SCOTT, originally
Scot, a surname conjectured to have been at first assumed by, or
conferred on, a native of Scotland, and afterwards adopted as a surname,
when surnames became in use. Uchtredus filius Scoti, that is, Uchtred,
the son of a Scot, is witness to an inquisition respecting possessions
of the church of Glasgow in the reign of Alexander I. (1107-1124); also
to the foundation charter of the abbey of Holyrood by David I. in 1128,
as is also Herbert Scot, and to that of the abbacy of Selkirk in 1130.
He was called Uchtredus filius Scoti, to distinguish him from others of
the same Christian name, probably Saxons or Normans. His son, Richard,
called Richard le Scot, is witness to a charter of Robert, bishop of St.
Andrews, founder of the priory of that place, who died in 1158. Others
bearing this surname, living in that and the following century, are
mentioned by Douglas and Nisbet as occurring in old charters. John Scott
was bishop of Dunkeld from 1200 to 1203, and Matthew Scott, bishop of
Dunkeld, held the office of chancellor of Scotland from 1227 to 1231.
The above-mentioned
Richard le Scot is said to have had two sons, Richard, whose name
appears in the Ragman Roll as Richard le Scot de Murthockston, and
Michael. The former was ancestor of the Scotts of Murdockstone, of whom
came the Buccleuch family, and the latter was progenitor of the Scotts
of Balwearie in Fifeshire, now represented by the Scotts of Ancrum,
The younger son, Sir
Michael Scott, was possessed of a considerable estate in Fifeshire in
the reign of William the Lion. From the chartulary of Dunfermline, it is
ascertained that he married Margaret, daughter of Duncan Syras of Syras,
and obtained with her the lands of Ceres. He had a son, Duncan, who
succeeded him and who had two sons, the younger of whom was named
Gilbert. The elder son, Sir Michael Scott, was knighted by Alexander
II., and was one of the assize upon a perambulation of the marches
between the monastery of Dunfermline and the lands of Dundaff in 1231.
By his wife, Margaret, daughter and sole heiress of Sir Richard
Balwearie of Balwearie, he got that estate in the parish of Abbotshall.
He had a son, Sir Michael Scott of Balwearie and Scotscraig, the famous
wizard, of whom a memoir is given below. In the Ragman Roll is the name
of Michael Scott, one of the Scottish barons who swore fealty to Edward
I. of England in 1296, said to have been this learned personage. He had
two sons: Sir Henry, and Duncan Scott, proprietor of lands in
Forfarshire, and progenitor of the Scotts in the North.
The elder son, Sir Henry
Scott, died in the beginning of the reign of David II. His son, Sir
Andrew Scott of Balwearie, distinguished himself by his patriotism, and
was slain at the taking of Berwick by the Scots in 1355. He left an
infant son, afterwards Sir William Scott of Balwearie, who died in the
end of the reign of King Robert III. His son, Sir Michael Scott of
Balwearie, was one of the hostages for James I. in 1424, and died in the
following reign. Sir Michael’s son, Sir William Scott of Balwearie,
married Isabel, daughter of Sir John Moncrief of that ilk, and with one
daughter, had two sons, Sir William, who succeeded him, and Alexander
Scott of Fingask, Perthshire.
The elder son, Sir
William Scott of Balwearie, obtained, in February 1509, a crown charter
of the lands of Strathmiglo, Fifeshire, with certain other lands
possessed by him, all united into the barony of Strathmiglo. The lands
of “Stramiglo” had been held by the Scotts of Balwearie, under the earls
of Fife from about 1251, and after the forfeiture of Murdo, duke of
Albany, in 1424, under the crown. Sir William accompanied James IV. on
his unfortunate expedition to England in September 1513, and being taken
prisoner at Flodden, was obliged to sell part of his lands to pay his
ransom. He was repeatedly afterwards chosen one of the lords of the
articles for the barons, and was the only individual under the degree of
a peer who ever obtained that honour. On various occasions he was
appointed a commissioner of parliament for the decision of legal
questions, and on 13th November 1526 he is styled Justice, in absence of
the justice-general. In that capacity he was joined with Archibald
Douglas of Kilspindie, provost of Edinburgh, the well-known Greysteel of
King James V., and the justice-clerk, to do justice on the “malt makaris
of Leith, for commoune oppressioune through the exorbvitant derth rasit
be thame, and of ther causing throu all the hail realme.” (Act Parl. Ii.
315.) He was on two occasions appointed a commissioner for effecting a
treaty of peace with England. On the first institution of the College of
Justice in Scotland on 13th May 1532, Sir William Scott, as laird of
Balwearie, was nominated the first senator on the temporal side; but he
died shortly after his appointment. He had two sons, Sir William, and
Thomas. The latter obtained a charter of the lands of Pitgorno, under
the great seal, on 2d January 1526, and was named a senator of the
college of justice in his father’s place in November 1532. The following
is the record of his admission: “The clerk-register presented a letter
from the king, bearing that his grace had chosen Thomas Scot of Petgorno,
ane of the lords, is place of umquhile William Scott of Balwery, knicht,
lately deceasit, his father, and desiring the lords to admit him yrto,
and tak his aith for administration of justice. The said lords, at the
king’s command, hes admitted the said Thomas to ye said session, and to
be yr college in that behalf, quhilk hes sworn in their presens lelely
to administer justice efter his knowledge and conscience, and to keep
all statutes maid hereupon of before.” He was a great favourite of King
James V., by whom he was appointed justice-clerk in 1535. He died in
1539. The following are the circumstances as related by Knox, (Hist.
edit. 1644, p. 25,) under which his death occurred: “How terrible a
vision the said prince saw lying in Linlithgow, that night, that Thomas
Scot, justice-clerk, died in Edinburgh, men of good credit can yet
report; for, afraid at midnight or after, he called aloud for torches,
and raised all that lay beside him in the palace, and told that Thomas
Scott was dead, for he had been at him with a company of devils, and had
said unto him these words: ‘O we to the day that ever I knew thee or thy
service; for serving of thee against God, against his servants, and
against justice, I am adjudged to endless torment.’ How terrible voices
the said Thomas Scott pronounced before his death, men of all estates
heard, and some that yet live can witness his voice ever was, ‘Justo Dei
justicio condemnatus sum.’”
The elder son, Sir
William Scott, in his father’s lifetime designated of Invertiel, married
Isabel, daughter of Patrick, fifth Lord Lindsay of the Byres, and had by
her two sons, Sir William, and Andrew, progenitor of the Scotts of
Ancrum, of whom next article. Sir William Scott of Balwearie, the elder
son, who was also in his father’s lifetime designed of Invertiel, had
two sons, Michael, who predeceased his father, and Sir William, who
succeeded as laird of Balwearie and Strathmiglo. His son, Sir James, was
in 1579 served heir to his father. He was one of the twelve gentlemen
knighted by King James VI. at the coronation of his queen, Anne of
Denmark, in 1590. In his person the barony of Strathmiglo was at its
greatest extent, but with him the wealth and dignity of the family came
to an end. Unfortunately for himself, he was involved with the popish
earls of Angus, Errol, and Huntly in their various rebellions against
James VI. He was also connected with the turbulent earl of Bothwell,
whom the popish lords so often excited against the king, and was
repeatedly fined for real of alleged assistance given to that
unprincipled nobleman in his various frantic attempts to gain possession
of the king’s person in 1591, and three following years. In October
1594, Sir James Scott was with the earl of Huntly at the battle of
Glenlivet, in which that nobleman defeated the royal troops under the
earl of Argyle. On the 25th February 1595, however, he obtained a
remission under the great seal, for himself, his brother Robert, and
John Kinnaird, younger of that ilk, for which, doubtless, he was obliged
to pay heavily to the needy courtiers of the king. In consequence of the
numerous fines to which he was subjected, he was obliged from time to
time to sell off various portions of his estates, till, towards the year
1600, his whole barony of Strathmiglo was disposed off, excepting the
tower and fortalice with the lands adjoining, and the village of that
name. In that year, he granted a charter to nineteen different feuars
who held of him, erecting the village of Strathmiglo into a burgh of
barony, in virtue of the crown charter granted to his ancestor Sir
William Scott, in 1509, which had not been acted on by him. By three
subsequent charters granted immediately afterwards, Sir James included
three other feuars who held of him in the burgh. The small remaining
portions of his once extensive estates were sold, either immediately
before or after his death. Mr. John M. Leighton, in his History of the
county of Fife, (vol. ii. p. 186, Note,) says: “Sir James Scott is among
the few Fife gentlemen who are characterized by John Knox as being
‘enemies to God and traitors to their country.’ His opposition to the
Reformation, and his connection with the popish party may explain the
reason why, notwithstanding his having conferred the honour of a burgh
on Strathmiglo, his memory has been so little revered by the
inhabitants. The traditions of the place represent him as a persecutor,
and the downfall of the family is looked upon as a punishment from
heaven for his treatment of the Reformers. He is also blamed for
avarice, although he certainly made little by it, if he possessed that
vice, and harshness to the poor. An instance of this latter is still
handed down. He was looking over a window, it is said, of his castle of
Strathmiglo, situated to the east of the village, while his servants
were throwing a great quantity of oatmeal into the moat which surrounded
the castle, owing to its being old and unfit for use. An old beggar man
came to the outer end of the drawbridge, and requested to be allowed to
fill his wallets with the meal, but the haughty baron of Balwearie
refused this humble request, on which the poor man pronounced a wo upon
him. Declaring he should beg before his death. It cannot be said that
the curse, if ever perpetrated, was literally fulfilled, but certainly
Sir James saw the ruin of his family; and the tradition still is that,
such was his poverty at his death, a subscription was raised among the
neighbouring proprietors to pay the expenses of his funeral.”
He had two sons, William
and James. The former, it is believed, died before his father. His son,
Walter Scott, styled of Balwearie, having been deprived of all portion
of the family estates, through the misconduct of his grandfather,
entered the army, rose to the rank of colonel, and died unmarried in
Flanders, during the reign of Charles I. Shortly before his death, he
sent over from Holland, to Sir John Scott of Ancrum, baronet, the seal
of the family of Balwearie, with a letter acknowledging him to be his
heir male, which is still preserved in that family. In Colonel Walter
Scott ended the whole male line of the ancient family of Scott of
Balwearie, which had continued for sixteen generations, the eldest son
having always succeeded during that long period. What is still more
remarkable, from the time of the original Sir Michael Scott, who lived
in the reign of William the Lion, till Sir James, the fourteenth baron,
in whose time the estates of the family were lost, thirteen of the
barons had attained the honour of knighthood, the only exception being
Duncan, son of the first Sir Michael.
The Scotts of Ancrum,
Roxburghshire, descend from Andrew, the younger of the two sons of Sir
William Scott of Balwearie above mentioned. This Andrew Scott lived in
the time of Queen Mary, and had from his father the lands of Glendoich,
on condition that at his death they were to return to the family. He
obtained the lands of Kirkstyle in the parish of Kinfauns, Perthshire,
which were sold by his great-grandson, Patrick Scott, who lived in the
reign of James VI. The latter purchased Langshaw in the south of
Scotland, and afterwards acquired the lands and barony of Ancrum. His
son, Sir John Scott, obtained a charter under the great seal, in 1670,
of the lands and barony of Ancrum, and was created a baronet of Nova
Scotia, 27th October 1671, with remainder to his heirs male generally.
He died in 1712, having been thrice married, first, to Elizabeth,
daughter of Francis Scott, Esq. of Mangerton, and had by her five sons
and five daughters; secondly, to Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William
Bennet of Grubbet, by whom he had two daughters; and thirdly, to
Barbara, daughter of Ker of Littledean, without issue. His eldest son,
Sir Patrick Scott, second baronet, a lawyer of eminence, was at the
Revolution summoned by the prince of Orange, to the Scottish convention
in 1689, for the county of Selkirk. He was twice married. By his first
wife, Anne, daughter of William Wallace, Esq. of Helington, he obtained
a considerable fortune. By his second wife, Margaret, daughter of Sir
William Scott of Harden, he had two sons and four daughters. The elder
son, Sir John Scott, third baronet, married Christian, daughter of
William Nisbet, Esq. of Dirlton, and had four sons and a daughter. He
died 21st February 1746. His son, Sir William, fourth baronet, died 16th
June 1769, and was succeeded by his nephew, Sir John Scott, fifth
baronet. He married Harriet, daughter of William Graham of Gartmore, and
had four daughters, and a son, Sir William, sixth baronet. The latter,
born 26th July 1803, married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of David
Anderson, Esq. of Balgay, Forfarshire, with issue.
James, second son of Sir
James Scott, fourteenth baron of Balwearie, purchased the lands of Logie
in Forfarshire, and was the ancestor of several families of the name in
that county. His son, also James Scott of Logie, acquired considerable
landed property, and was enabled to bestow an estate on each of his six
sons. These were James Scott of Logie; Robert Scott of Benholme;
Hercules Scott of Brotherton; Patrick Scott of Craig, from whom
descended Sir David Scott, baronet of Duninald, nephew of lady Sibbald,
wife of Sir James Sibbald, baronet (see SIBBALD); John, and David. His
grandson, James Scott of Logie, had three sons; James of Logie;
Alexander of Baldovie; and David of Balhall. The second son, Alexander
Scott of Baldovie, was father of John Scott, Esq., whose second son,
William Scott, captain R.N., commanded the Bedford, 74, in the American
war. He married his cousin, Janet, eighth daughter of Robert Scott of
Duninald, and had two sons and two daughters. William, the elder son, a
senior merchant in the Bengal civil service, with his wife, Emily, only
child of Thomas Evans, Esq., was drowned in the Company’s ship Calcutta,
which foundered in a hurricane in the Indian Ocean between 14th and 15th
March 1809. He was succeeded in the representation of the family by his
brother David, also a senior merchant in the Bengal civil service;
married, with issue.
The Scotts of the south
of Scotland were among the most noted moss-troopers of their time. As
most of the chief border families had popular epithets applied to them,
as the ’haughty Humes,’ and the ‘bauld Rutherfords,’ they were called
the ‘saucy Scotts,’ and the ‘cappit’ or irritable Scotts. The chief
family of the name was that of Buccleuch, originally of Murdieston,
Clydesdale. De Gerville, a French writer, says, “What is curious, the
duke (of Buccleuch) seeks his surname in Normandy, and pretends that it
was originally l’Escot.” The duke of Buccleuch, as descended from the
unfortunate duke of Monmouth, illegitimate son of Charles II., is
properly a Stewart in the male line, and the chieftainship of the once
numerous and powerful border clan Scott, has devolved on Lord Polwarth,
the head of the Scotts of Harden, of which family Sir Walter Scott, the
celebrated novelist and poet, was a scion. Their device and motto, a
crescent moon, with the words, “The moon will refill her horns,”
indicate that they lived by border reiving or cattle lifting.
Among the most ancient
branches of the house of Buccleuch were the Scotts of Synton, in the
counties of Rosburgh and Selkirk, from whom descended the Scotts of
Harden. Their immediate ancestor was Walter Scott of Synton, who lived
in the reigns of Robert II. and III. He is said (Douglas’ Baronage, p.
213) to have been the son or grandson of Michael Scott, who fell at the
battle of Durham, 17th October 1346, the supposed son of Sir Richard le
Scot, who obtained the lands of Murdieston in Lanarkshire by marriage,
which were afterwards exchanged for the half of the barony of Branxholm,
in Roxburghshire, as related under the head of BUCCLEUCH. Sir Walter
Scott expressly states, however, that the house of Harden came off the
Buccleuch family before the marriage of Sir Richard with the heiress of
Murdieston, in 1296. (See Note to Lay of Last Minstrel).
Robert Scott of
Strickshaws, second son of Walter, the fifth in descent from Michael,
had two sons, Walter, his heir, and William, progenitor of the Scotts of
Harden. Walter, the elder brother, succeeded his uncle in the estate of
Synton, and from James, his fourth son, came the Scotts of Satchells.
His eldest son, George Scott of Synton, had a son, Walter, the father of
another George Scott of Synton, who was the last of the original family
styled of Synton.
William Scott, the first
of Harden, obtained that estate and barony from his brother, Walter
Scott of Synton, confirmed by a charter from George, third Lord Home,
the superior, in 1535. He died in 1563. Of his son, Walter, usually
styled “Auld Wat of Harden.” Many anecdotes are preserved by tradition
on the borders. He was a renowned freebooter, and used to rude with a
numerous band of followers. The spoil which they carried off was
concealed in a deep precipitous glen, on the boundary of which the old
tower of Harden was situated, in the deep narrow vale of Borthwick
water. When the last bullock was devoured, a dish was placed on the
table, which on being uncovered, was found to contain nothing but a pair
of clean spurs – a hint from the wife that it was time to set off for
more cattle. On one occasion when he was returning from a foray, with “a
bow of kye and a bassened bull,” he passed a very large haystack; but
having no means of carrying it away, he was fain to take leave of it
with this apostrophe, which became proverbial, “By my conscience, had ye
but four feet, ye should not stand lang there.” Wat of Harden took for
his first wife, Mary Scott, celebrated as “the Flower of Yarrow.” Two
songs in her praise bear the names of ‘Mary Scott,’ and ‘The Rose in
Yarrow.’ By their marriage contract, her father, Philip Scott of Dryhope,
in Selkirkshire, bound himself to find Harden in horse and man’s meat at
his tower of Dryhope, for a year and a day, and five barons pledged
themselves that, at the end of that period, the son-in-law should
remove. Harden also agreed to give Dryhope the profits of the first
Michaelmass moon. A notary public signed for all the parties to the
deed, none of whom could write their names. By the Flower of Yarrow, the
laird of Harden had, with six daughters, four sons, viz., 1. Sir
William, his heir. 2. Walter, who was killed in a fray, at a fishing, by
one of the Scotts of Newhouse. 3. Hugh, progenitor of the Scotts of
Gala; and 4. Francis, who married Isabel, sister of Sir Walter Scott of
Whitslead, from whom the modern family of Scott of Synton are descended.
By a second wife, a daughter of Edgar of Wedderlie, widow of William
Spotswood of that ilk, he had a daughter named Margaret, after her
mother. According to tradition, Wat o’ Harden had six sons, five of whom
survived him. The sixth was slain at a fray in a hunting match by his
kinsman, Scott of Gilmans-cleugh. His brothers prepared to revenge his
death, but the old laird secured them in the dungeon of his tower,
hurried to the king at Edinburgh, stated the crime, and obtained a gift
of the lands of the offender. He returned to Harden with equal speed,
released his sons, and showed them the charter. “To horse, lads!” he
cried, “and let us take possession; the lands of Gilmans-cleugh are well
worth a dead son.” He died about 1629, in extreme old age. One of his
daughters, Margaret, commonly called “Maggy Fendy,” was married to
Gilbert Elliott of Minto, “billie wi’ the gowden garters.” Mary Scott,
the Flower of Yarrow, is said to have fostered an unknown boy brought
home by “Auld Wat,” from one of his predatory excursions, who was so
gifted that he is believed to have been the anonymous author of not a
few of the border sons. In Leyden’s ‘Scenes of Infancy,’ there is the
following allusion to Mary of Harden and her interesting charge:
“Amid the piles of spoils that strew’d the ground,
Her ear, all-anxious, caught a wailing sound;
With trembling haste the lovely nymph then flew,
And from the plunder’d heaps on infant drew!
Scared at the light, his feeble hands he flung
Around her neck, and to her bosom clung,
While beauteous Mary soothed in accents mild
His fluttering soul, and kiss’d her foster child.
Of milder mood the gentle captive grew,
Nor loved the scenes that scared his infant view;
In vales remote from camps and castles far,
He shunn’d the cruel scenes of strife and war.
Content the loves of simple swains to sing,
Or wake to fame the harp’s heroic string;
He lived o’er Yarrow’s fairest flower to shed a tear,
And strew the holly leaves o’er Harden’s bier;
But none was found above the minstrel’s tomb,
Emblem of peace, to bid the daisy bloom;
He, nameless as the race from whence he sprung,
Sung other names, and left his own unsung.”
The eldest son, Sir William Scott of Harden, was knighted by James VI.
in the lifetime of his father. He had charters of various lands in the
counties of Dumfries, Selkirk, Roxburgh, Berwick, and Peebles. During
the civil troubles in Scotland in the reign of Charles I., he continued
loyal to the king. He was one of the commissioners for conserving the
treaty of Rippon, 16th November 1641, and in 1644 one of the committee
of parliament. On 8th March following he was appointed one of the
committee of estates, and on 7th March 1647, sheriff of Selkirkshire.
For his attachment to the royal family he was fined by Cromwell in 1654,
£3,000. He married, first, Agnes, daughter of Sir Gideon Murray of
Elibank, treasurer-depute of Scotland, in the reign of James VI., and
had by her five sons and three daughters. He married, secondly,
Margaret, daughter of William Ker of Linton, without issue. His sons
were: 1. Sir William, his heir. 2. Sir Gideon Scott of Highchester. 3.
Walter, ancestor of the Scotts of Raeburn. 4. James, ancestor of the
Scotts of Thirlestane; and 5. John, progenitor of the Scotts of Wool. He
died in 1655, at an advanced age. According to tradition, his marriage
with his first wife was thus brought about: In his youth, engaging in a
foray upon the lands of Sir Giedon Murray of Elibank, he was overpowered
by that barons’ retainers, and carried prisoner to his castle, now a
heap of ruins, on the banks of the Tweed. Elibank was on the point of
ordering him to be instantly hanged, when his more considerate dame
interposed, suggesting that he was heir to a good estate, and that they
had three unmarried daughters. To save his life, young Harden consented
to wed the plainest of the three.
His eldest son, Sir
William Scott of Harden, was knighted by Charles II., immediately after
the Restoration. His son, Sir William Scott of Harden, was engaged in
the rebellion of the earl of Argyle, but obtained a remission from King
James VII., dated 12th December 1685. He died in 1707, without issue,
and was succeeded by his only brother, Robert Scott, till then styled of
Iliston. The latter died, also without issue, in 1710, when the estates
devolved on his nearest male heir, Walter Scott of Highchester, lineally
descended from Sir Gideon Scott, second son of the first Sir William
Scott of Harden, and grandson of “Auld Wat.” Sir Gideon, who by Charles
I., was appointed sheriff of Roxburghshire, married Margaret, daughter
of Sir Thomas Hamilton of Preston, and had by her two sons and three
The elder son, Walter,
when little more than fourteen years of age, married Mary, countess of
Buccleuch in her own right, then only eleven years old. In consequence
of this match he was created, for life only, earl of Tarras, Lord
Alemoor and Campeastell, by patent dated 4th September 1660. His
principal title was taken from the small but romantic river Tarras, in
Eskdale, Dumfries-shire, celebrated for its “good bull trout,” also for
the ruggedness of its channel. An old rhyme, referring to its rocky bed
and precipitous falls, says:
“Was ne’er ane drown’d in
Tarras, nor yet in doubt,
For ere the head can win down, the harns are out.”
The countess died two
years after the marriage, a girl of thirteen. The earl succeeded his
father in Harden in 1672. The mantel-piece of one of the rooms in Harden
castle commemorates his title, by bearing an earl’s coronet inscribed
with the letters W.E.T., the initials of “Walter, earl of Tarras.” In
1683, his lordship joined in the treasonable designs of the duke of
Monmouth, who had married his deceased wife’s sister, Anne, duchess of
Buccleuch. A plan of insurrection was formed for a simultaneous rising
in England and Scotland, and Lord Tarras engaged to take arms with his
friends on the border. When apprehended he confessed his guilt, and
threw himself on the king’s mercy. An attempt was made by the tyrannical
government of that day to obtain from him evidence against Baillie of
Jerviswood, whose nephew he was by his lady, and although his testimony
was objected to, the objections were repelled by the court, and Baillie
was condemned. His lordship was himself brought to trial 5th January
1685, and being found guilty, his titles and estates were forfeited and
his arms ordered to be torn. He was confined in the castle of Edinburgh,
and the time, place, and manner of his execution were left to the king.
A remission was granted to him 5th February following, and he was at
once set at liberty. He was rehabilitated by letter under the great seal
28th June 1687. He was one of the first who engaged in the Revolution of
1688. He died in 1693, aged about 48. By a second wife, Helen, eldest
daughter of Thomas Hepburne of Humbie, he had three sons and three
The eldest son, the Hon.
Gideon Scott of Highchester, died in 1707, leaving two sons, Walter, who
succeeded to Harden, and died in 1619; and John, who also inherited that
estate, but dying without issue male in 1734, Harden devolved on his
uncle, the Hon. Walter Scott, second son of the earl of Tarras. This
gentleman was four times married, and by his third wife, Anne, a
daughter of John Scott, Esq. of Gorrenbonny, he had, with two daughters,
two sons, Walter, his heir, and Francis of Beechwood. The former was M.P.
for Roxburghshire, from 1747 to 1765, in which latter year he was
appointed general-receiver of the customs or cashier of excise in
Scotland. He died in 1793. He married Lady Diana Hume Campbell, daughter
of the third earl of Marchmont, Lord Polwarth, an alliance which opened
the succession to the latter title in the peerage of Scotland to his
only son, Hugh Scott, eleventh baron of Harden and fourth Lord Polwarth.
The gathering word and
place of rendezvous of the clan Scott was Bellenden, a place situated
near the head of Borthwick water, in the centre of the possessions of
the Scotts.
The Scotts of Thirlestane,
Selkirkshire, now represented by Lord Napier, are descended from the
Scotts of Howpaisley, in Eskdale, Dumfries-shire. The first of that
family, David Scott of Howpaisley, got the lands of Thirlestane from the
abbacy of Melrose. By his wife, a daughter of Scott of Roberton, he had
three sons; Robert, who succeeded him; Walter, commonly called Hardy Wat,
killed at the battle of Pavia; and James, who went to Germany. Robert,
the eldest son, was the first who assumed the designation of Thirlestane.
He had five sons; Sir John, his heir; Scott of Hundleshope; Scott of
Dryhope; Scott of Montbenger; and Scott of Bowhill. Sir John Scott, the
eldest son, is the chief alluded to by Sir Walter Scott in the following
stanza of ‘The Lay of the Last Minstrel;’
“From fair St. Mary’s
silver wave,
From dreary Gamescleugh’s dusky height,
His ready lances Thirlestane brave
Arrayed beneath a banner bright
The treasured fleur-de-luce he claims
To wreathe his shield, since royal James
Encamped by Fala’s mossy wave,
The proud distinction graceful gave,
For faith mid’ feudal jars;
What time, save Thirlestane alone.
Of Scotland’s stubborn barons none
Would march to southern wars;
And hence, in fair remembrance worn,
You sheaf of spears his crest hath borne;
Hence his high motto shines revealed, --
‘Ready, aye ready,’ for the field.”
When James V. had
assembled his nobility and their feudal retainers at Fala, in June 1542,
for the purpose of invading England, and his peers obstinately refused
to accompany him, Sir John Scott of Thirlestane alone declared himself
ready to follow the king wherever he should lead, and with 70 lancers on
horseback ranged himself under the king’s banner. For this loyal
conduct, he had a warrant from the king, granting an augmentation to his
arms of a border of fleurs de lis, about his crest, such as is in the
royal banner, and also a bundle of lances above his helmet, with the
motto, “Ready, aye ready.” His estates of Thirlestane, Gamescleugh, &c.,
as we learn from a note to the stanza above quoted, lay upon the river
of Ettrick, and extended to St. Mary’s Loch, at the head of Yarrow. By
his wife, a daughter of Scott of Allanhaugh, he had four sons; Robert,
his successor; Simon, called Longspear, who was tutor of Thirlestane,
and built the house of Gamescleuch; Arthur or Andrew Scott, from whom
the families of Newburgh and Ravelburn are descended, and Adam, of
The eldest son, Robert
Scott of Thirlestane, warden-depute of the west borders, joined the
association in support of King James VI. in 1567. By his wife, Margaret,
daughter of Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch, he had three sons, Robert,
William, and Walter. William, the second son, had two sons. Walter, who
died without issue, and Robert, who acquired the lands of Howpaisley,
the original estate of the family, and dying without issue, left it to
his cousin Patrick Scott, first designed of Tanlawhill, and afterwards
of Thirlestane. Walter, the youngest son, married Janet, daughter of Sir
Patrick Porteous of Hackshaw, and had two sons, Patrick just mentioned,
and Simon, and two daughters, Marion and Margaret.
Patrick Scott acquired
the lands of Thirlestane from the elder branch of the family by
purchasing the wadsets or mortgages, with which it was encumbered, and
the payment of certain sums of money. In April 1654, he was fined £2,000
by Cromwell, but the fine was remitted by act of council, 17th July
1635. He died 22d June 1666.
His eldest son, Sir
Francis Scott of Thirlestane, was created a baronet, 22d August, 1666,
to him and the heirs male of his body. He was member for Selkirkshire in
the Scots parliament from 1693 to 1701, both inclusive, and was
appointed master of works, with a salary of £300 per annum, 17th October
1704. He died at Edinburgh, 7th March, 1712, in his 67th year.
His eldest and only
surviving son, Sir William Scott of Thirlestane, second baronet,
supposed to have been born about 1670, passed advocate 25th February
1702. He executed an entail of his estate of Thirlestane 20th May 1719,
and died October 8, 1725. There is a family tradition that he was the
author of the humorous sons, called ‘The Blythesome Bridal,’ at one time
attributed to Francis Semple of Beltrees. In his ‘History of the
Partition of the Lennox,’ (pp. 237-239, Edin. 1835, 8vo,) Mr. Mark
Napier gives the following extract from a letter to himself from the
eighth Lord Napier, dated Thirlestane, 15th December 1831; “Sir William
Scott was author of that well-known Scots sons,
‘Come, fye! Let us a’ to
the wedding,
For there’ll be lilting there;’ –
A better thing than
Horace ever wrote. My authority was my father, who told me he had it
from his, and that he had it from his, who was Sir William’s son.” (See
Johnson’s Scottish Musical Museum, with Notes by Stenhouse, vol. i. p.
121.) Several of his Latin poems are printed in a volume entitled
‘Selecta Poemata Archibaldi Pitcarnii, Med. Doctoris, Gul. Scot a
Thirlestane Equitis, Thomae Kincadii, et aliorum.’ Edinb. 1727, 12mo. He
married, in his father’s lifetime (marriage contract dated 15th December
1699), Elizabeth, mistress of Napier, and their son, Francis, became
fifth Lord Napier. He married, secondly, Jean, daughter of Sir John
Nisbet of Dirleton, widow of Sir William Scott of Harden, without issue.
The Scotts of Raeburn,
Dumfries-shire, are descended from Walter, third son of Sir William
Scott, third laird of Harden. He lived at the time of the Restoration,
and both he and his wife, Isobel, daughter of William Makdougall of
Makerston, became Quakers, the tenets of that sect having at that period
made their way into Scotland. They were, in consequence, subjected to
much persecution by the tyrannical government of the day. By an edict,
dated June 20, 1665, the Scottish privy council directed his brother,
Sir William Scott of Harden, to take away his three children, and
educate them separately, so that they might not become infected with the
same heresy. By a second edict, dated July 5, 1666, the council directed
two thousand pounds Scots money to be paid by the laird of Raeburn for
the maintenance of the children. He was at this time confined in the
tollbooth of Edinburgh. The council, however, ordered him to be conveyed
to the jail of Jedburgh, where his wife was incarcerated, and where no
one was to have access to him but such as might be expected to convert
him from the principles of Quakerism. “It appears,” says Sir Walter
Scott, “that the laird of Makerston, his brother-in-law, joined with
Raeburn’s own elder brother, Harden, in this singular persecution, as it
will now be termed by Christians of all persuasions. It was observed by
the people that the male line of the second Sir William of Harden became
extinct in 1710, and that the representation of Makerston soon passed
into the female line. They assigned as a cause that when the wife of
Raeburn found herself deprived of her husband, and refused permission
even to see her children, she pronounced a malediction on her husband’s
brother as well as on her own, and prayed that a male of their body
might not inherit their property.” (Lockhart’s Life of Scott, p. 20.)
With two daughters, Walter Scott of Raeburn had two sons, William, his
heir, and Walter. The latter received a good education at the university
of Glasgow, under the auspices of his uncle, Sir William Scott of
Harden. He was a zealous Jacobite, and a friend and correspondent of Dr.
Pitcairn. “They had,” says Sir Walter Scott, “a Tory or Jacobite club in
Edinburgh, in which the conversation is said to have been maintained in
Latin.” He was called ‘Beardie,’ from a vow which he had made never to
shave his beard till the exiled royal family of Stuart were restored. In
Lockhart’s Life of Scott, there are some interesting notices of the
Scotts of Raeburn by Sir Walter Scott himself. Of his great-grandfather
Beardie, he says, that it would have been well if his zeal for the
banished dynasty of Stuart had stopped with his letting his beard grow.
“But he took arms and intrigued in their cause, until he lost all he had
in the world, and, as I have heard, run a narrow risk of being hanged,
had it not been for the interference of Anne, duchess of Buccleuch and
Monmouth.” On the death of his brother, William Scott of Raeburn,
“Beardie became, of course, tutor of Raeburn, as the old Scottish phrase
called him, that is, guardian to his infant nephew. He also managed the
estates of Makerston, being nearly related to that family by his mother,
Isobel Makdougall. I suppose he had some allowance for his care in
either case, and subsisted on that and the fortune he had by his wife, a
Miss Campbell of Silvercraigs.” He left three sons. The eldest, Walter,
had a family, of which any that now remain have been long settled in
America, -- the male heirs are long since extinct. The third was
William, father of James Scott, well known to India as one of the
original settlers of Prince of Wales island. The second son, Robert
Scott, was Sir Walter’s grandfather. He was originally intended for the
sea; “but being shipwrecked near Dundee in his trial voyage, he took
such a sincere dislike to that element, that he could not be persuaded
to a second attempt. Robert was one of those active spirits to whom this
was no misfortune. He turned Whig upon the spot, and fairly abjured his
father’s politics, and his learned poverty. His chief and relative, Mr.
Scott of Harden, gave him a lease of the farm of Sandyknowe,
comprehending the rocks in the centre of which Smailholm or Sandyknowe
Tower is situated. He took for his shepherd an old man called Hogg, who
willingly lent him, out of respect for his family, his whole savings,
about £30, to stock the new farm.” With the money he in the first
instance bought a high mettled hunter, greatly to the old man’s dismay;
but having speedily sold the horse for double its original price, he was
enabled to stock the farm in earnest, and, says Sir Walter Scott, “the
rest of my grandfather’s career was that of successful industry. He was
one of the first who were active in the cattle trade, afterwards carried
to such extent between the Highlands of Scotland and the leading
counties of England, and by his droving transactions acquired a
considerable sum of money.” He married, in 1728, Barbara, daughter of
Thomas Haliburton of Newmains, Berwickshire, who at one time possessed
the part of Dryburgh comprehending the ruins of the abbey, and were
descended from the ancient family of Haliburton of Mertoun. Of these
Haliburtons Sir Walter Scott was, in right of his father’s mother, the
lineal representative, and in 1820, he printed for private circulation a
work entitled ‘Memorials of the Haliburtons.’ In the Introduction to the
third canto of Marmion, he gives a fine description of his grandfather,
Robert Scott of Sandyknowe. The latter’s eldest son, the poet’s father,
Mr. Walter Scott, writer to the signet, was born in 1729, and admitted a
writer to the signet in 1755. He is said to have been “by no means a man
of shining abilities. He was, however, a steady, expert man of business,
insomuch as to prosper considerably in life; and nothing could exceed
the gentleness, sincerity, and benevolence of his character.”
The Quaker-laird’s elder
son, William Scott of Raeburn, a person of considerable erudition,
married Anna, eldest daughter of Sir John Scott of Ancrum, baronet, and
died 6th August, 1699. His widow married, secondly, in 1702, John Scott
of Synton. With a daughter, Isabel, the wife of John Rutherford, M.D.,
he had a son, Walter Scott of Raeburn, who was killed in a duel by one
of the Pringles of Crighton, near Selkirk, 3d October 1707, in a field
still named Raeburn’s Meadow, at the early age of 24. He had married,
19th November 1703, Anne, third daughter of Hugh Scott of Gala, and had
one son, William, and two daughters, Isobel and Anne. His only son,
William Scott of Raeburn, married in 1743, being then in his fortieth
year, Jean Elliot, and had a son, Walter Scott of Raeburn, and a
daughter, Anne, the wife of Thomas, second son of Robert Scott of
The Scotts of Tushielaw
in Ettrick, at one period a powerful section of the clan Scott, were,
like all the race, reavers and freebooters. Their tower of Tushielaw,
now in ruins, is celebrated alike in song, tradition, and story. The
exploits of Adam Scott of Tushielaw, one of the most famous of their
chiefs, and usually called “King of the thieves” and “King of the
border,” with the excesses of the other border barons, roused the wrath
of James V., and in 1528, he “made proclamation to all lords, barons,
gentlemen, landwardmen, and freeholders, that they should compeer at
Edinburgh, with a month’s victuals, to pass with the king where he
pleased, to danton the thieves of Tiviotdale, Annandale, Liddisdale, and
other parts of that country; and also warned all gentlemen that had good
dogs to bring them, that he might hunt in the said country as he
pleased.” In the course of this excursion, guided by some of the
borderers, the king penetrated into the inmost recesses of Eusdale and
Teviotdale, and seizing Cockburn of Henderland and Scott of Tushielaw,
one morning before breakfast, summarily hung them in front of their own
strongholds. The old ash-tree on which Scott of Tushielaw was suspended
is said to be still standing among the ruins, and is still called the
Gallows tree. It is asserted to bear along its branches numerous nicks
and hollows, traced by ropes, in the ruthless execution of wretched
captives, on whom that bold and reckless border marauder inflicted the
fate which eventually became his own.
The Scotts of Malleny,
Mid Lothian, branched off from the house of Murdieston, previous to the
ancestor of the Buccleuch family exchanging that estate for the half of
the barony of Branksome. James Scott of Scotsloch, the first of the
family in Mid Lothian, appears to have settled there in the reign of
Queen Mary. His son, Laurence Scott of Harprig, was, in the reign of
Charles I., clerk to the privy council, and also one of the clerks of
session. He had three sons, Sir William, his successor; James, who
received from his father the lands of Bonnytoun, Linlithgowshire; and
Laurence, progenitor of the Scotts of Bavalaw. The eldest son, Sir
William Scott of Clerkington, was, in November 1641, knighted by Charles
I. In June 1649 he was appointed one of the ordinary lords of session,
when he took the title of Lord Clerkington. He was also one of the
committee of estates and planters of kirks. He was twice married. By his
first wife, a daughter of Morrison of Prestongrange, he had one son,
Laurence; and by his second wife, Barbara, daughter of Sir John Dalmahoy
of Dalmahoy, baronet, he had three sons and three daughters. The sons
were John, the first styled of Malleny; James, of Scotsloch; and Robert,
dean of Hamilton. The eldest son, Laurence Scott of Clerkington, married
a sister of his father’s second wife, and having only two daughters, was
succeeded by his brother of the half-blood, John Scott, who received
from his father in patrimony, the lands and barony of Malleny, in the
parish of Currie, Mid Lothian, and it became the chief title of the
family. He had, with two daughters, two sons, Thomas and William. The
latter, an advocate, was twice married, first, to Magdalene, daughter
and heiress of William Blair, Esq. of Blair, by whom he had one son,
William; and, secondly, to Catherine, only daughter of Alexander Tait,
merchant, Edinburgh, and had by her five sons and six daughters.
William, the only son of the first marriage, having inherited the estate
of Blair, assumed that surname, and dying without issue in 1732, he
settled the lands on the children of his father’s second marriage, who
all in consequence took the name of Blair.
John Scott of Malleny’s
elder son, Thomas, succeeded to the estate in 1709. His son, John Scott
of Malleny, married Susan, daughter of Lord William Hay of Newhall,
third son of the second marquis of Tweeddale, and had seven sons and
four daughters.
The eldest son, General
Thomas Scott of Malleny, born 25th December 1745, entered the army as an
ensign in the 24th regiment, 20th May 1761. During the whole of the
campaign of the following year, he served under Prince Ferdinand, and at
the battle of Wellenstall he carried the colours of his regiment, as he
did also at the attack of the British picquets on the Fulda. In 1763 he
returned to England, and in 1765 was promoted to a lieutenancy. In 1776
he accompanied his regiment to America, and served two campaigns under
General Burgoyne, with a company of marksmen attached to a large body of
Indians. He conducted himself so greatly to the satisfaction of his
commanding officer, Brigadier-general Frazer, that he twice received
thanks in public orders. After the battle of the 19th September, 1777,
the critical situation of Burgoyne rendering it indispensably necessary
that the commander-in-chief, Sir Henry Clinton, should be informed of
it, Captain Scott, who was well known to be an excellent pedestrian, was
one of two officers selected to go on this perilous enterprise by
different routes. This mission he executed with the greatest dexterity
and success. Having secured the dispatches in his rifle, he assumed the
dress of a pedlar, and in that disguise passed safely through the
enemy’s tents. His fearless conduct on this occasion was acknowledged by
a handsome pension, without any solicitation on his part, being settled
on him for life. In 1788 he returned to Europe. In 1791 he served, with
a detachment of the 53d regiment, for six months on board his majesty’s
ship, Hannibal, commanded by Sir John Colpoys. In 1793, when the duke of
York was sent to Flanders at the head of a British army to oppose the
French revolutionary forces, Captain Scott, under Sir Ralph Abercromby,
accompanied the expedition, and was present at the siege of Valenciennes,
which surrendered July 26, and at that of Dunkirk, in August following;
also, in the attack in which the Austrian general D’Alton was killed. He
was subsequently with the 53d regiment in garrison in Nieuport, when it
was besieged by the French, and received his commission as major for his
exertions in its defence. He was attached to the staff of Prince William
of Gloucester during the three days that he commanded a brigade, and was
present at the attack of the village of Premont. In the action of the
24th May 1794, he was wounded in the inside of the right thigh by a
musket-ball. In 1794 he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of one of the
battalions of the 94th. He afterwards served in the Mysore country in
South India, and was at the capture of Seringapatam, May 4, 1799. In
1800, in consequence of bad health, he left Hindostan for Europe, but
the Indiaman in which he was a passenger, was boarded in the British
Channel, and taken by a French privateer. After being detained some
weeks at Cherbourg, colonel Scott was exchanged, in consequence of an
application to the French government, by the desire of the duke of York,
IN 1801 he was appointed colonel by brevet; in 1802, inspecting field
officer of the Edinburgh recruiting district; in 1803,
deputy-inspector-general of the recruiting service in North Britain; in
1804, brigadier-general; in 1808, major-general on the staff; in 1813,
lieutenant-general; and in 1820, full general. He died in 1841, at the
advanced age of 96, and was succeeded by his nephew, Carteret George
Scott, Esq. of Malleny, at one period a captain in the East India
Company’s service; a magistrate and deputy-lieutenant of Mid Lothian;
second but eldest surviving son of Francis Carteret Scott, Esq.,
collector of customs at Montego Bay, Jamaica, from 1774 to 1800.
The Scotts of Duninald,
in the parish of Craig, Forfarshire, were descended from Patrick Scott
of Craig, (born in 1623, died in 1690), the son of James Scott, the
first of Logie. About the beginning of the 18th century the three
contiguous estates of Rossie, Usan, and Duninald, were the property of
three brothers of the name of Scott, who are said to have obtained them
in marriage with three sisters, heiresses of the same. Patrick Scott of
Rossie, the son of Patrick Scott of Craig above mentioned, succeeded,
after the death of his brothers, to Duninald and Usan. His son, Robert
Scott of Duninald, born in 1705, was for many years M.P. for
Forfarshire. During the rebellion of 1745, he was a faithful adherent of
the house of Hanover, and when the rebels arrived in Montrose a party of
them went to Duninald house, and threatened him with instant death, for
his support of the government. His wife, Ann Middleton of Seton,
Aberdeenshire, usually called Lady Duninald, entered the hall at the
time they had her husband in their hands. Being a woman of a fine
appearance and manner, and near her accouchement, her entreaties that
they would spare his life prevailed; but he was carried off to the
tollbooth of Montrose, and there immured. On the advance of the duke of
Cumberland, however, he was at once set at liberty. He died in December
His son, David Scott of
Duninald, married Mrs. Louisa Jervis, a widow, daughter and coheiress of
William Delagard, Esq., and died Oct. 4, 1805. He had one son, also
named David, born July 25, 1782, and 3 daughters.
Mrs. Scott’s sister,
Elizabeth, the other coheiress, married James Sibbald, Esq. of Sillwood
Park, Sussex, who was created a baronet of the United Kingdom, Dec. 13,
1806, and died, issueless, Dec. 17, 1819. As the baronetcy’s remainder,
in default of male issue, was to the nephew of his wife, the only son of
Mr. David Scott of Duninald, accordingly, became Sir David Scott, 2d
bart. Of Sillwood Park. On succeeding to this title and estate, he sold
Duninald to Patrick Arklay, Esq. Sir David was a knight of the order of
the Guelphs of Hanover, and for some years M.P. for Yarmouth. He died
June 18, 1851. By his wife, Caroline, daughter and coheiress of Benjamin
Grindall, Esq., of the Bengal Civil service, a lineal descendant of
Edmund Grindall, archbishop of Canterbury in the time of Queen
Elizabeth, he had 2 sons and 3 daughters.
His elder son, Sir James
Sibbald David Scott, 3d baronet of Sillwood Park, born June 14, 1814,
graduated at Christ church, Oxford, B.A., in 1835; a deputy-lieutenant
and captain in the royal Sussex militia, 1846. By his wife, Harriet
Anne, only daughter of Henry Shank, Esq. of Casterig, Fifeshire, he has
3 sons and 3 daughters. Heir, his son Michael David Sibbald, born in
The Scotts of Benholme,
Forfarshire, descended from the family of Logie, are represented by
Hercules James Robertson, a lord of session under the title of Lord
Benholme, the son of George Robertson-Scott, Esq., by his wife Isabella
Scott of Benholme and Hedderwick. Born in Edinburgh in 1796, he was
educated at the High school and university of Edinburgh, and passed
advocate in 1817. In 1842, he was appointed sheriff of Renfrewshire, and
in 1853 raised to the bench as Lord Benholme. IN 1829 he married the
youngest daughter of the Right Hon. Charles Hope of Granton,
lord-president of the court of session. His wife died in 1840.
The Scotts of Brotherton,
Kincardineshire, are also a branch of the Scotts of Logie. Hercules
Scott, born in 1621, third son of James Scott, the first of Logie, had,
with five daughters, two sons, Hercules, the first of Brotherton, and
James Scott of Commieston, a general in the army. The elder son, the
laird of Brotherton, married in 1707 Helen, daughter of Sir Charles
Ramsay of Balmain, baronet. Their marriage contract, signed by seventeen
witnesses, and dated at Fasque in 1706, in mentioned as a curious old
document. The Chevalier St. George, a short time previously to his
embarkation for France from Montrose in 1716, was concealed in the
garden of Brotherton. The last night he was in Scotland he slept in the
house of Scott of Logie. Hercules Scott died in 1747, leaving two sons
and six daughters. His elder son, James Scott of Brotherton, born in
1719, was succeeded on his death in 1807 by his nephew, James, son of
his brother, David Scott of Nether Benholme. Dying Sept. 22, 1844, he
was succeeded by his brother, David Scott, Esq. of Brotherton, born June
16, 1782. The latter died Dec. 18, 1859. His son, Hercules Scott, Bengal
civil service, born in 1823, succeeded to Brotherton. He also left eight
Of the Scotts of
Scotstarvet, Fifeshire, the immediate ancestor was David, second son of
Sir David Scott of Buccleuch, the eleventh generation of that noble
house in a direct male line. David Scott, designed of Allanhaugh and
Whitchester, lived in the reigns of James IV. and V., and died at an
advanced age about 1530, leaving three sons, Robert, Alexander, and
James. The youngest, a churchman, was provost of Corstorphine, where he
built a manse for himself and his successors in office. He was clerk of
the treasury and a lord of session on the spiritual side of the bench,
according to the distinctions of that court on its first institution in
Scotland. Sir Alexander Scott, the second son, was by James V., in 1534,
appointed vice-register of Scotland, and died six years thereafter. His
son, Robert Scott, acquired the lands of Knightspottie, and was
appointed clerk of the parliament and director of the chancery, 17th
October 1579. With one daughter, he had two sons, Robert and James, the
latter designed of Vogrie. He resigned his office of director of the
chancery, first, in favour of his elder son, Robert, who predeceased him
in 1588, and, secondly, in favour of Sir William Scott of Ardross, his
stepson, to be held till his grandson, John, son of Robert, became of
age. The latter succeeded his grandfather 28th March 1592, when he was
only seven years of age. He was the celebrated Sir John Scott of
Scotstarvet, and, on coming of age, he obtained the office of director
of the chancery. (Douglas’ Baronage, p. 222.) Among other charters he
had one of the lands and barony of Tarvet, Fifeshire, dated 28th
November 1611. These lands he called Scotstarvet. He was knighted by
King James VI., in 1617, and appointed of his privy council. Sir James
Balfour styles him “a busy man in foul weather.” In Brunton and Haig’s
Senators of the College of Justice, (p. 280), there is a somewhat
elaborate life of him. We learn from it that he was admitted an
extraordinary lord of session 14th January 1629, when he took the
judicial title of Lord Scotstarvet. He was displaced in November 1630,
and appointed an ordinary lord 28th July 1632. He was one of the four
judges of the court who, in 1639, refused to take the king’s covenant
when tendered by the royal commissioner, in respect that he did not
conceive the innovations which had been introduced into the church since
1580, could subsist with the covenants then subscribed, of which it was
a copy, and that it belonged to the General Assembly to clear doubts of
this nature. (Balfour’s Annals, vol. ii. p. 147.) IN 1640, he was
appointed one of the committee of estates established for the defence of
the country. In November 1641, he was reappointed by the king, with
consent of the estates, a judge ad vitam aut culpam. On 1st February
1645, he was named one of the commissioners of the exchequer, and in
1648 and 1649, a member of the committee of war. During the commonwealth
he lived retired, and in 1654 he was fined by Cromwell £1,500 sterling.
At the Restoration, notwithstanding his well-known loyalty, his office
of director of the chancery was taken from him and bestowed on another,
and by Charles II. he was fined £6,000 Scots. He died in 1570, in his
84th year. According to Nisbet (Heraldry, vol. ii. p. 293), he was “a
bountiful patron of men of learning, who came to him from all quarters,
so that his house became a kind of college.” Among others, he encouraged
Timothy Pont, in his survey of Scotland, and prevailed upon Sir Robert
Gordon of Straloch to prepare the maps which he left, for publication.
They compose the ‘Theatrum Scotiae,’ published by John Bleau in the
sixth volume of his celebrated Atlas, which appeared in 1662, dedicated
to Sir John Scott of Scotstarvet. Being anxious that the maps of the
different counties should be accompanied by correct topographical
descriptions, Sir John petitioned the General Assembly that these might
be furnished by some of the ministers of every parish, in the way that a
century and a half later was done for the New Statistical Account of
Scotland; but although his request was acceded to, very few complied
with the order. In consequence, most of the descriptions were supplied
by himself and his friends. So anxious was he as to the publication of
this great work that he made a second visit to Holland for the purpose
of superintending it, and, according to Bleau, spent whole days in his
house in Amsterdam, writing the description of the counties from memory.
(Senators of College of Justice, p. 282.) In the old tower of
Scotstarvet, parish of Ceres, he wrote his curious work alliteratively
entitled ‘The Staggering State of Scots Statesmen, by Sir John Scott of
Scotstarvet,’ published by Ruddiman in 1754. He took a great interest in
the work entitled ‘Dalitiae Poetarum Scotorum,’ edited by Arthur
Johnston, and to superintend the printing of it, we are told, that he
took a voyage to Holland, and disbursed “a hundred double pieces.” Some
of his pieces of another kind appear among the contents, but, as has
been remarked, they are not quite deserving of the high compliment paid
to him on their account, that he shines among the other poets whose
works are contained there as a moon among stars. Sir John Scott of
Scotstarvet, among other benefits conferred on learning, founded a
professorship for teaching the Latin language in St. Leonard’s college,
St. Andrews, and gave a mortification to the smiths of Glasgow, for
which his descendants had the presenting of apprentices. (Sibbald’s
History of Fife, ed. 1803, p. 344.) He was three times married; first,
to Anne, daughter of Sir John Drummond of Hawthornden, by whom he had
two sons and seven daughters; secondly, to Margaret, daughter of James
Melville of Hallhill, by whom he had one son, George Scott of Pitlochie;
and, thirdly, to Margaret, daughter of Monypenny of Pitmilly, relict of
Rigg of Aitherney, by whom he had a son, Walter Scott of Edenshead.
His eldest son, Sir James
Scott, conjunct director of chancery with his father, was knighted by
Charles I. He predeceased his father in 1650, and his elder son, James
Scott, succeeded to Scotstarvet on his grandfather’s death twenty years
thereafter. Dying without issue, James Scott of Scotstarvet was
succeeded by his brother David, who greatly improved the family estate,
and died in 1718, in his 73d year. The son of the latter, David Scott of
Scotstarvet, advocate, was long a member of the Imperial parliament. He
died in 1766. His elder son, David Scott of Scotstarvet, was succeeded
by his brother Major-general John Scott, who purchased the estate of
Balcomie, parish of Crail, and was M.P. for Fifeshire. General Scott
died without male issue. His eldest daughter married in 1795 the marquis
of Titchfield, who in consequence assumed the name of Scott in addition
to his own of Bentinck. She subsequently sold Scotstarvet and the other
Fifeshire estates belonging to herself. Her husband became fourth duke
of Portland in 1809, and the duchess died in 1844, leaving issue. Her
eldest son, William John Cavendish Scott-Bentinck, succeeded his father
as fifth duke of Portland in 1856.
The Scotts of Gala,
Roxburghshire, are descended from Hugh, third son of Walter Scott of
Harden, by his wife, Mary Scott, the Flower of Yarrow. This Hugh Scott
lived in the reigns of James I. and Charles I., and was designed of
Deuchar. He married Jean, eldest daughter of Sir James Hop-Pringle of
Galashiels, and had several sons, namely, James, his heir; Walter, a
major in the army; George, progenitor of the Scotts of Auchty-Donald,
Aberdeenshire; John, settled in Italy; and David, a surgeon in
Edinburgh. On the death of her only brother, John Hop Pringle, without
issue, their mother became heir of line of that ancient family. Hugh
Scott died in 1640 or 1641. His eldest son and successor, James, got a
charter of the lands and barony of Gala, dated 9th June 1640, and was
the first designed by that name. His son, Hugh Scott of Gala, by his
wife, a daughter of Sir James Kerr of Cavers, had five sons and three
daughters. Sir James, the eldest son, married Euphemia, daughter of Sir
William Douglas of Cavers, heritable sheriff of Roxburghshire, and had
four sons and two daughters. Hugh, the eldest son, married Elizabeth,
daughter of Colonel John Stewart of Stewartfield, near Edinburgh, and
had two sons and 8 daughters. The elder son, John Scott of Gala, was
cousin-german and heir of line of the last John Stewart of Stewartfield.
By his wife, Anne, only daughter of Colonel George Makdougall and
Makerston, he had 1 son, and 2 daughters.
In August 1815 John Scott
of Gala, an intimate friend of his kinsman Sir Walter Scott, accompanied
him on his visit to the field of Waterloo, and returned with him to
Scotland. His reminiscences of Sir Walter in London in 1831, are
published in Lockhart’s Life of Scott. Mr. Scott of Gala died at
Edinburgh, April 19, 1840, and was succeeded by his son, Hugh Scott of
Gala, born in 1822; at one time Captain 92d Highlanders, and major of
militia; appointed in 1848 one of the deputy lieutenants of
Selkirkshire; married in 1857 Elizabeth Isabella, daughter of Capt.
Johnstone Gordon of Craig, with issue. Heir, his son, John Henry Francis
Kinniard, born in 1859.
The first of the Scotts
of Hassendean, Roxburghshire, was David Scott, who lived in the middle
of the 15th century. He was the eldest son of Sir William Scott of
Kirkurd who exchanged Murdieston for Branksome. Captain Walter Scott of
Satchells, in his rhyming and ‘True History of the families of the name
of Scott,’ alludes to him in the lines, --
“Hassendean came without a
The ancientest house of them all.”
Sir Alexander Scott of
Hassendean fell at the battle of Flodden in September 1513. Among the
border barons who in 1530 neglected to fulfil their bonds there was a
William Scott of Hassendean. He is again mentioned in 1539, as having
been robbed by Thomas Turnbull of Rawflat, of some important legal
documents. The Criminal Trials record the slaughter in 1564 of a David
Scott, laird of Hassendean, by William Elliot of Horsliehill. It does
not appear to be ascertained at what period the male line of this family
failed. Perhaps it was at the death of the said David Scott. In the
appendix to Scott of Satchell’s curious work, it is stated that the
lands returned by purchase to the Scotts of Buccleuch, while the
representation of the family devolved on William Scott of Burnhead and
Crowhill, as lineal male descendant of the first John Scott of Burnhead,
younger brother of David Scott of Hassendean, and second son of Sir
Walter Scott of Kirkurd, (see New Stat. Account of Scotland, vol. iii.
p. 368). The original barony of Hassendean now forms the estates of
Hassendean-bank, Hassendean-burn, and Teviot-bank, and some lands
belonging to the duke of Buccleuch. In old charters the name was spelled
Halstaneadene, Halstenden, Halstansdene, and Hastendene, supposed to
signify dean of the holy stone, or Halstein’s dean, Halstean being a
common Scandinavian name. The modern name Hassendean, simply a softened
form of the old one, has been changed into Hazeldean in song merely by
the caprice of poets. Both Sir Walter Scott and Leyden (in his Scenes of
Infancy) are wrong when they give Hazeldean as the ancient name.
SCOTT, MICHAEL, a celebrated philosopher of the thirteenth
century, whose knowledge of the more abstruse branches of learning
acquired for him the reputation of a magician, was born about 1214, at
his paternal estate of Balwearie, in the parish of Abbotshall, Fifeshire.
He early became versant in the occult sciences, and in his youth, after
studying with unusual success at home, went to Oxford, where he had
Roger Bacon for a fellow-student, who afterwards was not sparing in his
censures of him, and in no very measured phrase accused him of being
both a plagiarist and an impostor. He then proceeded to the university
of Paris, where he remained for some years, being styled Michael the
Mathematician, and for his attainments in theology, he obtained the
degree of doctor in divinity. He subsequently repaired to the university
of Padua, and afterwards resided for some time at Toledo in Spain.
Besides mathematics, chemistry and medicine, astronomy and the sister
art of astrology became his favourite pursuits. IN Spain he acquired an
intimate knowledge of the Arabic language, which, in the general
ignorance of the Greek which then prevailed, was the only source whence
an acquaintance with the Aristotelian philosophy could be obtained. From
the Arabic of the famous physician and philosopher Avicenna, who
flourished in the eleventh century, he translated into Latin Aristotle’s
nineteen books of the History of animals. This work recommended him to
the notice of the Emperor Frederick II. of Germany, a prince the most
eminent of his time, both for his own learning and for the encouragement
of learned men. He invited him to his court, and appointed him royal
astrologer. At that monarch’s desire he translated from the Arabic the
greater part of the works of Aristotle, assisted by one Andrew a Jew. He
predicted the time, place, and circumstances of the Emperor Frederick’s
death, and his prophecy is said to have come true in all its details.
After leaving his court, he practiced for some time as a physician with
success, and then repaired to England.
He was received with
great favour by Edward I., and permitted by him to return to Scotland.
He arrived in his own country shortly before the death of Alexander III.
At this time he is styled Sir Michael Scott, having been knighted by
that monarch. IN 1290 he was, by the regents of Scotland, appointed one
of the ambassadors sent to Norway to bring over the infant queen
Margaret styled the Maiden of Norway. In this embassy, Sir David Wemyss,
another Fifeshire gentleman, was associated with him. They succeeded so
far in their mission as to get the young princess intrusted to their
care; but the royal infant, as is well known, sickened on her passage to
Scotland, and died in Orkney, an event which involved Scotland in many
dire calamities. Sir Michael Scott’s name does not again appear in
history. He died at an advanced age about 1300, and by some accounts he
is represented as having been buried at Home-Cultram in Cumberland,
where Henry, son of David I. of Scotland, had founded a Cistercian
abbey, of which Lysons says Michael Scott was a monk about the year
1190. It is more generally believed, however, that he was buried in
Melrose abbey, where his magical books are said to have been buried with
Some curious traditionary
notices of this
“Wizard of dreaded fame”
Will be found in the
notes appended to ‘The Lay of the Last Minstrel.’ “It is well known,”
says Tytler, in his ‘Lives of Scottish Worthies,’ (vol. i. p. 121),
“that many traditions are still prevalent in Scotland concerning the
extraordinary powers of the wizard; and if we consider the thick cloud
of ignorance which overspread the country at the period of his return
from the continent, and the very small materials which are required by
Superstition as a groundwork for her dark and mysterious stories, we
shall not wonder at the result. The Arabic books which he brought along
with him, the apparatus of his laboratory, his mathematical and
astronomical instruments, the oriental costume generally worn by the
astrologers of the times, and the appearance of the white-haired and
venerable sage, as he sat on the roof of his tower of Balwearie,
observing the face of the heavens, and conversing with the stars, were
all amply sufficient to impress the minds of the vulgar with awe and
terror.” His own productions are ‘De Procreatione, et Hominis
Phisionomia,’ also printed under the title of ‘De Secretis Naturae;’ a
chemical tract on the transmutation of metals into gold, styled ‘De
Natura Solis et Lunae;’ and ‘Mensa Philosophica,’ a treatise relating to
the visionary sciences of chiromancy and astrology. His commentary on
the ‘Sphere of Sacrobosco’ was thought worthy of being presented to the
learned world of Italy at so late a period as 1495.
SCOTT, DAVID, author of a History of Scotland, was born near
Haddington, in 1675, and became a lawyer in Edinburgh. After the
Revolution, he was for some time imprisoned for his Jacobite principles,
His History was published in 1727 in folio, but is now little known. He
died at Haddington in 1742.
M.D., an able physician, the son of a clergyman, was born at Dundee, and
received his grammatical education there. He studied at Aberdeen and
Edinburgh for the medical profession, and, after visiting London,
traveled as far as Venice, with the intention of proceeding overland to
Bombay; but the want of money compelled him to return to England, where
he married. Shortly after he obtained an appointment in the East Indies,
and having written an entertaining Romance, styled ‘The Adventures of a
Rupee,’ he sent it to a friend in London, and it was published in one
small volume in 1782. During his residence in India, he acquired a
considerable fortune by his practice. He died on his voyage to New South
Wales, November 16, 1821.
baronet, a distinguished poet and the most celebrated novelist of his
day, born at Edinburgh, August 15, 1771, was the third child of Mr.
Walter Scott, writer to the signet, the son of Mr. Robert Scott, farmer
at Sandyknowe in Roxburghshire, lineally descended from the Scots of
Harden (for the pedigree of the family, see above). His mother, Anne
Rutherford, was the daughter of Dr. John Rutherford, professor of the
practice of medicine in the university of Edinburgh. His maternal
grandmother was Jean Swinton, a daughter of Sir John Swinton of Swinton,
Berwickshire (see SWINTON, surname). His father’s family consisted of
eleven sons and one daughter. An elder brother, Robert, was an officer
first in the navy, and afterwards in the East India Company’s service.
Another brother, John, major in a foot regiment, was obliged to retire
from the army on account of his health. Thomas, the next brother to Sir
Walter, a writer to the signet like his father, was for some years
factor to the marquis of Abercorn, but died in Canada in 1822, in the
capacity of paymaster to the 70th regiment. The youngest brother,
Daniel, died on his return from the West Indies, in 1806.
The house in which the
novelist was born stood at the head of the College wynd, a narrow alley
leading from the Cowgate to the gate of the old college of Edinburgh,
and was long since pulled down to make way for the new university. While
yet a child of three years old, Sir Walter was removed, on account of
his delicate health, to the farm of his paternal grandfather at
Sandyknowe, situated near the bottom of Leader water, among the romantic
hills of Roxburghshire. In the neighbourhood stands the deserted and
ruined border fort of Smailholm Tower. In the fourth year of his age he
was taken to Bath for the benefit of his health, where he spent about a
twelve-month, and acquired the rudiments of reading at a day-school kept
by an old dame. He then returned to Edinburgh, and thereafter went back
to Sandyknowe, where he chiefly resided till his eighth year, and where
he stored his mind with much of that traditionary lore which he
afterwards introduced with such admirable effect into his writings. At
this time he spent half-a-year with an aunt at Kelso, where he attended
a school, kept by a Mr. Launcelot Whale, and had for school-fellows,
James and John Ballantyne, the printers, with whom he afterwards became
so closely associated. In 1779 he was sent to the second class of the
High school of Edinburgh, at that time superintended by Mr. Luke Fraser,
and two years afterwards was transferred to the rector’s class, then
taught by Dr. Alexander Adam, but he never was in any way remarkable for
his proficiency as a scholar. He quitted the High school in 1783, and at
that early period of his life he had a strong desire to enter the army,
but this his lameness prevented, the malady which afflicted his early
years having had the effect of contracting his right leg, so that he
could hardly walk erect.
In October 1783 he
entered the university of Edinburgh; but the precarious state of his
health interfered much with his academical studies. He appears to have
attended only the Greek and Latin classes for two seasons, and that of
logic one season. At the age of fifteen, the rupture of a blood-vessel
caused him to be confined for some time to his bed. During this illness,
he had recourse for amusement to the books contained in the circulating
library founded by Allan Ramsay, and he read nearly all the old
romances, old plays, and epic poetry, which the library contained. After
his sixteenth year his health gradually improved, and being designed for
the bar, he attended the lectures on civil and municipal law in the
university, as well as those on history. On May 15, 1786, he was
apprenticed to his father as a writer to the signet, to enable him to
acquire a technical knowledge of his profession. About this period he
applied himself to the study of foreign languages, and soon made a
considerable proficiency in Italian, French, and especially German. He
passed advocate July 10, 1792, and in the course of time obtained a
tolerable practice at the bar.
In 1796 his first
publication, a thin quarto, made its appearance, without his name, being
a translation of two of Burger’s Ballads, entitled ‘Leonore,’ and ‘The
Wild Huntsman.’ The success of this work was by no means flattering, the
translator having distributed so many copies among his friends as
materially to injure the sale. In the spring of 1797 his loyal feelings
were gratified by his being made quarter-master-general of the Edinburgh
corps of volunteer cavalry. IN December of that year he married Miss
Charlotte Margaret Carpenter, a young French lady of good parentage and
some fortune, daughter of a gentleman of Lyons, whom he had accidentally
met in the preceding autumn, while on an excursion to Gilsland Wells in
Cumberland. Early in 1799 he published at London ‘Goetz of Berlichingen,’
a tragedy, translated from the German of Goethe. The ballad called
‘Glenfinlas’ was his first original poem. His next was ‘The Eve of St.
John,’ the scene of which was at Smailholm Tower. Having, on his
marriage, taken up his residence at Lasswade, a village south of
Edinburgh, he was accustomed occasionally to make what he called “raids”
into Liddesdale, for the purpose of collecting the ballad poetry of that
romantic district. He not only visited many of the scenes alluded to in
the metrical narratives, but gathered all the local anecdotes and
legends preserved by tradition among the peasantry; and of the
extraordinary retentiveness of his memory at this period several
interesting proofs have been recorded. In December 1799 he obtained,
through the influence of the duke of Buccleuch, the crown appointment of
sheriff-depute of Selkirkshire, to which was attached a salary of £300
a-year, when he removed to Ashestiel, on the banks of the Tweed. His
first publication of any note was ‘The Minstrelsy of the Scottish
Border,’ consisting of his Liddesdale collections, and various other
contributions; which work issued from the printing –press of Mr. James
Ballantyne of Kelso, in 1802, in two volumes 8vo. In the ensuing year he
added a third volume, consisting chiefly of original ballads, by himself
and others. In 1804 he published the ancient minstrel tale of ‘Sir
Tristrem,’ said to have been composed by Thomas the Rhymer in the 13th
century, the notes to which showed the extent of his acquirements in
metrical antiquities.
In 1805 appeared his
first decidedly original poem, ‘The Lay of the Last Minstrel;’ the
poetical beauty and descriptive power of which, with the singular
construction of the verse, at once attracted public attention, and
secured for the work an extensive popularity. This work produced to him
£600. In the spring of 1806, on the retirement of Mr. George Home, he
obtained the reversionary appointment of one of the principal clerks in
the court of session, the duties of which he performed without salary
till the death of his predecessor in 1812, when he became entitled to
the full emoluments, which usually amounted to £1,200 a-year. In 1808 he
brought out his second considerable poem, ‘Marmion,’ for which he
received from Constable a thousand pounds, a sum required by the author,
it is said, for “the special purpose of assisting a friend who was then
distressed.” A few weeks thereafter he produced, in eighteen volumes,
‘The Works of John Dryden; illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical,
and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author,’ price nine guineas. In the
same year he edited ‘Captain George Carleton’s Memoirs;’ Strutt’s ‘Queen
Hoo Hall,’ a romance left unfinished by the death of the author; and
‘Ancient Times,’ a drama. In 1809 he assisted Mr. Clifford in editing
‘The State Papers and Letters of Sir Ralph Sadler,’ in two vols. 4to,
with a life and historical notes. In the same year he contributed
similar assistance to a new edition of Lord Somers’s collection of
Tracts, which appeared in twelve volumes 4to, and also edited ‘The
Memoirs of Sir Robert Cary.’ Mr. Ballantyne having removed to Edinburgh,
commenced printer on a large scale, in partnership, as has been proved
by subsequent disclosures, with Scott, who had become concerned with the
prose works above mentioned from his connection with Ballantyne. He now
engaged as a contributor to the Edinburgh Annual Register, started by
Mr. Southey, the first volume of which for 1808 appeared in 1810 in two
parts. It was conducted in a spirited manner for a few years, but not
meeting with adequate support, was eventually discontinued.

[portrait of Sir Walter Scott]
In June 1810 he published
his ‘Lady of the Lake,’ suggested by the deep impressions which had been
left on his mind by the romantic scenery of Perthshire. This poem, which
is certainly one of the finest specimens of his poetical genius, met
with extraordinary success. In 1811 appeared ‘The Vision of Don
Roderick,’ and in 1813 ‘Rokeby,’ the reception of which was decidedly
unfavourable. To retrieve his laurels, he published, in 1814, ‘The Lord
of the Isles;’ the sale of which was by no means encouraging. The
public, become familiar with his style, had ceased to be captivated by
it, and, with proverbial fickleness, had transferred their homage to the
more impassioned muse of Byron, now rising into the ascendant. To test
his popularity, he published two poems anonymously, entitled ‘Harold the
Dauntless,’ and ‘The Bridal of Triermain,’ and the reception of these
pieces convinced him that his reputation as a poet was on the wane.
About 1805 he had
commenced a prose romance, descriptive of the passing manners and
customs of Scotland, which circumstances prevented him from completing
at the time. “I had been a good deal in the Highlands,” he says, “at a
time when they were much less accessible, and much less visited, than
they have been of late years, and was acquainted with many of the old
warriors of 1745, who were, like most veterans, easily induced to fight
their battles over again, for the benefit of a willing listener like
myself. It naturally occurred to me that the ancient traditions and high
spirit of a people, who living in a civilized age and country retained
so strong a tincture of manners belonging to an early period of society,
must afford a subject favourable for romance, if it should not prove a
curious tale marred in the telling. It was with some idea of this kind
that about the year 1805, I threw together about one-third part of the
first volume of Waverley. It was advertised to be published under the
name of ‘Waverley, or ‘Tis Fifty Years since,’ a title afterwards
altered to ‘Tis Sixty Years since,’ that the actual date of publication
might be made to correspond with the period in which the scene was laid.
Having proceeded as far, I think, as the seventh chapter, I showed my
work to a critical friend, whose opinion was unfavourable, and having
some poetical reputation, I was unwilling to risk the loss of it by
attempting a new style of composition. I therefore threw aside the work
I had commenced, without either reluctance or remonstrance. This portion
of the manuscript was laid aside in the drawers of an old writing-desk,
which, on my first coming to reside at Abbotsford, in 1811, was placed
in a lumber garret, and entirely forgotten. Thus, though I sometimes,
among other literary avocations, turned my thoughts to the continuation
of the romance which I had commenced, yet, as I could not find what I
had already written, after searching such repositories as were within my
reach, and was too indolent to attempt to write it anew from memory, I
as often laid aside all thoughts of that nature.” Sir Walter then
mentions two circumstances which particularly fixed in his mind the wish
to continue this work to a close—namely, the success of Miss Edgeworth’s
delineations of Irish life, and his being employed in 1808 to finish the
romance of Queen Hoo Hall, left imperfect by Mr. Strutt. “Accident,” he
continues, “at length threw the lost sheets in my way. I happened to
want some fishing tackle for the use of a guest, when it occurred to me
to search the old writing-desk already mentioned, in which I used to
keep articles of that nature. I got access to it with some difficulty,
and in looking for lines and flies, the long-lost manuscript presented
itself. I immediately set to work to complete it according to my
original purpose.” It was, in 1814, published anonymously, under the
title of ‘Waverley, or ‘Tis Sixty Years Since.’
The appearance of this
memorable romance makes an epoch in the history of modern literature.
Its progress at the outset was slow, but after two or three months it
made its way to a high place in public estimation, and in a short time
the sale amounted to about twelve thousand copies. Some time previously
he had removed with his family to a small estate which he had purchased
near the ruins of Melrose Abbey, and to which he gave the name of
Abbotsford, instead of Cartley-Hole, which it formerly possessed. Here
he erected a mansion-house, and employed his leisure in the improvement
of his property by planting and farming. Viewing the character of a
proprietor of land as more worthy of attainment than that of a mere
author, however successful, it was the great object of his ambition to
be able to leave an estate to his descendants; and for this purpose he
laboured incessantly on those delightful fictions which now followed
each other in rapid succession from his pen. To Waverley succeeded, in
1815, ‘Guy Mannering;’ in 1816, ‘The Antiquary,’ and the first series of
‘The Tales of my Landlord,’ containing ‘The Black Dwarf’ and ‘Old
Mortality;’ in 1818, ‘Roy Roy,’ and the second series of ‘The Tales of
my Landlord,’ containing ‘The Heart of Mid-Lothian;’ and in 1819, the
third series of ‘The Tales of my Landlord,’ comprising ‘The Bride of
Lammermour,’ and ‘A Legend of Montrose.’ In 1820 he published his
chivalric romance of ‘Ivanhoe,’ and in the course of the same year
appeared ‘The Monastery’ and ‘The Abbot,’ the latter being a sequel to
the former, and both relating to the period of Scottish history
comprising the reign of the unfortunate Mary, and the regency of her
brother, the earl of Moray. In only one instance had the author
permitted his own prejudices to jar upon the feelings of his countrymen,
by giving, in the tale of ‘Old Mortality,’ a somewhat harshly drawn, and
highly coloured, delineation of the covenanters. This led to an
admirable series of papers by Dr. M’Crie in the Edinburgh Christian
Instructor, which were afterwards collected and published in the form of
a pamphlet. Sir Walter, though the child of Presbyterian parents, was
himself an Episcopalian.
On the accession of
George IV., Mr. Scott was, March 1820, created a baronet. In the
beginning of 1821 appeared his romance of English history entitled
‘Kenilworth,’ which completed the number of twelve volumes, all
published, if not entirely written, within a year. In 1822 he produced
‘The Pirate,’ and ‘The Fortunes of Nigel;’ in 1823 ‘Peveril of the
Peak,’ and ‘Quentin Durward;’ in 1824 ‘St. Ronan’s Well,’ and
‘Red-gauntlet;’ in 1825 ‘Tales of the Crusaders;’ in 1826 ‘Woodstock;’
in 1827 ‘Chronicles of the Canongate,’ first series; the second series
of which appeared in the following year; in 1829 ‘Ann of Gierstein;’ and
in 1831 a fourth series of ‘Tales of my Landlord,’ containing ‘Count
Robert of Paris,’ and ‘Castle Dangerous.’ The whole number of his novels
extended to seventy-four volumes; and, besides contributing to the
Edinburgh Review, during the first years of its existence, and
afterwards to the Quarterly Review, he wrote for the Supplement of the
sixth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica the articles Chivalry,
Romance, and the Drama. In 1814 he edited the works of Swift, in 19
vols., with a Life of the Author, and furnished an elaborate
introductory essay to the ‘Border Antiquities,’ a work in two vols.
Quarto. In 1815 he made a tour of France and Belgium, and, on his
return, published ‘Paul’s Letters to his Kinsfolk,’ and a poem styled
‘The Field of Waterloo,’ which he had visited in his route. In the same
year he joined Mr. Robert Jameson and Mr. Henry Weber in composing a
quarto volume on Icelandic antiquities. In 1818 he wrote one or two
prose articles for ‘The Sale-Room,’ a short-lived periodical started by
his friend Mr. John Ballantyne. In 1819 he published an account of the
Regalia of Scotland, and furnished the letter-press to the work entitled
‘Provincial Antiquities and Picturesque Scenery of Scotland.’ His
dramatic poem of ‘Halidon Hill’ appeared in 1822; and, in the succeeding
year, he contributed a smaller piece, under the title of ‘MacDuff’s
Cross,’ to a collection of Loanna Baillie. His last attempts in this
species of composition, ‘The Doom of Devorgoil,’ and ‘The Auchindrane
Tragedy,’ were brought out in one volume in 1830.
On George the Fourth’s
arrival in Scotland in 1822, Sir Walter was commissioned by the ladies
of Scotland to present an elegant jeweled cross of St. Andrew to his
majesty, as a token of welcome; and in the whole proceedings connected
with that auspicious event he was a prominent actor. In 1825 he visited
Ireland, where he was received with every mark of distinction. The
freedom of the guild of merchants in Dublin was conferred on him, and
soon after he was presented by Trinity college with the honorary degree
of LL.D.
In January 1826 the
publishing house of Constable and Co. was announced to be bankrupt,
which led to the insolvency of Ballantyne and Co., with both of which
firms Sir Walter was connected. It then became known that, by bill
transactions and other liabilities, he had rendered himself responsible
for debts to the amount of £120,000, of which not above one-half were
actually incurred on his own account. This unexpected, and to any other
man, overwhelming disaster he encountered with dignified and manly
intrepidity. On meeting the creditors he declared his determination, if
life and health were granted him, of paying off every shilling, and
asked only for time to enable him to do so. He insured his life in
favour of his creditors for £22,000; sold his town house and furniture,
and signed a trust-deed over his own effects at Abbotsford, including an
obligation to pay in cash a certain sum yearly until the debts were
liquidated. On the marriage of his eldest son to Miss Jobson of Lochore,
Abbotsford itself had been secured in reversion to his son. On the 15th
of the subsequent May, Lady Scott died; and on Sir Walter’s return to
Edinburgh, in the end of that month, he established himself in
third-rate lodgings in St. David’s Street. He then set himself calmly
down to the stupendous task of reducing, by his own unaided exertions,
the enormous load of debt for which he had become responsible. Several
disinterested offers of assistance were made to him by various persons,
but these he steadily declined. The political letters which in the
spring of this year he published under the signature of Sir Malachi
Malagrowther, were the means of averting from Scotland that change in
the monetary system which had such a disastrous effect upon England; and
this is not the least of the benefits which his writings conferred upon
his native country. The exposure of Constable’s affairs rendered
indispensable the divulgement of the secret of the authorship of
Waverley, if secret it could still be called; and the announcement was
accordingly made by “the Great Unknown” himself, at the first
anniversary dinner of the Edinburgh Theatrical Fund Association, in
February 1827.
At the time of the
bankruptcy Sir Walter was engaged on a ‘Life of Napoleon;’ and in the
autumn of 1826, accompanied by his younger daughter Anne, he visited
Paris, to obtain certain materials for the work, of an historical and
local nature, which he could only procure in the French capital. On this
occasion he was received with distinguished kindness by the reigning
monarch, Charles X. ‘The Life of Napoleon’ appeared in nine volumes in
the summer of 1827, and is said to have produced to its author about
£12,000. This, with sums derived from other sources, enabled him to pay
a dividend of 6s. 8d. to his creditors. About the same time the
copyright of all his past novels was bought, at public auction, by Mr.
Robert Cadell, at £8,400, for the purpose of being republished in a
cheap and uniform series of volumes, illustrated by notes and prefaces
from the pen of the author. For his literary aid Sir Walter was to have
half the profits. The new edition began to appear in 1829, and the sale
was very extensive.
In November 1828 Sir
Walter published the first part of his Juvenile History of Scotland,
under the title of ‘Tales of a Grandfather,’ being addressed to his
grandson, John Hugh Lockhart, under the name of Hugh Littlejohn, Esq. In
the following year appeared the second, and in 1830 the third and
concluding series of that work. In the latter year he also contributed a
‘History of Scotland,’ in 2 vols., to ‘Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopaedia;’
and ‘Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft,’ to the Family Library. In
1831 he added to his ‘Tales of a Grandfather’ a uniform series on French
History. In the same year two sermons, which he had written for a young
clerical friend, were published in London, and met with an extensive
sale. The profits of these various publications enabled him to pay a
farther dividend of 3s. in the pound, which, but for the vast
accumulation of interest, would have reduced his debts to nearly
one-half. Of £54,000 which had now been paid, all except about £7,000
had been produced by his own literary exertions. He had, besides, paid
up the premium of the policy upon his life; and to mark their high sense
of his honourable conduct, his creditors presented him with the library,
manuscripts, curiosities, and plate, at Abbotsford, which had once been
his own.
In November 1830 he
retired from his office of principal clerk of session, with the
superannuation allowance usually given after twenty-three years’
service. Earl Grey, the then prime minister, offered to grant him the
full salary, but he declined to accept of such a favour from one to whom
he was opposed in politics. During the succeeding winter he was attacked
by the symptoms of gradual paralysis, a disease hereditary in his
family. His contracted limb became weaker and more painful, and his
utterance began to be affected. During the summer of 1831 he grew
gradually worse. It was now obvious that he had over-tasked his
strength, and his physicians forbade all mental exertion, but he could
not be restrained altogether from his literary labours. In the autumn a
visit to Italy was recommended; and through the kind offices of Captain
Basil Hall, a passage to Malta was readily obtained for him in his
majesty’s ship the Barham, then fitting out for that port. He was with
difficulty prevailed on to leave Scotland, but yielded at length to the
entreaties of his friends, and, accompanied by his eldest son and his
daughter Anne, he embarked at Portsmouth on the 27th October. His health
seemed to be improved by the voyage, and on the 27th December he landed
at Naples, where he was received by the king and his court with the most
flattering honours. In April he proceeded to Rome, and afterwards
visited Tivoli, Albani, and Frescati. His fast decaying strength,
however, warned him to return to his native land, and he hurried rapidly
homewards. During the journey he sustained another serious attack of
apoplexy, and arrived in London in nearly the last stage of physical and
mental prostration. After remaining there three weeks, in accordance
with his own earnest desire, he was conveyed by the steam packet to
Newhaven, near Edinburgh, and on July 11, 1832, he reached once more his
favourite residence of Abbotsford. Mr. Lockhart relates, that as the
carriage descended the vale of the Gala, he roused himself to a
momentary consciousness, and by degrees recognized the features of that
familiar landscape. After lingering in a state of insensibility till
mortification had commenced in different parts of his mortal frame, he
expired without a struggle, September 21, 1832, and was interred amidst
the ruins of Dryburgh Abbey, his burial-place there being in right of
his grandmother, Mrs. Barbara Scott of Sandyknowe, daughter of Mr.
Thomas Haliburton of Newmains. A magnificent monument to his memory,
from a design of Mr. George Kemp, was, some years after his death,
erected in Prince’s Street, Edinburgh, for which collections were made
in all parts of the country. A very handsome pillar, surmounted with a
statue, was also erected in George’s Square, Glasgow. In the
market-place of Selkirk there is also a statue of him in freestone. The
Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott, in 7 vols. 8vo, by his son-in-law, Mr.
Lockhart, were published in 1837-8.
He left two sons and two
daughters, none of whom survived him many years. His elder son, Sir
Walter Scott, second baronet of Abbotsford, was born in July 1801, and
very early gave indications of a bold and manly spirit. In 1818 he was
made a cornet in the corps of the Selkirkshire yeomanry cavalry, and all
his studies took the direction of a military life. The following year he
obtained a commission as cornet in the 18th hussars. In 1821, his
regiment being one of several about that time to be reduced, he quitted
England for Berlin to complete his military education there, and
returned in July 1823. He afterwards spent a brief period, for the same
purpose, at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and ere long he
obtained a commission as lieutenant in the 15th or king’s hussars, in
which distinguished corps his father lived to see him major. On 3d
February 1825, he married Miss Jobson, the heiress of Lochore, in Fife,
but had no issue. In 1839 he became lieutenant-colonel of the 15th
hussars, and died at sea, off the Cape of Good Hope, 8th February 1847,
of dysentery, on his return to England from Madras. He was the last
surviving child of the author of Waverley. His brother, Charles, a clerk
in the Foreign office, was attached to Sir John M’Neill’s embassy in
Persia, and died at Teheran in November 1841. The elder daughter,
Sophia, married in April 1820, Mr. John Gibson Lockhart, advocate,
editor of the Quarterly Review, and died in May 1837; the younger, Anne,
did not long survive her father, dying, unmarried, in June 1833. The
elder son of Mr. Lockhart, John Hugh Lockhart, the “Hugh Littlejohn” of
Tales of a Grandfather, always a delicate child, died in 1832, at the
age of eleven. The younger, Walter Scott Lockhart, a cornet, 16th
lancers, on succeeding to Abbotsford, assumed the additional name of
Scott, and died, unmarried, January 10, 1853, at the early age of 27.
His sister, Charlotte, married in August 1847, James Robert Hope, Esq.,
Queen’s Counsel, a Roman Catholic gentleman, who, in her right, on her
obtaining Abbotsford, also assumed the name of Scott. Mrs. Hope Scott
died in Oct. 1858, and January 7, 1861, Mr. Hope Scott married Lady
Victoria Howard, eldest daughter of the 13th duke of Norfolk.
author of ‘Tom Cringle’s Log,’ born in Edinburgh, Oct. 30, 1789,
received his education in that city. In 1806 he went to Jamaica. In 1822
he returned finally to Scotland, where he engaged in commercial
speculations, and composed the popular and entertaining sketches, which
first appeared in Blackwood’s Magazine under the title of ‘Tom Cringle’s
Log,’ and which have since been collected, and published in two volumes,
and also in one volume, forming part of the series of Blackwood’s
Standard Novels. Notwithstanding the great interest and curiosity which
this series of papers excited, Mr. Scott preserved his incognito to the
last. He died at Glasgow on 7th November 1835; and it was not till after
his death that the sons of Mr. Blackwood were aware of the name of one
who had so long and so successfully contributed to their celebrated
SCOTT, DAVID, R.S.A., a painter of singular genius, was born, on
10th October 1806, in one of those high ancient houses which, before the
great fire of 1824, formed the east side of the Parliament Square,
Edinburgh. He was the fifth son of Robert Scott, an eminent engraver,
who for upwards of half-a-century carried on the most extensive business
in that department of art in Scotland. John Burnet, the celebrated
engraver, Douglas, the well-known miniature painter, Stewart, the
engraver of Sir William Allan’s ‘Circassian Captives,’ and Horsburgh,
the eminent portrait engraver, and others who subsequently distinguished
themselves in art, were among his pupils. At a very early age, as is the
case with all who rise to distinction as artists, the tendency of David
Scott’s mind was developed, and the rudiments of his art were supplied
by the sketches and prints which were so abundant in his father’s
dwelling. He was educated at the High school of his native city, and,
besides making considerable progress in the classics, acquired French
and Italian. While yet a boy he designed and engraved illustrations for
various publications. He soon, however, turned his attention from
engraving to painting; and in April 1827, with the aid of some other
young artists, he established the first Life academy in Edinburgh. His
first exhibited picture, in 1828, ‘The Hopes of early genius dispelled
by Death,’ gave great promise, while it also foreshadowed his own fate.
During the session of the same year, he studied anatomy in Dr. Monro’s
class in the university of Edinburgh. Several large pictures painted by
him at this period indicated the possession of high imaginative
faculties, and were marked by a loftiness of aim and a depth of meaning
which all his work showed, in a greater of less degree. Among them were
‘Lot and his Daughters,’ and ‘Fingal and the Spirit of Lodi.’
In 1821 he had commenced
drawing in the Trustees’ Academy, Edinburgh, then under the direction of
Andrew Wilson. His portrait is subjoined.

[portrait of David Scott]
In 1832 he visited Italy,
taking the Louvre in his way, returning homeward by Lyons. He remained
for two years in Italy, visiting every city remarkable for its
collections, and in letters to his brother, gave expression to his
feelings on the works of the old masters. His own carefully kept
journals also contain many valuable and deeply appreciative remarks on
the various pictures which he had seen. He did not, like the generality
of artists, make elaborate copies of celebrated works, but only small
sketches of what he conceived excellent in design. At Rome, where he
remained for nearly a year, he commenced his large picture of ‘Family
Discord – the household Gods destroyed,’ which, with ‘Sappho and
Anacreon,’ and a series of impersonations, called ‘Morning, Noon,
Evening, and Night,’ were exhibited in the rooms of the Scottish
Academy. For the Roman Catholic chapel of St. Patrick’s, Edinburgh, he
was employed to paint an altar piece, the ‘Taking down from the Cross.’
This splendid painting was engraved, and was the first from which copies
were circulated among the subscribers to the Association for the
promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland.
The works which, year
after year, Mr. Scott exhibited on the walls of the Scottish Academy
were singular and wonderful manifestations of genius. But from his
peculiar views of art, and especially from his having conceived an ideal
of his own as to colour, they were unattractive to the great body of
picture-buyers, however much they may have been gazed upon with
admiration and awe, by those who were able to penetrate beyond the
somewhat forbidding aspect of most of his creations. Among his numerous
productions the following may be mentioned:
Nimrod, the Mighty
Sarpedon carried by Sleep and Death.
Wallace defending Scotland.
Mary, Queen of Scots, receiving her Death warrant.
Jane Shore found dead in the Street.
Achilles addressing the manes of Patrocclus.
Orestes pursued by the Furies.
Christian entertained by Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Paracelsus the Alchemist.
Merry Wives of Windsor played before Queen Elizabeth.
The Baron in peace.
The Vintager.
Adam and Eve singing their Morning Hymn.
Glo’ster conveyed to prison at Calais.
Hope, passing over the horizon of Despair.
The Triumph of Love.
Richard the Third receiving the children of Edward IV.
The dead rising at the Crucifixion.
Peter the Hermit addressing the Crusaders.
The Challenge.
The Baptism of Christ.
The Death of the Red Cuming.
Vasco de Gama encountered by the Spirit of the Cape.
These were all upon a
gigantic scale. Many of his smaller pictures are full of interest, such
Dante and Beatrice.
Ave Maria.
Time and Love.
Ariel and Caliban.
Love whetting his Darts.
Beauty wounded by Love.
Ascension of Christ.
The Abbot of Misrule, or Christmas Mummers.
Queen Mary at Execution.
Oberon and Puck listening to the Mermaid’s song.
Machiavelli and the Beggar.
The Widow’s Memories.
The Crucifixion.
Rachel weeping for her children.
Puck fleeing before the Dawn.
Mercury trying the Lyre.
All Mr. Scott’s works are
characterized by grandeur of conception, and power and boldness of
execution. The grand and not the beautiful was his forte, and for the
sake of the mysterious, he frequently sacrificed the pleasing. He was
also sometimes unhappy in his choice of subjects. The love of the quaint
was strongly developed in him, as it often is in minds of great depth
and seriousness. In the region of the spiritual and supernatural he had
no equal in art, and his happiest efforts were those which relate to the
purely superhuman. He painted very few portraits. His greatest work,
‘Vasco de Gama encountered by the Spirit of the Cape,’ employed him some
of the latest years of his life. A public subscription, begun before his
death, was set on foot for the purchase of this picture, for the hall of
the Trinity house, Leith, to which it was removed.
As an art-critic, Mr.
Scott showed unusual learning and great energy of thought and style. In
a careful examination of the best works of the great masters, in the
collections of Rome and the other Italian states and cities, he had
acquired that profound knowledge of the principles of art which
throughout his after-life guided his practice and distinguished both his
paintings and his writings. To Blackwood’s Magazine in 1840 (Nos. 280,
284, 291, 198, and 305) he contributed an able series of papers on the
characteristics of the great masters in connexion with their schools.
Into the competition for
decorating the new houses of parliament with pictorial subjects, he
entered with enthusiasm. He prepared two cartoons of large dimensions,
the one representing “the Scottish people under Wallace, stemming the
tide of English aggression, at the battle of Falkirk,” the other “Sir
Francis Drake on his quarter-deck, viewing the destruction of the
Spanish Armada.” Both were exhibited with the numerous others, but
neither was deemed worthy of a prize. For the second competition of
frescos, he sent in two other works, but was again unsuccessful. This
second failure visibly affected him. Tall and large-limbed, he was far
from being strong, and his untiring application to his art, and
constancy of study and labour, combined with many bitter
disappointments, contributed to undermine his constitution. After an
illness of several weeks’ duration, he died, unmarried, at Edinburgh,
March 5, 1849, at the age of 42. He was simple and reserved in his
manners, and in his habits somewhat austere. At the time of his death,
he was engaged upon some etching illustrations to ‘The Architecture of
the Heavens,’ by Professor Nichol of Glasgow, afterwards published. In
January 1831 he had published a work of a singularly abstract
description called “Monograms of Man,” a series of outline engravings,
what may well be called metaphysical enigmas, and at a later time a
series of etchings from the ‘Ancient Mariner,’ in which he thoroughly
entered into the spirit and meaning of that remarkable poem. A series of
forty ‘Illustrations to the Pilgrim’s Progress’ which he left behind
him, were, in 1851, published by Messrs. A. Fullarton & Co.
His life, by his brother,
also an artist, was published at Edinburgh in 1850, in one vol. 8vo,
under the title of ‘Memoir of David Scott, R.S.A., containing his
Journal in Italy, Notes of Art, and other papers, with seven
illustrations. By William B. Scott.’ The work contains also selections
from his poetry. |