GREAT deal of history has been made
since 1773, the year when the Scotch American Company entered upon their
possession of Ryegate, and we have only to glance at contemporary events
to realize how far the world has moved since that day. It seems an ancient
date, that far away year, yet, as this chapter goes to press there are
several living who can remember Gen. James Whitelaw, William Neilson, and
others of the first settlers of the town very well. Mr. Neilson was born
in 1742, and in the years which have passed since that date, much of what
we call modern history has been made. Yet the space of two lives
comprehends it all.
In 1773, George the Third was King
of Great Britain; a dull, stubborn man, who would never have been heard of
outside his native parish, had he been horn a peasant At that time, upon
an estate over which James Whitelaw and David Allan must have crossed on
their journey along the south bank of the Potomac, lived a retired colonel
of Virginia militia, destined a few years later, to give King George a
great deal of trouble. The Boston Tea Party took place during the month in
which the commissioners received their bond of sale from John Church, and
the battle of Lexington was only fourteen months in the future.
At that date, in the American
colonies, there was a public conveyance only between a few of the largest
towns, and, twenty years later, there Were but seventy-five post offices
in the United States. In 1773, there was not a bank in North America, and
a ship which crossed the ocean in six weeks was said to have had a quick
passage. In that year Benjamin Franklin was pleading the cause of the
American colonies before the House of Commons; Louis XV was nearing the
close of his wicked reign; and in the island of Corsica a boy named
Napoleon Bonaparte was learning to read. In Scotland, Adam Smith was
preparing "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Nations," and at London Edward Gibbon was writing the "Decline and Fall of
the Roman Empire." Somehow we seem to think of Robert Burns as for
centuries the poet of Scotland, yet Ryegate had been settled thirteen
years when he published his first volume of poems. At Edinburgh, in 1773,
lived a little lame boy named Walter Scott, who was one day to eclipse all
Scottish fame except that of Burns himself. The steam engine was hardly
more than an experiment, and only a few years before Franklin had
demonstrated that lightning and electricity are the same. It is well to
consider what has been accomplished in the world since people from
Scotland began to clear land, and build log cabins in Ryegate.
Had Mr. Miller been spared to complete his work, the
memorials of the earlier days would have been enriched by the
reminiscences of the people who were old when he was young. But he
committed only a few of them to writing, and we are compelled to use the
scanty details of the early days, which have come down to us, as best we
can. The town and company records supply us with an outline which we may
complete in a measure. The first town meeting is thus mentioned by Mr.
On the third Tuesday in May (1776)
being appointed for the yearly town meeting for choosing the necessary
officers for the town, John Gray and James Whitelaw were chosen assessors;
Andrew Brock, treasurer; Robert Tweedale and John Orr, overseers of the
highway; John Scot, collector, and Archibald Taylor, James Smith, William
Neilson and David Reid, constables.
The fathers of the infant colony
seem to have discharged their duties satisfactorily, as, when a year
later, the "inhabitants of the town of Ryegate in the County of Gloucester
and Province of New York," met in annual meeting, "the same persons who
were chosen last year, both for civil and military officers, were
unanimously re-chosen for another year." Such approval of public service
has not often been given.
A few weeks later we catch a glimpse
(one of the last), of the "city" which the Company in Scotland had planned
as the center and crowning feature of this new colony in North America.
Thursday, June 12, (1777), all the
inhabitants met in order to choose their house lots in the town spot, when
Walter Brock made choice of lot No. 357; James Orr of No. 356; Robert Orr
of No 355 for himself and Nos. 353 and 354 for William Blackwood; John
Gray of No. 319 for himself, and No. 320 for John Barr; John Wilson of
Nos. 2, 3, 4, 321, 322, 323; John Scot of Nos. 276, 277, 278; Andrew Brock
of Nos. 349— 352; Robert Brock of Nos. 75-78; Alexander Sym of Nos. 347,
348; John Shaw of Nos. 196, 197, for himself, and Nos. 198—201 for William
Warden; and Nos. 202—205 for James Laird; James Neilson of No. 273, 274;
William Neilson of Nos. 265, 272; Patrick Lang of Nos. 260—263; and for
William Craig, 264, 291—293; David Reid of Nos. 289, 290; James Smith of
Nos. 286-288 for himself and 285 for John Gray; Robert Tweedale of Nos.
281—284; Hugh Gammel of Nos, 279, 280 for his father; Archibald Taylor of
No. 206; James Whitclaw ol Nos. 207-210; James Henderson of Nos. 21 1—213,
and John Waddel of 214.—( White-law’s Journal.)

First and Second pictures are of the Ryegate lots and
the third is them both joined together.
They are large files as they needed to be to be able to read the lot
Click on the thumbnails to get the full mage.
Wars and rumors of wars, hard work,
and the rigors of winter in a new country, did not prevent the festivities
of a wedding, as Mr. White-law says:
"On the 9th of January, 1777, James
Henderson was married to Agnes Sym, and on the 17th of the same month
Robert Brock was married to Elizabeth Stewart, which were the first two
marriages which ever was in Ryegate."
Mr. Mason says that at the former
wedding, all the colonists attended the young couple to their new home,
"with great joyfulness." The name of the officiating clergman or
magistrate is not preserved, but as the oldest child of the Hendersons was
baptized by Rev. Peter Powers, he probably performed the ceremony, and,
perhaps, the other also.
Agnes Sym, (Symes) must have been a
very capable young woman, if we may judge from certain entries in the
Company’s book, wherein she is credited with the sum of £13, 17, 3, for
reaping, washing, ironing, mending, making, and the exercise of other
accomplishments proper to a fashionable young lady of her times. In the
same book she is charged with "sundrie goods brought from Newburyport,"
£5,1,6; to "ribbons, pins, and gauze" 12/6 "Towards a wheel (not a
bicycle)" 10s, "tea dishes" 6/8; plates, mugs, candlesticks, snuffers, and
other accessories for housekeeping.
In 1783 the town voted:
That John Dodge and associates
should be prosecuted for cutting timber on the public lands, and that
Andrew Brock and William Neilson should grant a Power of Attorney to Moses
Dow, Esq., of Haverhill, for that purpose.
Then first the town got into law,
but not for the last time. In 1787, the legislature, sitting at Newbury,
passed a law requiring the record by the town clerk of
all transfers of real estate, and the town
voted to purchase a book containing eight quires of paper, for that
purpose. In that year 29 persons paid poll tax.
in 1794 the town voted:
That there shall be a sign post and
a pair of stocks erected in this town, at the town’s expense, as soon as
possible, to be set in the most convenient place near the crossing of the
road at Andrew Brock’s house, and appointed Andrew Brock and Alexander
Miller a committee to set them up.
Previous to 1784, the only public
road in Ryegate was the one from Wells River village to Barnet line—the
Hazen road; and all the earlier roads branched from it. The first to be
laid out by the town, and thus made a public highway, was the one running
east from the Corner, "from Andrew Brock’s to Mr. Sym’s," and the town
"voted 5 Pounds for the benefit of the roads, to be levied on the polls
and ratable estate." In 1787, a committee was appointed to lay out and
survey a road from Elihu Johnson’s to the division line, north of William
Neilson’s land."
In 1794, a road was surveyed from
Robert Brock’s mills to Groton line. Mr. Miller believes this to have been
laid entirely on the north side of the river, some sections of which are
now disused.
In 1797, the "Old West Road," from
the Corner to Groton line, was laid out and accepted. Much of this, also,
has been altered. The date of the acceptance of a road by the town gives
no clue to the time when it began to be travelled, but fixes the date when
the town began to be responsible for its maintenance.
As we have already stated, the Hazen
road, a work of great value to the settler, was passable for carts. But
the earliest roads were very much like our winter logging roads, and only
passable with teams in winter. People rode on horseback, two on a horse, a
man and wife, the latter riding behind. Rev. Clark Perry states that the
first wheeled carriage was brought into Newbury, about 1783, by a minister
who came to preach. The first chaise was not owned in that town till after
Rev. David Sutherland says that
there were no carriages of any kind in Bath till several years after his
settlement there in 1804. Miss Mehetable Barron of Bradford, who afterward
became Mrs. Robert Whitelaw, told Rev. Dr. McKeen that she was the first
woman who ever rode from Newbury street to Ryegate in a chaise. She was in
company with Mr., afterwards Judge Noble, of Tinmouth, and their carriage
attracted as much attention as would an elephant passing along. This must
have been before her marriage to Mr. Whitelaw, in 1804. The first
four-wheeled wagon was brought to Bath in 1811.
When we talk about the conditions of
those early days, we are obliged to remember that most of our labor-saving
conveniences were wholly unknown. The tools with which the people worked
their land were clumsy and heavy. Even so common a thing as the traverse
sled did not come into use till after 1825. Scores of useful
articles of metal, which can be bought for a few pennies, were then
costly, or not to be had at any price. Our modern means of instant
communication were wholly unknown.
It must be remembered, however, that
in those days there were large families, and many hands to do the work.
Every child, however small, had its task. When a man had a heavy job to do
in a short time, his neighbors turned out to help him, and in sickness or
trouble, no man asked help in vain. There was a mutual spirit of
helpfulness, which sprang from the common needs of all, a kindly interest
and solicitude, which in our more artificial state of society, only partly
The "list of polls and ratable
estate," is first given in 1784, and the amount is £604. 05, which two
years later, had increased to £708. In 1787, we have the first list where
the name of each tax payer, and the items of taxable property were given.
There were 26 individual lists. William Neilson was the largest taxpayer,
with an appraisement of £91, and next him came Andrew Brock with £57, and
Josiah Page with £50. Two years later the items are expanded to give the
number of acres of cleared and uncleared land held by each, the number of
horses, cows, oxen, and other cattle; the amount of wool raised, and the
number of yards of tow or linen cloth manufactured on the premises. -
William Neilson had 46 acres of cleared land, and next him came James
Whitelaw with 30 acres, while of wild land the former owned 654 and Andrew
Brock 512 acres. Twenty horses were owned, and 24 pairs of oxen. The
number of sheep is not given, but 707 lbs. of wool were returned, and 2325
yards of tow or linen cloth. The domestic manufacture of this latter
staple, and consequently the raising of flax was a prominent industry in
Ryegate from an early day, although the lists do not give the amount
produced in any other year. This industry has been discontinued so long
that few are living who remember how it was conducted, and the
"flax-brake," the "hetchel," the "swingle," the "bucking-tub," the
"clock-reel," and the "little wheel," where preserved, are objects of
curious interest, of whose manner of operation the present generation has
only a vague idea. But, a century ago, they were in constant use on every
farm, and the Scotch colonists of Ryegate brought over with them a few
ideas in the linen industry, which caused the linen cloth made by them to
be considered a superior article, always in demand at a good price.
The raising of sheep was exposed to
the rapacity of wolves and bears. These wild animals prowled around the
clearings and cattle and sheep had to be kept in at night. Rev. J. M.
Beattie, in an historical sketch of the town for Miss Hemenway's
Gazetteer, states that in the summer of 1778, Mrs. John Gray saw a bear
carrying off a sheep. She followed the trail, and came suddenly upon the
bear, when she screamed with terror, at which sound the bear, terrified in
his turn, dropped his prey, and betook himself to flight, and Mrs. Gray,
taking the sheep on her shoulders, returned home in triumph. A curious
fact preserved in the Johnson papers at Newbury, is that in the spring of
1778, Col. Johnson let John Gray of Ryegate have four likely sheep, and
was to share their wool and increase.
It will be borne in mind that most
of the colonists were young men with only their own hands to depend upon;
that money was very scarce, and they were obliged to resort to almost any
means to start a flock. In an old account book of Col. Frye Bayley’s,
preserved in the library at Newbury, is the following, which we insert to
show how people began their flocks.
Newbury, Aug. 11, 1789,
This day agreed with John Petty of
Ryegate to let him six Ewe sheep to be returned in three years from this
date, and to receive from him one pound of well washed wool per year for
each sheep, and one third part of their increase, also three wether sheep
for which the said Petty is to give one pound and one quarter of wool each
per year.
The food of the first settlers was
plentiful, although till they had cleared land and raised grain they had
to depend upon supplies from Newbury, where corn and wheat were plenty.
The meat of domestic cattle was seldom tasted in Ryegate in the first
years, as all the cattle were young, and were kept for their work or their
increase. But game was plentiful in the woods, and fish abounded in the
brooks and ponds. Mary, daughter of Col. Timothy Bedel of Haverhill, who
first settled in Bath, and lived there till about 1774, stated in some
reminiscences written in her old age, that when they lived in Bath, about
two miles below the present site of Lisbon village, they could, at any
time, catch all the salmon they wanted out of the Ammonoosuc.
The first dwellings were built of
logs, and there were log houses still occupied as late as 1865. A log
house could be put together with scarcely any use of metal, and where iron
was so hard to be had, and money so scarce, it was necessary to get along
with as few nails as possible. The floors were made of split pieces, or
logs hewed on one side, and worn smooth by constant use. The door hinges
were of wood, and the latches also. A string, or strip of leather,
attached to the latch, passed through a hole above it, by pulling which
the latch was lifted from the outside. The door was made fast by the
simple process of pulling in the string. Hence arose the saying, as an
emblem of hospitality— "his latch-string was always out!"
A log house is frequently alluded to
in these days as a comfortless sort of habititation, but there were old
people fifty years ago who were wont to say, in their prosperous after
life, that they were never so happy as when they "lived in the old log
Everything made of metal was costly,
as iron had to be brought from a distance, and all articles made from it
were wrought by hand. The Company’s book shows that in 1774, 1 M. of 20d
nails cost £2.1.7¼, and 1 M. of 10d
nails £1.8. Nails were then made by hand, and
for many years afterwards.
The solicitude felt by the people at
the old home in Scotland for the Ryegate colonists is best illustrated by
the following extract from a letter by William Houston to Mr. Whitelaw
dated at Renfrew, May 4, 1783. [Whitelaw papers.]
In the first place you and us have
been for a long time in a state of Annihilation to one another, through
the means of a long and unprofitable war. But thank God for it, it is over
now, and Peace, that Blessing to mankind, is again restored. However, by
our long war the country has suffered much, for through its means we have
got an amazing increase of debt, and consequently of taxes, all which is
attended with a decrease of trade, for except the silk trade in Paisley,
almost every business is at much of a stand-still.
We earnestly wish you may find
opportunity of letting us know how matters are going with you—if the lands
of Ryegate are answering your expectations in any tolerable degree,—if the
people are healthy, and what deaths have happened among our
acquaintances—if you were molested or suffered much by the war. And
chiefly if a report be true that we have amongst us, viz.: that Vermont,
in which it is said Ryegate is included, is declared by Congress to be a
free and independent state, and it is also told that you are an
Assemblyman of that Sovereignty?
We will be glad to know if your new
code of laws be yet settled, and if it be on equitable and liberal
principles, such as tend to the security and satisfaction of the people.
If people from this country will be acceptable among the American states.
If lands about you are rising, in value as we think presumable now that
America has become independent they will rise. If you sow any Barley yet,
and if there be any malting or distilling done, or prospect that a demand
for it may take place.
We hope that in a short time you
will have more settlers in Ryegate for this end to the war has been long
wished for by the common people here, who have been long confined, and
greatly against the oppressive Measures which have been carried on,
against their interest in almost every respect, and they have added to all
our other calamities that of dear Markets, the last season being very
backward, and provisions of all sorts exceedingly high. Lands are not much
fallen in rents here yet, but if some stop be not put to emigration, farms
may not again be so scarce, so many begin to think of selling off, and
half the people here would go to America had they the money to go with.
Now, sir, your sending an answer to
these above questions, and any other things that you may inform us of will
much rejoice me and You may believe it true that it was only the want of
opportunity that held us hack from writing, for we understand that few of
our letters have reached you, and they all had to be sent by way of
Are masons in demand among you?
brick-makers? carpenters? tanners? We have such who can go, with a little
help. Give our compliments to all our friends. Tell James Neilson that his
mother is dead 24 months ago, that his father is yet alive, and his
brother Archibald is married, and has got a new tack of his farm. My
oldest son hath bred himself to the stocking trade. Do you think that a
stocking frame would be a business of any consequence with you? Please
deliver the enclosed to Colonel Jacob Bayley.
Mr. Whitelaw writing home to
Scotland under date of Oct. 16, in the same year gives a fair account of
the condition of the colony in the tenth year of its settlement:
As I understand there are numbers of the Company and
others of the mind to come here if the advices from us are favorable, I
will give you a short account of the country from the experience I have
had of it, and first as to the face of the country. It is in some places
pretty level, in others hilly and uneven, but even in the most uneven
places the soil is generally fertile, and fit for producing all the kinds
of grain you have in Scotland. The prices of grain are about the same as
when Mr. Allan was here, viz.: wheat about one dollar a bush., corn ½, and
oats 1/3. Flax we can raise in great plenty, and it sells at 6d sterling a
pound, butter and pork at the same price; cheese 4d the pound, beef about
2d, and we always have a good market for all the above we can raise in a
year without carrying it over the barn door, and though we seldom have our
pay in money, we can have something of the same value which answers the
same end. I think it is much better living here than in Scotland; the
people here are all in pretty good circumstances; there has none less than
15 acres cleared and some have 50; the lowest can raise enough to make a
comfortable living, and the rest in proportion. The country is very
healthful, and agreeable to British constitutions, there having been
scarcely any sickness in the town since it was settled; only 3 of the
people who came here from Scotland and only 4 children have died and all
are at present in good health. The Constitution and laws of the State of
Vermont are generally allowed to be the best on the Continent; taxes are
very light, while in the other states they are very high.
The years which succeeded the
revolutionary war, while they witnessed great improvement in Ryegate, were
yet times of trial, in forms of which we know nothing in these days. The
continental currency, which began to be issued early in the war
depreciated rapidly in value. The Spanish milled dollar was the chief coin
in circulation and the deeds for many parcels of land in Ryegate and
Barnet specify the price in that coinage. The continental money had
depreciated in value to such an extent, that the General Assembly sitting
at Newbury in 1787, found it necessary to fix by law the value of paper
money expressed in contracts made at different times after September,
1777, when the paper dollar began to fall below the milled silver dollar.
On the 1st of January, 1780, the silver dollar was held to be equal to
twenty paper dollars, and eight months later, the Spanish milled dollar
was declared equal to 72 paper dollars. The currency, much of which was
counterfeit, became so worthless that no one would take it, and
disappeared from circulation.
Thus while Ryegate was rapidly
gaining in those conditions which were afterward to make the town
prosperous, the years which followed the war were rather hard. There was
very little money in circulation. There were no banks in the country till
several years after the war; so there were no bank notes, and the United
States did not begin the coinage of gold and silver till 1792,
consequently all the money in circulation was of foreign countries, and in
a sum of money of no very large amount there would be coins of five or six
nationalities. There were many counterfeits, and the Coos County had
notoriety as a residence of a counterfeiting gang. One Glazier Wheeler, of
Newbury and Haverhill, a man of wonderful ingenuity, who had been engaged
in various unlawful transactions, became the tool of men who obliged him
to make Spanish dollars and "Half Joes," which contained only one-fourth
as much gold or silver as the geniune. With him was associated the
notorious Stephen Burroughs. Wheeler was caught in the act of making dies,
and imprisoned on Castle Island in Boston Harbor, while the men who
profited by him, escaped all punishment.
The scarcity of money in the
country, and various conditions which caused people to think that the
wealth of the country was being concentrated into the hands of a few, led
to great troubles and there were those who hoped to thrive upon the
distress of the country. Among the Johnson papers at Newbury is one which
recalls a peculiar episode in Ryegate history.
Mr. Whitelaw wrote Col. Johnson
asking confidentially, concerning one Henry Tufts, who had been
ingratiating himself in the place, and of whom Mr. Whitelaw evidently had
his doubts. This was the same man who, many years later, published an
autobiography entitled, "The Life, Public Service, and Sufferings of Henry
Tufts." Col. T. W. Higgin son has given him some fame as the type of "A
New England Vagabond," and who appears to have been as many kinds of a
rascal as oneman could welibe. He came to this part of the country several
times, claiming to be, or to have been, a clergyman, and preached more
than once, and at another time he stole a horse. He could do both equally
well. His real object was to profit by stirring up strife, but without
success here, as he found none to follow him, and had to sit in the
Newbury stocks for a day, as punishment for violent speech.
In the absence of a stable currency,
the standard of value for many years, before and after 1800, was a bushel
of wheat, the staple product of the farms, for which there was a steady
demand and a more nearly average value, one year into another, than
anything else. Taxes were paid in wheat, the minister’s salary and the
school master’s wages were computed in it, and notes are extant to be paid
in wheat, which sometimes amounted to hundreds of bushels. It is
impossible to state, or even to estimate, the amount of wheat raised in
Ryegate, but it amounted to many thousands of bushels. On some of the
large farms hundreds of bushels were raised annually. When we consider
that all the work was done by hand, the seed covered as best it could be
among the stumps and logs of newly cleared land, the grain reaped with a
sickle, threshed and cleaned by hand, we can comprehend what the work was.
Women were, generally, better reapers than men, and sometimes labored in
harvest from early dawn till the stars appeared at night.
Salem was the great market for
export wheat, which was, usually, taken to market in winter. Some farmers
made the trip several times in the season, and a number of teams would go
at the same time. The route was along the old turnpike from Haverhill
Corner to the Merrimack valley. When Robert Brock, an experienced miller,
bought the mills at Boltonville, he introduced improved machinery, which
produced a superior brand of flour, much of which was exported. In 1792,
he ground, and sent to Glasgow, a large quantity of very fine flour.
Oatmeal was unknown in this part of New England, until its manufacture was
introduced by the settlers of Ryegate and Barnet. In the "famine years" of
1815-17, people blessed the Scotch "for they invented oatmeal !"
There were no banks in Vermont,
prior to 1817, as the majority of the people were opposed to their
establishment, and the issue of paper money. In New Hampshire another
policy prevailed, and the Coos bank, the earliest in this part of New
England, was organized in 1803 at Haverhill, then the most important place
in the north country. -
Since the establishment of the
national banking system the country has had the advantage of a stable
currency. The holder of a five dollar bill knows that bill to be worth
just five dollars, neither more nor less, anywhere in the country, and
does not trouble himself to notice the name of the issuing bank. But our
fathers had not this security, and on taking money, were careful to
ascertain the value of each bank note. Bills of certain banks whose
resources were beyond question, were at a premium. Others were at a slight
discount, and many were of uncertain value. There were also many
counterfeits, something almost never seen at the present time.
Every merchant subscribed for a
"Bank Note Detector," a publication issued at stated intervals, in which
each issue of every bank in the country was described, and its
counterfeits were minutely indicated. The uncertainty about the value of
bank money made it necessary, when one man sent money to another to send a
minute of the bills, retaining a copy. In the Whitelaw papers in Ryegate,
and the Johnson papers at Newbury, the largest collections of early
business transactions in this vicinity are many papers like the following:
List of Bills paid by Jona. Gates to
John Holden for James Manderson.
Vermont-Burlington No. 1853, July 4, 1808, One
ditto ditto No. 1574, July 4, 1808, One Dollar
Hillsboro No. 766, May 2, 1807, Ten Dollars
Berkshire No. 584, Sept. 7, 1806, Ten Dollars
Northampton (defaced) June 4, 1806, Five Dollars
Berkshire No. 2661. Sept. 9, 1806, Five Dollars
Springfield No. 1665, June 4, 1806, Five Dollars
Coos, No. 756, Oct. 4, 1805, Five Dollars
Massachusetts No. 10350, July 3, 1804, Ten Dollars
Hallowell and Augusta No. 2902, Sept. 2, 1805, Five Dollars
I hereby promise that if any of the
above mentioned bills prove to be bad and are returned, to take them back,
and pay .other current bills in lieu of them.
An institution of some importance in
the early days, when fences were weak and cattle ran at large, was the
place of detention for unruly and wandering beasts known as the town
pound, and the keeper thereof, who was sometimes also "hog constable," was
an officer of considerable responsibility. In 1796 it was voted to let the
town remain in one pound district, and to erect a pound on the school lot
near the road that goes to Hugh Gardners’, John Gray, James Whitelaw and
Josiah Page to superintend its erection, and have it completed by May 1,
1797. By 1817, this structure seems to have fallen into decay, as the town
voted to build a pound of stone, the site to be chosen by the selectmen.
These officials chose the "old ground," on which to erect the new
structure, "to be built 33 feet square within, 5½ feet high, with a
triangular log on top one foot thick, and 14 inches high, to taper to a
sharp point, the walls to be 4 feet thick on the bottom, gradually
tapering to 1½ ft., to have two wooden posts, with a strong door three
feet wide, to be complete to the acceptance of the selectmen by July
next." Its construction was bid off by Kimball Page for $29.50. In 1829
the town voted "Not to move the pound." Looking at it one would think they
were wise not to try. It has long passed into disuse.
"Tything men" were among the
officials chosen by the town for many years—from one to six or seven, and
were a sort of local police and were intrusted with many duties which now
fall to other offices. One of these was to preserve order in public
gatherings, especially at public worship on the Sabbath, and to arrest and
detain travelers upon that day.
The memories of aged people a half
century ago returned with pleasure to the early and primitive days, which
seemed more real to them than the scenes of their later years. If all the
tales and traditions which then lingered among the hills of Ryegate and
Barnet had been gathered, they would form a volume, which in humor, pathos
and appeal to the deepest emotions of the heart would be hard to surpass.
Most of them passed with the forms that uttered them. A few, only, are
rescued from oblivion
A tale related very circumstantially
by Mr. Mason is concerning a young daughter of John McCallum, an early
settler on the Harvey tract in Barnet, whose name is on the call
extended in 1789 to Rev. David Goodwillie. The child, who was a general
favorite, and remarkable for her lovable disposition, was sent by her
father on horseback, to the home of John McNab, in the east part of the
town, a distance of several miles, her Journey lying mainly through the
woods. On arriving at her destination she related that in passing through
the forest, at a spot which she described with great minuteness, her
progress was arrested by strange and beautiful music, which seemed to come
from every direction
above and around her, filling the
air. She remained fixed to the spot till the music died away. In the
afternoon she set out on her return but not appearing at nightfall, her
father and neighbors went in search of her, and found her lying dead at
the spot which she had so minutely described. No marks or bruises were
found on her body, or anything to indicate the cause of her death. In the
old church yard at Barnet Centre her grave is thus marked:
Elizabeth, dau. John and Ellen
Died July 28, 1812, aged 14 years.
An anecdote related about forty
years ago, to the editor of this work by an aged man who had known in his
younger days the early settlers of Ryegate and Barnet, was to the effect
that an old man, in one town or the other, had been reaping wheat with his
sons, in a field at some distance from home. They had finished their
reaping before night, and the sons went home, leaving their father to bind
up some sheaves. He had not returned home at night fall, and one of the
Sons went to look for him, and found that he had left the field, put up
the bars, and was partly leaning over them, dead, with his face turned
toward the field. At his funeral Mr. Goodwillie preached from the text—"
And behold there came an old man from his work, out of the field at even."
Inquiry among the older people in both towns fails to find any one who
could recall hearing of this circumstance. But as it may have occurred a
century or more ago, it has long passed from the minds of men. |