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Internet Time

If ever there was an Internet cliche ripe for becoming hackneyed, it has to be the speed of "Net time." Some analysts actually believe the pace has slowed down.  But Swiss watchmaker Swatch has seized the occasion to promote a radically different time standard using a creative execution of our desktop branding idea.

At the URL below, Swatch provides Macintosh, Palm and Windows users with a utility that displays the Swatch logo and its interpretation of "Internet time" on the desktop. Swatch Group U.S. President Yann Gamard tells that Swatch plans to use the Internet as one of the company's main marketing channels.


We thought this would make a great time standard for our webboard users so they can co-ordinate their live chat sessions.  To help we've posted a web version of the clock on our webboard entry page. By going to the above url you can get your own version of the clock for whatever operating system you are running.



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