1773 the Dutch ship Hector, loaded with 170 Scottish highlanders landed
in Pictou, Nova Scotia. It made the journey from Loch Broom and
Greenock. The ship included 33 families and 25 single men. After a long
voyage it reached the shores of Pictou Nova Scotia on Sept. 15, 1773.
Over the next century almost twenty thousand followed them to the
shores of Nova Scotia. In Canada and the United states there are
estimated to be over 100,000 Scottish decedents from the Ship Hector.
Over the last ten years the Town of Pictou has been carefully building a
duplicate of the ship. It reconstruction" stands a a tribute to the
courage and determination of those who arrived to the new world.
The pictures are of the launch of the
ship Hector that brought people from Scotland to Nova Scotia. The
launch, on Sept 17 2000 was witnessed be tens of thousands. It was also
viewed over the internet around the world. The ship will be completed
over the next few years and serve as a museum.

These pictures were
kindly provided by Len Wagg - Check
out his web site here! |