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Annals of Dunfermline
A.D. 1601 - 1701 - Part 5

   1650.—HERITABLE BAILIE—Teinds, Feu Duties, &c.—In the beginning of the year 1650, Lord John Hay obtained by decree of apprising to the office of heritable bailie, and also to a lease of the teinds and feu-duties held by the Earl of Dunfermline.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 257.)

  DISMEMBERMENT OF DUNFERMLINE PARISH.—Early in 1650, the lands of Pitdinnes, Luscar, and Clune, hitherto in the parish of Dunfermline, were disjoined from it and annexed to the Parish of Carnock.  (Barb. Fife, Kin. and Clack. P. 106.)

  A WITCH’S PRAYER.—In the Kirk Session Records of Dunfermline, under date 7th May, 1650, is the following minute-entry of the prayer of Marion Cunnynghame, a reputed witch, viz.:--

  “7th May:  This day comperit marion Cunnynghame, who, the last day of April, 1650, gave in a complaint against Janet huton for calling her witche and banisht theef, which complaint was not accepit nor heard, because she did not consign her money for proving the same.  Bot the Jonet huton appearand the sd day and hearing the caus for which she was cited Denyit yt she callit her a witche, bot affirmit yt the sd marion said over a prayer ilk nyt quhen she went to hir bed whitch wes not law, for the whitch she wes angrie and reproved hir, they being dwelling in one hous; whitch prayer the sd Jonet being desyrit to repeat it, affirmed yt she had bot a part yrof, whitch she said over as follows, viz.:--‘Out throw toothe and out throw tongue, out throw liver and out throe tongue, and out throw halie harn pan; I drank of this blood instead of wine; thou shalt have mutifire all thy dayes syne, the bitter and the baneshaw and manie euil yt no man knows.’  Upon the whitch the said marion being askit, denyit the same altogidder. Bot it was affirmed be the sd Jonet, as also be Jon Colyeare, tailyeo, that some of her nytboors, who hes oftymes heard the sd marion say ouer the same, can testifie yrof as well as she.  Therefore it was referrit to the sd Jon or anie uythers of the session to try the sam and to get a copie yroff fra them against this day, At whitch tyme the sd marion was ordaint to be present also:  This day, 7 of May, 1650, Dauid Lindsay of Cavill gave in a copie of sd marion Cunnynghame’s prayer, repeated and said ouer to him be herself, as follows:--  ‘The day is fryday, I shall fast quhill I may ; to hear the knell of Christ his bell, the lord God on his chappell stood, and his 12 apostles good.  In came Drightine dear lord of Almightine; say ;man or Ladie sweet St. Marie, qt is yon fire, so light, so bright, so far furthe fra me; it is my dear sone Jesus, he is naild to the tre; he is naild weill, for he is naild throw wynegare, throw toothe and throw tongue, throw hail harn pan.’  Upon the whitch the sd marion being posed confest and also repeated the said prayer before the Session; the qlk day the sd Jon Colyeare gave in ane uthir copie, whitche agreeing word by word with that whitch was repeated by Jonet hutton, and whitch then the sd marion denyit altogedder.  Now, she being posed yrupon, she confest this following, viz.:--‘Out throw thoothe and out throw tongue, out throw liver and out throw tongue,  and out throw the halie harn pan:’ but denyit, be the death she must go to, thir words following :--‘I drank of this blood instead of wyne; thou shalt have mutifire all thy days syne; the bitter and the baneshaw, and manie evil yt na man knawes.”

  After other “posings” and “takings” before the Presbytery, she was, until further findings, suspended from the communion of the Kirk.  It is lamentable to find such serious trifling in 1650.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—James Reid elected Provost.   (Bur. Records.)

  NEW CHURCH TOKENS.—“28th May:  This day it is ordaint that yr be new takens made with a new stamp, and having the present zeir of god, ‘1650,’ on the one side, and ‘D.F.’ on the other side.  June 25th: Item, peyit for ane stane and allevin pund weight of lead, to be tokens, at 3s the pund (3d.); that is 3lib. 12s.  Item, allowit to Thomas Couper for making the calmes and castin the tokens, and bygane zeirs, and rent awand him to the poor.”  (Dunf. Kirk Ses. Rec.)  The writer has two of these early tokens of the Kirk of Dunfermline, in his possession.  They are of lead, about 5/8 of an inch in diameter and 1-16th think, with the large capital letters, “D. F. N.” in alto on the surface. 

  “KAVIL LOCH.”—The picturesque and considerable sized loch of Cavil, near Dunfermline, having been much diminished by draining and other causes, became almost invisible by the year 1650.  (MS. Note.)

  MANUSCRIPT SERMON..—There is still extant, and in good preservation, a beautifully-written sermon (55 pp. 4to), by Mr. Walter Dalgleish of Dunfermline, about 1650.  It is entitled, “None but Christ.”  He instances twenty-four common objections to Scriptural doctrines, and gives solutions of them.  This sermon has been often referred to by divines, &c.  It is now in the possession of our much esteemed friend David Laing, Esq., LL.D., Signet Library, Edinburgh.

  THE DUNFERMLINE DECLARATION.—The document known as “The Dunfermline Delcaration” is dated 16th August, 1650.  King Charles II. being then at Dunfermline, subscribed to it with a feigned sincerity, confirmatory of his former oath to adhere to both Covenants.  In “The Declaration” the King avowed that he renounced Popery and Prelacy, and that he “would have no enemies but the enemies of the Covenant;” that he ‘would always esteem them best servants and most loyal subjects who serve him and seek his greatness in a right line of subordination to God, giving unto God the things that are God’s, and unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.”  It is related that when Mr. Patrick Gillespie put the pen into the King’s hand to subscribe, he told him that “if he was not satisfied in his soul and conscience, beyond all hesitation of the righteousness of the subscription, he was so far from overdriving him to run upon that for which he had no light, that he obtested him—yea, charged him in his Master’s name—not to subscribe the Declaration: no, not for three kingdoms.”  To which the King answered:  “Mr. Gillespie, Mr. Gillespie, I am satisfied, I am satisfied, and therefore will subscribe it.”  The King’s after history shows how he fell from the faith, and also how he lived.  (Crookshanks’ Hist. Church Scot., Edin. edit., 1751, vol. i. pp. 38-40.)

  1651.—GREAT DEARTH in Dunfermline.—It is mentioned in the Kirk Session that there was a great dearth in Dunfermline in February this year.

  GUILDRY RECORDS.—In the Guildry Register of the date a list of the Guild Brethren is given, along with uninteresting memoranda.

  ESTATE OF PITTENCRIEFF.—A disposition to the Pittencrieff estate, dated 12th May, 1651, was given to Sir Alexander Clerk by Charles, Earl of Dunfermline.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 527.)

  REGISTER OF ST. LEONARD’S HOSPITAL, &C.—In the Register of this hospital, of date 1651, there is to be found the singular entry, which mentions that the Hospital, &c., of St. Leonard’s Dunfermline, was founded in the time of Malcolm Canmore—traditionally, it is presumed.

  MYSE BONAR CURSES DUNFERMLINE, and Wishes it was Reburned.—“3rd June, 1651.—This day Myse bonar, spous to Wm. bowie webster, being found guiltie by the probation of witnessis, of cursed and slanderous speetches in saying, ‘God or fire, and ridd lows, come upon the haill town as it did before and God or Cromwell come and tak all the toune upon his bak, if she wer out of it’:  Therefore, according to the act of session, made the 7 of May, 1626, against those caste up the burning of the toun, in a cursed and blasphemous way, she is ordaint to pay 3 lb. money, and to stand at the Croce, or tron, on ane publick mercat day, with ane paper on her head, signifying hir cursing and blasphemies, betwixt 11 and 12 before noon, and aftir ask gods forgiviness on hir knees:  And on the Sabbath immediately following, shall also aftir semon, before noon, stand in the face of the congregation before the pulpett confess hir cursing and blasphemies, and ask gods forgiviness and declare her repentance yfore and promise neuer to doe the like againe.”  (Dunf. Kirk Ses. Rec.)

  THE OLD CHAPEL OF ST. JAMES’S, NORTH QUEENSFERRY, is understood, traditionally, to have been demolished by Cromwell’s “sogers” at this period.  (See also Annals Dunf. dates 1323, 1479.)

  BATTLE OF PITREAVIE.—Part of Cromwell’s Army in Dunfermline &c.—There are several accounts imprint regarding the engagement at Pitreavie, the following notanda are extracted from the most interesting on record:--“On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 17th, 18th and 19th July, 1651, General Cromwell and his army crossed the Firth of Forth, landing at Inverkeithing.  On Sunday, July 20th, the engagement began with skirmishes at Inverkeithing.  Cromwell’s army pressed on northward, and a last a general battle took place between the English and the Scotch armies on the level ground south of where Pitreavie House stands.  From this circumstance the small battle is generally known as ‘The Battle of Perreavie.’  It has also been called ‘The Battle of Inverkeithing,’ that burgh being within a short distance of the battlefield.” 

  For several years previous to the affair at Pitreavie,  the Civil War had been raging in England between Charles and his subjects.  The army of the King (the Royal army) was conducted by Charles in person, and his Generals; and the army raised by Cromwell to oppose him, “the Prliamentary army,” was led to battle by General Cromwell himself and able Generals.  Success attended Cronwell; discomfiture, Charles.  (For full particulars of all “the shifting of positions, skirmishes, battles,” &c., of this disastrous period, the reader is referred to works on the subject, as also to the Histories of England and Scotland.)

  Latterly, the Civil War had been transferred to Scotland, and the “shiftings of position” brought the hostile armies face to face, near Stirling.  Cromwell wanted to push on the Perth via Stirling Bridge, but here meeting with the Royal forces in such a strong position, he declined to risk a general engagement to disperse them.  For about a month the two armies confronted each other.  Cromwell getting tired of his long inaction, dispatched Colonel Overton, his able General, into Fife to turn the left flank of Charles’s army.  Accordingly, Overton, and a large detachment of forces, went to Queensferry, and crossed from thence to Crook-Ness, near Inverkeithing.  The crossing was much impeded for want of boats and three days were taken up with the transference of the detachment to the shores of Fife.  During the time that the landing was going on, a company of 100 men, citizens of Perth, at the request of Charles, marched from Perth to oppose the landing of Cromwell’s trooper.  On their way they “met in with a detachment from the army at Dunfermline of 3000 men (of these about 1000 were Dunfermline men), and were attacked at Pitreavie, near Inverkeithing, and defeated by a superior number of Cromwell’s army, 1600 being killed of Charles’s army, and 1200 taken prisoners.”  It is understood that the relative strength of the opposing forces were—Cromwell’s detachment, about 6000 men; the detachment sent into the field by Charles, about 4000 men.  Thus there would be about 10,000 warriors engaged in the plain before Pitreavie. 

  It would appear that the carnage was great; the fight of Sunday, 20th July, 1651, was remembered very vividly for several generations.  “A rill, traversing the valley, called the Pinkerton-burn,” tradition says, “ran with blood for several days, and the appearance of the little mounds, or heaps of the slain, resembled a hairst field of stooks of corpses.”  The names of the commanders of the Royal army on this day were Generals Brown and Holborn; the latter is charged with “the blot of threachery and hypocrisy.”  General Brown was taken prisoner, and sent to Edinburgh Castle shortly afterwards.  He did not long survive the battle; he died of a broken heart.  The army of Cromwell was led by Overton and Lambert.

  In some old works and manuscripts, it is recorded, that, before sounding the attack, the brave Sir John Brown ordered his men to kneel and pray for success to their arms; immediately after which the battle commenced, and continued for about six hours, when the Scots retreated to Pitreavie, but only to renew the conflict, which now raged with terrific violence for another two hours, when the Scots, after a most gallant resistance, were subdued.  Mr. Coventry says—“When the battle was lost, the Highlanders fled to the Castle of Pitreavie for an asylum, invoking the Virgin Mary for protection, and aid, and in their native dialect, cried aloud, ‘Oigh, oigh!’  They put their backs to the wall of the Castle (or house), and continued to protect themselves with their drawn swords, when those within threw down stones from the roof and bartizan upon the poor fellows and killed them.”  It was often remarked, after this “inhuman treatment,” that, from that day, the Wardlaws of Pitreavie “fell awa’ like snaw off a dyke.”  (Mem. Perth, pp. 169, 170.)

  The battle, on all hands, is admitted to have been a most affecting spectacle, and to have presented a sad sight after the action.  “People came from Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, &c., in search of their nearest and dearest relatives and friends, who, when they found their dead, were overwhelmed with grief, and gave themselves up to wild despair; and when their friends were found in life, and likely to live, they became frantic with joy.  What a field!—the dead and dying; the tempests of grief commingling with those of joy!”  The words of Sir Walter Scott, in Marmion, (slightly altered) my be quoted—

“Tradition, Legend, Tune, and Song,
Shall many an age the wail prolong;
Still, from the sire the son shall hear
Of the stern strife, and carnage drear,
Of Inverkeithing’s field,
Where shiver’d was fair Scotland’s spear,
And broken was her shield.”

(Penny’s Trad. Perth, p. 335; Morision’s Mem. Perth, pp. 169, 170; Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. pp. 276-278, vol. ii. pp. 279-282; Barbieri’s  Gazetteer of Fife, pp. 198-202.)

  “The Field of Pitreavie” is about three miles south-east from Dunfermline, and one mile north-north-west of Inverkeithing.  The Battle of Pitreavie “annihilated the cause of Charles II. in Scotland.  He left Scotland shortly after the battle for England to recruit his forces.  The Battle of Worcester (3rd September’, 1651), gained over him by Cromwell, made Charles fly to the Continent, where he located himself until his Restoration in 1660.”  In February, 1651, some labourers, while digging a trench in “the battlefield,” came upon a great many human bones, and a leathren bag filled with silver coins of Charles II.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. ii. p. 282.)  A great many musket-bullets of lead, and cannon-balls of iron have at intervals been found, in and near the battlefield.  A cannon-ball 2 3/8 inches in diameter, and weighing 30 ounces, was found on April 25th, 1865, in a field in front of Pitreavie House, while a drain was being formed.  Since then it has been and still is, in the possession of the writer.

  CROMWELL’S ARMY IN DUNFERMLINE.—Immediately after the battle, the victorious army, headed by Overton and Lambert, pursued the poor stragglers of the Scotch army to Dunfermline.  On the way, the “rough cavilers” are understood to have wrecked St; Leonard’s Cahpel, and also the Chapel of St. Mary, in the Nethertown, &c.  After their arrival in Dunfermline, they broke into the Church, stole the collection moneys, and took the loan of many things which did not belong to them.  The Kirk Session Records of Dunfermlien have several minutes referring to their doing, viz.:--“17th July, 1651, being a Thursday, Cromwell’s armie landit heir, who, on the Sabbath yreftir, being the 20 daay on the second month, bettell being beside Pitreavie, killed an cutt manie of our men, robbed and plunderit all.  Everie man that was able fled for a tyme, so yt yr could be no meeting for Discipline this space.  12 Aug.:  The boord an seatts of the session hous and the Krik boxe being all broken, and the haill money in the said boxe being all plunderit and taken away be Cromwell’s men, it is thought fitt yt the session hous be repaird and the boxe mendit; And thairfore Thomas Elder and Jon Duncan are desyrd to speak to Thomas horne, wry to doe the same, as also to mak a new brod to gather the offering.  19th Aug.:  The Session hous being repaird and the boxe mendit, and no money to pay the wryt his payment is delayed till it be gotten.”  (Dunf. Kirk Ses. Rec.)

  CROMWELL’S TROOPS still in Dunfermline, 30th Sept., 1651.—It is minuted in the Kirk Session Records of Dunfermline that there was no Session held on 30th Sept., 1651, “because of Cromwell’s troops that were quarterd heir.”  This billeting would be most oppressive on the inhabitants, 30th September being the 71st day after the battle.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—James Reid was re-elected Provost.  (Burgh Rec.)

  1652.—MIRK MONDAY.—In the Parish Register of Births, Baptisms, and Marriages, the 23rd day of March, 1652, is noted as being Mirk Monday (dark Monday).  Mirk Monday, like Black Saturday in 1597-98, was occasioned by an eclipse of the sun.

  A LARGE WHALE Stranded in the Forth.—In 1652, a whale, 80 feet in length (of the whale-bone), came in and stranded in the Forth, near to Lymekills.  “It yielded a vast quanitiy of oyl, and about 500 weight of baleen” [blubber].  (Sibbald’s Hist. of Fife and Kin. p. 293.)  Crowds went to see it from the adjacent country.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—James Reid was re-elected Provost.  (Burgh Records.)

  A DELINQUENT THREATENED WITH THE BRANKS, &c.—“18th Nov.:  That day compeirit befor the session margt rotson, spous to Wm. Scotland, being summoned to this day for cursing and swearing, wha being dealt with and brought to the sense of hir sin and guiltiness, was sharplie admonished, and she is hereby enactit, with her awn esent, yt if ever she shall be found guiltie of the like againe, she shall stand at the tron wi’ the branks in her mouth.”  (Dunf. Kirk Ses. Rec.)

  1653.—A BRAWLING WIFE Punished for Abusing her Husband.—In the Kirk Session Records for the 29th March, 1653, there is the following important minute:--“29 March:  This day comperit margt. markman, for abusing david Waterstonn, her husband, wt most cursed, cruel, and malicious speeches, and she being found guilty yrof, and the session knowning yt she oftymes has fallen in sutch wicked contentions before against her husband, refers hir to the magistrates to be imprisioned in the laighest prison hous, and aftir to be set on the tron on a mercat day, to the example of uthers, with a paper on her browe, shewing her nortorious scandall, and hir remaining in prison and standing on the trone to be such a space as the magistrates and session shall modifie.”  This is a fair sample of the blending of the spiritual and civil powers of that day.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—James Reid was elected Provost.  (Burgh Rec.)

  ENGLISH TROOPS expected in Dunfermline.—In the Kirk Session Records, date 18th Oct. 1653, notice is taken in one of the minutes of “sundrie inglish troupes both of ye horse and foote yt were coming into the toun.”

  THE TOWN SCHOLARS to repeat the Catechism twice in the Kirk on Sabbaths.—“The 20 Dec. the session recommendit to Mr. Thomas Walker, Schooma to have his Schollers in reddiness to repeat the Catechism everie Sabbath betwixt the second and third bell, before noon and after noone; the one to propose and the uthy to an sty the people may heare and learne, it being usit in uthy Kirks, and this to begin next Sabbath.”

  1654.—MR. ROBERT KAY, Minister of the First Charge of Dunfermline, was imprisoned in Inch Garvie by Cromwell’s soldiers for praying for King Charles II.  On the solicitation of commissioners sent by the Kirk Session of Dunfermline to the Commander-in-Chief Mr. Kay was released, and allowed to return to Dunfermline and resume his clerical duties.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 423.)

  TOLBOOTH BELL.—The inscription round the upper part of the exterior surface of the Bell, shows that it was founded at Daventria, in the Netherlands this year (1654).  The inscription, which is in a dkind of Dutch letter, and in alto relief, is as follow:--

HENRICK  *  TER  *  HORST  *  ME  *  FECIT  *  DAVENTRIĆ  *  1654

That is, “Henry Ter Horst made at Daventria. 1654.”  The bell is a small one; it is 14 inches in diameter at the lip, and 13 ˝ high, inclusive of the top “hanger.”  The bell itself is only 11 inches in height.  It was “trimmer-tuned” belonging to the “XYZ” note.  After having sounded its notes for Council meetings, public rejoicings, funerals, &c., for 211 years, it was, about the year 1865, removed and was replace by another of no great worth, which in its turn was “unstocked” in 1876, on the removal of the later Town House.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—James Reid re-elected Provost.  (Burgh Rec.)

  KIRK SESSION RECORDS—Curious Entries.—There are several curious entries in the Kirk Session Records for 1654 (inter April 20th, et the 24th), viz.:--“William M’Kay was accused before the Session 21 April for casting and putting the stone with the English Solders in the Krikyairde on the Sabbath in tyme of sermon; Christian Thomson, in the Newraw, is posed for selling drink to the Inglish on the Sabbath in time of sermon; both are sharplie rebuked; bessie  Kinsman, spous to James Cusine, appears before the Session, accused of carrying a barell of aill to the English in the Abbay on the Sabbath, who shewed ty she was compellit be ym yrby; she promised not to doe so againe; sharplie rebuked and admonished.  Item, given to Katherin Walker, for funishing of gray and uthr necessars to Daft andro huton, 4lbs. 14s.  Item, peyd to adam Ker, whose house was robbed, 40s.

  THE BELL STOCKS.—Fabric of the Kirk in need of Help.—19th Dec.:  “The session refers to Wm. Walker, Mr. George Walker, Thomas and Dauid Mitchell, to meet the twa ministers in the afternoone, To think upon the best way to get money for reparat of the Stoks of the bells and fabrick of the Kirk.  It is ordainit that the Krikyaird fees and burial an Kirk fees be advanced to help to meet expenses.”  (Dunf. Kirk Ses. Rec.)

  LEAGUE AND COVENANT.—A printed copy of the “league and Covenant” was fouond in John Auchinwall’s paper, in 1654, and given to the Kirk Session, who gave to to William Walker, the late Provost, to be kept by him, as he had the National Covenant already.  (Inglis’s MS. Journal.)

  1655.—DRUNKEN ENGLISH SOLDIERS, &C.—The detachment of English soldiers quartered on the town appear to have been “thirsty loons,” especially on Sabbath.  In the Dunfermline Kirk Session Records, of date 8th May, 1655, Thomas Elder had reported to the Kirk Session, that “the provest had spoken to the captaine in the Abbay, for restraining his soldiers from drinking in browsters hous’s on the Sabbath in tyme aftir sermons;”  and tha the captain had “sent 5 or 6 of his sjands throw the towne on the Sabbath for this effort.”

  GREAT NEED OF REPAIRS IN DUNFERMLINE CHURCH.—The case of the Kirk repairs was brought before the Session on 24th July, 1655, when “it was referred to the Elders to have a care to desire timber and sklaitts fra Lymekills fr ye use of the Kirk, and it is thought fitt yt James Hendirson and Dauid trumble glasin wryts be spoken for mending the cakes of lead upon the roof of the Kirk.”  The same day it was intimated htat the Laird of Urquhart sent to the Kirk Session, in which he refuses to contribute to the repairs of the Kirk, “until Urquhart be tottallie disjoined fra Inverkeithing.”

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Peter Walker elected Provost.  (Burgh Records.)

  ROSYTH CASTLE REPAIRED.—This Castle underwent “considerable repairs in 1655, and ane date to that effect may be seen on the building.”  (Old MS. Deed; see also Annals, dates 1561, 1639.)  In Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. ii. p. 65.)

  1656.—SUNDAY DESECRATION.—“6th May, 1656.  This day it being declared to the Session be the visitors that they fund many on the Sabbath after sermons sitting at dors an walking on the streets, an in the yairds about the fields, at yr worldlie discours’s, it is thought fitt yt the act of the Synod be sought out and looked at concerning the restraining of abuses yrof.”  A delay recommended.  May 25.—The act publicly read from the pulpit.  (Dunf. Kirk Ses. Rec.)

  ENGLISH SOLDIERS.—“The Palace and the Queen’s House occupied by Cromwell’s men,” who are reported to be a cile, lawless, rough set.  (MSS., and Dunf. Kirk Ses. Rec.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Peter Walker re0elected Provost.  (Burgh Records.)

  1657.—THE KIRK-BELLS again in Ringing Order.—These bells, the hanging of which had caused trouble to the Session, were on May 3rd, in working order.  “3rd May (Die Dom.) Sunday.—This day the Kirk bells being new stocked an hung, were begun to be couped.”  (Kirk Session Records.)

  THE SIN OF VAIGING ABOUT THE FIELDS ON SABBATH.—In the same Records, under date September 17th, William Boyd, being summoned, appeared before the Kirk Session, “and confesit his fault in vaiging about ye fields on ye Sabbath aftir sermons.”  He promised “not to doe the like againe and wes admonished.”

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE—William Walker elected Provost.  (Burgh  Rec.)

  1658.—GOLFDRUM, AND JOHN WATSON.—This appears to be the first notice of Golfdrum on record:--“On the 20th April, this year (says the Kirk Session Records). “Jon Watson in Gouffdrum appeared before the Session, and was found guiltie of ordinarie absence fra the kirk.  He promised to keep better order, and was sharplie admonished.”

  MARGARET CAMPBELL SET ON THE TRON, her Head Clipped,&c.—The same Record, under date May 25, notifies that the report is made to the magistrates, and to the Session, that they had caused “clip margt campbells head, an set her on ye trone with a paper on her breast, on the last mercat day , to the example of uthirs of her fornication.”

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—William Walker, re-elected Provost.  (Burhg Rec.)

  1659.—THE NEW WARK.—In the Kirk Session Records, of date May 11th, 1659,  The new wark is mentioned in connection with the crime committeed by one of Cromwell’s troopers.  Would this “new wark” be a domestic erection, a temporary fortification, or some repairs on the Kirk?

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE.—Peter Walker, elected Provost.  (Burgh Records.)

  DEATH OF THE COUNTESS OF DUNFERMLINE.—“Dame Margreta Haye, Countess of Dunfermling and Callander, obit 30 December, 1659.  Ćtatis suač67.”  Such was the inscription found on the lid of her coffin in 1820, in the vault at Dalgety (Fife).

  1660.—DUNFERMLINE KIRKYARD TO BE DRAINED, &C.—Tradition informs us that the Auld Kirkyard “was for the most part a swamp, and in rainy seasons it was in many places flooded with water.”  This tradition is borne out by the following minute, extracted from the Kirk Session Records, under date 17th April, 1660:--

  “17 April.—The session, considering yt the most parte of the Kirkyaird has been useless these many  years by-gane, And the necessitie yr is in drying of it, yt it may be a sufficiente and commodious burial place, And having taken the aduyse of skilfull men, who think fir yt th eKirkyairde may be made dry if yr were a gutter under the graves, and ane open cast for convoying away under Mr. William Oliphant, minister his hous, to caus it to run into his gutter under his house: The Session, eftir long deliberation yron, resolved yt yr shall be a voluntary contribution collectit throw this parish be the elders and decaons, fra all persons yrin, both maister and servant, throw everie hous, in yr quartrs for peying off the wark in making the Kirkyaird dry.”

  Another tradition notifies that all the north part of the North Churchyard was “swamp, marshy ground, coused by the burne coming out of the Kings lock, on the eist of the friars yairds” (between the top of St. Margaret’s Street and New Row); that this loch was fed by water from the Dam, and the overflow ran out at the west end of the Kirkyard (near the north entrance), and, flowing down a close under the houses there (top of St. Catherine’s Wynd), found its way to the Ferm Burn (Tower, or Back Burn); and that the loch was originally made for keeping a supply of fish for the use of the inmates of the Abbey at their weekly fasts and other festivals.  The site of the thorn tree was anciently the site of the Abbey Weeping Cross.  About the year 1560 (Reformation period) this Cross was “cast down” and the “Gospel Thorn planted in its place.”  (MSS. Records.)

  DISTURBANCE AT THE LAIRD OF ROSYTH’S BURIAL.—In the year 1577 “a scene” took place in the churchyard of Dunfermline anent the burying of a young laird of Rosyth of the day; and here another disturbance takes place in 1660, on the occasion of the funeral of another laird.  The following extracts from the Kirk Session hour in the morning at which it took place:--

  “24TH April, 1660.—The Act and instrument following being produced this day, Mr. Rot. Kay and Mr. Wm. Oliphant, present ministers of the Kirk of Dunfermline, desirit yt it myt be insert in the Session book for yr exoneration, which was consented to be the Session, off the qllk act and instrument.  The tenor followes:--  

  “At Dunfermline, the 20th day fo Aprile Jajvi and thrie-score years (1660):--The wch day, in presence of me, notar publick, and witnesses, eftirnait compeirit ps’nlie at the Kirk-dore of Dunfermline betwixt 4 and 5 hours in the morning, Mr. Rot. Kay and Mr. Wm. Oliphant, ministers yr, who declairit they wer certainlie informed yt the friends and Kinsmen of the Laird of Rossyth, deceist, were of intention to bring the corps of the sd laird within the sd Kirk of Dunfermline, and yt the keys of the Kirk-dores were not in the officer’s hands, but had bein taken fra him yt nyt; And yrfore did send and direct yr Kirk-officer to Rot. Walwood, baillie of the sd bru (who had taken the keys fra him, as they were informed), to desire and require him to give bak the keys of the sd Kirk-door, yt they might have ym in yr custodie, who accordingly went, and made report of his comission thus:--That the baillie said he  had not the keys for the present, but had left ym with the toun-officer, that he might open the dore this morning to ring th e5 hor bell.  Thairaftie, before 5 o’clock came, Johne Laurie, officer, with the keys, fra whome the sd Mr. Rt. Kay and Mr. Wm. Oliphant demandit the sd keys, wch he altogedder refusit, yt yr with he was to open the dore to ring the 5 hor bell; And, in the meantyme George Carmichell, servitor to the Laird of Buchannan, and AlexrCrookshank, writer in Edinburgh, came to the Krik-dore, at whom the sd ministers desired to know yr errand yt tyme of day?  Who ansred yt they intendit to keip ye Laird of Rossyth’s old buriall-place.  To the which it was replyed by the ministers yt all burying within the Krik was dischairged be the General Assemblie in August, 1643, And yt yr hade nevir bein any in this Kirk since yt time, And desyrit ym to forbear frae breaking the Kirk-floore, and burying within the Kirk, Which they wilfullie refused, and with 5 or 6 men thrust ymselves in at the Kirk-fore.  Qrvpon, and upon the refusal of the said toun-officer to delyver the keys in manner foirsaid, And all and sundrie the premises, the saids Mr. Rot. Kay and Mr. Wm. Oliphant, ministers, askit act and instrument ane or mar, in the hands of me, notar-publict, under subcrywand; And protestet yt as they were frie, and had no accession to the sd irregular fact, so they myt be frie fra all the evils and consequents yt mt follow yrvpon.

  “This things were done, day, yeir and place foresaid, betwixt 4 and 5 hors in the morning, Before James Marshall, Patrick Anderson, Archibald M’Craich, burgess (es) of Dunfermline; George Belfrage, servitor to the sd Mr. Wm. And Arthere Kay, son laull to the sd Mr. Rot., witness (es) to the premises called and required sic subscribitur, I, henry elder, notar-publict, Doe testifie and declair the haill premises before set doun to be trewlie done as is above exprest, be this my subscription usuall—H. ELDER.  Quhilk act and instrument being red, Peter Walker, Provost, declairs yt they meddled with no keys bot yt which properlie belonged to the toun, and declayrit this to be marked.”

  How the matter ended is not known.  From this document, however, we learn that the Matin bell was rung at five in the morning, and that Messrs. Kay and Oliphant were commendably active men, to be at the Krik-door between four and five on an April morning—before sunrise.

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLINE—Peter Walker, re0elected Provost.  (Burgh Records.)

  EXPENSE OF DRAINING THE KIRKYARD.—“Aug. 7th: This day Adam Anderson gave in the compt of his receipt of the money collected for the Kirkyaird, extending to 156lib. 5s.: also a compt for the disbursement yrof in peyin of the wark for drying the Krikyaird, with the session did approve.”  (Kirk Ses. Records.)

  1661.—DEATH OF ELIZABETH STUART, Ex-Queen of Bohemia.—Elizabeth Stuart, eldest daughter of King James VI., born in the Royal Palace, Dunfermline, on August 19, 1596, was afterwards, for a short unsettled time, Queen of Bohemia.  After the death of her husband (Frederick), the king of that country, she returned to London, where she lived in straitened circumstances.  She died in Leicester Square, London, on 13th February, 1661, in the 65th year of her age.  (Leigh;s Guide to London, p. 211; also An. Dunf. date August, 1596, and O and P, in Appendix.)

  TURKISH CAPTIVE.—27 June, 1661:  This day the collectors of the contribution for alex. gairner, with the turks, reported (to the Session) that they had collected 23lib or yrby the last Sabbath, and yt Jon Thomson, beddell, his ye keeping yr off.”  (Kirk Session Records.)

  PROVOST OF DUNFERMLIINE.—James Mudie, elected Provost.  (Burgh Records.)

  THE DUNFERMLINE-KIRKALDY OLD INDENTURE.—The old Indenture between the abbot of Dunfermline and the community of the burgh of Kirkaldy (1450) was, in 1661, ratified by Act of Charles II.

  MASKING OF DRINK.—In Dunfermline Kirk Session Records, of 24th Sept. this year, we have—“Katherine Reaburn, spouse to Jon Drumond, was delated (before the session) for masking drink on the Sabbath, an for hir ordinar swearing and hir absence fra the kirk on Oct. 1, she was sharplie admonished.”

  THE KING’S ANNUITY AND PETER WALKER.—“Peter Walker, burges of Dumfermling, was appointed one of the Collectors of the King’s Annuity of Forty thousand pounds Sterling.”  (Murray’s Law and Acts of Parl. vol. ii. p. 166.)

  THE LANDS OF KNOCKHOUSE, near Dunfermline, were purchased by the Laird of Pitfirrane.  (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. p. 294.)

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