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Local History of Falkirk
Falkirk Heritage Trail

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The Town Heritage TrailFALKIRK is one of Scotland's most historic towns. The Romans built a fort here as part of the Antonine frontier and the present parish church is only the latest in a long line of church buildings dating back to the 7th century or earlier. The fertile lands of the carse of Falkirk as well as the celebrated cattle trysts and unrivalled skill in ironfounding brought great prosperity to the area, especially in the 19th and early 20th centuries and as a result the town has many handsome Victorian and Edwardian public buildings. Now the visitor or interested Falkirk 'bairn' can discover something of the town's history by following a new heritage trail linking 25 sites of interest near the town centre.

Town Trail PlaqueEach has a plaque with details of the location and its historical importance. While the plaques are not numbered and can of course be visited in any order, this guide suggests two short tours each starting at the town's historic steeple. One consists of 14 sites and covers the area to the west of the centre while the second has 11 and takes the visitor towards the east end. Although the first tour has more sites to visit it is slightly shorter in distance. There are of course many interesting buildings on the route which do not have plaques and visitors are recommended to look out for the many architectural gems which grace the town streets and wynds.

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