I'm due to head down to
Moultrie, Georgia on Thursday and after that am heading up to Canada for a
couple of months and so this is my last week in Kentucky for a wee while.

More snow this week

Laura playing Balder's Gate with Deb looking
on and a special pose from Lou Lou

Fats in his usual sleep mode and a box of
sweets arrived from Scotland

One of the cats favourite toys

and Dip is trying to get into my box of

But the attraction of their toy is too much!

And Deb is showing off her early Valentine's
gift from Steve :-)

This is wee movie of the cats playing

Another movie

Deb playing with the cats

Danielle came up for a visit and Steve got
caught! I did say... hold it.. hold it... camera is almost ready...
just one more second... got it! <grin>

Danielle with her new jacket she got for her
birthday. She's 21 today! :-)
We had some fun this week
talking about snoring. Steve was saying that Deb snored and Deb
retaliated with "Women don't snore... they just breath heavily!" :-)
Anyway... I've had a really
great time in Kentucky. I've had lots of laughs, done a lot of
business, opened up my new company and generally had a ball. I'm now
off to Moultrie in Georgia for the next week where I'll be enjoying the
Scottish Weekend and then hanging our with Beth Gay and her husband Mel
and their good friend Woody. I'll take lots more pictures while I'm there
so you can see another part of the USA.
The following week I'll be
heading for Canada and Prince Edward Island where I'll be staying with
long time friend Christopher Ogg and hopefully seeing and visiting with
lots of folk up there. Which means of course I'll have to start a Canadian
journal :-)
I will of course be back in
Kentucky once my visa is sorted out and I'll be setting up home hopefully
just up the hollow so I will continue my account when I return in around 2
months time.
I'd like to take this
opportunity to thank Steve and Deb and all their family and extended
family as well as the cats for making my visit so enjoyable.
PS - Danielle came up just
before I left and asked if some of her pictures could go into the journal
so here they are :-)

Me on the left and Danielle with her cat Julio
on the right

And Danielle's two other cats Diamond and Kiwi
And from the party night we got these...

Steve and Jamie comparing bulges

Will and Dave and a picture of the Clan

Picture of me doing the quarter toss and other
of Laura and Deb

Dave with his "wet" jeans and Jonathan "Peace
Man" |