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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
An Autumn Morning

An Autumn Morning

This morning I went for a walk through the woods.
I took a basket and a warm pair of gloves.
My goal was to gather a few acorns and leaves;
Spot some blue jays, cardinals, and doves.

There was a slight breeze, much to my delight;
The air was fresh and my breath could be seen.
I daydreamed as I walked down the trail thru the trees
Thinking of coming holidays - my favorite, Halloween.

I came upon a cluster of trees that reached for the sky.
There were hickory, elm, oak, and pine.
Their leaves were scattered among jutting roots
With colors rainbow'd in the morning sunshine.

There was scarlet and russet, burgundy and brick red,
Pumpkin orange, copper, crimson and gold.
Others amber, ochre yellow, topaz, and maroon,
Burnished red, brown; some decaying and old.

I gathered them up, picked a few of each color,
Put them into my basket with a hurl.
Just then a furry friend surprised me
'Twas an acorn gathering, brown squirrel.

A pine cone or two had fallen from a spruce,
I placed them in the basket with the rest,
Then turned towards home, down the dirt path I hurried,
Passing by an abandoned robin's nest.

When I arrived home, I was greeted by glowing embers.
The fireplace was popping and felt so warm.
I placed my basket of treasures on the table,
Each a reminder of the autumn beauty I'd seen that morn.

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