IN treating of diseases in
the district under consideration it is manifestly impossible—were it
desirable —vithin the limits of this paper, to go over a complete system
of nosology. I can only refer to the diseases which are most common
there, and to any modifying influence which endemic circumstances 'seem
to have over them.
By far the most common
cause of death in Shetland, according to the Registrar-General’s Report
already quoted, was old age, of which 149 persons died in 1862—being
30*77 per cent, of all the deaths, or 470 for every 100,000 living
persons; while in Scotland the same year the proportion was 280, and in
England, 133, for same number of living persons, old age being in the
former division of the nation the second, and in the latter the fourth
most common cause of death. This goes far to confirm the other arguments
advanced for the salubrity of the islands, and the longer term of life
enjoyed there. But old age is a cause of death, not properly speaking a
disease. To begin with what may be called the most important, because
the most fatal and incurable of all diseases in this country, viz.,
Phthisis: very discrepant opinions have been expressed as to its
prevalence in Shetland. Thus, so able an author as Dr Hibbert declares,
“Phthisis pulmonalis, pneumonia, croup, and scrofula are, as we might
expect, very common.” Dr Edmondston also appears to think it a common
disease, and states, “Consumption is certainly of more frequent
occurrence in Zetland at present (1809) than it appears to have been at
any former period.” It has long been my humble opinion that phthisis and
other tubercular diseases, instead of being “very frequent” in Shetland,
are there comparatively rare. On this subject, Dr Cowie, of Lerwick,1 a
gentleman of large experience and extensive practice, writes me, “As
regards scrofula and phthisis, my impression is that these diseases are
not common here, but the statistics of different localities in every
part of Britain, or at least in Scotland, would be required before any
credit could be given to a mere individual opinion.” On applying to
statistics, I find they abundantly confirm the “impression” of Dr Cowie
and myself, and show that phthisis is in Shetland the second most common
cause of death, being next in this respect to old age, which, however,
carried off (in 1862) nearly three times as many as the first-mentioned
disease—the numbers being, by phthisis 52, by age 149. In both England
and Scotland, phthisis is the most common cause of death. For every
100,000 persons living, there died in 1862, of phthisis, in

Thus phthisis is shewn to
be half as common in Shetland as in the Town districts, not far from
half as common as in all Scotland, and very considerably less frequent
than in the Insular and Mainland Rural districts. Taking all tubercular
ailments, we have in 1862 deaths for every 100,000, being in

The other diseases of a
tubercular origin are shewn to be very much less common than phthisis.
Thus all the diseases of this class together are less than half as
common in Shetland as all Scotland together. Scrofula and tabes
mesenterica are about six, and hydrocephalus seven times as frequent in
Scotland as in Shetland. Probably the large proportion of deaths (21 per
cent.) in Shetland, the cause of which is not certified, and the greater
difficulty of non-professional persons detecting other tubercular
diseases than phthisis, may account for their apparent extreme rarity.
As far as I have been able to ascertain, these diseases are very
uncommon; and their seldom occurrence, as compared with phthisis, may be
accounted for by the fact that many of those who die of the latter
disease have taken unwell when out of Shetland, and returned home to
die. It is not uncommon for sailors, shopmen, clerks, students, and
female domestic servants, who have enjoyed perfect health in their
native islands, to fall into consumption while employed at sea, or in
the large cities of the south, and to return to their native islands
when far advanced in disease. It is pleasing to be able to add that not
a few even of such severe cases recover. As far as I can learn, phthisis
seems to run a much more chronic course in Shetland than throughout the
kingdom generally. There is little danger of the number of deaths from
phthisis being understated, since a true case of it can be easily
recognised by a sensible sick-nurse or elderly relative of the patient.
I would rather apprehend inaccuracy from the number being overstated, as
it is common for the peasantry to characterise most wasting diseases,
which produce death by asthenia, as “decline” or “decay." |