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Papers Relating to the Scots in Poland (1576 - 1798)
Miscellaneous Extracts relating to Scots in Poland (1)

Done at Sieradz, on the day [Monday, March 9.] after Quadragesima Sunday A.D. 1615, in presence of the Well-famed Lord, John Sandeczki, Vice-advocate of the city of Sieradz.

Compearing in person before the present session of the Court, the Noble Kendzierski, the servant of the Noble Lord, John Bykowaki, Captain of Sieradz, publicly testified, ‘that Jan Musnicki and his wife, under the orders of his master the Stasost of Sieradz, did not allow anybody to gather the hay from the meadows by the river; that he sold the meadow to ANDREW AUCHTERLANGE, and turned him and his wife and his apprentice away from the meadows.’ And Andrew Auchterlange has asked that this evidence may be written down.— Siradensia Civilia, Lib. 18, f. 33.

Done at Sieradz in 1618 A.D.

The Well-famed Martin Kubczyk and Anna Gaitcowora his wife, citizens of Sieradz, compearing in person before the present session of the Court of the Advocate of Sieradz, sound in mind and body, recognised openly and willingly (the wife with the husband’s consent and assent) that they did truly owe to the Well-famed ANDREW AUCHTERLANGE, a Scot, citizen of Sieradz, 50 Polish florins, being the clear and actual amount of a debt contracted by them; which sum, on the security of all their estate, moveable or immoveable, acquired or to be acquired, within or without the city of Sieradz, they bind themselves and their successors to pay within 20 years from the present, granting free access to all their property burdened by this writ, should the foresaid sum not be paid at the time and place appointed for payment, and renouncing all actions at law and legal restrictions whatever their nature, all prescriptions notwithstanding.—Siradensia Civilia, Lib. 18, f. 247.

On the Monday [11th September.] following the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1600, compearing in person before the Council at Cracow, the Noble and Well-famed JAMES DROMONT, a Scot, citizen and trader of Cracow, descended from the family of the August Baron of Borlandt, recognised that he thereby made over in perpetuity the sum of 300 marks Scots secured on the lands and estate of the August Abraham Dromont, Baron of Ladmacgiani, son of the late Malcolm Dromont, Baron of Borlandt, along with all the income and returns from the said sum for about the last 16 years, to the Well-born David Dromont, brother-german of the foresaid Abram Dromonts, resigning all right and title to the same in favour of the foresaid David Dromonth, his heirs and successors; he further recognised that he had received satisfaction from the foresaid David Dromonth for the sum and its yield and his right to the same, and granted him full faculty to take over the same without hindrance, and put them to such uses as he and his successors might please. [An abstract.] —Acta Cons. (Cracow Archives), 1600, f. 693.

The Honest Gabriel, a Scot, citizen of Sieradz, compearing in person, sound in mind and body, before the present session of the Court of the Advocate of Sieradz, publicly and willingly declared that to a former sum of 100 Polish florins, which he and the Honest Anna Musanka, his wife, bound themselves in court to pay to the Well-born Albert Wenzik Widawsky, he now adds 10 Polish florins; which original sum, with the addition made thereto, amounting to 110 florins of Polish money, he binds himself on the security of all his estate, moveable and immoveable, and all sums of money now possessed or subsequently to be acquired by him, to pay in full to the said Albert Widawsky in court by the forthcoming Feast of St. John the Baptist, [24th June.] subject to access to be granted to all his property in case of default. Furthermore, the foresaid Gabriel, the Scot, undertakes on the same security to bring and produce in person, before the Well-born Albert Widawsky, his wife the Honest Anna Musanka, to ratify this undertaking or to make one similar thereto, within the space of one year, subject to a penalty of 10 Polish florins for contravention of the premises.

At Sieradz, on the Monday [18th April.] after the Second Sunday after Easter (Dominica Misericordia), 1616, at the request of the Honest GABRIEL, a Scot, citizen of Sieradz, the officer of the Advocate of Sieradz with an architect, the Honest Albert Mollitor, proceeded to his private residence to value the buildings and structures recently erected by him at his own cost and expense, and valued them at 200 Polish florins. He craved that this valuation be adopted in the Acts.—Siradensia Civilia, Lib. 18, f. 98.

Sentence issued and published on Friday, [29th November.] the Vigil of the Feast of St. Andrew, the Apostle of God.

JOHN HOLLAND, citizen and trader of Cracow, having challenged the witnesses cited to give true testimony, it was decreed that they should be admitted after the manner obtaining in the law-courts, and examined with due observance of legal formality. Accordingly the first witness, the Well-famed John Phorbes, citizen and trader of Cracow, taking the statutory oath with two fingers of the right hand raised to the heavens, gave evidence to this effect:—

‘I declare that which is well known to me, that Jan Hollandt twice lost in the Siedmigrodski land 10 thousand zloty,—which is thus and not otherwise.’

The second witness, the Well-famed Albert Dixon; the third, the Well-famed Patrick Ochrem; and the fourth, the Well-famed John Cxiamer, all citizens and merchants of Cracow, taking a similar oath, gave word for word the same evidence, to this effect:--

‘I declare—about which I know well—that this Jan Hollandt had (?) a heritage in Siedmigrodski land, from which he twice took 10 thousand zloty.’—Advocatialia Cracoviensia, vol. 521, f. 1231.

The Well-born ALEXANDER INES, Merchant to the Court, son of the Well-born Gilbert Ines and Joanna Fraser, a Scotswoman, both dwelling in the country, recognised when sound that he conferred upon the Well-born Adam Milodrowski, Territorial Chamberlain of Plock, and Valentine Zoltowski, Burgrave of the Castle of Plock, full and general power to deal with his judicial cases all and sundry, before any Court or Office of the Realm, under the jurisdiction of either a Greater or a Lesser Bench, or the sphere of any Tribunal of the Realm, whoever the parties concerned, whatever the cautionaries, whether personal or real, which are involved; desiring that this power remain valid and in force for the full space of three years, by virtue of this his personal recognisance regarding the premises. —Plocens. Territor., v. 45-42 (?) f. 179.

At the instance of the Honest KILIAN, a Scot, the under-mentioned, whose testimony is herein faithfully cited, have been examined by the present office. The Well-famed Richard Tamson, merchant of Posen, being under oath, and having raised two fingers of his right hand to the sky, hath borne witness in these words:—

‘I bear witness of what is well known to me, that I was present together with Gabriel Manhorp here in Cracow, not long ago, when this Kilian, a Scot, did borrow 40 Polish zloty from one Jan Furman, a Scot of Lublin, for which he promised, ongoing to Lublin, to pay 45 zloty, and gave his hand thereon; moreover, he undertook to take him with him to Lublin, and taking it, the money, from him, the unhappy man went off, here from Cracow; which is so and not otherwise.’

The second witness, the Honest Gabriel Manhorp, a Scot and citizen of Cracow, under the same oath made in a like fashion as the first, word by word, bears witness in the same way, and hath attested it.

The third witness, Laurence Smarth, likewise a Scot and a citizen of Cracow, under the same oath doth bear the following testimony:—

‘I saw and was present when from this Scot, Kilian, Jan Furman from Lublin, here in Cracow, not long ago, did take and count some money, amongst which one red zloty was not good, and told him to change it for him; but Kilian promised him that, if he could not pass it, he would give another.’

The fourth witness, Albert Chorn, likewise a Scot of Cracow, under a similar oath hath borne witness in the following words:—

‘I know about it well, and have seen how Jan Furman, a Scot, hath taken money, that is 40 Polish zloty, from that Kilian, for which he was to give him, coming to Cracow, 45 zloty, and also he was to take him on his road. To which I bear witness that it was so.’—Cracow, Archives of Ancient Acts, Cont. Advoc., vol. 521, f. 1254.

Caspar Kin’s Will. [The original in Polish.]

In the Name of the Holy Trinity, Amen. I, Caspar Kin, [Miss Baskerville found a short entry in the register of the Assembly at Grzymalow, near Cracow, which says that one Susan Kin died at that place in 1628. Was she the wife of the above Caspar, who seems to have died a Roman Catholic, since he left legacies to the Carmelites, at Piasek, near Cracow?] burgher and apothecary of Cracow, having this before my eyes, that every man born into the world must die, and cannot know the hour or time, to prevent all manner of trouble and work will dispose of my property in such a way as God has given me the time.

First, I commit my soul to God and give my body to be buried in the earth according to Christian custom.

I affirm that I have no ready money or silver. Also that God allowed me, of my labours, to buy two houses in the suburb, lying behind the new gateway. Therefore, wishing to do good to my soul, I leave and bequeath the sum of 2000 Polish zloty on these my own houses to the Brothers of Mercy, dwelling by the church of St. Barbara, on account of which sum my legatees must pay for my funeral, give 300 Polish zloty to my two children (?) that is, Casimir and Elizabeth, and the remainder of the sum, if any remain from the sale of these two houses (?), must be equally divided amongst my creditors.

And to Mr. Peter Gliwowicz, the apothecary, I give and bequeath three shapes for making flat marzipan according to his fancy, and to him also several pieces of forms for upright marzipan cakes, according to his fancy; the rest of these forms and apothecary utensils to be sold, and part (of the money) to be used as mentioned above and part to be divided amongst my creditors. The gentlemen executors mentioned below have:—To Mr. John Stephanowicz, as I will write, six pictures, and to Jan Wrobel 10 zloty, and to Anne, who hath care of my household, my bed and bed clothes upon which I lie; and in addition to that I give and bequeath 10 zloty. And the furniture in my house must be divided amongst my creditors. To the Carmelites at Piasek I give and bequeath the wooden drug-cabinet, that is, the drawers with the aromatics and all they contain.

And those 160 zloty for which he is my debtor, I give and bequeath to Christopher the apothecary for the rent of the apothecary shop. And all the rest of the drugs in the drug-cabinet, which are not in the inventory made by me once upon a time for the Declaration, all this I do leave to the Carmelite Fathers, that they may use it all according to their conscience and their needs.—Cracow, Archives of Ancient Acts, Cont. Act. Scab., ff. 1013-16.

Sentence published because of urgency on the Monday [27th January.] after the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 1603.

The Well-famed Albert Kin and Thomas Dickson, citizens and traders of Cracow, having challenged the witnesses hereafter named, who were cited that truth might be ascertained, it was decreed that they should be admitted after the manner obtaining in the law-courts, and examined. The first witness, the Well-famed Albert Phorbes, a Scot, taking the oath in conformance to the practice of the Law by lifting up two fingers of his right hand, gave evidence to this effect:—

‘I bear witness that I was asked by the late PETER LINDSAY, who died in the Transylvanie Siedmigrodzki Land, in Bialogrod, on 28th November 1602, to give his last will and testament, written on this piece of paper, to those who have the right to take it. I now give it up to the authorities."

The second witness, Caspar Smid, a Scot, took a similar oath and repeated the evidence of the first, with neither omission nor addition.

Which evidence, given at the request of the above-named, was approved by decree of the present Court as free from discrepancy.—Contr. Advoc. Crac., vol. 521, f. 1254.

The Strenuous WILLIAM LENDSAY, merchant, by nationality a Scot, having died without leaving a lawful heir within the eighth degree, all his estate, moveable and immoveable, shall be given and conveyed to the Well-born Ladowski our Secretary. [This is apparently a fragment of a charter of Michael, king of Poland.]

Given at Warsaw on the 11th day of October A.D. 1670..— Actum in Castro Biecz., t. 195, f. 764. (Archivium Kratowg.)

At the instance and request of the Well-famed Thomas Orem, [The following entries occur in the registers of the Protestant Assembly at Wielkanoc, near Cracow, which are now in the Archives of the Protestant Church at Leszno, Warsaw:- A.D. 1610 ‘Thomas Orem’s son, Peter, was baptized. The mother’s name is Susanna Heidt.’ A.D. 1612. ‘Susanna, daughter of Thomas Orem, baptized.’ A.D. 1617. ‘Ursula, daughter of Thomas Orem, baptized.’ A.D. 1620. Elisabeth, daughter of Thomas Orem, baptized.] citizen and merchant of Cracow, and James Orem, executors of the will of the late Well-famed PETER OREM, citizen and trader of Cracow, the Office of the Advocate of Cracow, with its staff, descended to the stone house named Pihusowska, situate in the Street of the Brothers, then occupied by the Well-famed William Forbes, and there, in the presence of the Honest Joanna, widow of the late Peter Orem aforementioned, and the Well-famed James Gurski, citizen of Zamosc, made an Inventory of the estate and property, and all the furniture and domestic effects which were in the back of the house, to the following effect.

And the said Well-famed Thomas Orem presented an Inventory of goods left on the decease of his brother Peter Orem, faithfully drawn up by him and the Honest Andrew Frezer, as Executors of his will, on Saturday, [28th June.] the Vigil of the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul of last year (1618). This Inventory was to the following effect:-- [From the Archives of Ancient Deeds, Cracow (original in Polish and Latin).]

Item. 8 pieces of Silesian linen 25 ells in each at 4 zloty.
Item. 6 pieces of the same at one zloty and a half.
Item. 13 pieces of Silesian linen at 1 zloty and 6 grosz.
Item. 10 pieces of the same at one zloty.
Item. 5 pieces of three-fourths at 28 grosz.
Item. 4 " 6 " 25 "
Item. 34 " " " 1 zloty 8 grosz.
Item. 12 " " " 3 zloty 10 grosz.
Item. 7 pieces of same at 2 zloty and 12 grosz.
Item. 11 " 2 " 6 grosz.
Item. 10 " 1 " 24 grosz.
Item. 8 " 1 " 15 grosz.
Item. 3 " 1 " 25 grosz.
Item. 8 " 1 " 18 grosz.
Item. 2 " 6 " 4 grosz.
Item. 2 1/2 " Silensian linen at 12 zloty.
Item. 10 ells of Cologne linen at 15 grosz.
Item. 17 pieces of stuff at 5 zloty.
Item. 35 " at 2 zloty 20 grosz.
Item. 26 " " 2 zloty 15 grosz.
Item. 33 " " 11 zloty 4 grosz.
Item. 3 pieces of stuff at 4 zloty.
Item. 6 " " 2 zloty 16 grosz.
Item. 6 " " 2 zloty 2 grosz.
Item. 23 " " 2 zloty.
Item. 6 " " 1 zloty 12 grosz.
Item. 38 " " 1 zloty 12 grosz.
Item. 6 of three-quarters at 1 zloty 2 grosz.
Item. 6 ells of table-cloth at 12 grosz.
Item. 14 " at 1 zloty 18 grosz.
Item. 2 centre table-clothes at 1 zloty 8 grosz.
Item. 18 ells of towels at 3 grosz.
Item. 45 cotton robes at 1 zloty 8 grosz.
Item. 20 " 20 and one grosz.
Item. 32 " 1 1/2 zloty.
Item. 6 " 2 zloty and 20 grosz.
Item. 36 ells of Turkish binders at one zloty.
Item. 8 cotton robes at 1 zloty 6 grosz.
Item. 7 towels at 1 zloty and 25 grosz.
Item. 1 towel at 26 grosz.
Item. 8 Turkish kerchiefs at 12 grosz.
Item. 15 Turkish kerchiefs at 7 grosz.
Item. 5 red shirts at 2 zloty and 15 grosz.
Item. 7 pairs of red stockings at 1 zloty 7 1/2 grosz.
Item. 9 Jesuit hoods at 1 zloty and 15 grosz.
Item. 2 perfumed skins at 1 1/2 zloty.
Item. 190 pieces of thread at 8 grosz.
Item. 47 pieces of Dutch thread at 1 zloty.
Item. Various threads at 7 1/2 zloty.
Item. 8 dozen Italian gloves at 6 zloty.
Item. 1 dozen French gloves at 9 zloty.
Item. 4 pairs of perfumed gloves at 24 grosz.
Item. 10 pairs, embroidered with silk at 14 grosz.
Item. 4 pairs of same at 1 zlota and 10 grosz.
Item. 10 pairs of simple white at 9 grosz.
Item. 6 pairs of same for 15 grosz.
Item. 3 dozen and 8 pairs of same at 2 zloty 20 grosz.
Item. 1 pair of embroidered at 3 zloty.
Item. 12 dozens and nine pairs of same at 3 zloty.
Item. 2 dozen and three pairs of same at 4 zloty.
Item. 10 dozen summer gloves at 1 zlota 15 grosz.
Item. 5 " " " 3 zloty.
Item. 7 " " 4 grosz.
Item. 6 dozen simple ones at 1 zloty 20 grosz.
Item. 38 Turkish handkerchiefs at 11 1/2 grosz.
Item. 4 dozen Nuremberg cards at 15 grosz.
Item. 25 pieces of braid at 1 zlota 10 grosz.
Item. 22 pounds of Lublin soap at 7 gross.
Item. 1 dozen chess stones at 10 gross.
Item. 6 dozen simple stockings at 4 zloty 5 grosz.
Item. 1 1/2 dozen simple mirrors at 4 zloty.
Item. 5 pairs of simple grey stockings at 24 grosz.
Item. 12 weights (for weighing red zloty) at 3 zloty.
Item. 6 simple small cases from Bialoglowa at 15 grosz
Item. 8 pieces of Wroclawek thread at 7 1/2 grosz.
Item. 16 combs at 15 grosz.
Item. 10 painted meal-bowls at 6 grosz.
Item. 1 dozen woollen gloves at 70 gross.
Item. 1 dozen simple books at 2 zloty 10 grosz.
Item. 6 dozen ivory combs at 2 zloty.
Item. 2 1/2 pounds of same at 18 gross.
Item. Burnt lead for drawing at 3 1/2 zloty.
Item. 19 Easter lambs [Small lambs, made of sugar or almond-paste, put on the dinner-table on Easter Day in Polish houses. It is still used.] at 7 1/2 grosz. for 1.
Item. 4 dozen spectacles at 7 1/2 grosz.
Item. 1 dozen spectacle cases at 18 grosz.
Item. 6 bunches of string at 1 zlota.
Item. Strings for zithers for 3 zloty.
Item. 40 dozen silk ribbons at 7 gross per dozen.
Item. 7 kopy at 6 gross the kopa.
Item. 5000 Spanish needles at 2 1/2 zloty per thousand.
Item. 5 razors at 4 grosz.
Item. 12 dozen short cords at l 1/2 grosz.
Item. 2 bone compasses at 1 zlota 6 gross.
Item. 1 set of the same at 40 grosz.
Item. 3 dozen simple bone rings at 2 grosz per dozen.
Item. 6 pieces of simple yarn at 15 gross the piece.
Item. 6 pieces of silk tape at 12 grosz.
Item. 3 locks for shutting at 5 grosz.
Item. 3 simple cotton robes at 8 grosz.
Item. 2 bundles of embroidery at 3 zloty.
Item. 2 dozen simple rings for 15 grosz.
Item. 1 pound of for a zlota.
Item. A Moscow gold cup, which weighed 71 3/4 red zloty of Moscow, counting a red Moscow zloty as 2 zloty 6 grosz.
Item. Mr. Andrew Fraser answered that he, according to his register, makes it 70 Polish zloty and 8.

Item The other household effects total and integrate have been inscribed in an inventory by the well-famed Thomas Orem, citizen of Cracow, and Jacob Gurski, [Gorski.] citizen of Zamosc, and the executors of the will, in the presence of the Honest Jane, widow of the late Peter Orem, and their order is as follows :—

Item Three gilded cups weighing the weight of 5 marks and 2 lot [One lot = ½ oz.] of current money, according to the rate of Cornelius Baizg, who hath sworn to it, and is worth 52 zloty.
Item A white metal cup, weighs a mark and six loty.
Item Various monies found, which weigh six marks, six loty which makes forty and three zloty.
Item. Money weighing 2 marks and a half and 2 1/2 loty— 21 zloty and 15 grosz.
Item. Rings with various old stones weigh 20 zloty 6 grosz.

Item Pewter was found of various sorts and weighed by Mr. Sobota—13 and 20 pounds and two, which just weighed in two parts, twenty-six zloty.

Item. Firstly, a new zupan (a coat worn by men in ancient Poland, red) adorned with sky-blue strappings.
Item. Two capes lined with wolf-fur, brown, one a little newer and the other older.
Item. An old zupan, pleated.
Item. Trousers in cloth, four old pairs.
Item. An old Italian canvas suit.
Item. An old suit as if for a poor man.
Item. Likewise an old cloak.
Item. Two coats. Likewise a third.
Item. Four old pairs of pantaloons.
Item. A cloak of Chinese stuff with light-blue slashings.
Item. An old mourning cloak.
Item. A second, likewise black.
Item. Four pairs of stockings.
Item. A pair of silk.
Item. 3 pairs of leather.
Item. A zaluska lined with marten.
Item. A new marble-coloured bonnet.
Item. A second ditto, old.
Item. A white cape for rain.
Item. A cloth bonnet lined with sable.
Item. Likewise a second, lined with black fox.
Item. A third old one, lined with small sables.
Item. Two plaid covers (Scotch) lined green.
Item. A third red.
Item. A simple yellow cover.
Item. Eighteen old pictures in frames.
Item. A child’s cover of Turkish linen, with a black edge.
Item. A hat. A musket.
Item. A pair of Scotch pistols.
Item. A third pistol.
Item. A spade and pick.
Item. Two woven cushions, new with silk.
Item. Three old ditto.
Item. Three long old leather ones.
Item. Two helmets.
Item. Two Dantzig spinning-wheels.
Item. Two Spanish leather chairs.
Item. A Turkish service—as nine basins.
Item. Seven mugs.
Item. Forty and four good pounds of brass, of which the widow took half.
Item. A big chandelier and 12 candlesticks.
Item. A brass bed-warmer.
Item. A large boiler, a second smaller.
Item. Ten small irons of Mistress O. one big.
Item. A second for the stone. One small, one callender.
Item. A pot for brandy.
Item. A copper basin.
Item. Two copper loving-cups.
Item. One mug.
Item. A brass pan.
Item. A copper baking dish.
Item. A copper pan.
Item. 2 big iron tripods.
Item A pepper-mill
Item. Three Turkish mugs.
Item. Four simple ones.
Item. Netherland jugs of earthenware.
Item. 30 simple dishes.
Item. 3 various flasks.
Item. Various cups and 30 glasses for wine.
Item. Two alabaster candle-sticks.
Item. 7 iron pans.
Item. 2 iron weights.
Item. One shovel.
Item Two large down over-quilts of honeycomb
Item Two of the same, for over.
Item Pillow belonging to those in Warsaw, and not entered in number nine.
Item. Four and twenty fine tablecloths.
Item Twelve half-sheets
Item Twenty-four whole sheets
Item One dozen damask napkins
Item. One and a half dozen of simple ditto.
Item. 26 big Netherland serviettes.
Item Thirty-two large and small pillow slips
Item. 4 apprentices sheets.
Item After, eight upper and under sheets
Item. Simple kerchiefs 24.
Item. Men’s shirts, twenty and four.
Item. Other underclothing, also twenty and four.
Item. Slips 12. Item 2.
Item. ? 9.
Item. Simple collars, twenty-four.
Item. A chest for vegetables.
Item. Ditto for candles.
Item. Green herbs put away for dishes.
Item. Ditto for cakes, from Bialaglowa.
Item. We found trifles from Bialaglowa, such as thread, laces, and other articles which were accounted for at 50 Polish zloty, which the widow took for herself. And she did bind herself to give the half of these things, 25 zloty, to the gentlemen executors.
Item. Two black wooden tables.
Item. A large wooden bedstead with a straight curtain upholstered in green.
Item. Two chests, one black, the second painted.
Item. A small box.
Item. A wooden mangle.
Item. One and a half stones of lead.
Item. Fantasy or a green curtain with a green fringe around it.
Item. Two seats.
Item. An old spinning wheel—not good—in the kitchen.

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