Meeting. The Congress
was called to order by President Bonner in the State Capitol at 3:30 p.m.
Rev. Dr. J. H. Bryson led in prayer as
follows: Ever blessed
and eternal God, we recognize ourselves as the creatures of thy hand, and
in our associations would we come before thee and desire to be guided,
counseled and directed by thee. And now as we come together at this hour
to confer together as friends with reference to matters looking to our
interests in this world, and we trust the world to come, let the spirit of
all wisdom, the spirit of all love, and the spirit of all grace guide and
direct us in all our deliberations, that in them we would recognize our
God's providence and our God's kind and reverential hand. Bless us and
sustain us for Christ's sake. Amen.
Dr. Macintosh:
It is desirable that we get through all our
business this afternoon, and it will therefore be advisable to expedite
matters as much as possible.
The report of the Executive Committee was read
by the Secretary, Mr. A. C. Floyd, as follows:
Report of the Executive Committee of the
Scotch-Irish Society of America for the Society Year Ending with the
Atlanta Congress. The
third volume of the "Scotch-Irish in America" contains all the proceedings
of our Third Congress and of the Executive Committee whose term expired at
that meeting. The present Executive Committee was elected by the Executive
Council and entered upon the discharge of its duties before the Congress
adjourned. Immediately after its appointment the committee held a meeting
in Louisville, at at which its work for the ensuing year was extensively
discussed, and plans for its accomplishment outlined. A sub committee
consisting of the President, Vice President General, and Secretary was
appointed to exercise a general supervision over the work, and to decide
matters of minute detail, and those requiring prompt action. This was
necessary on account of the time consumed in correspondence with the
members of the committee living in widely separate parts of the country.
Plans for the improvement of the programme of our yearly gatherings and of
our future volumes were adopted. It was felt that our annual Congress
could be made more interesting to our popular audiences by making our
addresses shorter and giving more time for social enjoyment. At the same
time it was felt that for publication in our annual volumes the addresses
could not well be too elaborate. Our former volumes have nearly covered
the general history of the race; but they have merely touched a wide
surface beneath which lie a thousand mines of historic wealth, which
should be worked deep and well by many scholars. It was therefore decided
that we should have six formal addresses, and a certain number of
historical papers submitted to the Congress, some of them in short
abstracts prepared by their authors, and others taken as read without
remarks, in addition to which, short, crisp five and ten minute speeches
were to be made a special feature.
The Secretary was instructed to obtain from a
number of publishers bids for our third volume. This was done, and the
several bids being laid before each member of the committee, the contract
was awarded to the Methodist Publishing House at Nashville, Tenn., whose
work has been very satisfactory. We regret that the publication was
somewhat delayed by the same causes which operated against us last year,
but we hope to secure greater promptitude hereafter.
During the year the committee has selected and
adopted a beautiful design for life membership certificate, and an
attractive annual membership card.
After due consideration the committee decided
to accept the invitation to hold our fourth annual Congress in Atlanta,
presented to us at our Louisville Congress by the Scotch-Irish Society of
Atlanta, who were seconded in the same by the Mayor and City Council of
Atlanta, Gov. Northen, the Chamber of Commerce, the Confederate Veterans
Association, the 0. M. Mitchell Post, Grand Army of the Republic, the
Young Men's Christian Association, and the Ministers' Evangelical
Association. Upon receipt of this acceptance, the Scotch-Irish Society of
Atlanta met and appointed committees, whose names will be given in our
next volume, to make suitable arrangements for our entertainment. The
Local Executive Committee having supervision of the other committees
consists of Dr. J. N. Craig, President; Mr. T. H. P. Blooodworth,
Secretary; Col. H. F. Starke; and Col. W. L. Calhoun. These gentlemen and
their associates, especially the Chairmen of the various committees, have
proceeded with their work with admirable system. At their request, the
Secretary sent them in the beginning a statement, giving in minute detail
the arrangements which had been made in the cities previously visited,
together with such improvements as experience had suggested. These plans
have been carried out on a most generous scale. Five thousand elegantly
engraved invitations, besides explanatory matter, have been sent out to
the members of the Society, editors of papers and prominent Scotch-Irish
people on both sides of the Atlantic. About the middle of March our
Secretary and Col. John W. Echols, of Pittsburg, representing our
Executive Committee, visited Atlanta, upon the invitation of the local
committees, to confer with them as to final arrangements. How well these
have been carried out the splendid manner in which we are now being
entertained attests.
There has been a steady increase in our membership during the year, but
not so large as it should have been. At our Louisville Congress the
necessity of increasing our membership was extensively discussed, but no
definite plan to attain that end was adopted. Realizing, however, the
necessity of taking some steps in that direction, the President, Vice
President General and Secretary some weeks ago issued an address to all
our members, asking them to urge their Scotch-Irish friends to become
members. This appeal
has already brought us in a number of new members, and will continue to
bear good fruit. We suggest, however, that this Congress devise and adopt
some systematic method by which our members will be constantly recruiting
our ranks. Within the
past year Iowa has organized a branch society. This action is due
principally to the zeal and influence of Hon. P. M. Cassady, our honored
Vice President for that state.
Through the efforts of our Second Vice
President at large, Dr. J. H. Bryson, the Alabama Scotch-Irish Society has
largely increased its membership.
The accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer
have been duly submitted and audited, and show no balance in the hands of
the Treasurer at the close of the year. There remain, however, outstanding
liabilities amounting to about $575, against which may be set off about
five hundred volumes of the annual proceedings still on hand of the
estimated value of $400.
The balance from last year and the receipts
for the year just ended make the total receipts $1,834.90 from the
following sources: $31.55 balance from last year, $913 from annual
membership fees, $400 from life membership payments, $476.35 from volumes
sold, and $14 from special donations.
The expenditures for the past year amount to
$1,834.90, including the following items: $933.31 for printing and sending
out annual proceedings, and for papers containing the report of the
proceedings of the Louisville Congress sent at that time to absent
members; $251.53 for stamps, stationery, and other office necessaries and
traveling expenses of the Secretary and members of the Executive
Committee; $150 for balance of Secretary's salary, and $500 on salary for
the present year.

To the Honorable President, Officers, and
Members of the Scotch-Irish Society, Atlanta, Ga.:
In this I hand you my report as Treasurer of
the Society, giving an itemized statement of receipts and disbursements of
same, with vouchers accompanying, all of which I respectfully submit.
Lucius Friebson, Treasurer.
Columbia, Tenn., April 22, 1892. The
outstanding indebtedness of the Society amounts to some $750, which will
be explained by the Secretary, A. C. Floyd.
Respectfully, Lucius Frierson, Treasurer.
Report of Auditing Committee.
We have gone over the foregoing accounts of
the Treasurer and compared them with payments received and with vouchers
for disbursements, and find them carefully kept and correct. There is no
balance in the hands of the Treasurer. John W. Echols, Geo. Macloskie,
Auditing Committee.
Dr. Macintosh:
In order to complete this report there are two
special reports to be submitted, one by Col. Echols and the other by Mr.
Bruce. Col. John W.
Echols: Mr.
President: As Chairman of the Committee appointed to report as to the best
method of increasing our membership, I have a suggestion to make. Dr.
Pillow and myself have given this subject a great deal of thought and
attention, and, after conferring together, we beg leave to report that the
best system possible to increase our membership would be this: That each
and every person now a member of our Society be requested and expected
during the next year to send in one application for membership; and as a
fine or penalty, in lieu thereof, that upon his failure to send in the
name of a member he shall pay one year's annual dues instead, or the sum
of three dollars. We have arrived at that conclusion in this way. It has
been known in the history of our largest banks that it is almost
impossible to induce the directors to attend the directors' meetings
regularly. The result would be the absence of a quorum and the necessity
of leaving over large amounts of business on that account. Many schemes
were started to induce the directors to attend the meetings, and these
took two forms: one was in the nature of a fine imposed upon any director
who was not present in time, and the other in the form of a reward; and
the results, while very satisfactory, have been laughable in some cases.
It has been found in the cases of some of our largest banking institutions
that an award of fifty cents given to the trustees for their attendance
would secure an almost unanimous attendance of that board of directors day
in and day out. On the other hand, the fear of being fined fifty cents
would result in the same manner. In some cases it has been held out as a
reward ; in others, as a punishment. We have adopted the latter view of
the matter, believing that all that is necessary is something in the way
of a penalty or fine to keep the matter before the minds of our members.
When they know they must report between now and the next meeting the name
of some one suitable for membership in this Society, or in lieu thereof
pay one year's annual dues for the man they didn't send, I honestly
believe that there is not a member of our Society that will not send in
the name of one person to be elected a member of this Society. We are now
about 450 strong. Suppose that each one of us sends one new name, we will
reach a membership of 900, and with this repeated the next year's
membership would be 1,800, and that of the succeeding year 3,600. I
believe that we can send one name each. I know that some of us have sent
half a dozen with very little work, and the reason we come here 450 strong
is because we, as members, have not given the matter one hour's attention
since our meeting in Louisville last year. I am satisfied that when you
gentlemen know that on your honor you will be expected to give three
dollars if you do not get one new member, you will spend an hour's time in
this work and get that new member.
Mr. Helm Bruce:
The subject treated by Mr. Hunter and myself
has a bearing similar to that reported upon by Col. Echols. We were asked
to suggest some arrangement by which the financial condition of the
organization could be improved. I think it ought to be stated to the
members here present why it was considered necessary to have this matter
referred to a committee. Last year at Louisville it was reported that the
expenses for the preceding year had exceeded the revenue by about $600.
That deficiency was made up not out of the regular revenues for the year
between our Louisville meeting and the present, but by what amounted to
voluntary contributions, some gentlemen contributing life memberships by
paying a hundred dollars, some by subscribing for a large number of books,
and in one way or another this deficiency was paid up. We have come to
Atlanta with practically the same condition of affairs: the receipts are
$575 behind the expenditures. It is manifest, therefore, that something
must be done to increase the regular reliable income of the Society. No
individual can live comfortably and properly where he incurs expenditures
greater in amount than his income; and no organization, whether
governmental or private or social, can live and prosper and perform the
purpose for which it was formed (and if it does not perform its purposes,
it had better cease to exist) without having a regular income that will
meet its expenses without being obliged to call for voluntary
contributions at each meeting from the members or the outside world.
The question occurs then as to how we can
increase the regular revenues of our society. I do not believe we can
increase them in any other manner—in fact, I see no other source of
revenue—than by increase in membership. The only source of revenue that I
can think of at all is membership fees, the sale of our publications, and
voluntary contributions. I leave voluntary contributions out of
consideration. As to the sale of books, the books are sold mainly to
members, so that there comes up the question of either increasing the
membership of the national society or of making available for revenue
purposes the membership of state societies. Col. Echols has reported a
plan for increasing the membership of the national society. I desire to
suggest that a plan be adopted for making available for revenue purposes
the membership of the state societies. It is very much easier to maintain
a state than a national organization. It is much easier to get a man to
join an association which brings him in contact with his friends right
around him, in his own community, where they see each other day by day and
week by week, than it is to get him to join an organization which will
meet hundreds of miles away from where he lives and where the probability
is he will never go. Again, the state organization is more efficient, the
members are drawn closer together when they join it, therefore it is
easier to work up a state organization. If the state organization does not
contribute in some form to the national organization, then the formation
of each state association is a blow at the national organization. You form
a state society in Kentucky, for instance; I speak of my own state. A
majority of the members do not care to belong and pay full dues to both
organizations. They may be willing to contribute such a sum to the local
organization as will enable it out of that sum to pay a certain sum to the
national organization without being willing to belong to both
organizations and pay the full amount of dues to each. Therefore, when a
member becomes a member of the state organization, he is apt to drop his
membership in the national; or, having become a member in the state
organization, without being a member of the national, he is not apt ever
to join the national organization, because he don't care to pay dues to
both. Therefore, it is as I say, that unless the state organization is
made to contribute to the national then the formation of each state
organization is a blow at the national, and I think it is desirable,
inasmuch as it is easier to work up state organizations, for them to be
made to contribute to the national organization.
We have in Section 5 of the By-laws of the
national society this provision, which I will read for those who may not
be familiar with it: "Branch organizations"—and by the way I would suggest
that this term be changed to local organizations—"whose objects are in
harmony with those of this society may become and remain affiliated with
the same by the annual payment of a sum equal to one dollar for each
member of such branch society." I will remark incidentally in connection
with this that that does not make a branch organization a part of the
national organization, such that the national can control the internal
affairs of the local organization, but merely affiliates the two without
making one an integral part of the other.
"2. Installments of this sum may be paid at
any time to the Secretary of this society by the proper officers of branch
organizations, and a copy of the annual proceedings shall be immediately
forwarded through him for every dollar so paid." So you see that by that
provision every member of a state organization which takes advantage of
this provision receives a copy of the proceedings of the national
organization. The payment of dues is to the state society; the state
society then through its Secretary sends one dollar of each member's dues
to the national society, and the member gets a volume of our proceedings.
"3. The balance of such sum shall be paid as
provided for in case of the installments, not later than the first day in
April of each year, the balance to be reckoned on the number of members
belonging to the branch society on the first day of the preceding March."
I would suggest as an amendment to the third
section that instead of requiring a branch or local organization that
desires to become affiliated with the national to pay one dollar for each
man or each woman that it has on its rolls, it pay one dollar for each
member who pays its dues to the state society. [This change has since been
made.] The members of the state society may not all pay their dues to the
state society. Suppose, for instance, you take three dollars as dues to
the state society, of which one dollar is to go to the national society.
Suppose you have a hundred members and only fifty pay their dues—that is a
large proportion not to pay their dues, but suppose only fifty pay—you do
not feel like taking from the state society two dollars out of every three
that has been paid, but let the amount to be paid to the national society
depend upon the number of members who pay their dues to the state society.
Let the same society fix its dues so that a certain proportion of them
shall go to the national society. I will take for example my own state of
Kentucky. Our annual dues are three dollars. It is provided in the
constitution of the Kentucky Society that one dollar of this three dollars
shall go to the national organization; then in return for that we are
entitled to a volume of the Scotch-Irish proceedings for every dollar that
is paid. When we send out our notices for dues we do not say that two
dollars are due to the state society and one dollar to the national
society, but that three dollars are due to the state society. When those
dues come in, you simply take one dollar from each man's dues and send it
to the Secretary of the national organization with the names and addresses
of those whose dollars have been forwarded, and that Secretary sends a
copy of the volume of proceedings to the addresses given him. The matter
is made simple, and at the same time the state association contributes
materially to the national organization.
The last subsection of this section is this:
Every such branch organization shall, in the annual Congress of this
society, be entitled to one member to every five of its members; in other
words, on the principle that there should be no taxation without
representation. If we contribute to the national organization under this
by-law, each member of the state society shall be entitled to speak here
as a delegate. We don't pay as much as the members of this society to its
support, and therefore we are allowed under this by-law a representation
in proportion of one to every five members who pay.
In conclusion, it seems to me that we are
bound to increase our fixed revenue, and in one or both of the two ways,
one by increasing the actual membership of the national organization, as
Col. Echols has suggested, the other by making state organizations
contribute to the support of the national. That is done by asking them; of
course we cannot force them to do it. The latter plan is especially to be
desired, because the state organizations can be more readily kept up,
interest in them can be more readily awakened, membership in them can be
more readily increased. I know this from personal experience. I am a
member of both organizations, and Secretary of the Kentucky Society. I go
to a gentleman who is not a member of either. Of course in soliciting him
to join a Scotch-Irish society it is natural that I should ask him to join
the state society; therefore, as it is easier to work up the state
societies than it is the national, and as every organization of a state
society, unless it contributes to the national, is a detriment to the
national society, we ought to combine the two plans of working up the
state society and making it not only not detrimental to the national
society, but contributive to it by paying one dollar, or some proportion
of the dues that are paid to the state society, to the national society.
Therefore, considering this a matter of vital importance, I suggest this
resolution: Resolved,
That the attention of local Scotch-Irish organizations be called to
Section V. of the By-laws of the Scotch-Irish Society of America on the
subject of affiliation between the national and local organizations (p. 72
of the third volume of our publications), with the suggestion that the
latter avail themselves of the privileges thus offered, in order that all
Scotch-Irish organizations may be drawn closer together, and that the
national organization may receive the support, both material and moral, of
the local organizations.
Resolved further, That a copy of this
resolution be sent to the Secretary of each local organization, with the
request that he bring it to the attention of the body of which he is an
officer at the earliest practical time.
Dr. Macintosh:
I move that the whole report as presented in
writing to the society, and these two statements, be received for the
purpose of discussion and consideration and, if desired, for adoption.
Mr. George H. Frey:
I move the adoption of Mr. Brace's resolution.
Dr. J. H. Bryson:
I wish to say a word in regard to the
relations of one society to another. In the state society of Alabama the
question came: If we make the dues to the state society three dollars and
the national society three dollars, if we join in one what are our
relations to the other? I think that the whole question ought to be
settled as Mr. Bruce has said, and settled definitely. I doubt one feature
of the proposed plan. I think we should make the matter of dues whatever
we may deem advisable, and let the matter of procuring the books be one of
purchase. The book may increase in volume, there may be things added to
it, and let us direct the matter to the attention of every member of a
society, whether state or national, and urge him to get a copy of the
book, and pay for it whatever it may be worth. If you make the dues cover
only the expense of the book—
Mr. Bruce:
I meant that the dues should cover the book.
Dr. Bryson:
The design of that then is to secure the
spread of the book more effectually?
Mr. Bruce:
No; the design is to secure the payment of
money from the local organizations to the national organization, and
secure their aid to the national organization. When they pay the one
dollar, they are given a copy of the book, but after all the main point of
it is to get the contribution from the state organization to the national
organization. If the book increases in cost hereafter, why then the
national association can take some action toward making provision for that
increased cost, and if the state organizations find that they can keep up
with any additional assessments to the national organization, steps may be
taken to allow them to do so in order to affiliate with the national
society. But the main point is to get the contribution from the state
organizations to the national, and therefore I think that the sum paid by
the members of the state society ought to be fixed so that the state
society may pay a sum to the national body according to the number of
members who have paid to the state society, and then the national, as I
understand, gives the books to the members of the state society.
Dr. Bryson:
I have no objection to the arrangement thus
made. The only point is whether the one dollar would be sufficient as
coming from the member and at the same time provide for the cost of the
book, which you know cannot be published without money. I think I can
safely pledge our organization in Alabama to contribute one dollar each,
and if you give us the book we will do it very cheerfully.
Secretary Floyd:
The Doctor's idea is that the book will cost
the national organization a dollar, and therefore that the contribution
will not aid the national society.
Dr. Bryson:
I mean approximately.
Mr. Floyd:
Suppose we have a thousand volumes printed,
the cost would be about one dollar each; the cost for the next thousand
would be only about thirty cents each.
Dr. Bryson:
If you can stand behind the book, all right.
Mr. Floyd:
That does not represent the cost exactly, but
it illustrates it, and shows that if our sales of books are large enough
we can make money on them.
Dr. Macintosh:
There is another very important matter
connected with this subject-Unfortunately, a great many members of our
national society and a great many members of our local societies—I don't
care whether you say branch or local or state or anything else—do not
attend our meetings, and the only thing they get from us and the only
information they receive is in this volume, and the volume is, therefore,
one of the strongest links binding us together, and it is becoming an
increasing bond. Its value is coming each year to be more appreciated.
This year I have had communications from all sorts and conditions of
writers as to the value of the articles in our three volumes; they are
becoming standards of reference in this department, and I agree with Dr.
Bryson that it is vitally important that we make the book a prominent
feature of our organization and make arrangements at the same time to run
our organization. Dr.
Bryson: There is one
other feature which I had not touched upon. Some of the productions that
are being brought to light in many of the state societies are very
valuable. The state society of Pennsylvania recently published some of the
finest addresses that have ever been presented to the public along this
line. It is exceedingly desirable that these should not be lost in
pamphlets. It is the same way with the Atlanta society, and the Alabama
society. Each state society and each local society will advance along the
same line, and we should, if possible, find some way to preserve this
matter. We ought to pay especial attention to this matter, as the book is
a tie that brings us close together, and I think my society will be
willing to contribute any assessment that may be made by this society to
carry out the purposes that I have indicated. We ought to have state
organizations or local societies and encourage them, because it is easier,
as has been said, to organize and sustain interest in them.
Col. Echols:
There is one important matter that we must not
lose sight of. It is true that one source of revenue will be this book,
and we hope that the sales each year of these publications will be largely
increased; we would like to have them in the hands of every member of the
Scotch-Irish family throughout this country, but at the same time we must
not forget that there might be such a thing as selling the books and
getting some money for the books, that will really cause our own society
to languish and go down. If the work of the state and local organizations
is not to build up the national society, and if members of the various
state and local organizations can gain by paying one dollar all that they
could gain by becoming members of the national society, the result will be
more and more as time goes on that the state and local organizations will
be built up at the expense of the national society. I am heartily in
sympathy with the remarks that have been made. I know of two Scotch-Irish
organizations that have published their pamphlets of matter, interesting
to every Scotch-Irish man and woman, that should be embodied in our
national volume. It will lend a greater interest to our national
publication; and the local societies, instead of publishing that material
in their own pamphlets, can send it to the Secretary of our society and
have it published in the annual volume. It will save those societies the
expense of making the publication and render them anxious to obtain a
volume which will not only contain the proceedings of their own meetings,
but those of other organizations throughout the country, and the national
society also. The
question is a very serious one that we should maintain and build up our
national society, and it seems to me that there is only one way in which
we can do that, and that is by every member going to work upon the plan
that I have suggested, as Chairman of that special committee, in our
report or a better one if any member here will suggest it that will not
only build up the local or state organization, but will bring us together
in one grand historic national body, so that all sections of the country
will be banded together with one common interest, one common bond, to
maintain and increase the historical side of this society. The suggestion
as made by Mr. Bruce was thoroughly ventilated last year at our Louisville
meeting, that the state organizations could by sending one dollar to the
national body have a certain representation, not that they should become
members of this society, but that they could have a delegate
representation to this body, and would receive one volume of the book for
every dollar sent in. What has been the result? I believe that the
Pennsylvania society did subscribe for a hundred volumes.
Mr. Floyd:
No; but California ordered twenty; Kentucky,
seventy; and Alabama, twenty-six.
Dr. Macintosh:
Many members of the Pennsylvania society are
members of the national society.
Col. Echols:
It is very well, of course, to have local
societies that will meet for the social intercourse that we cannot have in
the formal meetings of this society, but we must get at this matter from
the very root as to how we shall build up and grow as a national
organization. It is a serious question, and I can see no way to do that
than by building up the membership of our own society, and then as
suggested do the best we can to increase our revenues by the sales of
these books, and I think that if we adopted the suggestion of Dr. Bryson
and instead of having the local societies publish their own pamphlets,
embody that material in our own volume, that that alone will largely
increase the sale of the book, for the fact that every member of a local
society may get for the same price that he would have to pay for the
proceedings of our National Congress those proceedings as well as those of
his own and other local societies, and would be a greater inducement for
them to procure a copy. It seems to me that the resolution that was passed
at Louisville last year has not worked as we expected, and I tell you that
after a year's careful investigation I do not believe it will work in the
future. Mr. Frey:
I move the adoption of Mr. Bruce's resolution,
because, although it has not worked as successfully in bringing in
revenues to this parent society as was expected, it has brought some, and
we may well infer from the remarks of Mr. Bryson that something better
will come up from Alabama this year.
It seems to me that some terms of affiliation
with the local organizations must be maintained. I don't see how we can
avoid it, and I have no reason to believe that if we were to spend ever so
much time in discussing the matter we would be able to devise anything
better than we already have in our By-laws, and besides we could not alter
those provisions which have been read without changing our By-laws. I am
also heartily in favor of the suggestion made by Col. Echols himself for
recruiting the treasury. We have to do something practical. It is not a
very pleasant thing to contemplate, although we have not allowed it
heretofore to distress us much, and in one way or another we have raised
the wherewithal and got along; but, as has been suggested by Mr. Bryson
and Col. Echols, it is not a very practical way of doing business to go
along and make arrearages of several hundred dollars each year. I propose
that this meeting first adopt Mr. Bruce's rasolu-tion because some of this
deficiency in the local organizations may be the result of inattention in
directing the matter to the consideration of those who are interested in
it, and let us call the attention of the local organizations to it, and
then adopt Mr. Echols's resolution.
Dr. Macintosh:
I speak with all respect, but I think there
cannot be a shadow of a doubt as to the propriety of doing that. The fact
of the matter is, I think, that sufficient attention has not been given to
this provision in our By-laws, and I think it would be well to pass Mr.
Bruce's resolution, which will direct attention to the arrangement in our
By-laws to which we have been referring, and as our friend from Ohio very
properly says, we cannot alter them under the provisions that are already
enacted, which are wise, and which were prepared after weeks and weeks of
careful study and investigation. But the point made by Mr. Bruce is that
we direct attention in a very clear way, by means of his resolution, to
what we have already enacted; and I think also that the suggestion made by
Col. Echols should be adopted. The only thing I do not like in his plan is
that he does not propose to offer a premium to some of us who get more
than one member. I wish it fairly balanced; I like the even hand of
justice. Col. Echols:
Every heart will have its own reward for duty
performed. Mr. Bruce:
My idea is as Dr. Macintosh says. We have this
section in the Bylaws already adopted, and we wish in some forcible manner
to bring this matter to the attention of the Secretary in each local
society and have him bring it before the members as a matter of interest
and importance, and have it considered and adopted by each local society.
This can be thus presented in the resolution offered, and while this could
not be expressed in a resolution, each one of us should feel ourselves
bound to exert our influence to have this section taken advantage of.
Col. Echols:
I was laboring under a mistake. I supposed the
resolution was offered for the purpose of changing the by-law. I said that
had not worked and did not see that one of similar import would be any
better. The
resolution was adopted.
Mr. Frey:
I move the adoption of the resolution to be
reported by Col. Echols.
Col. Echols:
I offer a resolution as follows:
Resolved, That each member of this society be
requested, and expected during the ensuing year, to send in the name of at
least one candidate for membership in this society, or in lieu thereof
forward three dollars to the Secretary of the society, who is hereby
requested to send a copy of this resolution to each of our members.
Mr. D. D. Roper:
I suggest that we fix the annual dues at three
dollars and allow a credit, to any one who sends in a name, of three
dollars. Col. Echols:
The trouble would be like that of the Irishman
who wanted to buy a stove. The dealer said he could save him money by
selling him one that would burn only half the wood. He said: "I will take
two, and not burn any wood at all." Everybody would send in two names and
no money. Prof.
Macloskie: This is a
serious question. There are many men in our society who are willing to pay
three dollars and be a member, but who are not willing to hunt up other
members, and they would probably object to running their hands in their
pockets and paying out three dollars extra. I hesitate to speak against
the resolution, but it should receive serious consideration.
Mr. Bonner:
Suppose we put it in the form of a request and
not a penalty. Prof.
Macloskie: That modifies it.
Col. Echols:
That matter has been very carefully looked
into, and I am satisfied we have gone as far as we can in the amount of
our membership fee. That fee was at first two dollars a year, and we have
increased it to three dollars, and I am satisfied that if we were to
undertake to increase it any more it would result in a loss of membership.
The resolution is not meant to force any one to pay this three dollars,
but an additional hint to the members that it is their duty to send in a
new member or to send in three dollars. They will make an effort to do an
hour's work and secure a new member.
Dr. Macintosh:
Col. Echols is unquestionably correct in what
he says about the impossibility of increasing your dues. It has come to me
from a great many different quarters that not a few of those who would
like to become members cannot pay so large a sum. To you and me that would
seem almost incredible, but when I tell you that in the state of
Pennsylvania there are large numbers of farmers who are not able to take
more than a weekly paper, because they do not feel able to pay for a daily
paper, you will see that no matter what may be their heart feeling toward
the race from which they came, they are not able to give three dollars a
year, much less six dollars. I, with Dr. Macloskie, have had considerable
difficulty about this money clause. It is almost a reflection passed by
the society, and it amounts to an implicit penalty: you get a new member
or send three dollars extra. I doubt how it is going to work. I do not
hesitate to say that we should urge, in the strongest possible way, every
one of our members to send in a new name or two new names during the year,
and I do not believe that they would have the slightest trouble in sending
in two new names. I had rather this society would exert itself to impress
morally our members that they should send in names rather than to mention
anything whatever about dollars and cents in a resolution of that kind. I
am as ready as any one to put the screw on if I think I can get anything
out of the apples, but there is no use in breaking the screw if you can't
get anything by the squeezing. I had rather take the first part of the
resolution and enlarge and emphasize it than to have it together with the
second part. Rev.
Samuel Young: There
are some things that go without saying, and one of them is that if your
outlay is greater than your income you are going to get into a position
that will not be pleasant. I like to be as easy upon the pockets of
fellow-members as possible, but we had just as emphatic speeches last year
in Louisville with regard to the matter as I have heard today, and we know
what the result is. The deficit is just about as large today as it was a
year ago, and while I am neither a prophet nor a prophet's son, I prophesy
that if we put on too thick gloves in dealing with this subject, we will
have not only next year as large a deficit as we have this, but a larger
one. Human nature has a good deal of sameness in it the wide world over
and one year after another. Business principles are just about the same
whether you apply them to a dry goods store, a farm, a manufacturing
establishment, or the Scotch-Irish Society. If you violate these laws of
business, you pay the penalty as you would for violating the laws of
health; and if you keep on transgressing, that penalty is death. These
cannot be palatable facts, but they are facts all the same, and I don't
think you can put this matter any easier. I don't think you can use
thicker gloves to soften the touch and yet have the touch affect, than
what you have in ' the resolution. If a better mode can be devised, I am
in favor of that better mode, but I say devise the mode and don't let us
go begging. Don't let the Scotch-Irish Society of America be a defaulter;
it is not in keeping with Scotch-Irish principles.
Mr. D. D. Roper:
I am very heartily in favor of some of the
remarks made here. I made the suggestion a few minutes ago to get away
from the idea of a penalty in the payment of our dues. I had rather our
duties should be fixed at a certain sum and members allowed a credit. I do
not believe that would be wise, but I am opposed to passing around the
hat. I believe we should make some effort to increase the membership of
this society, and if anybody feels like contributing very well; but I am
not in favor of any resolution, although I am in favor of making it as
strong as I can, to increase the membership, to the effect that we are
going to pass around the hat next year.
Mr. Floyd:
I want to make one suggestion. I am satisfied
that the gentlemen who are present here this afternoon would have, if Col.
Echols's resolution were put, no serious objection to it on their own
part; yet I feel that if it were sent in its present form to members who
do not understand the situation, it would offend many of them and cause us
to lose many members. I think the matter should be brought as plainly home
to those who are absent as to those who are here, and after they have
become informed of the situation I do not believe there will be any
trouble. I think the best thing we can do under the circumstances is to
state the situation clearly and emphatically and send out this information
by means of circulars, and then when we make this request for new members,
as suggested by Col. Echols, I think we will get them.
Dr. Bryson:
I think that the action taken by this society
under the resolutions that have been offered by Mr. Bruce will have the
effect of adding a great deal to the revenue of the society. These
organizations are constantly increasing and will continue to increase and
our prospects will improve. This can be done, but it takes a little time.
This year we come with two or three more organizations, and all of them
are stronger, and under the resolution that has been passed our revenues
will increase so that in a year or two we will be able to meet our
expenses. At present there will be a little trouble, but I think we can
put our heads and our hands and hearts together and move along in spite of
the difficulty. We have done it, and I think we can do it again. I think
that in the course of two or three years our membership can be increased
and the annual contributions from all parts of the country enlarged to the
extent that our society will be put in a position where it can move on
without any trouble. I can say for my state that the local organization
will increase, and I think Mr. Bruce will say for his state that there
will be an increase there, and I know that these Georgia gentlemen can
report a rapid increase, and I think that with the annual contribution
from all these local societies we can soon move over it. There is a
little-trouble just now, but I am not discouraged; we can move along if we
will stand right together and not be discouraged by any deficit. Some of
us have been in arrears in the Church; we appealed to the Church, and they
put hands and hearts together and looked up to God and moved right over
the difficulties. We must not be discouraged by this thing. I think I can
pledge my own Alabama society to furnish its quota. We started out with
about fifty members. If they go into the national, that is three dollars
more, making five dollars, and yet a great many of them did it. Under the
resolution that we have adopted I think we will soon be able to move along
without further trouble.
Dr. Macintosh:
I beg to offer as an amendment to the
resolution now before the house the following resolution:
1. Resolved, That the Scotch-Irish National
Society urgently requests each one of its enrolled members to send forward
during the current year to the Secretary at least two names as candidates
for membership. 2.
That a circular be prepared setting forth to the members of said society
the urgent necessity of bringing the finances of the organization into a
healthier and stronger condition, and that the aforesaid resolution
accompany this circular.
Col. Echols:
I withdraw my resolution.
Dr. Macintosh's resolution was adopted.
Dr. Macintosh:
I wish it understood that we who are here and
know the situation will feel ourselves as Christian men and members of
this organization bound personally—though we may not pass any
resolution—to use our utmost efforts to send forward two names. We can
only speak to the others by means of the circular, but we are here and
should impress upon one another the obligation that we are under and will
use our best efforts this year to send forward two names; and if we
multiply our membership by even one for each of us, it will be a
substantial increase.
Mr. J. King McLanahan:
I want to suggest that persons who became
members last year be requested to procure the volumes of the first and
second years or such of them as they may not already have obtained.
Mr. Floyd:
I think we ought to do this. I have taken the
responsibility of doing it as an individual, but a request coming from the
society would have more force in inducing those who have not all the
volumes to purchase such as they have not gotten.
Dr. Robert Pillow:
I wish to tender the resignation of Mr. Lucius
Frierson as Treasurer of this National Congress. He is so situated that he
could not come himself, and I, as his next friend, tender his resignation.
Mr. Frey:
I move that it be accepted with the expression
of our regrets and thanks for his services.
Prof. Macloskie:
I wish to offer a resolution which was
unanimously adopted by the Executive Committee at a recent meeting:
Resolved, That Mr. Frierson, having faithfully
served the society as Treasurer from the beginning of the Congress, and
having now tendered his resignation, it is recommended that the society
accept the same with thanks for his valuable services.
Unanimously adopted.
Col. Echols:
I move that a committee be appointed by the
President to nominate officers for this society for the ensuing year.
President Bonner:
I will appoint on that committee Col. J. W.
Echols, of Pennsylvania; Dr. J. H. Bryson, of Alabama; Dr. Robert Pillow,
of Tennessee; and Mr. Helm Bruce, of Kentucky.
The committee returned and after due
deliberation, through Col. Echols, submitted the following report:
We, your Committee on Nominations,
respectfully submit to the Congress the names of the following persons
whom we recommend to serve as officers of this society for the ensuing
year: President, Robert Bonner, New York City ; Vice President General,
Rev. John S. Macintosh, D.D., Philadelphia, Pa.; First Vice President at
Large, T. T. Wright, Nashville, Tenn.; Second Vice President at Large,
Rev. J. H. Bryson, D.D., Huntsville, Ala.; Secretary, A. C. Floyd,
Columbia, Tenn.; Treasurer, John Mcllhenny, Philadelphia, Pa. Vice
Presidents for States and Territories: New Hampshire, Hon. James W.
Patterson, Concord; Massachusetts, Prof. A. L. Perry, Williamstown;
Connecticut, Hon. D. S. Calhoun, Hartford; New York, Rev. John Hall, D.D.,
New York City; Pennsylvania, Col. A. K. McClure, Philadelphia; New Jersey,
Mr. Thomas N. McCarter, Newark; Ohio, Hon. W. H. Hunter, Steubenville;
Illinois, Judge John M. Scott, Bloomington; California, Mr. Alexander
Montgomery, San Francisco; Iowa, Hon. P. M. Cas-sady, Des Moines;
Virginia, Hon. William Wirt Henry, Richmond; North Carolina, Hon. S. B.
Alexander, Charlotte; Georgia, Col. G. W. Adair, Atlanta; Mississippi, Rt.
Rev. Hugh Miller Thompson, Jackson; Louisiana, Hon. William Preston
Johnson, New Orleans; Tennessee, Mr. A. G. Adams, Nashville; Kentucky, Dr.
Hervey McDowell, Cyn-thiana; West Virginia, Mr. James Archer, Prosper
County (post office Steubenville, O.); Florida, Dr. George Troup, Maxwell;
Alabama, Irwin Craighead, Mobile; Ontario, Canada, Hon. A. T. Wood,
Hamilton ; Canada, Rev. Stuart Acheson, A.M., Toronto; Vice President at
Large. Col. Echols:
The committee had to
overpower Dr. Bryson and over his objection nominate him for Second Vice
President at Large. [Applause.] Indiana we leave blank and ask that the
appointment of a Vice President for that state be referred to the
President. On motion
Dr. Bryson took the chair, and on motion of Dr. Macloskie the Secretary
was instructed to cast the vote of the society for Mr. Bonner for
President for the ensuing year The vote was cast accordingly.
Mr. Bonner:
I sincerely thank you for this mark of your
confidence. All I can say is that I shall endeavor to act to the best of
my ability for the welfare of the society. [Applause.]
Mr. Frey:
I move that the Secretary be instructed to
cast the unanimous vote of the society for the remaining officers
recommended by the committee to serve for the ensuing year.
Carried, and the vote so cast.
Dr. Bryson:
Of course the only objection I had to being
reported by the committee was that I did not want to report myself. The
committee overwhelmed me, and I certainly will do anything on earth that
can be done to advance the interests of this society. [Applause.]
Dr. Macintosh:
I move that the cases of any states and
territories who may seek association with our organization during the
coming year be referred to the Executive Committee to be appointed, with
power to make temporary arrangements to that end, and also move that the
appointment of Vice Presidents where no appointment has been made, as well
as all kindred matters not already settled, be referred for action to the
President of the society.
Dr. Macintosh:
The selection of the time and place of the
next meeting is left with the Executive Committee. Last year there were
invitations from three places, and these were referred to the Executive
Committee for determination. Invitations and suggestions are in order
here. They may be made here or on the floor of the Congress at the last
meeting. President
Bonner: At the last
meeting invitations were presented from Atlanta, Springfield, O., and
California. I remember that after they were heard, they were, on motion of
Dr. Hall, referred to the Executive Committee, and that we did not decide
until the following November. We are ready to receive invitations or
applications from any gentleman.
(These speeches of invitation cover about the
same grounds as those of the last night.)
Mr. George H. Frey:
I take pleasure in presenting Springfield, O.,
as a city whose people and whose public authorities are unanimously in
favor of stretching out their hands and embracing the Scotch-Irish
Association of America, if you will give them an opportunity next year. I
will not trouble you by going into the papers which I have here, or to
state to you the invitation in detail, for I understand that an
opportunity will be given for that during the closing evening session. We
have been so confident, not knowing that any locality thought of competing
with us for the next Congress, that we would have the pleasure of
entertaining it that we have been enlisting gentlemen of the Scotch-Irish
extraction in our own community, and those of long residence or birth in
the "Buckeye State" who are interested in the matter, in the pleasing task
of welcoming you. I could entertain you for some time by the expressions
of hearty cooperation on the part of distinguished men in Ohio and in the
nation which have been communicated to me as an encouragement for me to
make an effort to secure the next meeting of the Congress. We have but few
members of the association as yet, but I think that one result of holding
the meeting in Springfield next year will be to bring in a very large body
of eligible people to membership in this association. I think that the
historical interest which will attach to the holding of the Congress there
will be a matter of exceeding interest. Springfield is only four miles
from the birthplace of the celebrated Indian chief, Tecumseh; only four
miles from where George Rogers Clarke, himself of Scotch-Irish extraction,
achieved that victory over the Shawnee Indians that gave peace to that
portion of Ohio; and the first settler of the country was a
Scotch-Irishman, as you will know from his name, David Lowrie. The next
settlers were: Simon Kenton, John Humphreys, Jonathan Donald, James
Donald, James Dement, every one of them of Scotch-Irish extraction, coming
through Kentucky or from Pennsylvania direct. So that, when it is
unfolded, we have a rich history which we will try to work up for the
entertainment of the Scotch-Irish Association. We give you as cordial an
invitation as we can extend. [Applause.]
Mr. Henry Wallace:
I appear before the society bearing, and it is
with great pleasure that I present to you, the invitation of the
Scotch-Irish Society of Iowa. I also present an invitation from every
member of the U. S. Senate and members of Congress from Iowa, urging you
to make Des Moines the place of your next meeting. My colleague, Rev. Mr.
McConnell, will present to you an invitation from the ministry of Des
Moines. I have also a request from the Governor, himself of Scotch-Irish
blood, from the Secretary of State, who is a Scotch-Irishman, from the
Auditor of State, from the Real Estate Association, from the Merchants'
Exchange, and, in fact, from almost every person, asking you to meet with
us at Des Moines. I am not going to antagonize my friend from Springfield,
O., because I have been fortunate and happy enough to get an Ohio wife. I
think Springfield is a splendid place, and I would almost be willing to
compromise on this matter if you will agree to come next year to Des
Moines. This year or next year we will give you an Irish welcome and an
Iowa welcome. We will show to you a magnificent state; we will show you a
state in which there is no poor land and no poor people—[Mr. Bonner: Some
good horses ?] The fastest horses in the world. We will show you a
splendid kite-shaped track and some fast horses if you wish; we will show
you a city with sixty thousand people that don't have an open saloon.
[Applause.] We will show you a city of two thousand students in the
colleges, and we will give you a warm-hearted, cordial welcome, and make
you so glad when you come there that you will be a little like the old
lady in Belfast. She was sick and about to die. Her pastor called on her
to talk to her about the future. She said: "I regret one thing: I have
lived in Belfast so long that I would be lonesome anywhere else."
[Applause and laughter.]
Dr. George Troup Maxwell:
I come from a land whose flowers, our enemies
say, bloom only in poetry and in the Commencement declamations of sweet
girl graduates, that country which has been described by the same class of
people as abounding in marshes and swamps and malaria. I am here as an
illustration of the truthfulness of the last assertion, because doubtless
had I lived anywhere but in the malaria climate in which I have existed
for forty-five years, I should probably have attained proper dimensions,
instead of having been stunted. [Laughter. The speaker was a large man,
weighing over two hundred pounds.] We have the queen city of the South,
located upon the majestic St. John's River. You all, of course, know that
I refer to Jacksonville, Fla. There we have a city with a population of
twenty-five thousand as enterprising, as thrifty, as hospitable people as
can be found anywhere. There we have abundant accommodations, including
some of the largest and best hotels in the country. We are in a few hours'
ride of perhaps the finest hotel in the country, the Ponce de Leon, in St.
Augustine, the oldest city in the United States, and one possessing many
attractions on account of her historical associations. We have one of the
largest rivers in this country, possessing the peculiarity of running up
hill, or at least from south to north. We are within easy reach of the
ocean, the broad Atlantic; a visit will give you an opportunity of seeing
it and of inhaling, an act so pleasant, especially to these gentlemen from
the Northwest, the odor of the broad sea's brine. We will be able to show
you the largest and best orange groves that are to be found on the
continent ; we will regale you with their delicious flavor; if you will
come in the month of February, we will allow you to eat the oranges and at
the same time revel in, the perfume of its blossoms. We will entertain you
as best we can in many ways and in every way; and in behalf of that city
of the far South, with its genial climate and the breezes which its almost
insular position always insures. In behalf of Jacksonville, and every man
and woman and child of all colors, in behalf of the Governor of the state,
Mr. Fleming, who is a descendant of the Scotch-Irish, in behalf of the
Board of Trade of Jacksonville, composed of as intelligent, energetic, and
enterprising business men as are to be found anywhere; in behalf of all
the citizens of Florida, who recognize in Jacksonville her emporium; in
behalf of as noble and brave men and as beautiful women as are to be found
anywhere, I say welcome to Jacksonville in the month of February next.
[Applause.] Dr.
Macintosh: I move
that the society recognize gladly and with thanks the remarkable kindness
shown by our friends from Springfield and Des Moines and Jacksonville,
that we heartily as a society reciprocate the warm expressions of interest
and kindly feeling, that we rejoice to hear of these marked times of
prosperity in the typical cities of our land, and that we now direct our
Executive Committee to be appointed to give due attention to these
applications and decide upon them at a convenient time. This of course
does not shut out the gentlemen from the opportunity of presenting, as my
friend from Springfield said, documentary displays of generosity.
Motion carried.
Dr. Maxwell:
I want to give perfect expression to the
ardent desire of Jacksonville. It will be impossible for me to be present
at the meeting of the Executive Committee, but I beg that you will bear in
mind my invitation, not only now when you hear my voice, but when I shall
have left your deliberations, and the claims of Jacksonville to the
pleasure of entertaining this august society. [Applause.] I have to leave
this evening because of professional demands upon my time.
Dr. Macloskie:
I think I state the opinion of the society
when I say that we are gratified at the nature of these requests. I am
connected with some other societies, and sometimes the society has to go
begging for a desirable place, but these invitations show the growing
interest in the society, and the love toward the society that we have in
three important centers in this country. I do hope that the society will
at some time visit all three of the cities which have so kindly extended
invitations to-day.
Dr. Macintosh: While
I have spoken with considerable emphasis on the desirability of securing
additional members, I feel constrained to lay greater emphasis on what I
am now going to say. My friend, Dr. Bryson, this morning told me a little
incident that will be a practical illustration of what I am about to say
to you and give point to it. He said that a friend of his went into an
unused lumber room in his (the friend's) house and found there an old
trunk; in that he found a large number of important documents, and among
those documents, Dr. Bryson informed me, there was a will, which will
contained a clause that pours light upon a very curious historical problem
in connection with Church matters in this country. There are lumber rooms
and there are trunks all over the country. Some of these are of no
importance; in others there are memoirs of living men and women now aged
in years and feeble, soon to pass away, and we haven't been devoting
ourselves, as I claim, we are in duty bound, to the securing of the
valuable recollections that are stored in those old memoirs; and we
haven't been careful to collect and preserve these invaluable records that
belong to our race, all over this broad country. I may say that I, for the
last four or five years, have been industriously gathering up materials
that may sometime take a definite historical shape, and it is almost
impossible for me, in any library or in any collection of books, to get
the documents from time to time I absolutely need for illustrating events
and linking one epoch to another. I make my appeal to you. Write down your
own personal recollections, the personal recollections that you find
dropping from the lips of your patients and parishioners and friends and
relatives, and gather up the yellow and musty documents that are moldering
and being unused, and have them forwarded either to me or to the
Secretary. Arrangements have been made with our friends at Princeton
University by which we can have these documents safely stored. Those are
the chief things that we want to get from you at the present time, with a
view of making up what has never yet been written and what this country
deserves and demands—something like a history of our race. Therefore I
make this present urgent appeal to you.
I have here a resolution offered by Col. J. L.
McWhorter, of Georgia, for the consideration of this body:
Resolved, That the time has come for us to
form an historical society, with responsible officers, and require them to
gather carefully the material for a reliable history of our race from the
earliest times and as free from the question of party as truth will allow.
Referred to the Executive Committee.
On motion of Dr. Bryson, the Congress
adjourned. Meeting of
Executive Council.
The Executive Council of the Scotch-Irish Society held a meeting
immediately after the adjournment of the Congress and elected the
following Executive Committee to serve for the ensuing year: Robert
Bonner, President; Br. John S. Macintosh, Vice President General; A. C.
Floyd, Secretary; John McIlhenny, Treasurer—ex officio members; Prof.
George Macloskie, Princeton, N. J.; Col. John W. Echols, Pittsburg, Pa.;
Dr. John W. Dinsmore, Bloomington, Ill.; Dr. Robert Pillow, Columbia,
Tenn.; Mr. Helm Bruce, Louisville, Ky.; Mr. W. Hugh Hunter, Dallas, Tex.;
Col. William Johnston, Charlotte, N. C. |