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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
The Ant and the Snail

The Ant and the Snail

Crumbs fell on the ground as Ellie took bites of her cookie. "I love chocolate chip cookies!" she said, taking another bite.

Nellie bit into her cookie. It was a gingersnap. A few crumbs fell to the ground. "I love gingersnaps! They’re so crunchy and sweet."

A snail and an ant came crawling out of the grass, heading towards the crumbs. The two mice looked at them. "Look, Nellie. The ant wants some of your gingersnap."

"The snail wants some of your chocolate chip cookie, Ellie."

The ant picked up a crumb of gingersnap and carried it into the grass. "The ant’s hungry. Why don’t you give him a bigger bite?" Ellie said.

Nellie broke a bigger piece of gingersnap off and dropped it on the ground. The ant came running out and picked up the bigger bit. It put it on its back and walked back into the grass. "He seemed to like that," Nellie chuckled. "I think I’ll give him an even bigger piece." She broke some more cookie off and dropped it on the ground. The ant came running out of the grass. It tried to carry the cookie crumb, but it was too heavy. Instead, it had to pull it into the grass.

"I think you gave him too big a piece," Ellie said. "Poor wee thing could hardly drag it. Maybe you should just give it smaller pieces."

Nellie agreed. She dropped tiny pieces onto the ground. The ant ran out of the grass, picked them up and ran back. "That’s much better," Nellie said. She looked at the snail. "What about your crumbs? That poor snail seems to be having a hard time carrying them too."

Ellie watched the snail. It put the crumbs on its shell and moved slowly back into the grass. "It’s managing, but I don’t think I’ll give it anything bigger."

Soon Nellie had finished her gingersnap and Ellie had gobbled down her chocolate chip cookie. The ant and the snail had carried off all the crumbs. "That was nice of them to clean up our mess," Nellie laughed. She stood up and brushed crumbs off her dress. "Let’s go for a walk now." Ellie nodded and the two mice went off to enjoy a sunny, warm day.

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