The Life of John Duncan Scotch Weaver and Botanist with Sketches of his Friends
and Notices of the Times By William Jolly (1883)
This is the simple tale of
the aged botanical weaver of whom some account was given in "Good Words"
1878, since reprinted, in 1880, in H. A. Page's "Leaders of Men." His
pitiful case, when he was compelled to fall on the parish through no fault
of his, was also brought before the country by the author in January, 1881.
The appeal then made was generously responded to by spontaneous
contributions from admirers in all parts, including Her Majesty the Queen;
general interest was roused in the man; his case was advocated by the press,
not excepting our highest journals; and accounts of him, appeared in various
places, notably in Nature, which warmly espoused his claims and gathered
The more the author inquired
into John Duncan's story, the more did he perceive that, in many respects,
it was remarkable, and in several, unique. It revealed a man of pronounced
individuality, full of striking and admirable elements, exhibiting great
natural ability, high moral character, singular independence,
self-helpfulness and modesty, pure-hearted love of Science, and enthusiastic
devotion to its study amidst no ordinary disabilities and hardships, during
a long life of nearly ninety years, such as would add another worthy name to
the long roll of honourable examples of "the pursuit of knowledge under
difficulties;" all combined with circumstances of uncommon interest and
picturesqueness, arising from varied experiences, rare capacity for the
highest friendship, peculiar modes of study, Spartan eccentricity of life,
and deepest joy under most unlikely conditions. It was strongly felt that
the whole formed a noteworthy chapter in "the simple annals of the poor", of
plain living, high thinking, and earnest working, that would be capable of
exercising a strong influence for good, intellectual and moral; and of
recalling us, amidst our growing elaborateness and luxury, to the essential
simplicities of happy life, and the blissfulness of higher pursuits, so apt
to be crushed out in the too absorbing struggle for bread, self and
Hence the present book.
The work would have been
incomplete if it had not contained sketches of his numerous friends, several
of whom, as will be seen, were of uncommon clay; and also notices of the
times in which he lived, in the early part of the century, in a northern,
old-world region with social and other characteristics as peculiar as its
native Doric.
The author's best
acknowledgments and thanks are hereby gratefully tendered to the many
friends of John Duncan and himself that have freely and kindly supplied
materials for this history.
November, 1882.
Chapter I - Duncan's
Birthplace and Early Training
Stonehaven at the end of last century; John Duncan's unwedded mother;
his birth; his father; picturesque boy life in town; attractions in the
country round; Geology of Stonehaven; cliffs and caves and adventures
there; Dunnottar Castle. 1794-1804.
Chapter II - The
Unlettered Herd-Boy and his only Education
Schools in Stonehaven then; "bickers" between them; Johnnie never at
school; reasons why; his mother's poverty lessened by his selling
rushes; becomes a herd-boy at ten; cruelty and kindliness; Dunnottar,
its scenery and memories and their influence on him; his love of flowers
and nature generated; his life-long memories of his youth; how is he to
become able to read? 1804-1809.
Chapter III - Weaving
and a Village of Weavers at the beginning of the century
Bucolic life then; weaving and its effects; weavers as a class at that
period; the loom in its relation to natural studies: Drumlithie, a
typical weaving village; his reception and appearance; daily life there;
its flax-spinning and weaving; its intellectual activity and simple
tastes. 1809.
Chapter IV - The
Apprentice Weaver under the Shadow - Tasting of Tyranny
Maggie Dunse, his new mistress: Charlie Pine, his pugilistic master; his
questionable pursuits; his tyranny at home: the apprentice runs away;
"the bad harvest" of 1811: his mistress's character and high influence
over John; her sudden death; cruelty increased thereafter. 1809--1814.
Chapter V - The
Apprentice Weaver in the Sunshine - Entering the Temple of Learning
John's character and appearance then; taught the letters in his
sixteenth year; his private female tutors—Mary Garvie at the fireside,
Mary Brand in the workshop, Mrs. Pixie at home; his style of reading;
writing not yet begun; at an evening school; his new studies; begins
Medical Botany: his amusements; his escape from tyranny. 1809-1814.
Chapter VI - The
Journeyman Weaver during this first Freedom
Returns to Stonehaven; his studies and life; Herbalism and Culpepper;
Astrology and almanacs: removes with mother to Aberdeen; his walking
powers then; the city and its manufactures then; learns woollen as well
as linen weaving; the weaver William Thom. 1814—1818.
Chapter VII - Unhappy
Domestic Experiences
Meets and marries Margaret Wise; her character and treatment of him;
their two daughters; his home broken up; his wife's future history; the
secret sorrow of his life; its effects on him: his daughters' upbringing
and history; "Heather Jock," his son-in-law, and John's relations to
him; and to his wife's son, Durward. 1813-1824, and onwards.
Chapter VIII -
Home-Weaving, Harvesting, Soldiering and Scenery
Public events during his stay in Aberdeen; becomes a country weaver;
home-weaving described: harvesting at home and at a distance: joins the
militia; life at barracks in Aberdeen; experiences during training: the
scenes of John's future life; Benachie and the Don. 1824 onwards.
Chapter IX - His early
life as a Country Weaver
Settles near Monymusk on the Don; scenery round; wanderings for herbs;
unkind and kind proprietors; soap dear and little used; stays near
Paradise on the Don; Paradise described; stinginess and buttermilk;
learns to write about thirty; goes to Fyvie; scenery there; his
friendship with gardeners; his succ of th weaving and study of the art.
Chapter X - His
Studies at this period: Elementary Subjects and Herbs
Politics in Aberdeen; Writing; Meanings and Etymology; Grammar and
Arithmetic; Latin and Greek; Geography and history: Herbalism; Culpepper
and his "herbal"; Sir John Hill and Tournefort; John's knowledge of
plants; his opposition to doctors; his own medical practice; examples of
his employment of curative plants; of his practical uses of plants; of
his picturesque knowledge of them: his study of Astrology. 1824 onwards.
Chapter XI - His
Astronomical Studies: "Johnnie Moon."
Culpepper and Astrology; begins Astronomy; his midnight studies; is
counted "mad"; studies Dialling and makes dials; his mode of knowing the
hours; his pocket horologe desstudie; studies Meteorology; known as "the
star-gazer," "Johnnie Moon," and "the Nogman"; John a true "nogman."
Chapter XII - Life and
Star-Gazing at Auchleven and Tullynessle
The classical Gadie; the village of Auchleven on it; John settles there;
his bedroom, "the Philosopher's Hall"; weaving; Astronomy in an
ash-tree; Willie Mortimer, the village shoemaker; John's aspect and
habits; counted "silly"; his character: stays at Insch; "the starmannie"
there: removes. to Tullynessle in the Vale of Alford; his master, Robbie
Barron; his workshop and bedroom; Astronomy there; his telescope and
dials; midnight on the mountains; frightens a good woman at night; his
life at Muckletown; how looked on there; frequents it to the last.
Chapter XIII -
Settlement at Netherton, and Village Life there
The Vale of Alford and the Don described; Netherton in Tough; John
settles down there; his new home and work; his new master, Peter Marnock
John's life there; Charles hunter, the shoemaker; Sandy Cameron, the
tailor; Willie Davidson, the innkeeper; John still persecuted by his
wife. 1836.
Chapter XIV - John's
Introduction to this "Alter Ego"
The mansion of Whitehouse; Mr. and Mrs. Farquharson; Charles Black, the
gardener; his early life and botanical studies; his character and later
studies; John's introduction to him; Botany or Culpepper?; the crisis in
John's life reached. 1836.
Chapter XV - Their
First Botanical Studies
Charles's first impressions of John; their friendship; John begins
Scientific Botany; his first gatherings: their self-denying enthusiasm;
their wider excursions; Benachie and its plants; "the winter of the big
storm" of 1837-38; their peripatetic philosophising at the gates of
Whitehouse; John's midnight walk of thirty miles to the Loch of Skene;
the happiness of their joint studies. 1836-1838.
Chapter XVI -
Difficulties, Dumps and Dimples in their Joint Studies
Difficulties in deciphering plants; the Grass of Parnassus made out;
their want of text-books; their studies in the inn at Mayfield; Hooker's
Flora and its history; "Flora" and "Bacchus": opposition in the kitchen
at Whitehouse; the irritable housekeeper; her persecution of the
botanists Charles's hilarity and tricksiness with John; John's boots and
bonnet stolen; debates and bumps; high jinks and games; John's
Jew's-harp; their friendship and intimacy. 1836-1838.
Chapter XVII - John's
early Experiences in his own Botanical Rambles
Botany becomes a passion; his explorations on the Don; his enthusiasm
the astonishment of his neighbours: finds the Bladderwort in Tillyfourie
Moss; does not want a better road; "the man maun be daft!": the
Water-lily in the Loch of Drum; John nearly drowned; he wins the plant;
its after history: finds the Royal Fern and the Moonwort: his ardour and
endurance; often out all night; his Spartan fare; his walking powers;
trespassing and gamekeepers; the "Scotchlarchia Joseph's ear!" and
bucolic stupidity and contempt. 1836-1840.
Chapter XVIII -
Further Intercourse with Charles Black
Charles marries and removes to Edinburgh; John visits him there; in the
Botanic Gardens; his "thief-like" examination of the plants there;
fishes for the "Water-soldier" in Duddingston Loch; the sights of
Edinburgh he visited; evenings with his friends there: the Blacks return
to Whitehouse; Charles's great herbarium arranged; their curious mode of
doing it; the history of the herbarium the Blacks remove to
Aberdeen; Charles Black and Thomas Edwards, the Scotch naturalist, meet;
John's visits to Charles there. 1838-1846.
Chapter XIX - Other
Friends of the Weaver at Netherton
His friends few but fit—Forbes the schoolmaster; merry times at
Coulterneuk: James Black, Charles's brother; becomes John's companion;
his impressions of John then: Willie Beveridge of the Craigh; becomes
great friend of John's; John at the Craigh; John puzzled for once;
Beveridge's after successes and present position : James Barclay, the
painter; his relations to John; becomes a Jack-of-all-trades: other
friends; the intelligence then existing in Tough. 1836-1849.
Chapter XX -
Ecclesiastical Movements in the Country; and John's Religion
Constitutionally and enthusiastically religious; his religion of the old
Covenanting type; intense hater of prelacy and Popery; his contrast to
Charles Black and discussions between them; anti-patronage and anti-Erastian
advocate: the Disruption; John's advocacy of it; controversies at
Netherton; relation of Aberdeenshire to the Free Church; the Free Church
in the Vale of Alford; new religious zeal roused; John's keen activity;
John in church; remains a staunch Free Churchman: his study of Theology;
his opinions of the great Reformers. 1836-1881.
Chapter XXI - His
Botanical Wanderings in the South
John's harvesting a means of wide Botanising; extent of his wanderings;
his adventures and observations; visits Glasgow, Paisley, Dunfermline,
Dundee—the Rest Harrow—Perth, Arbroath, Montrose, St. Andrews—Viper's
bugloss—Fife, Kelso, Coldstream, Northumberland and its burr; his
returns homewards; his wages and their payment: John at Dunbog in Fife;
his botanical assistants there; long walks and flowers: his expenses; a
god-send to his entertainers: comes to a breadless Highland hut; food
produced in an hour; the "quern" and Biblical hospitality: spinning of
linen by the distaff; the use of the bare thigh!; its relation to
modesty: his encounter with two tramps in Fife; falls among Highland
"tinklers"; their honesty and hospitality. 1836-1864.
Chapter XXII - John
returns to the Gadie
Return to Auchleven; Sandy Smith's cottage; Sandy Smith himself; John
and Mrs. Smith; his abstemiousness; his methodicalness; his quiet
humour—night-caps and social standing!; John and young Sandy: Emslie,
the carpenter's rife; her kindness to John; their intellectual
intercourse; her opinion of him: Mrs. Lindsay's cottage; John by the
fireside there; John sleeps with a "pig!"; his returns for kindness
received. 1849-1852.
Chapter XXIII - His
Studies and Friends at Auchleven
Intellectual pursuits ardent as ever; John's studies in "the
philosopher"; "We've laid by the moon and ta'en up the stars?"; John's
practical answer; botanising round Gadie side; out all night and "like
naebody else"; his style of speech; holds the first Botanical
Exhibition; his discourse then, "Botany not a beast"; his fame spreads:
still an herbalist: his Astronomical studies; makes a telescope; John on
the stars at a soiree: Entomology: Meteorology: Theology; studies the
Greek Testament; anti-papal reading: bewildered opinions of him at
Auchleven; "he's a fool"; John regards the exoteric and the esoteric:
John and young Dr. Mackay; their friendship; their joint studies of
Botany and Theology. 1849-1852.
Chapter XXIV - John
becomes an Essayist
Rise of the Mutual Instruction movement in the north; "Corresponding
Committee" appointed; "Address to Farm Servants" issued; "Mutual
Instruction Union" formed; Female classes; "Rural Echo" published; the
after history of movement: the Auchleven Class; its meetings, soirees
and library; John at the meetings; his essays there: his Essay on
Botany; advocates Natural History for children; his praise of Linnaeus:
Essays on Astronomy; Essay on Weaving: Essay on Practical Gardening;
good effects of flowers everywhere; advices on gardening; criticism of
gardens in general; influence of such natural studies. 1846-1852.
Chapter XXV -
Friendship and Courtship
Renewed intercourse with Charles Black on the Gadic; their last ramble
together; their subsequent connection: wishes a home of his own; John a
great ladies' man; his matrimonial qualifications; a love-letter of
John's; John and the housekeeper; John gets another denial; John and a
third lad hill-he hill-top; John's chivalry in love-making. 1848-1852.
Chapter XXVI -
Settlement and Word at Droughsburn
Events during his residence at Auchleven: the Vale of Alford and John's
relations to it; Droughsburn described; his workshop and home there:
William Watt his predecessor; their connection; eminent weavers: John
settles down there; his future labours; a good judge of cloth; his
general aspect in his wanderings; how he finished a web; his journeys to
Aberdeen. 1852-1859.
Chapter XXVII - John's
Life and Habits at Droughsburn
His style of living; the Allanachs with whom he boarded; relations with
chilly Allanach; with genial Mrs. Allanach; with couthy Mrs. Webster:
his extreme care of his possessions; of his chests; of his books; of his
clothes: John at church; Botany on Sunday; his flowers in church; his
appearance there; his short-sight and snuffing there; on way home after
church: keeps Halloween and raises bonfires; keeps Yule; at other
merry-makings; sings at a soiree. 1852-1877.
Chapter XXVIII -
General Studies in Later Years
Theology; Astronomy; Meteorology; Ornithology; Entomology; Natural
History; Geology; Phrenology; John Adam, the phrenologist and
antiquarian; General knowledge; Gardening; John's relations to the
McCombies of Cairnballoch; his horticultural practices; his contempt for
"florist flowers"; James Black's "monstrosities"; John's herbalism; his
politics; his oratory: the Milton of Cushnie as it then was; John and
Willie Williams, the shoemaker; John and George Williams, the merchant:
the Alford Literary Society; John at its meetings: his dislike of
gossip. 1852-1880.
Chapter XXIX - His
Botanical Studies in Old Age
Botany still dominant; still harvesting and botanising; his modes of
gathering plants; his travelling fare; his use of technical words; his
pronunciation of them; his depending on his memory; his associations
round flowers: visited by lady in his eighty-fourth year; searches for
the Linna'a for her; out all night in a thunder-storm; his extraordinary
ardour and self-denial; his flashes of old humour: his wild flower
garden; its decay: presented with the portrait of Linnaeus; wins two
prizes for wild plants; list of wild plants in his garden. 1852-1878.
Chapter XXX - The
Misunderstandings under which John Lived
Penalties for social deflection from one's neighbours; the need of being
interpreted to them: reasons for the common misunderstandings of John;
his eccentricities; his good temper under attack; counted a madman by
schoolboys; scepticism regarding his acquirements; his consistency in
nomenclature tested by youngsters; his relations to the bucolic "Johnnie
Raws": the berriless juniper bush and the ploughmen; John prophesies
berries for it; berries produced but once; his delight at the
experiment: depreciated by many who should have known better; accused of
idling his time; "what's the use of it?"; the utilitarianism of
Aberdeenshire; John's answer once to this question; it should be asked
on a higher level. 1836-1878.
Chapter XXXI - His
Disciples and Sympathisers at Droughsburn
his influence over others; his disciples: John Taylor, the ploughman;
visits John and begins Botany; his botanical studies with John; his
later knowledge of Botany; his other studies; his after life: William
Deans, farm-servant; goes to college; becomes a teacher; introduced to
Botany; makes John's acquaintance at Alford market; his first visit to
the weaving shop; his after studies under John; his present position:
Samson, the Swede; comes to learn farming; introduced to John; studies
plants with him; his subsequent history: Dr. Williams visits Droughsburn;
his impressions of the place and the man: Rev. George Williams gets
plants described by John; his visits to John's cottage; their
conversations there on insects, plants, weavers and ministers; Rev.
David Beattie's visits to John ampress impressions of him. 1852-1878.
Chapter XXXII - His
visits to Aberdeen - Friendship and Eccentricity
Visits Aberdeen regularly; growth of the city; visits to Raeden: visits
to James Black; their early journeys about Tough; John's appearance in
town, and its effects; John's search for "Jamie Black"; James carries
one of John's bundles; James martyrised in a shop window: last meeting
of John with Charles Black; he becomes beatified; their talk and
parting: John consents to be photographed; preparations for the event;
he refuses to stand; successfully taken; portraits of him: International
Botanical Congress: John visits William Beveridge; their previous
intercourse; they examine the museum; their evenings at home: John's
obliviousness of "the genteel." 1824-1877.
Chapter XXXIII -
John's visits to Aberdeen - Friendship and Botany
Meets James Taylor; James begins study with Charles Black; he goes to
college and studies medicine; sails to the Arctic regions and explores
their natural history and botany; later studies and work; settles at
Clashfarquhar; John's visits to him; they botanise together; John begins
the more difficult sections of the subject; Taylor's impressions of him;
visits John at Droughsburn with Dr. Sutherland; John finds the Limestone
Polypody; visits Clashfarquhar; his last visit there; botanises at the
cliffs: John's connection with Professor Dickie. 1849-1877.
Chapter XXXIV - The
Author's First Visit to Droughsburn
I visit John in his eighty-third year with friends; introduced; John's
aspect and shyness; his weaving then, and independence in it; his
general herbarium inspected; his finer collections examined; his
treasured Cryptogamic book; his conquest of the science in his old age:
I return to the cottage alone; his interesting and varied conversation;
we climb the hill together; John on the objects seen there; the view;
entertainment in the cottage; parting with him. September, 1877.
Chapter XXXV - Fame.
Pauperism and Weakness
Account of this visit in "Good Words"; its pleasant results in
assistance and appreciation; "they've found you out at last!"; "Sal,
lad, it pays!" John's indignation at silly pride; Charles writes him in
congratulation: John becomes unable to make ends meet; books his one
luxury; he cannot part with them; tells no one; applies for work at a
saw-mill in vain; takes to bed sick with heartache; renewed struggle;
begs a pauper's portion; boarded in the cottage: growing weakness;
faints on way to church; his last visit there; "like an aul' tumbledoon
feal dike"; visits James Black and William Beveridge for last time;
account of my visit appears in "Leaders of Men." 1870-1881.
Chapter XXXVI - John's
Herbarium presented to Aberdeen University
The herbarium still unlocalised; John agrees to present it to the
University; visit of the two Taylors to arrange it; John Taylor receives
Dickie's "Flora"; he completes the work; it is packed for transport;
John's gratification at its destination; Dr. Murray's herbarium; John's
books and letters gone over; wishes a decent funeral and "a queer stane"
on his grave; advises to the study of nature: herbarium finally
arranged; account of it; the volumes and their contents; its
presentation; accounts of this appear in newspapers. 1880.
Chapter XXXVII -
Public Appeal made on his behalf, and its generous results
His pauperism now revealed; the author's appeal to the country on his
behalf; immediate generous response; the press on the subject; examples
of sympathetic messages sent; of curious letters received; manner of
gathering some subscriptions; honours from scientific societies; places
that remained silent; John's appreciation of these honours; his comforts
increased; Trust Deed drawn and signed; permanent Trustees appointed;
Science prizes arranged for; disposal of his library. 1881.
Chapter XXXVIII - His
growing debility: and the Author's last visit
His debility increases; his bed removed to workshop; his hallucinations;
faints by the burn; last journey up the Leochel; brought home in a
barrow; objects to being attended on: Author makes last visit in winter
storm; John's reception of him in weakness; his new comforts; bright
conversations with him; debility and crossness; sings a song; his
gratitude for gifts; feelings for the Queen; love of Charles Black;
angry reception of author and reconciliation; their last interview;
letter of Charles Black's; John's strong emotion; final parting with
author. 1880, 1881.
Chapter XXXIX - The
Happy and Honoured Close
His later condition; cuts his temporal artery; memories of Dunnottar
roused; John Taylor comes to nurse him; Duncan's last time outside; asks
for short reading and prayer; rigid criticism of the request; invited to
a scientific meeting; has no fear of death; the monument he wishes for
his grave; painless tenacity of life; last conversations; last words;
his serene death; the scene in the room the scene without; the
state of the workshop; the flowers placed on his body; the author's last
sight of it; the funeral; ceremony at the cottage and churchyard;
monument at his grave and its inscription. 1881.
Chapter XL - Duncan's
Characteristics and Character
His constitution; appearance; head; countenance; short-sight and its
effects; simple fare; keen appetite; John at dinner at James Black's;
eats pickle whole and its results; excessive estimate of money; spends
it on books, his one luxury; command of temper; kindliness of heart;
John and the hare; John and the idiot; John and the coals; obliging
helpfulness; delight in sharing his knowledge; gratitude for benefits;
rigid honesty; orderliness in all things; tidiness in person and dress;
extreme retiringness; backwardness in company; secretiveness; want of
emotive utterance; manner in meeting friends; style of shaking hands;
his feelings deep and strong; causes of his apparent callousness; John
in the field with a friend; innocent simplicity of his nature; John and
the madman; his mother-wit and humour; "damn the riddle!"; cloth "with a
bone in it"; siller and its potency; sarcastic replies; John and his oil
bottle; the terribly honest gardener; the botanists in hell; his
recherche Doric; its poetry; the songs he sang; his opinion of Robert
Burns; his deficiency of poetic feeling; its real nature; his
non-perception of the artistic; his capacity for high friendship; his
wonderful love of Charles Black; religiousness of his nature; its depth
and character.
Chapter XLI - The
The school did nothing for Duncan; his mother's extreme poverty; the
extraordinary disabilities under which he lived; his remarkable
successes; John's opinion of these disabilities and the value of
learning; his love of knowledge, a true scientific thirst; Botany in its
relation to culture; his wise union of intellectual and humanitarian
studies; his practical use of all knowledge; his glimpses of higher
philosophy; his opinion of his achievements in study; the effects of
early influences on Duncan's life; their vital importance in every life;
the value of natural pursuits in youth; Duncan's poor and hard lot and
serene contentment; the character of his happiness; his simple tastes;
the wisdom of plainness; his opinion of outside pity; his cultivation of
"the internals"; his study of Natural Science; the felicity he extracted
from it; his very happy life under untoward conditions; the happiness
open to all in nature; our eyes have no clear vision of nature; our
imperfect education in relation to it; the need of educational reform in
view of this; "a man all his own wealth."
List of Plants gathered or
verified by John Duncan
Part I.—Plants
found in the Vale of Alford and the surrounding districts of
Part II.—Introduced
plants found in a semi-wild condition in the same region.
Part III.—Plants
in Duncan's Herbarium not indigenous to the North of Scotland, but
growing in the South of Scotland, England or Wales, or in other parts.
Further Reading
There are a couple of books
mentioned in this text which the author himself purchased and make excellent
reading if you wish to expand your knowledge. I haven't been able to find
the astronomical texts mention but did find one that might suffice. They are
in pdf format and can be downloaded below...
Family Herbal by Sir John Hill M.
D. (27Mb) (538 pages) (Published around 1820)
The Complete Herbal by
Nicholas Culpeper M. D. (50Mb) (458 pages) (Published 1835)
Astronomy by George F. Chambers
(40Mb) (512 pages) (Published around 1901)
Words 1878 where I've combined the 3 part article of John Duncan
into one file. (14Mb)
John Duncan by Alistair
Born at Stonehaven in 1794, John Duncan spent a lifetime collecting plant
specimens from all across Scotland and the North of England, a collection
including 75% of all British flowering plants when he donated it on his
death to Aberdeen University. Unusually, unlike other amateur botanists of
the period, John spent his life as a poor working weaver. In his seventies,
he was saved from living on the Parish by a public subscription raised by a
botanist friend to which Queen Victoria and Charles Darwin contributed. He
died in his eighty first year.
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