IN the great debacle of the tobacco
trade of Glasgow which followed the revolt of the American colonies
there was one man of original ideas who saw the advantages which
could hardly fail to accrue from the formation of a parliament of
business men devoting its attention to the commercial and industrial
interests of Glasgow and the West of Scotland. Owing, perhaps, to
the fact that the latter part of his life was spent in London,
Patrick Colquhoun has hardly received the honour his services
deserved in Glasgow itself. In his ideas and plans he was no doubt
ahead of his time, but there can be no question that both the city
and the country at large have profited very solidly from the
conceptions of his clear and able mind.
A scion of the ancient and honourable
family of Luss, Colquhoun was born at Dunbarton in the year of the
last Jacobite rising, 1745. At the grammar school there, where he
was educated, his father had been a schoolfellow of Tobias Smollett,
the novelist. An orphan, at the age of sixteen the lad was sent to
Virginia to seek his fortune, and so well did he make use of his
opportunities that five years later he was able to return to Glasgow
and begin business on his own account. Perhaps there was a
sufficiently romantic reason for his early return to Scotland,
since, in the same year, though no more than twenty-one, he married
a cousin, a daughter of James Colquhoun, Provost of Dunbarton. He
prospered greatly in

business, and in 1777, along with
Messrs. Cookson of Newcastle, established at Verreville, near the
Broomielaw, the first crystal factory in Scotland. [Mitchell, Old
Glasgow Essays, p. 381.] By that time he was taking a notable part
in public affairs, and in 1778 he was one of the twelve chief
subscribers of funds for raising the Glasgow regiment for
suppressing the rebellion in America. Three years later, in 1781, he
was one of the chief promoters of that interesting enterprise, the
Tontine exchange and assembly rooms, and in the following year he
was chosen Lord Provost of the city. [Burgh Records, 8th Oct., 1881
and on.] About the same time he purchased part of the estate of
Woodcroft on the Kelvin, named his possession Kelvingrove, and built
the fine mansion which stood there till 1912, and for many years
housed the civic museum now transferred to the neighbouring Art
Galleries. Provost Colquhoun's estate to-day forms the greater part
of the beautiful Kelvingrove Park.
The achievement by which Colquhoun
must be chiefly remembered in Glasgow, however, was the founding of
the Chamber of Commerce. The subscription list of that institution
contains the names of all the notable citizens of that time in
Glasgow, Paisley, Port-Glasgow, and Greenock. Colquhoun signs twice,
for himself personally, and "as provost for the town of Glasgow."
[Curiosities of Citizenship, p. 161.] As Chairman at the first
meeting of the Chamber in the Town Hall, on 1st January, 1783, he
submitted a draft of the proposed constitution, and there can be
little doubt that he was himself the originator of the whole scheme.
The articles of the constitution outline the purposes of the
association. These were—to consider plans and systems for the
protection and improvement of the trade and manufactures of the
country, especially those interesting to the members; to formulate
rules for the guidance of foreign traders; to discuss memorials
presented by members on matters of trade or manufacture; to support
members in negotiating business with the Board of Trustees, the
King's Ministers, or Parliament; to procure redress of grievances
suffered by any trade or manufacture carried on by members; to
consider all matters affecting the Corn Laws; to take cognizance of
everything connected with commerce, to point out new sources of
prosperity, to oppose Parliamentary action injurious to Scottish
trade and manufacture, to maintain friendly relations with the
Convention of Royal Burghs and the Board of Trustees for Fisheries
and Manufactures, in order to secure the ear of those authorities.
[Curiosities of Citizenship, p. 170.]
The Glasgow Chamber of Commerce thus
founded was the first to be established in the kingdom. It was not
till December, 1785, nearly three years later, that Edinburgh
followed the example of the western city, and founded its own
Chamber. But from the first the institution brought into existence
by the foresight of Patrick Colquhoun has continued to exert a most
useful influence in guiding and modifying public action and opinion
in matters regarding the business interests of the community. Its
membership, comprising always the leaders of the city's commerce and
industry, has always commanded attention and respect, and in many a
commercial crisis its considered, sane opinions have proved of the
greatest value. [The Curiosities of Glasgow Citizenship, to which so
many references have been made in these pages, was published in 1881
by George Stewart, as a memorial volume on the occasion of the
approaching centenary of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and
Manufactures, of which he was librarian.] There can be no doubt
that, in the words of its early secretary, Dugald Bannatyne, "the
usefulness of the Chamber has been greatly increased by its steadily
and undeviatingly confining its attention to questions of a
commercial nature, excluding the consideration of other matters,
which, however important or interesting, would by their introduction
have led to dissension and have ultimately prevented it from
fulfilling its original and peculiar object—of representing the
matured opinions of this large and enlightened community on
commercial subjects." [Ibid. p. 171.]
This child of his initiative, to
which the city and the country at large have owed so much, was to
exert before long a very decisive influence upon the career of
Patrick Colquhoun himself. His business energies were chiefly
directed to the development of the cotton and muslin industry.
Taking counsel with the cotton merchants of Lancashire, he drew up a
memorial on certain difficulties of the trade, which he presented to
Pitt in 1788. Following this up with a number of prolonged visits to
London, he secured the passing of measures which greatly helped the
development of the business. He then visited Flanders and Brabant,
and opened up a market there for British muslins. For these valuable
services he was formally thanked by the cotton manufacturers of
Lancashire and Glasgow. Further, in view of his services, he was
appointed by the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce to represent the
mercantile interests of Glasgow in London, and, proceeding to the
south in 1789, he established agencies in London and Ostend for the
sale there of Scottish manufactures.
From that time Colquhoun was
identified rather with London than with Glasgow. In 1792, through
the influence of Henry Dundas, afterwards Viscount Melville, he was
appointed a Justice of the Peace for Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, and
Essex, and immediately he set himself to the solution of some of the
most urgent social problems of the time. In 1794 he published a
pamphlet "Observations and Facts relative to Public-houses" which
contained many curious particulars of the London liquor trade, with
a number of useful suggestions for its regulation. Next, in the same
year came "A Plan for affording Relief to the Poor," who had been
forced to pledge their tools during the severe weather and scarcity
of that time. This he followed in 1796 with the establishment of a
society for carrying out his pamphlet's recommendations. In 1795,
when political discontent, inflamed by the revolution in France, and
aggravated by the high price of food, was becoming a danger to the
state, he took a lead in establishing a soup kitchen in
Spitalfieldsthe first institution of the kind in this country. In
connection with this enterprise he published "An Account of the Meat
and Soup Charity, with Suggestions as to how a Small Income may be
made to go far."
Presently he was to distinguish
himself in quite a new field. At that time the police system of the
Metropolis was still of a somewhat primitive character. It was the
time of the old night-watchmen and Bow Street runners who figure in
the literature of the period. Sir Robert Peel, with his institution
of a disciplined police—the "peelers" and "bobbies" who took their
slang names from his own—was yet thirty years ahead, and the
prevention and punishment of crime were still more or less
problematical. Colquhoun made a thorough examination of the system
or want of system in use, and in three months produced his "Treatise
on the Police of the Metropolis." This work, with its many
interesting discussions of crime, and with its practical
recommendations, attracted immediate attention, and contributed
substantially to the development of our modern police system. Among
the suggestions which show the modem character of the work are
recommendations for the appointment of a public prosecutor and for
the employment of convicts on reproductive labour. In recognition of
its merits, Glasgow University conferred on the author of the work
the degree of Doctor of Laws—in this case more appropriately
bestowed than in many instances. The treatise had also another
immediate result. At the instance of the London merchants and
shipowners and the Government, who all lost heavily by the
depredations of river plunderers, Colquhoun devised a further plan
for the prevention of crime. He framed a scheme for a special river
police, which worked successfully and proved of the greatest use in
protecting property on the Thames. In particular it earned the
gratitude of the Vest Indian planters, and as a result its author
was appointed official agent of certain of the West Indian colonies.
Later, also, in 1803 the Hanseatic republics of Lubeck, Bremen, and
Hamburg appointed him their London Resident and Consul General.
Meanwhile in 1798 the ex-Lord Provost
of Glasgow had been appointed a stipendiary magistrate at the Queen
Square office in WWestminster, a position which he continued to hold
for twenty years. In that position he came still more closely into
touch with the problems of the lower strata of the population.
Recognizing the importance of education for the safe solution of
social problems he carried on in Westminster a school on Dr. Bell's
system, and described its working in a pamphlet—"A New and
Appropriate System of Education for the Labouring People." Also in
two further pamphlets—"The State of Indigence," published in 1799,
and "A Treatise on Indigence" in 1806, he propounded several useful
suggestions much in advance of their time—a charity organization
society, a savings bank, a Board of Education, a system of
reproductive work for the unemployed, a uniform national poor rate,
and a recorded description of criminals. In his last and most
ambitious work, "A Treatise on the Wealth, Power and Resources of
the British Empire in every Quarter of the World," published in the
year of Waterloo, he predicted the existence of a great surplus
population following the close of the war, and recommended as an
outlet and relief the idea, new at that time, of emigration to the
colonies of the Empire abroad.
Though so long settled in London,
Colquhoun did not forget the country of his birth. When he died at
Westminster in 1820 he "mortified" Ł200 for the poor of certain
parishes in Dunbartonshire. [Irving, T., 123. In 1818, when
Colquhoun retired from the magistracy, an account of his career,
from the pen of his son-in-law, Dr. Yates, appeared in the "European
Magazine." See also Glasgow and its Clubs, p. 211i note.] A monument
with an elaborate inscription, in Westminster Abbey, commemorates
his many useful and farsighted activities, and thus sums up his
character:—"His mind was fertile in conception, kind and benevolent
in disposition, bold and persevering in execution."
Patrick Colquhoun has been called the
greatest of the lord provosts of Glasgow, and though so much of his
life was spent, and so much of his work done in London, there can be
no question that his character and career brought honour throughout
to this northern city, and his name must remain notable in its
records as that of the founder of two of our most famous and useful
institutions. |