Please note that the Scottish Parliament web site state that
they only archive these events for 30 dayss so in the event they do
remove them and the download link doesn't work we have saved them
for you. That said the download link will be a lot faster that
ours so do try that first.
Clan Convention (morning) 24/07/2009
Download from Electric Scotland
Part of the Scottish Government’s Homecoming 2009
celebrations, the Convention, was chaired by Alex Fergusson MSP,
Presiding Officer, and brought together Scotland’s clan chiefs and
clan representatives from across the world. Delegates explored
tradition and culture and debated how the kinship embodied by Scottish
clans, names and families has a relevance to 21st-century Scotland.
Included an address by Jim Mather MSP, Minister for Enterprise, Energy
and Tourism.
Clan Convention (afternoon) 24/07/2009
Download from
Electric Scotland
Diaspora (morning) 25/07/2009
Download from Electric
The event, entitled ‘A future for our past’, discussed
and debated the heritage of the Scottish diaspora; the values of
Scottish identity; the links between Scotland and its diaspora; and
the ways to work better together, to mutual advantage. The Presiding
Officer chaired the event, with contributions from former presiding
officers Sir David Steel and George Reid. The event featured a
Dragon’s Den-style debate and includes high-profile speakers such as
Professor Tom Devine, Jim Naughtie, Lesley Riddoch and Michael Russell
MSP, Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution.
Diaspora (afternoon) 25/07/2009
Download from Electric
There were a number of interviews done by clan chiefs which can be
seen at
I also got in some pictures of Clan Chiefs sent in by Doug Ross for
which many thanks and here they are... and if you rest your cursor
over the picture a wee box will come up identifying them.
