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The Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal
Notes and Queries

Hotel Tariffs.—Mr M'Donald, of the Dalwhinnie Hotel, is willing to take Members at a fixed tariff of 10s. 6d. a day. Dalwhinnie is on the main line to Inverness, is accessible by a good service of trains, and is the best centre for a large number of the central Grampians.

Marked Mas.--In the first number of the Journal, it may be remembered that Members who had done much walking or climbing in any particular districts were invited to mark the same on some good sized map (such as the Tourist's zo miles to an inch), and send it to Mr Gilbert Thomson, the Hon. Librarian. Only four or five such maps have been sent in, and they are not infrequently consulted by Members who propose undertaking an expedition, with a view to being put in communication with any one who is capable of affording information regarding it. There must be many of us whose thorough knowledge of particular tracts of country would prove of great value to any stranger proposing to go there; and it is to be hoped that such gentlemen will put their knowledge at the disposal of their fellow- members, by filling up and forwarding to the Club-Room maps and other particulars on the lines suggested in the invitation already alluded to.

Special Facilities. --Members who may have been able to secure quarters in places other than inns and hotels, are requested to communicate particulars to the Hon. Secretary for publication in the Journal. Such information should be full and specific; for it must be recollected that while "such and such a farm," or "the cottage of such and such a keeper," may be quite well known in the district, or to any one who is intimately acquainted therewith, to strangers such meagre details are practically valueless. In many cases the names of farms and cottages are not marked even on the large maps ; and any one who is planning an expedition requires very precise information of this description to enable him to arrange his movements before he sets out on his journey.


The Editor is always glad to receive brief notices from Members of any noteworthy expeditions undertaken by them. These are not meant, however, to supersede the longer articles.

THE EASTERN CAIRNGORMS.—On 22nd October Mr Cohn Philip and Mr Lionel Hinxman started for Ben Avon from Inchrory Lodge at twelve noon. Phillip went up Meall na Gaineimh (2,989), and over the East and West Meur Gorm Craigs to the top of Stob dubh Bodach na Fuarain and thence down the ridge past the Clach Bun Ruadhtair to the Slochd bridge in Glen Avon. The Clach Bun Ruadhtair consists of three immense masses of granite, of which the highest, the central one, must be at least eighty feet in height, and is apparently inaccessible, though it might possibly be climbed on the west side. The mist was somewhat thick on the tops, and a few patches of soft snow were found on the highest ridge. Hinxman, who had been surveying in the corries, joined Phillip in the evening at Findouran Lodge, four miles from the head of the glen, the use of which had been kindly granted to them by the lessee of the Glen Avon. Forest.

Next morning, leaving Findouran at nine A.M., they went up the glen, and crossing the Avon at the bridge of Corrie na Clach, two miles below Loch Avon, skirted the base of Beinn a Chaoruinn, crossed the Lang na Laoigh, and ascended Stron Gorm, the eastern spur of Beinn Meadhoin, a stiff climb of about a thousand feet. Thence over the stony plateau to the edge of the great cliffs which overhang Loch Avon on the east, obtaining a magnificent view of the head of the loch and its surrounding precipices. From this point to the top of Beinn Meadhoin (3,883) was an easy climb of 300 feet, but the cairn on the top of the granite tor which marks the summit was reached with some difficulty, owing to the furious gusts of wind. Descending the very steep and rocky eastern face of the hill, they again crossed the Lang na Laoigh, and followed the ridge that forms the watershed to the top of Beinn a Chaoruinn Mhor The whole of the upper part of this hill is covered with loose blocks of granite, rendering the going tedious rather than difficult. Beinn Chaoruinn Beag (3,326), the next peak, is of a similar character, and from its summit they followed the burn of Corrie na Clach down to the bridge, and so back to Findouran. Throughout the day the hills were clear, with the exception of a little mist just catching the top of Macdhui, while the snow lay in isolated patches only on the highest ground.

DEESIDE TO CLOVA.—On 17th November Phillip and Hinxman crossed from Ballater toClova by the right-of-way over the Capel Mount, finding the path in very bad condition owing to the recent rains. Next day they went up Glen Doll and Corrie Fee to the top of the Mayar (3,043), and thence along the ridge to the Driesh (3,105), over Hill of Strome and Cairn Inks, and down by the Sneck of Barns to Clcva Inn. The snow was of considerable depth above the 2,500 feet line, and varied from a state of extreme softness below 3,000 feet to that of comparative hardness on the highest parts of Mayar and the Driesh. The 19th was devoted to a short round over Ben Tirran (2,939), the Craigs of Loch Wharral, and the Green Hill (2,837); and on the 20th they returned to Ballater, by way of Glen Clova and the head of Loch Muick, finding the shooting-path from Bachnagairn to the Spital a great improvement on the Capel Mount route.—L. W. H.

Mr C. B. Phillip, who is always in search of fine views, writes from Bailater :-" I have found a pendant to Cruach Lusach for a view. It is CREAG A CHAISE (2,328), the highest of the Cromdale (Strathspey) hills. It is easily recognisable, as it has a Jubilee cairn on top. From it Hinxman and I made out the following hills, &c. :—Morven in Caithnes, Ben Clibrigg, Ben Hope, and Ben More Assynt (70 to 8 miles away), Cairn Cuinag, Sutors of Cromarty, Ben Wyvis, Sgor Mor of Fannich ; a wee bit of An Tealiach, Slioch, Muliach Coire Mhic Thearchair, Sgurr Vuilin, Fionn Bheinn in Strath Bran, Sgurr a Choire Gias, Ryachan, Sgurr na Lapich, Sgurr na Diollaide, Mam Soul, Cam Eige and Carn Dearg, Mountains of Ben Alder Forest, Stob Coire Clanigh near Roy Bridge; a srndj5iecie of Aonach Beag (4,060) near Ben Nevis (about 70 miles away), the great mass of the Cairngorms (grandly grouped), Lochnagar, Mount Keen, Buck of the Cabrach, Corry Habbie, and Ben Rinnes. The view also down Strathspey, towards Aviemore, was a superb foreground."

THE DRUMOCHTER HILLS-9th December.—Train from Dalwhinnie to Dalnaspidal, arriving 9.5 A.M. Some inches of snow over the whole country. Thick dropping fog, rain below, snow above. Ascended by the Alit Coire Luidhearriaidh to Sgairneach Môr (3,060) at 11.10. The hill is flat-topped, and I could find no cairn, nor could I see one the next day from Bruach nan lomairean. From Sgairneach west for one mile, getting a little too low down (to 2,400 feet, the col being 2,600), then over Cam Beag an Laoigh (2,739) to Beinn Udlaman (3,306) at 12.30. Progress very slow in consequence of the deep soft snow, and the necessity of continually consulting the map, compass, and aneroid. Beinn Udiaman is quite flat-topped. In fine weather it must command a fine view, but now the mist was so dense that the large cairn could not be seen twenty-five paces off. Descended Alit Coire Dhornhain to the high road (at three P.M.) near the top of the pass, six miles from Dalwhinnie.

10th December.—A lovely day, with very hard frost. Walked along railway to Drumochter Lodge. At 10.30 struck up the shoulder of Geal Chrn, reaching the summit (3,005 feet) at 11.50. Snow deepish and very powdery—not at all set--making progress slow. A quarter of an hour to the col (2,426 feet), whence an easy ascent of a short hour to Bruach nan lornairean (3,175 feet). Fiat-topped like the rest, the mountain has a small cairn a few yards east, and invisible from the summit. Fine views of the Ben Alder group. Descending over An Torc (the Boar of Badenoch, 2,432 feet), reached the road five miles from Dalwhinnie at three P.M., half-an-hour having been spent for luncheon. These two days could easily have been combined in one.

11th December.—Left Dalwhinnie at 7.40 in thick fog. Ascended by the Alit Coire Bhathaich to Cam na Cairn (3,087 feet) at ten A.M. Mountain quite flat-topped. Could find no cairn. Snow very deep and soft. Reached Dalwhinnie u.i, and left by 1.15 train, reaching Edinburgh in time for Annual Dinner.
Dalwhinnie Hotel is comfortable. The landlord, Mr M'Donald, will take Members at ros. 6d. a day. Besides the hills above mentioned there are Glas Mheall Mor (3,037), Chaoruinn (3,054), and Stac Meall na Cuaich (3,000 and odd feet). The latter should yield a fine view. Meall Cruaidh (2,986 and 2,940, close to the hotel, gives a very fine view. Dalwhinnie, moreover, is the best starting-point for Ben Alder, and the large group of high hills between Loch Ericht and Loch Laggan are accessible from it. Even in winter the 2.30 P.M. train from Edinburgh reaches Dalvhinnie before seven.—H. T. M.

ASCENT OF BEN MORE, MULL (3,169).—On 7th September, in company with a friend, I left Glenforsa House, three and a half miles from Salen, at the foot of Loch Ba (" lake of the cattle"), and followed the south shore of Loch na Keal for about four miles. Nearly opposite the island of Eorsa we left the road and struck up the hill to the south-east. The day was extremely sultry, without a breath of wind, and we ascended slowly. The final peak we attacked by the right hand ridge,—though either ridge would be easy,—and reached the summit rather more than two hours after leaving the road. The air, though cloudless, was filled with a heat haze, especially at low altitudes, so that we could only just distinguish the white houses of Oban, over Kerrera. The hills of Barra and South Uist, however, upwards of seventy-five miles off, were plainly seen over the nearer islands—Iona and Staffa, the Dutchman's Cap and Treshnish Isles, Tiree and Coil; N.W. the hills of Rum and the Cuchullins were conspicuous; then a sea of hills in Morven, Ardgour, and Lochiel; Beinn Nevis, the Glencoe and Glenetive hills, the peaks of Cruachan, Beinn Laoigh faintly seen through the haze; and to the south the Paps of Jura, with the lower islands of Scarba, Islay, and Colonsay. I had intended descending by the arête running E.N.E. over A' Chioch ("the Pap"), in a direct line for the col at the head of Glen Clachaig, but my friend did not like the look of it. Indeed, viewing it afterwards from below, I much doubt whether it is practicable. Accordingly we struck down the southern ridge by Maol nan Damh ("hill of the bullocks"), bearing after a little to the west of south, until at about 1,750 feet we were able to find an easy way down, and double sharp back to the left or N.E., when we soon reached the col before mentioned at a height of 1,088 feet. Hence a rough track leads down Glen Clachaig to Loch Ba, striking its southern shore about one and a half miles from the foot of the loch. I would strongly recommend Glen Clachaig for the ascent, when, if the route W.S.W. by the arête vid A' Chioch is found too steep, the summit can easily be reached by the southern arête and Maol nan Damh, and a descent made the ordinary way to Loch na Keal.—H. T. M.

THE KILLIN HILLS.—On 21st December Messrs H. T. Munro and J. G. Stott started from Kuhn Hotel at 8.15 A.M. The morning was bright and calm, and there was nearly 200 of frost. Quitting the Glen Lochay road just before getting to Boreland, we reached the top of Creagna Caillich (2,0 feet) at 10.25. Following the ups and downs of the ridge in a N.E. direction, we were on top of Ben nan Eachan (3,350 feet?) at ii. We reached the next summit (Meall Garbh, 3,400 feet), which is a particularly fine rocky one, at 11.45. Still keeping the ridge, we topped Meahl nan Tarmachan (3,421 feet) at 12.15. Quitting it after a quarter of an hour's halt, we ate our lunch as we descended the corrieof AlIt Bail a Mhuihhin. Climbing its farther side, we topped the ridge of Meal! Ghlas at about 2,500 feet, and again descended 700 feet to the Lang Breisleich, reaching the stream at 2.10. We now had a couple of miles of very rough moorland walking, parallel more or less with the summits we had climbed in the morning, before rising about 200 feet in turning the shoulder of Ben nan Oighreag. This brought us to the foot of Meal] Ghaordie, and from a height of 1,800 feet we started to climb him at 3 o'clock. We reached the top (3,407 feet) at 4 P.M., the last 600 feet—in dense mist—having been a race with night. We were able to retrace our steps in the snow to where we had struck the S.E. ridge on our way up, and down it we continued to Glen Lochay, which was reached at Dalgirdy, nearly five miles above Kuhn, at 5.20. We were back in the hotel at 6.30. The day throughout was very cold and bright, with occasional mists. For a few moments we were treated to a display of the Brocken spectre. There were no very distant views, but all the nearer hills rose like islands above the clouds. The snow averaged three to six inches deep, and there was a great deal of ice about. Our axes, while not absolutely necessary, were very useful.— J. G. S.

CLUB EXPEDITIONS.—In compliance with Mr Mackenzie's suggestion in the September number of the Journal, and the notice hanging in the Club Room, I should be glad at almost any time during January, February, and March to join small parties of Members of the Club on expeditions of one or several days' duration. I am willing to go anywhere, but the districts lam most anxious to explore are :—The Sutherland Hills, the Ullapool and Loch Maree country, the Cuchullins, Western Inverness-shire, the Blackmount, Glencoe, Glen Nevis, and Glen Lyon Hills. During the months mentioned I can almost always find time for a trip, but later I am much engaged. I am sometimes free, however, for a few days, and if it fitted with my movements I would be glad to join any climbing party on learning of it.--H. T. MUNRO, Lindertis.

Mr MACKENZIE himself writes to the Editor that he would be glad to join any Members in an exploration of the mountains round Loch Duich as a centre,—that is to say, West Inverness-shire and Ross- shire.

BEN LEDI ON CHRISTMAS DAY.—J. M. Macharg and two friends, accompanied by H. B. Watt, climbed Ben Ledi on 25th December 1890. Left Callander at 11.20 A.M., and walked by Kilmahog and Farrandoun to Coilantogle, which was reached at noon. Dripping thaw, roads bad, with snow, ice, and water; a slow rain falling, and a close mist all round. Could not see fifty yards ahead. Laid off course N.W., and proceeded up-hill. Loose soft snow, but not much of it, lying on the lower slopes, and at about 1,700 feet continuous snow, never deep nor very hard. At about 2,000 feet began to get above mist, and find clearer atmosphere, and shortly after came in sight of top, which was reached at 2 P.M. Cairn was thinly covered with frozen snow, and a fresh N.E. wind drove the loose dry snow about, but it was not very cold, although under freezing point. Snow was not more than ankle deep anywhere, and no drifts of any consequence seen. Rain stopped at about 1,700 feet up; after that a little snow fell, but on the tops it kept clearing, and we had a view of the hills to the N. and W., their snowy summits standing out from the lower banks of fog and mist, one or two with a gleam of sunshine on them. Left cairn at 2.10 P.M., and as the Pass of Leny came in sight we took that side of the Ben, keeping farther N. than the way described in Baddeley's Guide, and going down a steep face. Snow was nowhere firm, nor even deep enough for glissading, but we made one or two rough and loose attempts at it, and in descending found the only advantage of alpenstocks during the whole day. Reached Pass of Leny at 3.10 P.M., and Callander just in time to catch 3.55 P.M. train south. The road was as difficult a bit of walking as had been met with all day. H. B. W.


A SUGGESTION has been made that the value of the 7ournal would be enhanced if some space in it were set apart for mention of literature referring to mountaineering - particularly in Scotland. The Editor will be very pleased to receive communications of this nature from any gentleman who may be able to send them. The following Review may give some idea of what is wanted in this direction:-

"Sketch Book of the North," by George Eyre- Todd. Glasgow: William Hodge Er' Co. 1890.

The contents of this little book are a series of word- sketches which, the author explains, have already appeared in the pages of certain periodicals, but which he deems worthy of some less ephemeral form, pleading the example of many delightful writers in our time. Setting aside guide-books, which, properly speaking, are not literature at all, and also scientific and sporting works, it appears to me that modern writers dealing with nature and country life may be divided broadly into two classes,—those who, like the late Richard Jefferies, take little account of man, and concentrate their faculties on nature itself; and those who, like Dr Alexander Stewart (" Nether Lochaber "), make man the central point. With the first, it is nature speaking to and teaching man; with the second, it is man observing and commenting upon nature. Mr Eyre-Todd may be put into the second class, for the reader is never allowed to forget either the author or himself. That being so, it is disappointing to find in a book which goes over Scotland from the Tweed to the Caledonian Canal, such an absence of reference to one of the most distinguishing features of that country, the mountains. I do not forget that this makes no claim to be a mountaineering book. My remark is, that an author writing of this stretch of country without apparently observing, in any but the most casual manner, such outstanding and upstanding features as the mountains, is either singularly unimpressionable and unobservant, or has fixed his eyes and mind on a somewhat limited and narrow groove. In this book this is all the more remarkable, as Mr Eyre- Todd knows Loch Lomondside well, and even to the passing traveller that district is dominated by the mighty Ben Lomond. Yet its presence is ignored by Mr Eyre-Todd in a way which no mountaineer, knowing the Ben, can forgive. There is a reference to hill-climbing in the article "At the foot of Ben Ledi," and a partial description of this hill, but this is almost the only crumb of comfort to the mountaineer in the book, and it is only a crumb. Occasionally passages such as the following occur:-" the surrounding hills, bloom-spread as for a banquet of the gods, raise their purple stain against the blue," page 27; "in front the rugged Bens, sombre and vast, frown down upon the invader. Purple -apparelled these Bens are now," page 92; "Desolate and silent are these grey hillsides! . . . as the white mists come down and shroud the mountains, there is an eerie, solemn feeling, as at the near presence of the Infinite. This, however, will never do," page 55. 1 trust I may not seem to be flippant if I echo these last words, and, in a final sentence repeat, that disappointment awaits the mountaineer who takes up this book of the North expecting to find anything in it for him. H. B. W.


IN clear weather a very small scale map—even ten miles to the inch—is probably sufficient for the mountaineer. With the slightest risk of fog, however (and when is that risk absent), few would care to go climbing without being better provided; and in thick weather the one-inch Ordnance map is almost indispensable. For general purposes, however, such as identifying distant hills, planning a trip, and so forth, the Ordnance maps are a little confusing. Being neither coloured nor shaded, one does not at once realise the general features of the country —the map requires to be spelt out. The new series of Reduced Ordnance Survey Maps—two miles to the inch—which is being published by Messrs John Bartholomew & Co., supplies what the Ordnance maps lack. A system of colouring has been adopted which appears admirable. Each elevation is indicated by a particular colour. Thus all heights under 500 feet are coloured green, between 500 and i,000 light brown, and so on. The advantages of this plan are obvious. The eye at once seizes on the salient features; every hill of say over 3,000 feet can immediately be identified, all being coloured the same. It is of immense assistance in planning a tour, as the general character of the ground to be crossed is seen at a glance. Where two long narrow strips of green or light brown, for instance, approach one another, clearly a collies between. Where a dark brown line extends from the summit of a hill, it is evident that there lies an arête. And, further, every name and figure can be distinctly read, which was certainly not the case in the old system of shading.
It is a pity, however, that so admirable a conception should lose much of its value from the inaccuracy with which it has been carried out. I have before me six sheets of the new series, Nos. 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, and 21, covering, roughly, all the centre of Scotland, from Elgin and Inverness, down the Caledonian Canal to Oban, and east by the upper half of Loch Lomond and Dunbiane to Fife Ness. All these have been bought within the last few months,—indeed, the last published (sheet 21) was only issued about three months ago,- and all are replete with inaccuracies.

It is, to begin with, to be regretted that a uniform system of colouring was not adopted.* In all these six sheets heights under 500 feet are coloured green; between 5oo and i3O0o feet light brown, which I shall call Brown No. I.; between i,000 and 1,500 a darker brown, Brown No. II.; between 1,500 and 2,000 still darker brown, Brown No. III. Above 2,000 feet, however, the maps vary.

In sheet in a fourth shade of brown indicates an altitude of from 2,000 to 2,500; 2,500 to 3,000 is coloured neutral tint; and above 3,000 left white.

In sheet 12, however, Brown IV. is used from 2,000 to 3,000 feet, and above 3,000 neutral tint, while nothing is left white.

In sheet 13 there is no hill exceeding an elevation of 2,000 feet, up to which all the sheets agree.

Sheet 15 is coloured like sheet 12 up to 3,000 feet. The index on this sheet states that mountains from 3,000 to 4,000 feet are neutral tinted. In fact, however, the neutral tint only extends to 3,500, all, or most, above that being left white.

Sheet 16 is coloured like sheet II up to 2,500 feet. From 2,500 to 3,000-a fifth shade of brown; 3,000 to 3,500 light neutral tint; 3,500 to 000 dark neutral tint; above 4,000 left white, though not so stated in the index.


MR W. W. NAISMITH makes the following suggestion:-" I should like much to suggest that some competent man be asked to prepare a glossary of Gaelic words appearing in the names of places in the Highlands,—something on the lines of the glossary in Baddeley's 'Highland Guide,' only very much fuller. Such a list would be of immense service to those of us who have the misfortune to 'have no Gaelic,' as almost all Highland place-names indicate natural features."

Do any of our readers care to take this in hand? The labour cannot fail to be interesting, and its result will form an interesting feature in the Journal.


AMONG the adventures that are likely to befall votaries of Scottish mountaineering, it would be going far to enumerate perils from wild beasts. That there is, however, a minimum of risk in the rutting season the following fatality, which happened in November, will show :-

"Yesterday morning the dead body of John M'Lennan, gamekeeper to Mr Bignold, Fannich Forest, Ross-shire, was found on the hill in a mutilated state, having been frightfully gored by a stag. The deceased left his house on Monday morning to attend a funeral at Achanault, and had to cross Loch Fannich on the way. This was safely accomplished, as the boat was found moored on the opposite side of the loch; but the deceased's absence from the funeral was the occasion of remark. Several search parties were organised, and proceeded in various directions across the moors. It appears that part of the forest is fenced round, and that in the enclosure a few special deer are kept, among them being a large and powerful stag, which has previously been known to attack intruders. After fruitless search elsewhere, several of the searchers proceeded to the enclosure, fearing that the deceased might have met with an accident there. When they reached the spot they found the gamekeeper's body, dreadfully gored, and his clothing torn in shreds. Several of the party then proceeded in search of the stag, and eventually shot him. The stag was a favourite of Mr Bignold's, and was over ten years of age. The unfortunate gamekeeper was a tall powerful man, and must have fought hard for his life."—Scotsman.


"THOSE who were trembling for the supremacy of Snowdon may take heart. The king of Welsh mountains has indeed had his 'head diminished' by a few feet, but his sovereignty is still unchallenged. Official information has been received in the district that Snowdon still overtops Carnedd Llewellyn by 76 feet. The height of Snowdon is now given at 3,560 feet, instead of the familiar 3,571, and that of Carnedd Llewellyn is 3,484. So the people of Lanberis are happy once more; and the tourists who have climbed Snowdon so often under the impression that it was the highest mountain in South Britain, need no longer feel that they have been deluded." But although the big Carnedd runs Snowdon close in the matter of height, it is immensely inferior to the Monarch, both from a mountaineer's and an artist's standpoint.

New Members.—By virtue of the powers conferred on the Committee at the Annual Meeting, the following gentlemen have been elected Members of the Club :—Hely H. Almond, M.A., David Dewar, Hugh Millar, B. N. Peach, F.R.S.E., and Wm. C. Smith, M.A., LL.B.


AT the General Meeting of the Club, an excellent suggestion was made that two or three expeditions of a few days' duration should be arranged, and that it should be open to any Members to take part in them. After mature consideration the Committee have come to the conclusion that the objects in view will best be attained by the selection of some good mountaineering and walking centres. It has therefore been decided that Club "Meets," on the model of those of some of the Botanical Clubs, shall be held as follows :-

At the Crook Inn, Peeblesshire, from 27th Feb. to 2nd March. At Dalmally and Inveroran, from 26th March to 31st March. At Dalwhinnie and (or) Arrochar, from 1st May to 5th May.

The Hon. Secretary will, at the proper time, send intimation of these fixtures to every Member, and ask for replies, and arrangements will then be made in regard to hotel accommodation, &c.

Members should understand that a period of four or five days is named in each case, with the object of enabling them to take part in the "meet" for one or more days, if not for the whole time.

It is hoped that the experiment now being tried will be crowned with success. Many of us know how difficult it is to secure a companion for our rambles, which have often to be put off or restricted, in consequence. If these Club "Meets" are well patronised, Members will be brought into contact, to mutual advantage, and friendship and camaraderie cannot but result. A large extent of country is commanded by all the "centres" chosen, and even if the attendances are large, there need be no crowding on the various excursions.

Members are reminded that their Annual Subscriptions (10s. 6d.) are due on Jst January 189!, and are payable to the Hon. Treasurer, CHARLES GAIRDNER, Esq., LL.D., Union Bank of Scotland Limited, Ingram Street, Glasgow. As a receipt for the subscription the Club Membership Ticket will be forwarded. The Lapsed Tickets should be forwarded along with the subscriptions.

Members are requested to notify to the Hon. Secretary, A. ERNEST MAYLARD, Esq., 10 Blythswood Square, Glasgow, any change of address.

An index to the previous parts of the 7ournal will be published along with the number for September of this year. Members will then be enabled to have the six parts bound in a volume.

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