Velma: Fleur De Narcisus is
a book written about and for my mother, Velma Louise Pensoneau Jones. At
this time Mother is 95 years old. For decades she has devoted her life
to her people in a quiet way. She herself said, “When ever there was a
need I was there, either carrying a shawl to give away, to offer my
skills to negotiate between races, or however I could.
After working through
Mother’s genealogy back to the 1500's to the times when her family lived
in France, truly I do not believe Mother ever knew or realized the genes
she posses to make her act with such great love for her people of the
On the other hand her
ancestor, Chief Standing Bear, was the Chief who returned to Nebraska.
His great love for his people gave him strength to be the first American
Indian to actually stand before the United States Courts with such
bravery in order to become the first tribe to fight for the right to be
called “humans,” and to actually become citizens of that early
government. His bravery has given all tribes a standing to be treated as
defeated nations and to have the respect this country gives to those
they conquer.
Today, I stand before
you, well knowing you are a group of people who are already successful.
I’m aware it is you who could teach me, with this thought in mind I
leave this with you.
“Think about how you can
help me promote this book, so that, our children and grandchildren will
know, no matter how small we are, or how little power we have, still,
one person can make changes.
Thank you. May I answer
any questions you have?
Jen nee, Water Woman.

Sheryl Smith of Ponca City agreed to model one of the dresses Mother
sewed. I
was speaking to the Stillwater writers club here. Cheryl has a nice
speaking voice
and a pleasing personality. I think she missed her calling for being a
model. She read
four pages out of the book and everyone seemed to enjoy this

Two Sheryls stand together here. The lady to the right is Sherril Lewis
of Stillwater.
She owns a shop called BEAD RANCH. Her work is breathtakingly
beautiful. It
is simply unbelievable that beads can be put together with such a
different presentation
on each piece. Her motto is: We wrangle beads from all over the world.
Some of
her pieces are as much as 800.00 but well worth every penny, I believe.

My husband Rodney is a bit embarrassed here about having to model his
shirt decorated
with ribbon work, but I thought he did great, beings that he is not an
extrovert and goes more
toward being introverted. It was, after all, for a good cause with
presenting a fun and interesting
presentation for this writer's group.