In a splendid
castle on the ocean shore there lived a King.
The poor man had lost his Queen in childbirth, just as she had
given life to their first-born daughter, Princess Selena.
Following that miserable day, the King would not let his little
daughter, Selena, out of his sight, for he knew he would not be
able to live with himself if anything happened to her, too.
One evening Princess Selena asked her father:
“Daddy, could you not hold my hand when we go to the seashore
“You’re too young for that, darling daughter.”
“Please, Daddy, just for a little bit!”
“You may fall and hurt yourself.”
“But, Daddy, the kids don’t want to play with me when you’re
holding my hand.”
“I told you, my love, you are still too young.”
The King kissed his child goodnight and fell asleep. Princess
Selena, however, was so sad that she spent almost the entire
night crying.
“If I only could play with the kids for a while…” her thoughts
tortured her.
The next day the princess woke up sick and could not get out of
bed all day. A day later her condition remained unchanged. Thus
passed an entire week.
Young Selena’s fever would not break in spite of the good care
of the best healers in the kingdom.
At the same time, in heaven, the two angels, Pinky and Violet,
were playing hide-and-seek among the clouds.
“It’s your turn to hide,” yelled Pinky.
“I don’t want to play anymore,” Violet replied.
“But why?”
“Because it’s boring to play with just the two of us.”
“It is not!” Pinky responded, offended.
“Yet, it is!”
The voice of God echoed at that moment:
“Don’t fight, kids.”
“Please, God, please, send us a friend to have fun with,”
passionately implored Violet.
“Violet, listen to me. Two are few, but three are one too many!”
the voice of God responded.
“But we are bored with just the two of us here,” Violet
stubbornly held out.
“You always find fault in everything,” Pinky shouted.
“Then, I’m just not going to talk to you anymore!” Violet
retorted, stung by his comment.
“As if I care!” Pinky cried, even more irritated, before flying
“Violet, two are few, but three are one too many,” the voice of
God reiterated.
“Blah-blah-blah...” Violet mocked.
“Alright, then. So be it!” God’s voice echoed among the clouds.
Almost immediately, down on earth, the illness defeated Princess
Selena, and she weakly closed her eyes.
The poor King could not let go of her little body in his arms.
“Wake up, Selena,” he cried. But the princess did not open her
eyes, as by that moment she was already engaged in play with
Pinky amidst the clouds.
At last, the young princess’s wish had come true, and she
couldn’t get enough of the games and fun shared with her new
friend, Pinky.
“Pinky, you seem to have forgotten all about me in such a short
time,” Violet announced angrily the next morning.
“Didn’t you say that you didn’t want to play with me? Because I
was too boring. Who’s boring now?” came Pinky’s conceited
response, as he continued to play with Princess Selena.
Violet didn’t say anything. She was just about to fly away from
them, when she heard the voice of God.
“Didn’t you request a playing friend? Why are you crying now?”
“Because I lost my friend.”
“This is what happens when you don’t listen to me.”
“I want Pinky back,” the angel started weeping harder.
“Okay, Violet, I’ll make your wish come true, but only if you
tell me what the moral from all of this is.”
“Two are few, but three are one too many.”
“Correct!” God’s voice replied.
And just like that, down on earth, Princess Selena opened her
eyes in her father’s lap.
The King beamed happily, but his smile soon faltered.
“Daddy, I had so much fun in the clouds. We played whatever we
wanted. But you weren’t there, and I missed you...”
“This is all my fault,” the King wailed. “It was because of me
that you got ill, my child. I almost lost you… My darling
daughter, I’ll never stop you from doing anything anymore. I
“You won’t hold me by the hand when we are at the beach?”
“That’s right. I won’t.”
“Thank you so much, Daddy,” the princess rejoiced.
At last, everyone was happy.
Princess Selena found lots of new friends at the beach, while
the two angels, Pinky and Violet, grew closer than ever.
Thus the years passed.
Princess Selena grew more and more, until one day she married
the brave and handsome Prince Kodor.
But even though they lived in happiness and bliss, their cradle
remained empty of an offspring for a long time.
It was not long before the people of the kingdom started to
worry that there was no heir to the throne, while Prince Kodor
and Princess Selena grew ill with sorrow.
It was at that time that Violet was wandering from cloud to
cloud in heaven, looking for Pinky.
“Ha, there you are. I have been looking for you.”
“Why were you looking for me?” Pinky inquired.
“What do you mean, ‘why?’ To play, of course.”
“Violet, I don’t want to play anymore.”
“Why don’t you want to play, Pinky?”
“Because it’s been so long since I played with Princess Selena.
She was so nice and kind. I miss her!”
God’s voice echoed through the skies then:
“Do you want to see her again?”
“Yes!” Pinky exclaimed excitedly.
“Okay, I’ll send you to her, but you’ll call her ‘Mommy.’ Do you
“Yes. But what is ‘Mommy?’”
“You’ll find out,” the voice of God responded, just as Violet
burst into tears.
“Pinky, what am I going to do without you?”
“Who says you’ll be without him? Ha-ha-ha…” As soon as God
started laughing, the two angels found themselves in Princess
Selena’s belly.
Nine months later, when the princess finally gave birth, the
King went to visit her.
“Dear daughter, now you’ll have to be twice as responsible, as
you’ll be taking care of both your husband and your first-born
“Ha-ha-ha,” the princess giggled.
“What’s so funny?” the King asked.
“Come with me to the nursery, and you’ll see for yourself,”
Princess Selena informed him.
When he entered the nursery, the King saw not one but two cribs.
“Do you see now why I was laughing, Daddy? It’s because I have
two children. That’s Pinky in the pink crib, and Violet—in the
purple one,” the princess proudly announced.
The King was speechless with happiness at first.
But shortly thereafter, he came to himself and once again
started to fret over his daughter.
“Dear daughter, two children bring twice the happiness but also
double the responsibilities.”
“Stop worrying so much about me, Daddy. Now I’m a grown-up and a
The End