The Celts in Italy
- Part A The Celts in Italy - Part B
I. The Civilization of La Tène. Extension of Gallic Settlements in Gaul,
II. The Great Gallic Invasion of Italy. III. How the Gauls entered
Italy. IV. Character of the Gallic Settlement in the Valley of the Po.
V. Civilization of the Cisalpine Gauls. VI. The Earliest Gallic
Settlements in the Eastern Alps and on the Middle Danube.
The Celts in the East
- Part A The Celts in the East - Part B
I. The Gauls in the Blkan Peninsula. II. The Galatians in Asia Minor.
III. Gallic Mercenaries in Egypt. The Civilization of the Galatians. IV.
The Celts on the Danube. V. Composition of the Celtic Armies.
The Celts in the West.
Germany and Gaul
I. Celts and Germans. II. The Cimbri and Teutones. III. Results of the
Invasion. IV. The Character of the Celtic Expeditions.
Celtic Gaul
I. The Formation of the Gallic Peoples. II. The Constitution of Roman
Gaul. III. The Positions of the Gallic Peoples. IV. The General Aspect
of Celtic Gaul.
PART TWO - The End of the
Celtic World
The Romans in Italy,
Spain, and Gaul
I. The Completion of the Roman Conquest of Italy and Spain. II. The
Conquest of Gaul. III. The Romanization of Gaul. IV. The Celts of the
The Romans in Britain
I. Britain before its Romanization. II. The Roman Conquest. III. The
Army of Britain. Arthur.
The End of Celtic Britain
and Ireland. Saxons, Scots and Norsemen
I. The Germanic Invasions. II. The Occupation of Brittany. III. The
Independent Celts of Scotland and Ireland. IV. The Inroads of the Scots.
V. The Scots in Scotland. VI. Christian Ireland to the Scandinavian
Invasions. VII. The Scandinavian Invasions. VIII. The Wars of
Independence; 1. Wales; 2. Scotland; 3. Ireland. IX. Conclusion of this
Civilization of the Celts
The Objects and Method of
a Sociological Study of the Celts
I. The Bases of a Comparative Study of Celtic Civilization. II. The
Solidarity of the Celtic Societies. The Action of the Druids. III.
Celtic Societies and Indo-European Societies. The Celts and the
Indo-European World. IV. Celtic Societies and more Primitive Societies.
Practices dating from before the Formation of the Indo-European Group;
1. Head-hunting; 2. Blood-covenant; 3. Potlach.
The Structure of Society.
Legal and Political Institutions
I. The Segmentary Character of Celtic Society and the Politico-Domestic
Character of its Institutions. II. The Divisions of Society; 1. The
Tribe; 2. The Clan; 3. The Family; 4. Marriage and Descent; 5.
Extensions of the Family; 6. Inheritance; 7. Floating Elements. III. The
Land and Ownership; 1. Causes of the Formation of a Landed Aristocracy;
2. The System of Agriculture. IV. Penal Law. V. Political Institutions;
1. The King and the Evolution of Kingship; 2. Public Bodies and
Assemblies; 3. The Nation; 4. The Army; 5. The Nation. Relations of the
Celtic Peoples. The Celtic Empire.
The Structure of Society
(continued). - The Religion of the Druids and the Druidic Priesthood I. The Druidic Priesthood a Pan-Celtic Institution. II. The
Character and Working of the Druidic Priesthood. III. The Druids and
other Indo-European Brotherhoods. IV. What Celtic Religion owed to
Druidism. V. The Unity of the Celtic Religions. VI. Stages of the Celtic
Religions. VII. Politico-Domestic Organization and Hero-worship. VIII.
Festivals. IX. How Religion Developed. X. Ritual. XI. Representations of
the Gods. XII. Mythology.
The Setting of Social
I. Space: Fields, Dwellings, and Distribution of the Population. II.
Time and Number. Social Activities I. Economic Life. The Coins of Gaul. II. Crafts. III. Art. IV.
Literature. V. A Picture of Celtic Life. The Morality of Honour. Conclusion. The Heritage of
the Celts
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