PRINGLE, a surname
prevalent in the south of Scotland, a corruption, as Sir George
Mackenzie conjectures, of the word Pelerin or pilgrim. The account of
the Pringles states that one Pererin, who had gone on pilgrimage to the
Holy Land, having settled in Teviotdale, his descendants were called
from him Hop Pringle. The prefix Hop being synonymous with the British
Ap or Irish O, signifying a son or descendant, Hop Pringle is,
therefore, supposed to have meant the son of the pilgrim. The pilgrim’s
badge of a scallop shell forms a part of the armorial bearings of all
the families of the name.
The Hop Pringles of that
ilk, afterwards the Pringles of Torsonce, on Gala Water, were the head
of one branch of the name settled in Mid Lothian, and the adjoining
portions of East Lothian and Berwickshire. The principal families of
this branch were the Pringles of Burnhouse, Hawtree, and Glengelt, and
those of Rowchester and Lees in the Merse. Their male line failed on the
death of John Pringle of Torsonce in 1738. His only daughter, Margaret,
having married Gilbert Pringle, one of the Pringles of Stitchell,
carried the estates into that family. She had no children. John Pringle
of Lees then became heir male, but his family also in extinct. (Burke’s
Landed Gentry, Supp. P. 262.)
Another branch of the
Pringles were the descendants of the family of Whitsome, Berwickshire,
afterwards designed of Smailholm and Galashiels. Robert Hop Pringle of
Whitsome is mentioned in a donation to the monastery of Soltray,
confirmed by King Alexander III. For their support of the Bruce family,
in their competition for the crown, the Pringles of Whitsome were
deprived of their lands by King John Baliol, who conferred them upon
John de L’yle, confirmed by a charter from King Edward I. of England,
13th October 1295. After the battle of Bannockburn, the lands were
restored to Reginald Hop Pringle of Whitsome, by charter from Robert
Bruce in 1315. During the brief and shadowy sovereignty of Edward Baliol,
after that monarch’s death, by a mandate from King Edward III. of
England, they were ordered to be delivered up to “Walter de Insula,” son
of John de L’yle. The were restored, in 1336, to Thomas Hop Pringle of
Whitsome, who, in 1363, had a safeguard to go into England, with his son
and twelve persons in their retinue.
The Pringles of Whitsome
were adherents of the house of Douglas, and held the office of scutifer,
or squire, to the earls of that name. Robert Hop Pringle of Whitsome was
present, in that capacity, with James, second earl of Douglas, at the
battle of Otterbourne in 1388, where the earl was slain. From Archibald,
third earl of Douglas, lord of Galloway, styled the Grim, he got a
charter of the lands of Smailholm, Roxburghshire, in 1408, as well as a
grant of the lands of Pilmuir and Blackchester in Lauderdale, which
remained for nearly three centuries in possession of the family. From
the Douglases also, who were then lords of Ettrick forest, he got the
forest steadings of Galashiels and Mosalee, which were held by the
Pringles as kindly tenants till the forfeiture of the Douglases in 1455.
They were subsequently held by them as kindly tenants of the crown till
1587, when they were feudalized by charter and sasine. It was this
Robert Pringle who built the tower of Smailholm, a large square
building, now entirely ruinous, and originally a border keep, situated
among a cluster of rocks on an eminence in the farm of Sandy-knowe. The
apartments rise above one another in separate floors or stories, and
mutually communicate by a narrow stair. A wall surrounds the building,
enclosing an outer court, and being defended on three sides by precipice
and morass, the tower is accessible only by a steep and rocky path on
the west. At the farm of Sandy-knowe, which was leased by his paternal
grandfather, Sir Walter Scott spent some years of his boyhood. In a note
prefixed to the ballad of ‘The Eve of St. John,’ he says that he wrote
that ballad in celebration of Smailholm tower and its vicinity; and in
the epistle preliminary to the third canto of Marmion, he notices the
influence which the place had exerted on his tastes. In 1406, Robert
Pringle of Smailholm, which became his designation after the erection of
the tower, had a safe-conduct from Henry IV., to go to England, and in
1419 he had another, from Henry V., with John Wallace, to pay the ransom
of James de Douglas, who succeeded his grand-nephew as seventh earl of
Douglas, November 24, 1440, and was called James the Gross. The laird of
Smailholm accompanied Archibald, fourth earl of Douglas, duke of
Touraine, (the Douglas of Shakspere,) on his famous expedition to
France, in 1423, and was slain, with him, at the battle of Verneuil, the
following year.
His son and successor,
Robert Pringle of Smailholm, is said to have been the person who erected
a drawbridge of a very peculiar construction over the Tweed, a river
long remarkable for the very few bridges it possessed, at a small hamlet
about a mile and a half above Melrose, called from the circumstance,
Bridge-end. It is thus described by Sir Walter Scott, in ‘The
Monastery,’ from the account of it in Gordon’s Itinerarium
Septentrianale: “Two strong abutments were built on either side of the
river, at a part where the stream was peculiarly contracted. Upon a rock
in the centre of the current was built a solid piece of masonry,
constructed like the pier of a bridge, and presenting, like a pier, an
angle to the current of the stream. The masonry continued solid until
the pier rose to a level with the two abutments upon either side, and
from thence the building rose in the form of a tower. The lower story of
this tower consisted only of an archway or passage through the building,
over either entrance to which hung a drawbridge with counterpoises,
either of which, when dropped, connected the archway with the opposite
abutment, where the farther end of the drawbridge rested. When both
bridges were thus lowered, the passage over the river was complete.” Sir
Walter Scott says in a note that the vestiges of this uncommon species
of bridge still exist, and that he often saw the foundations of the
columns when drifting down the Tweed at night, for the purpose of
killing salmon by torchlight. A stone, taken from the river, bore this
“I, Robert Pringle of
Pilmore stede,
Give an hundred nobles of gowd sae reid,
To help to bigg my brigg ower Tweed.”
Sir Walter Scott quotes
the first line as
“I, Sir John Pringle of
Palmer stede.”
It is certain that the
bridge belonged to this family of the Pringles, and the money here
mentioned may have been spent in repairing it, but the original builder
of it, according to accounts likely to be more correct, was that “sore
saint to the crown,” David I., to afford a passage to his abbey of
Melrose, and to facilitate the journeys of the devout to the four great
pilgrimages of Scotland, namely, Scone, Dundee, Paisley, and Melrose. By
his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Dishington of Ardross,
Fifeshire, Robert Pringle of Smailholm had four sons and three
daughters. Over the doorway of the old house of Galashiels belonging to
the family, the following inscription, under the date 1457, was cut,
which is supposed to have reference to this lady:
“Elspeth Dishington
builted me,
In syne lye not;
The thynge thou canst not gette
Desyre not.”
The eldest son, David
Pringle of Smailholm, was, after the forfeiture of the Douglases, as we
learn from the Exchequer Rolls of 1456, appointed cursor or ranger of
the ward of Tweed, an office, held also by his son and grandson. In 1467
he was succeeded by his son, James, who appears to have been ranger from
1457 to 1495. Besides David his heir, he had a son, William, progenitor
of the Pringles of Torwoodlee, and another, John, ancestor of the
Pringles of Blyndlee.
David Pringle of
Smailholm and Galashiels was ranger of the ward of Tweed for ten years.
In 1505, Alexander, Lord Home, great-chamberlain of Scotland, became
ranger or chamberlain of the whole of Ettrick Forest. In 1510 David
Pringle obtained a charter of the lands of Redhead and Whytbank, which
had been occupied by the ranger of the ward of Tweed pro officio
cursoris, and these lands are still in possession of the family. He and
his brother, William, are subscribing witnesses in the sasine of
Margaret, queen of James IV., in her jointure lands of Ettrick Forest,
1st June 1505. He was twice married. By his first wife he had a son,
David, younger of Galashiels and Smailholm, who, with four of his sons,
was slain at Flodden, and a daughter, Isabella, wife of Sir David Home
of Wedderburn, and mother of the seven spears of Wedderburn. By his
second wife, Margaret, daughter of Thomas Lundie of Lundie, Fifeshire,
he had, with two daughters, a son, James of Woodhouse and Whytbank, from
whom the Whytbank family are descended, of whom afterwards.
John Pringle, youngest
son of David, slain at Flodden, succeeded his grandfather on his death
in 1535. This John Pringle of Smailholm and Galashiels fought at Pinkie
in 1547, and afterwards, with George Pringle of Torwoodlee and William
Pringle of Wolfhousebyre, was surety to the English for 100 gold nobles,
the ransom of Hugh Rose of Kilravock, taken in that battle. He died
about 1566. By his wife, Margaret, daughter of Sir James Gordon of
Stitchell and Lochinvar, he had three sons and one daughter.
His eldest son, Andrew Pringle of Galashiels and Smailholm, made an
entail of his estates in 1585, the year of his death. He had two sons,
James his heir, and Robert of Howlatstown, on Gala Water, and a
daughter, Isabella, married to George Pringle of Blyndlee.
The elder son, Sir James
Pringle of Smailholm and Galashiels, was, in 1610, bailie of the
regality of Stow, and, in 1622, he had a commission under the great seal
as sheriff principal of Ettrick Forest. He was knighted by James VI.,
and being much about court, and living extravagantly, he was compelled
to alienate a considerable portion of his estates. In 1623, he and
George Pringle of Torwoodlee were commissioners to the Estates for the
county of Selkirk. He died in 1635. He had four sons and as many
daughters. Jean, his eldest daughter, married Hugh Scott of Deuchar, who
got possession of the estate of Galashiels, having claims upon it. From
him are descended the Scotts of Gala.
The two eldest sons
having predeceased him, Sir James was succeeded by his third son, John,
designed of Smailholm, but his inheritance was small, and even of that
portion of the property which came to him, being encumbered with debt,
he was ultimately deprived through legal diligence, by Sir Hugh Scott of
Harden. John Pringle died in 1650, and his youngest brother, George,
having predeceased him, Robert Pringle of Howlatstown, youngest son of
Andrew Pringle of Smailholm and Galashiels, and brother of Sir James,
became the male representative of the family. He died, without issue, in
1653, when the male representation devolved upon James Pringle of
Whytbank, great-grandson of James Pringle of Woodhouse and Whytbank
above mentioned.
In early life, James
Pringle of Whytbank served for some years in France as an officer in the
Scottish guards. He and James Murray of Philiphaugh represented the
county of Selkirk in the Estates in 1633. For his adherence to the cause
of King Charles I., he was heavily fined by the committee of Estates in
1646. He greatly improved his estate, and added several lands to it,
both in Selkirkshire and Mid Lothian. He married in 1622, Sophia Schoner,
a Danish lady, maid of honour to Anne of Denmark, queen of James VI., on
which occasion, we are told, “her majesty presented her with her
portrait, enameled on mother of pearl, and set with small rubies and
emeralds, suspended by a massy gold chain, a relic still preserved by
the family.” On his death in 1667, he was succeeded by his only son,
Alexander Pringle of Whytbank, who, in 1652, was sheriff principal of
Selkirkshire. Warmly attached to the Presbyterian form of church
government, he was a frequent member of the ecclesiastical courts. He
died in 1695, without issue, and was succeeded by John Pringle, grandson
of his father’s next brother, George Pringle of Balmungo, Fifeshire, a
major in the army of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, who, after serving,
with considerable reputation, during the Thirty years’ war, returned
home, having married one of the daughters of Sir Patrick Ruthven, a
general in the same service, created by Charles I., earl of forth in
Scotland, and Brentford in England. His only son, the Rev. John Pringle,
minister of Fogo, described as an elegant scholar, was father of John
Pringle of Whytbank, who succeeded his father’s cousin in 1695, and died
of a fever in 1703, at the age of 25. He had a son, Alexander Pringle of
Whytbank, who died in 1772, and was succeeded in his lands of Whytbank
by his eldest son, Lieutenant John Pringle. The latter served on the
staff of his relative, the Hon. General James Murray, commander of the
British forces in Canada, after the death of General Wolfe. Lieutenant
Pringle died in Canada in 1774, when his next brother, Alexander
Pringle, then in the civil service of the East India Company on the
Madras establishment, became proprietor of Whytbank. He returned to
Scotland in 1783, and some years afterwards repurchased from the duke of
Buccleuch the family estate and residence of Yair in Selkirkshire, which
had been sold, with some other portions of his lands, by his father. At
Yair he built a new mansion-house, and devoted a considerable part of
his attention to the improvement of his estates. He commanded the
Selkirkshire volunteers, until that corps was disbanded at the peace of
Amiens, March 27, 1802. The same year he was appointed vice-lieutenant
of Selkirkshire, on the establishment of that office by act of
parliament. He was Sir Walter Scott’s neighbour at Ashestiel, when he
went there to reside in 1804, and in the second Epistle of Marmion he is
mentioned as
“The long descended lord
of Yair.”
An extract of a letter
from him to the author of Marmion, on the publication of that poem in
1807, is given in Lockhart’s Life of Scott (page 184, 8vo edition). In
1812, Mr. Pringle obtained the patent office of chamberlain of Ettrick
Forest. He died in 1827. By his wife, Mary, daughter of Sir Alexander
Dick of Prestonfield, he had, with six daughters, five sons, three of
whom, namely, John Alexander Pringle of Castlelykes, the second son;
William Alexander Pringle, the third; and David Pringle, the youngest,
were in the Bengal civil service, and Robert Keith Pringle, the fourth
son, was in the Bombay civil service, and afterwards became chief
secretary to the government at that presidency.
The eldest son, Alexander
Pringle of Whytbank, studied at Cambridge, and was admitted an advocate
at the Scottish bar in 1814. In July of the following year, with Scott
of Gala, he accompanied Sir Walter Scott to the field of Waterloo, and
leaving him in Paris, he made a tour in Switzerland. He continued to
practice as an advocate till 1830, when, at the general election which
followed the death of George IV., he was elected M.P. for Selkirkshire.
After the dissolution in 1831, he was re-elected. At the general
election, after the passing of the Reform Act in 1833, he was defeated
by Pringle of Clifton, by a majority of nine. Re-elected in 1835, by a
large majority, he again sat for the county in 1837 and 1841. In the
latter year he was appointed one of the lords of the Treasury, in the
ministry of Sir Robert Peel, and also a commissioner of Revenue Inquiry.
In July 1845 he resigned office, as he could not give his support to the
ministerial measure for increasing the endowment of the Roman Catholic
college of Maynooth. In January 1846, he was appointed principal keeper
of the General Register of Sasines in Scotland, when he retired from
parliament. In 1830 he had been appointed vice-lieutenant of the county
of Selkirk. He died 2d September 1857. He married his cousin, Agnes
Joanna, daughter of Sir William Dick of Prestonfield. His only son,
Alexander Pringle, succeeded to Whytbank.
The Pringles of
Torwoodlee, Selkirkshire, are descended from William Pringle of
Smailholm, who had a tack of the forest steid of Caddonlee in 1488, and
one of Torwoodlee in 1509, to him and his son George. The same year he
had a charter of one-fourth part of the barony of Cliftoun,
Roxburghshire, which afterwards was sold to another branch of the
Pringles. He was slain at the battle of Flodden in September 1513.
His son, George Pringle
of Torwoodlee, was at the battle of Pinkie in 1547. In 1568 he was
murdered in his own house by a party of Liddesdale reivers, to the
number of 300, consisting of Elliots, Armstrongs, and other lawless
clans from the west border, under John Elliot of Copshaw, who had
attacked, plundered, and burnt the house of Torwoodlee. George’s son,
William Pringle of Torwoodlee, was father of another George Pringle,
who, in 1587, had a charter and sasine of Torwoodlee and others of his
lands, previously held by him and his forefathers as kindly tenants and
rentallers. From Pitcairn’s ‘Criminal Trials’ we learn that in 1607 he
and his brothers, James and David, cited the surviving murderers of
their grandfather to take their trial for the crime, when, not
appearing, they were outlawed. In 1617 and 1621, George Pringle of
Torwoodlee was one of the representatives in the Estates for the county
of Selkirk. His grandson, also named George Pringle, an eminent patriot,
and remarkable for his integrity and strength of character, succeeded to
Torwoodlee, on the death of his father, James Pringle, about 1657.
During the civil wars he took arms for the king, and was in most of the
engagements in Scotland fought on his account, but after the
Restoration, his attachment to the Presbyterian discipline and form of
worship exposed him to much suffering, both in person and property, his
house of Torwoodlee having frequently afforded an asylum to the
persecuted Covenanters. When the earl of Argyle, after being sentenced
to death, made his escape, on the night of the 20th December 1681, from
Edinburgh castle, by the direction of Mr. John Scott, minister of Hawick,
he rode straight to the house of Torwoodlee. Mr. Pringle gave him
refuge, and sent his servant with him to the house of Mr. William Veitch,
who conducted him in safety to England. On this becoming known to the
government, Mr. Pringle was obliged to quit his own house, and for
nearly two years to lurk in concealment. At length, in 1683, on a charge
of being concerned in the Ryehouse plot, warrants were issued against
him and others, and with much difficulty he and Sir Patrick Hume of
Polwarth made their escape to Holland. In the first parliament of King
James VII., his estates were confiscated, and bestowed on General
Drummond of Cromlix. At the Revolution he hastened back to Scotland, and
was a member of the convention of Estates which conferred the crown on
William and Mary. His attainder was removed and his estates restored by
a special act of parliament. He died in 1689.
His only son, James
Pringle of Torwoodlee, who succeeded him, was but sixteen years of age
when his father escaped to Holland, and although he was from home, and
had no part in any of the circumstances which led to his exile, he was
apprehended and imprisoned in Edinburgh castle, and only released at the
end of three months by finding bail to the amount of £5,000 sterling. In
1685, on the failure of the earl of Argyle’s expedition, he was again
seized, and imprisoned in Blackness castle, where he suffered great
hardship. After succeeding to the estate, he took an active part in
public affairs, and held various offices of authority in his own
district. His eldest son, George Pringle of Torwoodlee, advocate, died,
unmarried, in 1780, and was succeeded by his nephew, James, son of his
younger brother, James Pringle of Bowland, writer of the signet, and
latterly one of the principal clerks of session. This gentleman
purchased the lands of Bowland and Windydoors in 1722, and afterwards
those of Catha. He died in 1778. His only son, James Pringle, sold
Bowland, and acquired the lands of Buckholm and Williamlaw,
Roxburghshire. He studied at Cambridge and Leyden, for the law, but on
succeeding his uncle in Torwoodlee, he devoted himself entirely to the
improvement of his property. He was a friend and neighbour of Sir Walter
Scott, and Lockhart, in his Life of Scott, (p. 383, folio edition,)
records a joyous evening spent in November 1818, at his beautiful seat,
which, though mentioned in Scott’s poetry as “distant Torwoodlee,” is
only about five miles from Abbotsford. Mr. Pringle was convener of the
county of Selkirk, and commandant of the Selkirkshire troop of yeomanry
cavalry from 1797, when it was raised, for about twelve years. From 1827
to 1830 he was vice-lieutenant of that county. He died in 1840, when his
eldest son, Rear-admiral James Pringle, became tenth laird of Torwoodlee;
married, with issue. The Admiral’s eldest son, James Thomas, Lieutenant,
R.N., was born in 1832.
The Pringles of Clifton
were also an old family. In 1760, Robert Pringle of Clifton made an
entail of his estates, and died, unmarried, in 1780. He was succeeded by
his cousin, John Pringle of Haining, second son of his uncle, John
Pringle, who was the second son of Andrew Pringle of Clifton (deceased
in 1702) and his wife, Violet Rutherfurd, daughter of John Rutherfurd of
Edgerstone. This John Pringle passed advocate 18th June 1698, and in
1702 purchased the estate of Haining, parish of Selkirk. On 1st July
1729, he was admitted a lord of session, when he took the title of Lord
Haining. His lordship died 19th August 1754. With three daughters he had
three sons, namely, 1. Andres, also a lord of session, under the title
of Lord Alemoor; 2. John Pringle of Haining; and 3. Robert, a doctor of
The eldest son, Andrew,
did not take up his father’s succession to Haining, as his affairs were
embarrassed, and his next brother, John, who had made a handsome fortune
as a merchant in Madeira, purchased it on his father’s death, and
cleared off all the incumbrances upon it. Admitted an advocate in 1740,
Andrew Pringle was very eminent at the bar, being greatly distinguished
for his scholarship and eloquence. In 1750 he was appointed sheriff of
Wigtonshire, and in the following year sheriff of Selkirkshire. In 1755
he was appointed solicitor-general for Scotland, and 14th June 1759 he
was raised to the bench, as Lord Alemoor, from a property which he had
acquired in Selkirkshire. At the same time he was appointed a lord of
justiciary. He died at his villa of Hawkhill, near Edinburgh, 14th
January 1776, unmarried, and was succeeded in all his property by his
next brother, John Pringle of Haining. The latter for a long time
represented Selkirkshire in parliament. On the death of his cousin,
Robert Pringle of Clifton, in 1780, he was served heir of provision to
him under his entail, and thereafter assumed the designation of Pringle
of Clifton, with the arms of the elder branch, undifferenced. He died in
1792, unmarried, and was succeeded by his cousin and grand-nephew, Mark
Pringle of Fairnalie, grandson of Mark Pringle of Crichton, third and
youngest son of Andrew Pringle of Clifton, by Violet Rutherfurd of
Edgerstone, above mentioned. On 2d October 1707, the day of the head
court at Selkirk, Mark Pringle had an after-dinner quarrel with William
Scott of Raeburn, then only about twenty-one years of age, the
great-granduncle of Sir Walter Scott, and next morning they fought with
swords, as was the fashion of the time, says the latter, in a field near
Selkirk, when Raeburn was killed. The field “was called, from the
catastrophe, the Raeburn Meadow spot. Pringle fled from Scotland to
Spain, and was long a captive and slave in Barbary.” Having at length
made a considerable fortune as a merchant, he returned to Scotland in
1738, and purchased the estate of Crichton in Mid Lothian. He died in
1751. His eldest son, John Pringle of Crichton, who had married Ann,
eldest daughter of Robert Rutherfurd of Fairnalie, sister of Mrs.
Cockburn, authoress of ‘The Flowers of the Forest,’ continued to be
engaged extensively in commercial pursuits, till the house with which he
was connected became bankrupt. He was then forced to part with his
lands, and his father-in-law, Mr. Rutherfurd, being involved along with
him, had to sell some of his estates. His son, Mark Pringle, advocate,
first designed of Fairnalie, on the death of his granduncle, John
Pringle, became possessed of the estates of Haining and Clifton, the
former as heir of line, through his grandmother, Ann Pringle, the wife
of Robert Rutherfurd of Fairnalie, and the latter as heir male, through
the entail executed by Robert Pringle of Clifton was elected M.P. for
Selkirkshire, and he sat for that county till the dissolution in 1802.
He died in 1812. He had, with one daughter, two sons, John, and Robert,
of Fairnalie.
The elder son, John
Pringle of Clifton, was a minor on succeeding to the estates. He studied
at Christchurch college, Oxford, and at the peace of 1815, entered the
army as a cornet in the 7th hussars, and served in the army of
occupation in France. In 1819, when the general reduction took place, he
was obliged to go on half-pay. In 1820, he was elected M.P. for the
Selkirk burghs, on the Whig interest. In 1831 he was killed by being
thrown out of his open carriage near his own house of Haining. Dying
unmarried, he was succeeded by his brother, Robert Pringle of Fairnalie,
afterwards of Clifton, also an officer in the 7th hussars. In the first
parliament after the passing of the Reform Bill he sat as member for
Selkirkshire. He died at Haining in 1841, when the estate of Clifton
passed, under the powers of the entail, to Robert Elliot of Harwood,
whose father was the eldest son of the eldest sister of the entailer,
Robert Pringle of Clifton, which made him heir of line of that family.
Haining and the other estates of Robert Pringle descended to his only
sister, Margaret Violet Pringle. This lady married Archibald Douglas,
Esq. of Adderston, whose family are cadets of the house of Cavers;
issue, one daughter. In compliance with her brother’s settlement, she
and her husband assumed the name and designation of Pringle of Haining
in addition to that of Douglas.
The Pringles of Stitchell
are sprung from the Hop Pringles of Craiglatch and Newhall,
Selkirkshire, believed to have been very old cadets of the house of
Smailholm. In the crown rentals of Ettrick Forest for 1485 and 1490, the
lands of Craiglatch are mentioned as having been in the possession of
William Hop Pringle and Alexander, his son. William Pringle of
Craiglatch, also designed of Whittoun, Roxburghshire, had a charter of
the lands of Hut, on the river Kale, in that county, in 1492, and crown
tacks of Craiglatchin 1485 and 1490. His great-grandson, Alexander, was
retoured in 1539. In 1587, Alexander’s son, George Pringle of Craiglatch,
obtained a charter of his Ettrick Forest lands. For the crime of
march-treason he and his eldest son, George, incurred the forfeiture of
the lands of Craiglatch. March-treason included several species of
offences peculiar to the border, such as holding communication with the
English, and aiding them in their depredations on the Scottish side, as
well as breaking border truce. The penalties for this crime were very
severe. In ‘The Lay of the Last Minstrell,’ the herald of the English
warden lords thus begins his address to the widowed lady of Buccleuch,
on their appearance before the walls of Branksome Tower:
“It irks,
high dame, my noble lords,
‘Gainst ladye fair to draw their swords;
But yet they may not tamely see,
Al through the western wardenry,
Your law-contemning kinsmen ride,
And burn and spoil the border side,
We claim from thee William of Deloraine
That he may suffer march-treason pain.”
Of the forfeited lands of
Craiglatch, Sir James Pringle of Smailholm obtained a gift, and he
restored them to the family in 1601, in the person of George Pringle of
Newhall, elder son of George Pringle, the son, above mentioned. In
consequence, however, of the burdens incurred in their misfortunes,
one-half-called the Knows, was alienated in 1617 to James Pringle of
Whytbank, and the other half, called Newhall, became, from that time,
the family designation. The first George Pringle had, besides George,
his heir, another son, Robert, ancestor of the Stitchell family.
This Robert Pringle,
first designed of Bartingbush, writer to the signet, realized a large
fortune in his profession, and, besides acquiring the lands of
Templehall, Berwickshire, and various other properties, he purchased, in
1628, from Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar, (first viscount of Kenmure,)
the estate of Stitchell, Roxburghshire, and was subsequently designated
of Stitchell. He died in 1649. His eldest son, John, predeceased him,
leaving two sons, Robert, the first baronet of Stitchell, and Walter, of
Graycrook, advocate, who is mentioned in Wodrow’s History as having ably
pleaded for the Covenanters taken at Bothwell Bridge, when put upon
their trial in 1679. His uncle, Walter Pringle of Greenknowe, a zealous
Covenanter, suffered many hardships and persecutions. His Memoirs were
published at Edinburgh in 1723, 8vo. He married Janet, second daughter
of James Pringle of Torwoodlee. The ruins of Greenknowe tower,
Berwickshire, his residence, are still remaining.
Sir Robert Pringle of
Stitchell succeeded his grandfather in 1649, and in 1667, on the death
of Robert Pringle of Newhall, he inherited the possessions of the elder
branch of the family. He was created a baronet in 1683. By his wife,
Margaret, daughter of Sir John Hope, a lord of session, with the title
of Lord Craighall, he had, with other children, (19 in all,) 1. John,
second baronet; 2. Sir Walter Pringle of Lochton, admitted advocate,
10th December 1687, constituted a lord of session, as Lord Newhall, 6th
June 1718, at the same time appointed a lord of justiciary, and
knighted. He died 14th December 1736, when his funeral was attended, as
a mark of great respect, by the other judges, in their robes of office.
The faculty of advocates also met on the occasion, when an elegant
eulogium on his lordship’s character, written by Sir Robert Dundas of
Arniston, then dean of faculty, was ordered to be engrossed in their
minutes, expressive of the high esteem in which he had been held by that
learned body. An epitaph on Lord Newhall by Hamilton of Bangour is
printed in the works of that poet. 3. The Right Hon. Robert Pringle, a
distinguished statesman, who, May 18, 1718, was appointed secretary at
war, an office which he held till 24th December following. 4. Thomas
Pringle, writer to the signet, from whom descended the Pringles of
Edgefield and the Pringles of Weens. His son, Robert Pringle of
Edgefield, passed advocate 4th July 1724, and in 1748 was appointed
sheriff-depute of Banffshire. Admitted a lord of session, 20th November
1754, he took the title of Lord Edgefield; and died 8th April 1784.
Sir John Pringle of
Stitchell, second baronet, married Magdalen, daughter of Sir William
Gilbert Elliot of Stobbs, baronet, and had four sons and two daughters.
The sons were, 1. Sir Robert, third baronet. 2. Gilbert, an officer of
dragoons, who married Margaret, only daughter and heiress of John
Pringle of Torsonce. 3. Walter, advocate and sheriff of Roxburghshire,
who succeeded to Torsonce on his brother’s death, and died unmarried;
and 4. Sir John Pringle, the celebrated physician, of whom a memoir
follows below.
The eldest son, Sir
Robert Pringle, third baronet of Stitchell, married Katherine, eldest
daughter of James Pringle of Torwoodlee, and died at the age of 88. His
son, Sir James, fourth baronet, served many years as an officer in the
army, first in the fusiliers, and afterwards in the 59th regiment, which
he commanded. Subsequently he was colonel of the Southern fencibles, and
for a short time commanded the Roxburghshire yeomanry cavalry, after
that corps was raised in 1797. He was master of works for Scotland, and
represented Berwickshire in four parliaments. He died in 1809. By his
wife, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Norman Macleod of Macleod, he had,
with three daughters, three sons, namely, 1. Robert, younger of
Stitchell, who predeceased his father. 2. John, fifth baronet. 3.
Norman, major of the 21st North British fusiliers, and afterwards
British consul at Stockholm. He had purchased Torsonce from his father,
which he afterwards sold.
Sir John Pringle, fifth
baronet of Stitchell and Newhall, born in 1784, served for ten years in
the 12th light dragoons. He married, first, his cousin, Emilia Anne, 2d
daughter of General Norman Macleod of Macleod, and had 3 sons and 5
daughters; and, 2dly, Lady Elizabeth Maitland Campbell, daughter of the
1st Marquis of Bredalbane, issue, 2 daughters, the elder of whom, Mary
Gavin, married in 1861, Robert, 2d son of George, 10th earl of
Haddington. Heir, James, his eldest son by the first marriage. His 2d
son, Norman, a cadet in the royal engineers at Woolwich, was
accidentally drowned in the Thames. Sir John is vice-lieutenant of
Roxburghshire, and a deputy-lieutenant of Berwickshire.
PRINGLE, SIR JOHN, baronet, an eminent physician and natural
philosopher, was the youngest son of Sir John Pringle, second baronet of
Stitchell, and Magdalen, daughter of Sir William Gilbert Elliot of
Stobbs, and was born at Stitchell House, Roxburghshire, April 10, 1707.
He received his grammatical education at home under a private tutor, and
afterwards entered the university of St. Andrews, where a relative of
his father, Mr. Francis Pringle, was at that time professor of Greek. In
October 1727 he removed to Edinburgh to study medicine, with the view of
following the profession of a physician. In the following year he
proceeded to Leyden, at that period the most celebrated medical school
in Europe; and, July 20, 1730, took the degree of M.D. in the university
there, where he was the pupil of the illustrious Boerhaave. He completed
his medical studies at Paris, after which he settled as a physician at
Edinburgh. In March 1734 he was appointed by the magistrates and town
council assistant and successor to Mr. Scott, in the chair of moral
philosophy in that university. In 1742 he was nominated physician to the
earl of Stair, then commander-in-chief of the British army; and, through
the interest of this nobleman, he was constituted, in August of the same
year, physician to the military hospital in Flanders. During his absence
from the university, Messrs. Muirhead and Cleghorn were appointed to
teach the moral philosophy class in his stead. At the battle of
Dettingen, fought June 26, 1743, Dr. Pringle was present in a coach with
Lord Carteret, and at one period of the engagement was exposed to great
danger. Through his exertions a convention was entered into, in the
early part of the campaign of that year, between Lord Stair and Marshal
Noailles, for the mutual protection of the hospitals of the contending
armies, which was faithfully adhered to by both generals.
After the retirement of
Lord Stair, Dr. Pringle attended the army in Flanders throughout the
campaign of 1744. Having by his diligence and ability recommended
himself to the duke of Cumberland, he was in the following spring
appointed physician-general to his majesty’s forces in the Netherlands,
and also physician to the royal hospitals there. He now resigned his
professorship in the university of Edinburgh. IN the end of 1745 he was
recalled from Flanders to attend the forces under the duke of
Cumberland, ordered against the rebels in Scotland. At this time he was
chosen a member of the Royal Society of London. He remained with the
royal troops till after the battle of Culloden, April 16, 1746, and in
the two succeeding years he again served with the army on the Continent.
On peace being concluded by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748, he
embarked with the forces on his return to England. From this time he
principally resided in London, and in 1749 was appointed physician in
ordinary to the duke of Cumberland. IN 1750 he published ‘Observations
on the Jail or Hospital Fever.’ The same year he communicated to the
Royal Society his famous ‘Experiments upon Septic and Antiseptic
Substances, with Remarks relating to their Use in the Theory of
Medicine,’ which were comprehended in several papers, for which he
received the Copley medal. Many of his papers after this period appear
in the Philosophical Transactions; and, besides these communications, he
wrote in the Edinburgh Medical Essays, volume fifth, ‘An Account of the
Success of the Vitrum Ceratum Antimonii.’ In 1752 he published his
celebrated work ‘On the Diseases of the Army,’ which passed through
numerous editions, and was translated into the French, German, Italian,
and other languages. In 1753 he was elected one of the council of the
Royal Society. IN 1758, on relinquishing his appointment in the army, he
was admitted a licentiate of the London college of physicians.
Soon after the accession
of George III. he was, in 1761, appointed physician to the queen’s
household, and in 1763 physician extraordinary to her majesty. The same
year he was chosen a member of the academy of sciences at Haarlem, and
fellow of the college of physicians, London; and in 1764 he succeeded
Dr. Wollaston as physician in ordinary to the queen. In 1766 the king
was pleased to testify his sense of his long services, as well as of his
abilities and merit, by raising him to the dignity of a baronet of Great
Britain. In 1772 he was elected president of the Royal Society, and in
1774 was appointed physician extraordinary to his majesty. In 1776 he
became a member of the academy of sciences at Madrid, and most of the
other learned bodies of Europe at different periods enrolled his name in
the list of their members. In 1778 he succeeded Linnaeus as one of the
eight foreign members of the academy of Sciences at Paris; and in 1781
he became a fellow of the then recently instituted society of
antiquaries at Edinburgh.
His declining health
induced him, at the close of 1778, to resign the presidency of the Royal
Society. The discourses which he delivered as president, six in number,
were published the year after his death, by his friend Dr. Kippis, in
one volume 8vo. Hoping to derive benefit from the air of his native
country, he spent the summer of 1780 in Scotland, residing chiefly in
Edinburgh, and formed the design of fixing his residence altogether in
that city. With this view, in 1781, he disposed of his house in Pall
Mall, with the greater part of his library, and removed to Edinburgh;
but the keenness of the climate induced him to return to London in the
beginning of the following September. On quitting the capital of the
north, he presented the Edinburgh college with ten manuscript folio
volumes of medical and physical observations, on the singular condition
that they should never be printed, nor lent out of the library of the
college. He died January 18, 1782, in the 75th year of his age, and, on
February 7, his body was deposited in a vault in St. James’ church. His
portrait is subjoined:

[portrait of Sir John Pringle]
A monument to his memory,
by Nollekins, was afterwards erected in Westminster Abbey, at the
expense of his nephew. He had married in 1752 the second daughter of Dr.
Oliver of Bath, but his wife died, without children, in less than three
years; and the baronetcy conferred on him became extinct at his death. –
His works are:
Disputatio de Marcore Senili. Leyd. 1730, 4to. The same. Lond. 1765,
Observations on the Nature and Cure of Hospital and Jail Fevers, in a
Letter to Dr. Mead. Lond. 1750, 8vo.
Observations on the Diseases of the Army, in Camp and in Garrison. Lond.
1752, 1753, 1761. 4th edition, 1765, 4to. 5th edition, 1775, 8vo. This
last is somewhat fuller than the others. A new edition, 1810, 8vo.
Discourse on the different kinds of Air, delivered at the Anniversary
Meeting of the Royal Society, 1773. Lond. 1774, 4to.
A Discourse on the Torpedo, delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the
Royal Society. Lond. 1775, 4to.
Discourse on the Attraction of Mountains. Lond. 1775, 4to.
Discourse upon some late Improvements of the Means for preserving the
Health of Mariners. Lond. 1776, 4to.
A Discourse on the Invention and Improvements of the Reflecting
Telescope. Lond. 1778, 4to.
Discourse on the Theory of gunnery. Lond. 1778, 4to.
Six Discourses, delivered by Sir John Pringle, Bart. when President of
the Royal Society, on occasion of six annual assignments of Sir Godfrey
Copley’s Medal; to which is prefixed, the Life of the Author, by A.
Kippis, D.D. Lond. 1783, 8vo.
An Account of the Success of the Vitrum Ceratum Antimonii. Edin. Med.
Ess. Vol. v. p. 194, 1736.
Experiments on Substances resisting Putrefaction. Phil. Trans. 1750,
Abr. X. p. 57. On the same. Ib. p. 73. Continued, p. 84.
Several Persons seized with the Jail Fever working at Newgate. Ib. p.
Remarkable Case of Fragility, Flexibility, and Dissolution of the Bones.
Ib. p. 406.
Of the Earthquakes felt at Brussels. Ib. p. 696, 1755.
On the Agitation of the Waters, Nov. 1, 1755, in Scotland and at
Hamburgh. Ib. p. 697.
Accounts of the Fiery Meteor which appeared on Nov. 26, 1768, between 8
and 9 at night. Ib. p. 377, 1759. Remarks on the same. Ib. p. 388.
Account of the Influenza as it appeared in 1775. Med. Obs. And Inq. Vi.
P. 348.
PRINGLE, THOMAS, a highly esteemed poet and miscellaneous writer,
the son of a farmer, was born on the farm of Blaiklaw, in Teviotdale,
January 5, 1789. Owing to an accident which he met with in the nurse’s
arms, when only a few months old, by which his right limb was dislocated
at the hip-joint, he was unfortunately rendered lame for life. He learnt
the rudiments of Latin at the grammar school of Kelso, and completed his
studies at the university of Edinburgh. He afterwards became a clerk in
the Register Office, Edinburgh, in the service of his majesty’s
commissioners on the public records of Scotland. IN 1811, in conjunction
with a friend, he published a satirical poem, called the ‘Institute,’
which did not sell, and is now forgotten. IN 1816 he contributed a
descriptive poem to the ‘Poetic Mirror,’ which was the means of
introducing him to Sir Walter Scott. Soon after he projected the
‘Edinburgh Monthly Magazine,’ the first number of which appeared in
April 1817. It contained an article by Pringle on Scottish Gipsies, the
materials for which were dictated to him by Scott, and have been
inserted in the Introduction to Guy Mannering. To enable him to devote
his undivided attention to this periodical, which, soon falling into the
hands of new proprietors, became ‘Blackwood’s Magazine,’ he had
relinquished his situation in the Register Office; and about the same
time he undertook the editorship of the ‘Edinburgh Star’ newspaper. He
also became joint-editor of Constable’s ‘Scots Magazine.’
Owing to some dispute
with Mr. Blackwood, he soon retired from all connection with his
Magazine, a circumstance which drew down upon him the abuse of some of
his former coadjutors. Previous to this separation he had married
Margaret, daughter of Mr. William Brown, an East Lothian farmer of great
respectability. IN January 1819, having relinquished the editorship of
the ‘Star,’ he resumed his former occupation of copying old records in
the Register Office; and in the same year he published the ‘Autumnal
Excursion, or Sketches in Teviotdale, with other Poems.’ His earnings
being totally inadequate to the support of his family, and circumstances
compelling the other members of his father’s house to have recourse to
emigration, he applied, through his friend Scott, to Lord Melville, for
an allotment of land in Southern Africa for his father and brother, and
readily obtained a grant of eleven hundred acres of the unoccupied
territory at the Cape. The little band of emigrants, consisting of
twelve men, including three farm servants, six women, and six children,
his wife, her sister, and himself, being of the number, sailed from
London in February 1820, and arrived at Algoa Bay on the 15th May, where
they disembarked. On reaching their place of settlement, they called it
Glen-Lynden, which is now the official name of the river, and the whole
of the valley, conferred in compliment to Pringle by General Bourke,
when lieutenant-governor. In this remote location Pringle acted as the
physician and surgeon of the party, there being no other within a
hundred miles; and was at the same time the civil and military chief of
the settlement, and the religious instructor and officiating minister.
In June 1821 he obtained from Sir Rufane Donkin, the acting governor, an
extension of the location, which put his party in possession of twenty
thousand acres of land.
Through the interest of
Sir Walter Scott, and others of his friends at the colonial department,
he was appointed librarian of the government library at Capt Town; and
in September 1822, with his wife and her sister, he commenced a
residence there of nearly three years. His salary being only £75 a-year,
he at first received pupils for private instruction, and then, in
conjunction with a Dutch clergyman of the town, made arrangements for
publishing a periodical in both the English and Dutch languages. The
governor, however, Lord Charles Somerset, withheld his sanction from the
latter project, and it did not make its appearance till some time
afterwards, when, having obtained the approval of the government at
home, it was at last published, under the name of the ‘South African
Journal.’ Previous to this he had been joined by Mr. John Fairbairn from
Edinburgh, with whom he organized a private academy on an extensive
scale, which succeeded to his utmost wishes; and soon after the
appearance of his ‘Journal,’ he was appointed joint-editor of the ‘South
African Commercial Advertiser,’ a paper recently started by Mr. Greig, a
printer. A dispute with the governor, however, arising from an attempted
censorship of the press, to which Pringle would not submit, soon led to
the discontinuance of both publications, the ruin of his academy, and
the resignation of his office of government librarian. From October 1824
to April 1826 he was diligently employed in making himself acquainted
with the true condition of the colony, and more especially of the
frontier where his own relatives were located. During the greater part
of 1825 he was in correspondence with the commissioners of inquiry, not
only respecting his own case, but on the subject of various abuses in
the local administration, the treatment of the colored race, and the
defence of the frontier. He was one of the originators of the second
great measure next to the political emancipation of the Hottentots,
namely, their establishment as independent occupiers of land. A paper,
given in by him to the commissioners in 1823, was entitled ‘Hints of a
Plan for defending the Eastern Frontier of the Colony by a Settlement of
Hottentots.’ He also acted as secretary to the Society for the relief of
the distressed Settlers in Albany, in which capacity he sent a pamphlet
for publication to London, entitled ‘Some Account of the Present State
of the English Settlers in Albany, South Africa,’ which had the effect
of procuring contributions to the relief fund, of £7,000 from England
and India, besides £3,000 raised in the colony.
After visiting his
relatives at Glen-Lynden, he returned to London in July 1826, and
immediately applied to the Colonial Government for compensation for his
losses at the Cape, but his claims were disallowed. An article, however,
in the New Monthly Magazine, on the State of Slavery in the Colony,
which he had transmitted to England previous to his departure from Cape
Town, led to his acquaintance with Mr., afterwards Sir Fowell Buxton and
Mr. Zachary Macaulay, and eventually to his being engaged, in 1827, as
secretary to the Anti-Slavery Society, a situation which he held until
the object of that body was accomplished. To the cause of abolition he
devoted the energies of his body and mind, discharging the duties of his
office in a way that showed his whole heart to be in the cause of
justice and humanity. He soon after became editor of ‘Friendship’s
Offering,’ a well-known annual in its day, which he conducted for seven
or eight years with sound judgment and correct taste. In 1828 he
published his ‘Ephemerides,’ being a collection of his juvenile poems,
songs, and sonnets, and miscellaneous pieces, most of which are
distinguished by their elegance and beauty, and all being rich in
evidences of the truly benevolent and Christian spirit that actuated the
author throughout his life. In 1834 those of his poems which relate to
South Africa were reprinted in a volume, entitled ‘African Sketches,’ in
which his interesting prose ‘Narrative of a Residence in South Africa’
appeared for the first time. After the author’s death, it was
republished in a separate form, with a Memoir prefixed, from the pen of
Mr. Josiah Conder.
On the 28th June 1834,
the day after his official announcement to the public of the abolition
of slavery, he was seized with his last illness. Symptoms of consumption
having soon become distinctly apparent, he was advised by his physician
to remove to a warmer climate before the approach of winter. He,
therefore, turned his thoughts towards Southern Africa; and after a
fruitless application to Government for an appointment at the Cape, or
for an advance of money to assist him on his return, the necessary
preparations were hastily completed, and the passage for himself, his
wife, and her sister, actually engaged. Three days, however, before the
time appointed for sailing, he was attacked with a diarrhea, which his
already enfeebled constitution could not resist, and he died December 5,
1834. His remains were interred in Bunhill Fields burying-ground, where
a simple stone bears an elegant tribute to his memory, composed by
William Kennedy. In 1839 a collection of his poetical works, with a
sketch of his life by Leitch Ritchie, which has furnished the materials
of this notice, was published by Moxon of London, for the benefit of his
widow. |