A Busy Time
It’s been a busy time, from meetings with
Scottish Enterprise to look at a business in
East Kilbride which has gone from strength to
strength to today’s debate in chamber.
Ecebs is a company that started
out about eight years ago with a set of plastic
garden furniture and an ambition to be the
best. Since then the company has been built up
to be a world leader in Smartcard technology –
you might even be using some of their technology
every day in a chip-and-pin card. It’s an
exciting journey for a wee company in East
Kilbride to be taking and I’m delighted that I
was able to go and visit to see what they’re
getting up to. Their website is worth a wee
look as well -
It’s good to see success stories like that one
coming out of Scotland’s business community.
From there to the blunt end of justice – joining
the Hamilton Citizen’s Advice Bureau for a day
to see how the In Court Team work. The CAB team
does court representation for people who can’t
afford their own lawyers and who have found
themselves up in court to answer debt calls like
rent arrears and council tax arrears. CAB has
some serious concerns about the reforms to
Housing Benefit due to come in later this year
which would limit Housing Benefit claims older
than three months at the time of decision no
matter whose fault it is. That could cause some
real problems – some people are waiting for up
to nine months after making a claim to get a
decision – this new rule would leave them with
six months of rent arrears to pay off. People
who claim Housing Benefit don’t have that kind
of money hanging around; this is an issue which
will have to be fought all the way.
More Justice immediately after that as well with
a meeting with Councillor Rooney of Strathclyde
Joint Police Board for a wee chat about how the
police service is facing up to the challenges
that lie ahead.
Then there were visits to schools, Standards
Committee meetings and Education, Lifelong
Learning and Culture Committee meetings to
attend. Nothing terribly exciting in the
Standards Committee, but an interesting chat
with Blair Jenkins in the ELLC Committee. Mr
Jenkins is the chair of the Broadcasting
Commission set up by the SNP Government which
comes under Linda Fabiani’s Culture remit and is
looked at by the committee on that basis.
He’s a broadcaster of quite some experience and
a fantastic communicator. In the committee
meeting it was he who held the floor and made
sure that his points got across. An excellent
choice for the chair of the Broadcasting
Commission – well done the Scottish Government!
We’ve had a few wee receptions as well – a visit
from some Ugandan politicians from their
Standards Committee; the Freight Transport
Association coming to make it clear that the
high cost of fuel was threatening their very
livelihoods; a reception for the Scottish
Council for Voluntary Organisations; Carers
Scotland; the Association of Scottish Colleges;
and Marie Curie Cancer Care, all seeking to get
their messages across, all very worthwhile
events to go to, and all providing some very
useful information.
There’s a couple of events I really want to tell
you about, though, one is an awards ceremony
which was held in Parliament for Amnesty
International’s Media Awards. I was delighted
to be introduced to Fiona Walker, a BBC
documentarist (is that the right word) who
produced a film called From Congo to
Motherwell about the plight of refugees and
how some of them have managed to settle into
Scotland – Motherwell, to be precise.

The glaikit-looking one on the left is my dear
colleague Jamie Hepburn MSP – it was his bad
joke that had us all grimacing.
I’m fascinated by how someone sets out to make a
documentary and how they decide what to use and
what to discard, and I wonder how Fiona and
people like her can keep focused on making the
film when they’re covering such heart-rending
hope I’ve been helpful in trying to address some
of the issues around asylum seekers as well.
I’ve been trying to highlight just how bad a
practice it is to house children in Dungavel
Detention Centre. In spite of the hard work and
the dedication of the staff who try to do what
they can, it’s still a prison and children
shouldn’t be in prison. Additionally, some of
the people incarcerated at Dungavel are actually
foreign prisoners who, having finished their
sentences, are being sent back to where they
came from. That means that children are being
locked up with murderers, rapists, and sundry
other people who shouldn’t be allowed near
children. I’ll keep campaigning to change the
way the system works – it can’t carry on as it

The other event I really want to tell you about
is the Lancastria ceremony I attended in the
Garden Lobby just this evening. The Lancastria
sinking was an enormous loss of life – it was
helping evacuate members of the British
Expeditionary Force from France in 1940 and was
sunk by bombers. 4,000 people died and
Churchill ordered it to be kept quiet to protect
public morale.
It was kept quiet for 68 years but in a very
moving ceremony in the Scottish Parliament
tonight, First Minister Alex Salmond handed out
medals to survivors and bereaved families. It
was a move that attracted cross-party support
and it’s something that I’m proud the Scottish
Government has done. It might have taken far
too long but at least that sacrifice has been
recognised now.

You can read some more of the story on the BBC
website at
I’ve also had a few visitors through to
Parliament to see us in action – it never ceases
to amaze me how much people like it when they
see us working and how impressed they are with
the building.
Motor Neurone Disease is something that is close
to my heart. My father suffered from it for
many years – much longer than is usual – and I
remember just how hard it can be for a family to
try to cope.
I’m working now with the Scottish Motor Neurone
Disease Association to see if we can raise
awareness of the disease and its ramifications.
The Association does a lot of good work, and I’m
seeking to ensure that as many people as
possible are aware of it so they can do more.
I’m also chivvying my colleagues in Government
to see what more they can do, and, to be fair,
there is some movement and some improvement.
Keep going, I say!
Something else – I spoke in the education debate
today. The Official Report will be on the
website tomorrow (look here -
) but I should tell you that I managed to get
myself a telling-off from the Presiding Officer.
Labour MSPs have been claiming that the SNP
Government has been cutting funding left, right
and centre, even claiming that the organisation
of Scottish local government, COSLA, had figures
which showed how bad we were. COSLA denied it
all (best to read Robbie Dinwoodie’s blog for a
fuller story -

Anyway, I mentioned in the Chamber that Labour
had been ‘peddling lies’ and you’re not allowed
to do that, so the Presiding Officer gave me a
telling off. Interestingly enough, though,
Labour never denied that they’d been telling
One more thing before I go – something I never
thought I’d ever do – I had lunch with a couple
of Sinn Fein members. A few years ago that
would have been absolutely unthinkable, and it’s
an indication of how much things have changed
over the water. They’re in government in
Stormont now, along with the DUP – a very
welcome development, and they’re excellent
company at lunch as well.