There were approximately 26
of only our closest friends this week at our 50th anniversary celebration.
We have planned to do this
until everyone is included in our celebration. It is much better to do it
this way instead of having a big impersonal celebration. We enjoyed visiting
with our company in this smaller group and even with my swollen face, and
not feeling so well it was still wonderful.
My daughters took care of
everything and that in itself contributes to such a sweet memory.

In this picture my face is
swollen from the infected tooth. The dentist put off work until we got
through this day. It was bad enough not to feel well, but worse with him
doing whatever had to be done which will be coming up, yet.
Of course, some want to know
what is the secret for being happily married for 50 years. I'm here to
tell you, "I haven't the slightest idea." I do know that it hasn't all been
bliss. In fact like everything pertaining to life and living there have
been some really awful moments. On the other hand, some of the time was
fun, exciting and forever memorable.
A sad thing to happen was
when my daughter called my favorite aunt to invite her I noticed she was a
bit serious faced but thought maybe it was just from learning Aunt Naomi
couldn't be here that day. Yesterday her son called and said she had passed
away. When I told my daughter she cried and said, "She told me she was
gravely ill with lung cancer and not to tell you until well after the
anniversary party."
That was Aunt Naomi. She had
13 children, was the gggrandaughter of Paschal Pensoneau and without a doubt
inherited his genes. Her always happy, loving ways are taken away from us
now and how we will miss her. The last time she came up she was driving a
new black Cadillac with dark windows. I told her how much I loved the car.
"I know," she said, "my
grandchildren call me their Mafia grandmother." And that was her way,
always light hearted and joking about something. Her funeral will be at
St. Bennedict in Shawnee, Ok. Thursday, September 13, 2007. |