Waifs and
Strays of Celtic Tradition By Lord Archibald Campbell (1889)
Scottish Myths and
A video by The Great British Channel
THESE Tales open with
contributions from three reverend gentlemen belonging to the Church of
Scotland, all of them accomplished Gaelic scholars, namely, the Reverend
D. Machines, than whom no better Celtic scholar could be named, nor one
more capable of extracting the ore from that rich mine of hidden wealth,
the traditions of the people of the country among whom he lives and by
whom he is much beloved.
The same applies to the
Reverend Jas. McDougall Duror, Ballachulish, Appin, whose charge lies
close to the solemn glen made famous by the inhuman massacre of Glencoe.
It will be acknowledged
that the fairy tale supplied by the Reverend Duncan M. Campbell of
Tynribbie, Appin, is of great quaintness, for the rapid flight of the
Highlander to Rome beats the performances of the famous Peter Schlemihl.
The questions put by "Finn", or "Fionn", and the answers supplied by the
ready "mother-wit" of the maiden, were sent by Mr. George Clark,
head-keeper at Roseneath, who lived in former years in Glen Shira, near
Inverary, and who is a Highlander, a man whose heart and soul lay in his
profession. When in his prime, the boldest poacher of the Clydeside
thought twice before coming to grips with this man, whose stern face and
flashing eye reminds one of the description given by Scott of the
Covenanter. He thought little, gun in hand, and his trusty dog by his
side, of emerging from the sombre pine woods, and tackling any boat
landing, no matter how dark the night, or how far from help he might be.
Some tales I have been unable to include in this series, to my regret;
but I hope, in a second and later series, to include what I am unable to
publish now.
Without plunging into the
abyss of Ossianic controversy—for there will, perhaps, be many, in the
years to come, who will read Macpherson's Ossianic, believing that the
poems he gave out were handed down in that shape—I will give, in one
sentence, the opinion of the late Campbell of Islay on this point, than
whom no one was better fitted to judge.
In a letter dated July 3,
1881, Niddry Lodge, Kensington, he says: "I am not thanked for proving
MacPherson's Ossian to be his compositions, founded upon old Heroic
I could now, with ease,
get poems, a la MacPherson's Ossianic poetry, written out by certain
Highland gentlemen, "founded on heroic ballads". Most publishers would
demur to publishing any more Ossianic poetry, however. Campbell of Islay
valued true translation of the Gaelic Tales and Poems, collected by Mr.
Peter Dewar, and done into English by Mr. Hector Maclean, more than
volumes of Macpherson, and so would most, if not all, Gaelic scholars.
The notes on Celtic war
dress are given as a contribution to the question as to what the garb of
the Highlander was langsyne.
II Folk and Hero Tales
By The Rev D. MacInnes
The following Folk Tales,
forming a volume by themselves, have been included in the series of
Waifes and Stays of Celtic Tradition, through the kindness of my friend,
the Reverend D. Maclnnes, who has made over the entire collection for
this purpose.
Efforts were made to
secure the first nine tales of this collection for the late John F.
Campbell, of Islay, but they were unsuccessful. When these Tales were
narrated, as they were, without a hesitation in their recital, the
narrator was in his seventy-fourth year. Like many others possessing
fairy-lore, he has passed away within the last few years; and it is
probable that before long the land will be ransacked in vain for the
legendary folk-lore or for the fairy- lore pure and simple with which it
once was teeming.
Introduction (By The Rev.
D. MacInnes)
Tales (Gaelic and English on opposite pages.)
Chapter I. The Son of
the King of Erin
Chapter II. Feunn Mac
Cauil and the Bent Grey Lad
Chapter III. A King
of Albainn
Chapter IV. The
Herding of Cruachan
Chapter V. The
Kingdom of the Green Mountains
Chapter VI. The Ship
that went to America
Chapter VII. Koisha
Kayn, or Kian's Leg
Chapter VIII. Lod,
The Farmer's Son
Chapter IX. The Two
Young Gentlemen
Chapter X. The Tale
of Young Manus, Son of the King of Lochlann
Chapter XI. Leaon
Creeach, Son of the King of Eirin and Kaytav, Son of the King of the
Chapter XII. A
IBattle, Fought by the Lochlanners in Dun-nac-Sneeachain
NOTES (Chiefly by Alfred Nutt)
List of Authorities
The Development of
the Ossianic or Fenian Saga Mr. Skene's views.—Formal cIasification of the Saga.— The L.U. and
L. mentions of Finn.—Cormac's mentions of Finn—Dcduction from preceding facts—The Irish Annals.—Agallamh
na Senorach.--Highland
Ballads.—Lochlann in the Fenian Saga— the Annals and the Second Stage of
the Saga. —Later and Popular Development of Saga.—The Saga in
Scotland—Criticism of Mr. Skene, of Mr. MacRitchie, of San Marte, of
Mr. Duncan Campbell.—The Pictish origin of the Saga discussed and
criticised.—Fenians and Fairies—Brian Boru and the Saga—Early traces
of the Saga in Scotland.— Columba and the Saga.—Conclusion.
III Folk and Hero Tales
By The Rev. J. MacDougall
IN the year 1890, my
friend, the Reverend JAMES MacDOUGALL, of Duror, Ballachulish,
generously made over to me his fine collection of "Folk-lore Tales",
taken down by him from the lips of the narrator, whose whole stock came
from what he had orally received in childhood, and from no other source.
With indefatigable patience, Mr. MacDougall, has rescued these Tales
herein given. They are a splendid contribution to the folklore of the
Western highlands, and second to none in picturesque and graphic
description of events herein detailed.
Introduction - James MacDougall Introduction - Alfred Nutt Aim and objects of folk-tore study.—Necessity for scientific methods of
investigation.—The nature-myth theory of interpretation; reason for the
discredit into which it has fallen—Sketch of the development of
folk-lore studies.— Indication of the nature-myth theory within certain
limits. —The Elysium of the Gael according to the oldest Irish texts and
according to modern folk-belief.—The value of Celtic evidence for the
solution of the folk-lore problem.— The value of Celtic folk-lore as a
key to the Celtic temperament.
Chapter I. How Finn kept his
Children for the Big Young Hero of the Ship, and How Bran was found.
Chapter II. Finn's Journey to Loch
Lan, and How the Grey Dog was found again.
Chapter Ill. The Lad of the Skin
Chapter IV. How Finn was in the
house of Blar-Buie (Yellow-Field) without the Power of Rising up or
of Lying Down.
Chapter V. The Smith's Rock in the
Isle of Skye.
Chapter VI. The Bare-Stripping
Chapter VII. A Tale of the Son of
the King of Ireland and the Daughter of the King of the Red Cap.
Chapter VIII. The Son of the Strong
Man of the Woods, who was Twenty-One years on his Mother's Breast.
Chapter IX. The Farmer of Liddesdale.
Chapter X. A Tale about the Son of
the Knight of the Green Vesture, performing Heroic Deds which were
famed on Earth seven years before he was born.
IV The Fians, or Stories, Poems
and Traditions of Fionn and his Warror Band Collected entirely from Oral sources
by John Gregorson Campbell,
Minister of Tiree
This volume has been made
over to Lord Archibald Campbell for his Argyllshire Series, in full
confidence that every justice the writer requires will be given to
himself, and to the book, and in appreciation of his Lordship's ardent
and judicious services to Gaelic literature in continuing the work so
well begun by J. F Campbell, of Islay; a work that has broken down the
prejudices which existed against Gaelic matters, and has gone far to
make them valued and esteemed. Having seen other volumes of this
Argyllshire Series, the writer is still more assured, not only by the
energy and aptness shown in their preparation, but also by the learned
precision and knowledge of the annotations connected with the work. He
also considers his Lordship more likely to be acquainted with the best
means of forwarding the object desired—that of making these subjects
known— than anyone in his remote and uninfluential position.
Introduction.—J. G.
Nutt The nature and antiquity of Gaelic folk-tales and songs; traces of
the same in the earliest Irish literature; discussion of d'Arbois de
Jubainvilles and Dr. Hyde's views concerning the Slim Swarthy
Fellow—The Fenian cycle: summary of Professor Zimmer's new theory
respecting the same; objections to it.—Classification of the texts
composing the Fenian cycle.—Parallelism of the Ossianic and Welsh
ballads—Neglect of the Fenian cycle in Scotland; its national and
scientific importance.
The Fians Conlaoch and Cuchulain Deirdre I. Fionn Mac Cumhail II. Oscar Battle of Gavra Ill. Goll IV. Dermid V. Caoilte Lay of the Smithy VI. Conan
The Cattle of the
End of the Feinne
Ossian after the
Lay of the Red
Stormy Night
Conn, Son of the Red
The Muileartach
The Lay of the Smithy
Brugh Farala
The Day of the Battle
of Sheaves, in the True Hollow of Tiree
Clan Traditions and
Popular Tales of the Western Highlands and Islands Collected from Oral Sources By The Late Rev. John Gregorson Campbell, Minister of Tiree Selected from the Author's MS Remains and Edited by Jessie Wallace and
Duncan Ban Isaac With Introduction by Alfred Nutt
IT has been thought well
and due, by those who knew the late J. G. Campbell of Tiree, to give to
the public more tales collected by him, and his sister has made over the
following collection, selected by herself from among the tales gathered
in the course of many years. We send them forth as a fitting memorial to
his memory, and as another stone added to the cairn lovingly erected by
old friends. At the end will be found a few letters which passed between
the late minister and the late lain Campbell of Islay, showing the
methods of collecting followed by these two lovers of the folk-lore of
their native land, and which in consequence cannot but prove of interest
and value to those who have followed the steps of the gleaning of
folk-tales throughout the British Isles—we may add throughout the world.
These patient labourers in such fields were the true pioneers of the
movement in Scotland.
Notes, where not
otherwise stated, are the author's or editors's those signed A.N. are
due to Mr. Alfred Nutt; those signed A.C. to the undersigned.
Feb. 11, 1895.
Introduction by Alfred
Nutt Memoir of the late Rev. John Gregorson Campbell. His work as folk-lorist.
The present work.
MacLeans of Duart
Death of Big Lachlan MacLean
MacLeans of Coll
Browns of Tiree
The Story of Mac an Uidhir
Steeping the Withies
Little John of the White Bag
The Killing of Big Angus of Ardnamurchan
The last Cattle Raid in Tiree
Lochbuie's two Herdsmen
Finlay Guivnac
Big Dewar of Balemartin
The Big Lad of Dervaig
Donald Gorm of Sleat
Donald Gorm of Moidart
The Black Raven of Glengarry
The Old Wife's Headland
A Tradition of Islay
Fair Lachlan of Dervaig
Princess Thyra of
Ulster and her Lovers
Garlatha of Harris
A Housewife and her Fairy Visitor
The Wise Women of Duntulm and the Fairies
The Two Brothers
The Two Sisters and the Curse
How the Daughter of the Norse King
thinned the Wood of Lochaber
Superstitions of the Highlands &
Islands of Scotland By John Gregorson Campbell (1900)
This volume is the result of many years'
labour by the late Rev. JOHN Gregorson Campbell, while minister of Tiree
during the years 1861— to 1891. Much of the material was already
collected before Mr. J. F. Campbell of Islay published his Popular Tales
of the West Highlands in i860, and readers of Lord Archibald Campbell's
volumes on Waifs and Strays of Celtic Tradition are already acquainted
with the valuable work contributed to that series by the Rev. J.
Gregorson Campbell.
It is hoped that this volume on the Superstitions of the Scottish
Highlands, full as it is of racy stories, may throw fresh light on an
extremely interesting subject. The MS. of a corresponding work by the
same author •on Witchcraft and Second-Sight in the West Highlands, is in
the editor's hands, and in the event of the present "work meeting with
the reception which the editor thinks it deserves, the volume on
Witchcraft will be published next year. Mrs. Wallace, Hynish, Tiree, the
author's sister, has kindly read the proofs.
The object aimed at in the following pages
is to put before the reader a statement, as complete and accurate as the
writer can attain to, of the Superstitions and Antiquities of the
Scottish Highlands and Islands. In other words, the writer has
endeavoured to gather full materials relating to that subject, and to
arrange them in a form that may prove of some scientific value. In
pursuit of this object, it has been deemed advisable to derive
information solely from oral sources.
Books have been purposely
avoided as authorities, and a rule has been laid down, and strictly
adhered to, not to accept any statement in print regarding a Highland
belief, unless also found current among the people. In the few books
there are, having any reference to Gaelic lore, the statements have been
so frequently found at variance with popular beliefs that this rule has
been a necessity. There are a few honourable exceptions, but in general
what is to be found in print on this subject is not trustworthy.
A want of acquaintance
with the Gaelic language or with Highland feelings and modes of thought,
is usually the cause of error. The writers think in English, and are not
careful to eliminate from their statements thoughts derived from English
or classical literature, or to keep from confusing with Celtic beliefs
ideas derived from foreign sources, and from analogous creeds existing
elsewhere. This gives an unconscious tinge to their statements, and
(what is more to be regretted) sometimes makes them fill up with
extraneous and foreign elements what seems to them gaps or blanks in
beliefs they but imperfectly understand.
The writer's information
has been derived from widely separated districts in the North, West, and
Central Highlands, and from the Islands. Naturally, the bulk of the
information was obtained in Tiree, where the writer had most opportunity
of making inquiries, but information from this or any other source has
not been accepted without comparison with the same beliefs in other
districts. The writer has not been able personally to visit all parts of
the Highlands, but his informants have spent their lives in districts
far apart. The reader will fall into a mistake who supposes that the
whole information is within the belief, or even knowledge, of any one
individual, or of any one district.
The beliefs of one
district do not differ essentially from those of another. In one or two
cases several versions of a tale are given to show to some extent the
nature of the variations of popular tradition. The writer has thankfully
to acknowledge, and he cannot but remember with pleasure, the readiness
and courtesy, and in very many cases the great intelligence with which
his inquiries have been answered. Some of his informants have shown a
quickness and retentiveness of memory which he could not but envy, and
an appreciation of, and an acquaintance with ancient lore that seemed to
him to indicate in those who were strangers to the world of letters
powers of mind of a high order.
The objection to books
and print as authorities has also been extended to written
correspondence. No doubt much that is additional and interesting could
be obtained through these channels, but if the account given is to serve
any purpose higher than that of mere amusement, strict accuracy is of
such importance that all these sources of possible error have been
avoided; they cannot be sifted by cross-examination and further inquiry
so readily or thoroughly as information obtained by word of mouth. The
whole has thus passed through the writer's own hands directly from what
he has found current among the people.
Care has been taken that
no statement be made conveying an idea different in the slightest from
what has been heard. A popular Gaelic saying can be quoted as applicable
to the case:
"If it be a lie as told
by me, it was a lie as told to me" {Ma's breug bh'uam. e, is breug dhomh
e). It is as free to another as it has been to the writer, to draw his
inferences from the statements given, and it is thought no genuine tale
or oral tradition will be found to contradict the statements made in the
following pages.
In the translations given
of Gaelic, the object aimed at has been to give the corresponding
English expression, that is, one conveying the same meaning to the
English reader that the Gaelic expression conveys to the Gaelic reader.
Accuracy has been looked to on this point rather than grace of diction.
Where there is anything striking in the Gaelic idiom the literal meaning
is also given. In poetry there is consequently a baldness, to which the
original is a stranger; but this, it may be urged, is a fault inherent
in all translations, however carefully executed. The transference of
ideas from one language to another weakens the force and beauty of an
expression; what is racy and witty, or musical and expressive in one,
becomes tame and insipid in another. This trite observation is made to
deprecate unfavourable opinions being formed of the genius and force of
the Gaelic language from the translations given.
Off the Chain
Notes and Essays from the West Highlands
By “Gowrie” (W. A. Smith) (1868)
The following notes were written out at the
time of my visit, and express the exact feelings with which the various
districts mentioned impressed me; they ought thus to be more trustworthy
than if viewed through a veil of memory, however slight. Dealing with
scenes and subjects somewhat out of the usual track, I hope to have
drawn some little information and amusement therefrom, for the benefit
of kindred lovers of nature, and at any rate to have succeeded in
securing for these parts some of that superabundant attention at present
lavished upon the remainder of the “Land of brown heath and shaggy
Secret Commonwealth of Elves Fauns & Fairies
A Study in folk-lore & research. The text by
Robert Kirk, Minister of Aberfoyle, A.D. 1691. The comment by Andrew
Lang, A.D. 1893. Kirk was an inquisitive 17th-century Scottish minister,
who investigated and described accounts of beings "of a middle nature"
between humans and angels. This short work was first published by Sir
Walter Scott and again in the late 19th century by Andrew Lang, who
wrote a lengthy introduction. (pdf)
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