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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Allium, the Dragonfly

Allium lived near a pond of clear blue water. Tall reeds grew around it and a lot of animals lived close by. Frogs and tadpoles, newts, snails, tortoise and plump toads kept up a cacophony of noise all day and night. Allium never got any sleep, not with all that noise.

“I think I will go and live in the rose garden. At least the frogs won't croak and the tortoise won't snore.” He flapped his dragonfly wings and flew off, leaving the pond behind him.

A few minutes later he flew into the rose garden. Pink, yellow, white and crimson roses bloomed their soft, velvet petals. The air smelled of sweetness. After flying around for a few minutes and not hearing any frogs, Allium landed on a pink rose. “This is better. I'll stay here from now on.”  He curled up inside the rose and fell asleep.

“Hey, you! Get out of that rose!”

Allium opened his eyes and yawned. He saw a black and yellow bumblebee hovering above him. “Pardon me? I didn't hear you.”

“I said get out of that rose. I gather pollen and nectar for my beehive and this rose is mine. In fact, this whole garden belongs to me. Scram, or I'll sting you.” The bumblebee turned around and showed Allium his stinger.

Allium flew out of the pink rose.

“Stay out!” The bee dove into the rose and sipped the nectar, leaving poor Allium to fly away.

“Now where shall I go? I can't go to the rose garden, or the pond. Maybe I'll go to the flower garden. There are no roses and it still smells nice there.” Off he flew, landing a few minutes later on top of a carnation. Its pink petals, curled at the edges, offered a light scent of perfume. Surrounding him were  gladiolas and delphinium, cosmos, sunflowers and zinnias. “I don't see any bees, or frogs, or tortoise. I'll stay here.”

Allium curled up inside the pink carnation and fell asleep.

“Hey, you! Get out of that carnation! I have to gather pollen.”

Allium opened his eyes. A giant butterfly fluttered above the flower. “I beg your pardon?”

“Are you deaf? This is my flower garden. I gather pollen and nectar from all these flowers. You have to leave. Dragonflies don't belong in flower gardens. Go back to the pond.” The butterfly's wings, bright yellow, orange and black, flapped up and down.

Allium flew away. There was no place left for him to go. “I guess it's back to the pond for me. I'll just have to learn to sleep while the frogs croak and the tortoise snores.” The dragonfly landed near the pond. There were no bees, no butterflies or other creatures he didn't know. “Maybe it is better for me here. I belong at the pond.” He flew across the water, darting high and low. “Whee!” From then on he managed to get a little sleep each night. Sometimes the tortoise didn't snore. Sometimes the frogs didn't croak. “Home sweet home.”

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