the fray. His stories of the battle, coupled with a ready
display of his cranial scars, lent such romance to his presence that he
continued to be an ever increasing source of wonder and delight to
succeeding generations of schoolboy worshippers.
After the fight was over, better judgment
prevailed, and in the intervening eighty years nothing has occurred to mar
the cordial relations existing between these kindred races.
Malcolm McRae of Vancouver, grandson of the
first, if only, victim of this memorable affray, when recently spoken to
in Vancouver, where he resides, stated that as far as the tradition in the
McRae family goes the above is in the main a true outline of the facts of
the case. The
strength of some of these Highlanders was prodigious. Rory McLeod, of
Pinette, father of Capt. Malcolm McLeod, who died in Vancouver in 1924,
was recognized as one of the strongest men in Canada. While yet a boy he
gave an exhibition of strength that won him a prize. In a grocery store in
Charlottetown he was challenged to exhibit his prowess. He was finally
offered a bedtick full of oatmeal as a gift if he could lift it. One of
the homemade linen bedticks, manufactured in the hand looms on the farm
from native flax, was produced. This was filled with oatmeal, and, thus
filled, weighed about twelve hundred pounds. Rory Mor, without hesitation,
got under this huge ungainly mass, and with it over his shoulders walked
to the dock, from whence he took it by boat to his Belfast home.
He was frequently compared with Angus
MacAskill, one of the world's greatest giants. Born in Harris, Scotland,
in 1825, when six years of age he emigrated with his parents, nine
sisters, and three brothers, to St. Ann, Victoria Co., Cape Breton Island,
N.S., where he was known as Gillie Mor St. Ann. Although his father was
only five feet nine inches in height, and his mother an average sized
woman, he was seven feet nine inches in height. He was three feet eight
inches across the shoulders. The palm of his hand was six inches wide and
twelve inches long. He wore a shoe eighteen inches in length. His strength
was enormous. In disengaging himself from an anchor of tremendous weight,
which he had lifted to his shoulder, he received an injury from the
effects of which he ultimately died. This man only, would the Belfast
people admit, was more powerful than Rory McLeod of Pinette, their hero. |