In a previous edition, I alluded too briefly to the
important Border war of the reigns of Robert Bruce and Edward I., but as
the three claimants to the Scottish throne possessed lands in
Dumfriesshire, who naturally took much share in it, I have added a Chapter
on the subject. In describing the different families celebrated in past
ages, I have given greater prominence to those whose history has never
been published before, and who are still represented in the legitimate
male line. Owing to the custom of the sons of heiresses inheriting their
mother’s name, and of lands being rarely entailed exclusively on male
heirs, it is a very unusual circumstance to find two branches of one
family claiming unbroken male descent from the 15th century, as
is the case with the Johnstones, who numbered nine lairds (more than any
other house in Dumfriesshire) in 1581, and a tenth laird in Lanarkshire.
Family details help to illustrate the manners of a period, and assist in
elucidating some obscure points of national history. The list of members
of ancient Scottish Parliaments will, it is hoped, be found interesting,
as well as the pictures of ancient Castles, for which I am indebted to the
kindness of a proficient in Scottish archaeology and antiquities, Richard
Gardiner, Esq., M.D.
Among the documents quoted are:-
MSS. in the Hotel des Archives, Paris.
The Register of the Great Seal.
The Register of the Privy Council.
The Register of the Lords in Council.
Acts and Decreets.
Acts of the Lords Auditors.
Register of Deeds.
Register of Retours.
Register of Wills.
Register of Sasines.
Register of the Privy Seal.
Horning Processes.
Justiciary Records.
Acts of the Scottish Parliament.
MSS. State Papers, London Record Office.
Maxwell Charters.
Book of Carlaverock.
Cott. MSS., British Museum, &c.
Holinshed’s History of Scotland, 1577.
Dumfries Sasines.
Dumfries Registers.
Woodrow MSS.
The Mansfield Charter Chest.
The Galabank Charter Chest.
Wormanbie Charters.
MSS. from Lord Herries’s Charter Chest.
Crawford’s Peerage, 1716.
Nesbitt’s Peerage, 1722.
Douglas’s Peerage, 1761.
Fishing Acts, 1772.
Annan and Lochmaben Registers.
Hawick Charters.
History of the Carliles.
This note is stapled in the front
of the Dumfries book:
This was a newspaper cutting about
marriages at Gretna Green that was found in this book.
Norman Settlers in Dumfriesshire - Bruces -Carliles, &c. - The Douglas
Rebellion - The Corrys - Hostages for David II.
A brief account of the Relations of
Scotland with England before the Accession of the Stuarts - The Early
Scottish Church-Royal Letters - Death of Alexander III. - King John Baliol
- Bruce - The Scots Appeal to the Pope - Carliles - The Stuarts or Stewarts
- Sir W.
Wallace - The Kirkpatricks - Johnstones - Edward Baliol - Douglas
- The Kerrs -
Bruce’s Army - A Dumfries Inquest - Escheats in Annandale - Edward
II. - Eustace Maxwell - Scottish Prisoners in England - Safe Conducts.
The Stewarts - Douglases - Their
Rebellions - Battle of Langholm - The Dukes of Albany - The Scottish
Archers - The Crichtons.
Death of Malcolm III. - Rise of The Maxwells
- The Johnstones - Carruthers - Corries - Reputed Relationship of the
Newbie and Gretna Johnstones to the Marquises of Annandale - Curious
Charter - The English Invasions of Annandale - The Annandale Peerage
Case - Johnstones
of Westerhall - Note on Lady Janet Dunbar, &c.
The Grahames - Prince Charles - Gordons
- Jardjnes - Kirkpatricks - Cummings - Flemings - Claimant
of the Wigton Title - Carrutherses - -Carlyles - Murrays - -Lord
Mansfield - Thieves of Liddesdale - The Debateable Land - Irvings -Charteris
- Stewarts - Fergussons - Few Heirs of the Male line - Griersons - Herries
- Maitlands - Boswells - Sharpes - Clark
Kennedys - Dunwiddies - Bells - Homes.
Queen Margaret - Third Douglas
Rebellion - Death of James III. - Scotts of Buccleuch and Branxholme - Battle
of Flodden - English Invasion - Retaliation - Johnnie Armstrong - Quarrel
between the Maxwells and Johnstones - The Reformation - Plan to Kidnap
James V. - Scots Defeated - The King’s Death - List of
Prisoners - Maxwell - Another English Invasion - List of Border Chiefs who
Surrendered - Outlaws - Queen Mary’s Letter - Cruel Ravages - Peace.
Lord Herries-Bothwell - The Armstrongs
- The
Reformation - Acts against the Romanists -Queen Mary visits Dumfries - Civil
War - The Regent’s Progress - Another English Invasion -The Gladstones - Younger
Sons - List of the Men of Annan.
Sir James Douglas - The Lairds of Johnstone and Newbie
- A Border Chief’s Will - The Lairds of the West
Marches - Civil Feuds - Battle of Dryfe Sands - Respite - Queen Mary and her
Friends - Her Death - Queen Elizabeth’s Letter - Romanists and
Protestants - Scottish Soldiers of Fortune - List of Lairds and
Gentry - Letters from James VI. and the Laird of Jobnstone.
King James’s Interview with Johnstone
and Scot - Johnstone of Gretna - The Grahames - Lochinvar - Settlement of the
Borders - Attack on Newbie - Consequent Lawsuits - The Trumbles - Rigorous
Treatment of the Romanists - Maxwell kills the Laird of Johnstone - His
Exile and Execution - John Corsane - Justices of the Peace in 1610 - Letters
of Slain.
Actions with regard to the Sale of
Newbie and other matters. Provosts of Annan - Galabank - John
Galloway - Edward Johnstone of Ryehill - Dr Robert Johnstone’s Will -
Newbie Castle Burnt - Johnstone of Mylnfield - Authors - The Decline of a Border
Family - A Funeral - The Poverty of Scotland - Smugglers - Prince James’s
Invasion - Execution of Lord Kenmure.
The Johnstones of Galabank - Prince
Charles Edward Invades Dumfriesshire - Count Lockhart - Imperial
Visitors - Funeral Expenses - Howard’s allusion to the young physician - Sir
William Pulteney - Alienation of Galabank - The Poles - Manipur - The Dryad
- The
Second Marquis of Annandale - The Last Marquis.
The Presbyterian Kirk - Intolerant
Measures - Charles I. and the Despoilers of the Church - The Earl of Buccleuch
- The Duke and Marquis of Queensberry - Provosts and Bailles of
Dumfries -Stewards Depute - Registers of Dumfries - Note - Provosts of Annan.
Sovereigns of Scotland-Royal
Descents - Letters from Irving and Carlyle - Members of Parliament for
The Transactions and Journal of
Proceedings of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History &
Antiquarian Society
Session 1862-63
Sessions 1883-84, 1884-85, 1885-86
Session 1891-92
Session 1892-93
Session 1896-97
Sessions 1900-1901 to 1904-1905
Session 1905-06
Session 1908 -
Session 1911 -
1912 |